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Chapter 1342, if there is a war, it will be recalled

Outside Yili City, Lu Wanxi and Daleng were chatting happily while riding horses towards Yili City.

"Haha, Mr. Lu is really a god from heaven. He killed all the intruders by himself. I admire him!"

At this moment, Daleng looked at Lu Wanxi with the eyes of a little star of admiration.

Dozens of invaders from the Kazakh Khanate were forced to be dealt with by Lu Wanxi alone. In the end, they could not even escape because the horses they were riding were tired and could not run anymore.

They couldn't even split up and escape.

"Haha, if they separate and escape from the beginning, I really can't do anything to them, but if they insist on pestering me, the last one will not even think about running away. I really think that I, Da Ming, can come when I want and leave when I want."

Lu Wanxi also laughed proudly. This is indeed something worth bragging about in a lifetime. He killed dozens of Kazakh cavalry by himself. No one would believe him when he said it, but he really did it.

"Yes, I am the Ming Dynasty, so they can come and leave whenever they want."

Daleng also nodded proudly.

As a Ming Dynasty person, you should indeed be proud.


"The Kazakh Khanate seizes the border, invades our Ming Dynasty, invades our borders, and kills our border residents~"

"The Australian Government issued a recruitment order~"

"All retired soldiers must immediately report to the nearest town and return to the team on the day they receive the call-up order~"

"On the day when all the young people from the tribes in the Western Region receive the recruitment order, they must report to the nearest town."

The two of them had just arrived at the city gate when they heard officials beating gongs and drums at the city gate while posting notices. The Duke of Australia, who was in charge of the Western Regions, issued a recruitment order to prepare to fight back against the aggression of the Kazakh Khanate.


"The Australian Government has issued a recruitment order!"

When Lu Wanxi heard this, he couldn't help shouting excitedly.

People who serve in the military feel bitter and tired when they are in the army, but after they retire, they will miss the life in the military camp and their comrades.

Now that he heard the news, Lu Wanxi couldn't help but clenched his fists in excitement.

"Daleng, go find your wife and children. I'm going to respond to the call. It is the duty of a soldier to protect our family and our country!"

"The country needs it and I have no obligation to do so. When I come back, we will have a good time drinking and eating meat together."

Lu Wanxi said to Daleng passionately.

"Mr. Lu, let's go together~"

"Didn't they say that young men from all tribes should also respond to the call, and I will also defend the Ming Dynasty and our own homeland!"

When Daleng heard this, he also smiled and said.

"Okay, let's go together~"

"When the time comes, we will kill the enemy together, and when we come back, we will drink and eat meat together."

When Lu Wanxi heard this, he immediately laughed.

The two came to the recruitment office, reported their names, and then quickly went to deal with their household affairs, told their families about the matter, and asked them to take care of everything at home and their children, waiting for them to come back.

An oasis at the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountains has formed a large town with a population of 20,000 people. The people living here include Uighurs, Huihui, and Mongols.

Old man Alimu walked leisurely on the streets of the town, looking at the peaceful scene in front of him with a smile on his face.

In the past, there were many conflicts among the tribes in the Western Regions. The Mongols were nobles and rulers. They often oppressed the various tribes, and at the same time allowed them to fight among themselves. Sometimes they even deliberately provoked them.

Therefore, the relationship between the various tribes in the Western Regions is very poor, and wars often break out, robbing each other, killing and looting, which also creates the strong folk customs in the Western Regions and breeds numerous horse bandits and thieves in the Western Regions.

Now under the strong rule of the Ming Dynasty, all conflicts between tribes are resolved by the government. The government offices also implement the laws and regulations of the Ming Dynasty, so that everyone is convinced, so major issues can be reduced to minor issues.

In addition, everyone now learns and speaks Daming dialect, uses a unified currency, etc. There is more communication and exchange between each other, and there are fewer misunderstandings.

Especially among the younger generation, the tribal structure has gradually disappeared, and there is more recognition and pride in the common identity of Ming people. Moreover, there are many job opportunities for young people, and many of them work in large commercial banks.

, the income is higher and more stable than before, and I can travel around the world. I am more knowledgeable, and I am more aware of the identity of Ming people.

Walking on the street, you can see young people from different tribes everywhere. Children gather together in twos and threes. Young people are discussing going to Europe to do business together. All Ming products are easy to sell in Europe, and then from Europe.

You can make a lot of money every time you buy slaves.

There are also people discussing a cotton business. They can make a fortune by buying cotton here in the Western Region and selling it to big trading houses.

We can also see some people who are good at reading and talking to each other in words that Uncle Alimu can't understand. However, the status of these scholars is extraordinary. They are people with great reputations. Their heads have been raised to the sky. It is said that they will soon

The provincial examination is about to take place. If you can get the title of Juren, you can go to Beijing to take the examination next year, and then you can become an official.

"Well, that's fine. At least we have enough food and clothing and a stable life. As for the other things, it doesn't matter anymore."

Master Alimu sighed. To be honest, he was a little confused about what these young people were thinking. Some young people had forgotten the traditions of their tribes and celebrated Han festivals. They even learned how to dress like Han people.

Even young people like to cut their hair short and shave their beards.

All this is contrary to tradition, but young people like it because everyone does it, and it is also popular now.


Just as Master Alimu shook his head, an official dressed in official clothes hurried to the town on horseback. As soon as he arrived in the town, he immediately started beating gongs and drums and shouting.

"The Kazakh Khanate sequestered the border, invaded our Ming Dynasty, disturbed our borders, and killed and plundered our border residents."

"The emperor was furious, and the Duke of Australia issued a recruitment order~"

"All veterans will return to the army immediately, and young men from all tribes will immediately report to the nearest town to defend the Ming Dynasty and their homeland!"

The officer walked around the streets of the town, shouting, and after shouting, he posted the recruitment order issued by Yang Yun at a special notice place in the town.

As the official shouted, the originally peaceful town suddenly became excited, and soon a large number of people gathered to watch.

"The Kazakh Khanate dares to attack our Ming Dynasty. They are simply seeking death!"

"Yes, it's like eating the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard. It's really self-destruction."

"Go, go, sign up before and protect your home and country!"

"Count me in, count me in, I have wanted to sign up for the army for a long time, but the court has never recruited soldiers from us, and now I finally have the opportunity."

"Count me in, count me in, I'm going too~"

The young people in the town became excited one by one, hurried back to their homes, mounted their beloved horses, brought bows, arrows and scimitars, and prepared to go to the nearest county to report together in small groups.

"My man, why don't you take Wu Gou and collect the fifty states in Guanshan? Please go to Lingyan Pavilion for a while, and you will be like a scholar with ten thousand households~"

There was a young Uighur man wearing a long robe and looking like a scholar who excitedly recited poetry.

He is tall, has yellow hair, his eyes are different from those of Han people, and he has a tall nose bridge, and his facial features are more three-dimensional. However, when he recites poems, his words are precise and precise. If he doesn't look at people, he can't do it at all.

I know this is a Uighur.

"Wei Xiucai, are you going?"

"I think you'd better not go. Don't delay your participation in the imperial examination."

Someone heard the scholar's words and immediately laughed and joked.

"Go, of course I want to go~"

"A scholar should mount a horse to bring peace to the world with his sword, and dismount his horse to rule the world with his writing."

"When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible. The rise and fall of the Ming Dynasty is related to everyone in the Ming Dynasty. Everyone has a responsibility. How can we just sit idly by and watch."

When Wei Ye heard this, he immediately became angry.

Then he very decisively went home and put on the armor handed down from his ancestors, mounted his red horse, brought a bow and arrows and a scimitar, and regardless of his parents' scoldings, he resolutely rushed to the nearest county with other young people in the town.


The west coast of the Caspian Sea, Dongji Port, Nanyun Province.

As the Ming Dynasty's rule over Nanyun Province became more and more stable, as the bridge between the Ming Dynasty and Europe, Nanyun Province became more and more prosperous, and the Dongji Port grew larger and busier.

A large number of ships arrive here every day, transporting goods from the Ming Dynasty to Europe. At the same time, there are also a large number of goods from Europe. Slaves pass through here to the river, and then transported to the Daming Pass.

The Caucasian and Georgian people of the past can now live here without any worries, on such an important land trade route.

The local Caucasians and Georgians have also benefited a lot. There are businesses, factories, and workshops recruiting people everywhere, and you can find a good job anywhere.

You can also open a shop here, do some business, and live a good life.

Commodities and goods from all over the world are gathered here, prices are very low, and living standards are quite high. In just a few years, many locals have built beautiful small bungalows like the Han people.


A group of officials came to Dongji Port, beating gongs and drums, posting notices, and shouting loudly with tin trumpets.

"The Kazakh Khanate invaded our border, disturbed our Ming Dynasty, and robbed our border residents~"

"The emperor was furious, and the Duke of Australia issued a recruitment order. All retired soldiers immediately returned to the army, and the young men and women of each tribe immediately reported to the nearest government office to defend the Ming Dynasty and their homeland!"

The official's voice was loud and soon caused a huge sensation in Dongji Port, and many people gathered at once.

"Haha, great~"

"I finally have the opportunity to serve the emperor and defend the Ming Dynasty!"

Hearing the officer's words, Georgia, a large number of Caucasians in Dongji Port, began to shout excitedly, rubbing shoulders one by one, preparing to be called to join the war!

This chapter has been completed!
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