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Chapter 1363, Black Sea Escort

"Too expensive, too expensive!"

Alexei and Andrei walked out of the Nanyang Escort Bureau building, shaking their heads as they walked.

The Nanyang Escort Agency offered two thousand taels of silver. This price was undoubtedly an astronomical sum for the two of them. Although the two of them had made great contributions in the war against Beitianzhu, King Ning also generously gave a large amount of money.


But most of these rewards were in kind, such as land, slaves, horses, cattle and sheep, etc. Although each person received a reward of thousands of taels of silver, how would he live in the future if they were all given out at once?

They have retired from the army and are no longer able to participate in battles. This also means that they will definitely not be able to get rich overnight in the future. This money is not easy to earn.

"Let's go and check out the next house."

"The most we can pay is one thousand taels of silver. This is our bottom line."

Alexei shook his head as he and Andrei continued to walk to the next escort agency.

Soon, they entered the Huiyou Escort Bureau building, but came out again ten minutes later.

The price offered by some escort agencies is more expensive than that of Nanyang Escort Agency, because the main business scope of Huiyou Escort Agency is in Western Europe, and it is not familiar with the Crimean Khanate and the Principality of Moscow in Eastern Europe.

Although they were willing to take this escort trip, they felt that the risk involved was relatively high, so they offered a price of 3,000 taels of silver, and there was no room for negotiation.

The two visited every escort agency. Generally, powerful escort agencies were willing to accept this escort, but the prices were relatively high. The starting price was two thousand taels of silver. Some escort agencies even offered astronomical prices of five thousand taels of silver. This made Ah

Both Lexie and Andrei were slightly speechless.

As for some of the weaker escort agencies, many of them dare not accept this escort. These small escort agencies generally follow specialized and familiar routes and only accept business on this route.

For example, some escort agencies only take escorts from the West Island to Venice because they are familiar with the countries and regions on this route and have better relations with bandits in this area. It is more reliable and safer to pick up escorts on this route.

They are not familiar with this route to Moscow. For the sake of their own reputation, they often dare not take this escort.

For those who run an escort agency, the dart will either not be accepted. Once the dart is received, they must do their best to complete it. They must not miss the dart. Their reputation is more important than their own lives, so when accepting the dart, they must do the same.

Very cautiously.

"Black Sea Escort Agency?"

"Mainly engaged in business around the Black Sea, we are all composed of retired soldiers from the Ming Dynasty. Your escort is our highest mission!"

Alexei and Andrei looked helplessly at the buildings on Escort Street.

The Principality of Muscovy is a remote area with very few business trips. The key is that there is also the Crimean Khanate. The situation in Eastern Europe is very unstable. The Ottoman Empire and the European coalition forces are fighting on a vast front. The Principality of Muscovy is also

The war with the Principality of Poland-Lithuania was fierce.

Therefore, there are very few business travelers going to the Principality of Moscow. This also leads to the fact that there are no escort agencies operating in this area. There are very few escort agencies willing to accept their escorts, and the prices are very high.

Both of them were ready to give up and just go back to the Nanyang Escort Agency. It was expensive, but where was the strength of the Nanyang Escort Agency?

At this time, Alexei saw the advertisement of Black Sea Escort Agency. This Black Sea Escort Agency is located at the end of Escort Agency Street. It is obviously a newly opened Escort Agency.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Alexei took Andrei into the Black Sea Escort Agency with the intention of taking another look.

"Two gentlemen, welcome to the Black Sea Escort Agency!"

At the door of the Black Sea Escort Agency, the bored doorman saw the two people approaching, and immediately became energetic and hurriedly stepped forward to greet them.

Soon, the two of them were taken to a conference room by the doorman.

"I, Li Ting, am the chief escort of the West Island branch of the Black Sea Escort Agency. I am very pleased to meet you two gentlemen."

Li Ting is very young, only in his twenties. He has a short haircut, a clean shaven beard, and wears tight-fitting Black Sea Escort attire. He is tall and walks in a very orderly manner. He has a military aura coming to him.

"Mr. Li, my name is Xie Ning, he is Ande, and we are both from Ning country. These are our identity cards and customs clearance documents..."

Alexei once again took out the identity cards and documents of the two people and talked about their origins.

Although the Ming Empire was highly hierarchical and clearly defined, and slaves were slaves, the people of the Ming Dynasty did not have much discrimination against them. They believed that princes, generals, and ministers would rather have their own kind.

In many escort agencies, they all told about their origins. They originally thought they would be despised by these Ming people, but in fact, the people of Ming Dynasty were still friendly to them as always, and they did not look down on you because you were born a slave.

This also allows the two of them to not care about having been slaves at all.

"It turns out that Mr. Xie and Mr. An were also soldiers before, so we have a lot in common."

After hearing what the two people said, Li Ting immediately laughed happily: "Mr. Xie and Mr. An must be extremely brave. They can be the first to board the city and kill dozens of enemies in one battle. It is really admirable."


Hearing Li Ting's words, Alexei and Andrei were immediately overjoyed, with smiles on their faces. The other person was a regular retired soldier of the Ming Empire. How could they not be happy to hear praise from him.

"Mr. Li deserves the award. We are just lucky. His Highness Ning Guo commanded us well, so we were able to win the big victory."

Alexey liked chatting with Li Ting in front of him very much. They were both soldiers, and they talked endlessly about military life.

"Haha, Prince Ning is indeed very powerful, but you are also very brave. I am also a soldier. I once participated in the battle against the Ottoman Empire, but the number of enemies I killed was far less than yours."

"That's different. The combat effectiveness of the Ottoman Empire's army is vastly different from that of Bei Tianzhu's army. I'm afraid I can't kill dozens of enemies as well as you can kill one enemy."

"Haha, they're all the same, they're all the same~"

The three of them chatted happily.

"Mr. Xie and Mr. An came to our Black Sea Escort Agency this time. They must have something to help with?"

After some small talk, they became more familiar with each other, and then Li Ting asked the other party the purpose of coming.

"It's like this. Our life in Ningguo is very prosperous and stable now, so we want to bring our relatives who are far away in the Principality of Moscow to live in Tianzhu."

"But it's definitely not easy to return safely to the Principality of Moscow."

"So we want to find an escort agency to protect us when we return to the Principality of Moscow, and then find our relatives to take us back to the West Island."

Alexey also stated his request, and then looked at Li Ting with nervous eyes, praying silently in his heart, hoping that his quotation would not be too expensive.

"Go back to the Principality of Moscow and find your relatives to take you back?"

When Li Ting heard this, he immediately pondered for a moment, then found a map and said, "Although our Black Sea Escort Agency is a newly established agency."

"However, the escorts in our escort agency are all retired soldiers from the Ming Empire's army. They were all stationed in Nanyun Province on the east coast of the Black Sea. We also recruited some retired soldiers from the Ming Navy's fleet stationed in the Mediterranean."

"No one is more familiar with the area around the Black Sea than we are. We have dealt with the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, Hungary, the Principality of Poland-Lithuania, the Persian Empire, etc."

"You have found the right person when you find us. If it were other escort agencies, they would definitely not be as familiar with the situation around the Black Sea as we are."

"Although the relationship between the Muscovy Principality and our Ming Dynasty is not very good, the Muscovite Principality does not dare to provoke us Ming people, especially now that our Ming Empire has destroyed the Kazakh Khanate and the Siberian Khanate, and destroyed all the lands east of the Ural Mountains.

If the area is included in the territory of our Ming Dynasty, they will not dare to mess with us Ming people."

"Go to the Principality of Moscow to find and pick up your relatives. Well, it is estimated that ten people will be dispatched and it will take about three months."

"Well, we are all soldiers, and we have just opened a branch in the West Island, so we need the care of our friends."

"One thousand two hundred taels of silver, we will take this escort!"

Li Ting calculated carefully and finally gave a quote of one thousand two hundred taels of silver.

The establishment of the Black Sea Escort Bureau was actually due to the fact that some retired soldiers such as Li Ting felt bored after retiring and did not like a too peaceful and stable life, so everyone jointly invested in the establishment of the Black Sea Escort Bureau.

The escort business is now the most exciting and adventurous industry. These retired soldiers can continue to fight together and live a passionate life together.

After the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty retired, they were well-organized and basically could live a life without worries about food and clothing. Many of them returned to their hometowns and became agents or servants. A large number of them were recruited by the large merchant houses of the Ming Dynasty. There were also many

The escort agency likes to recruit these rigorously trained soldiers. Generally speaking, life after retirement is absolutely guaranteed.

"One thousand two hundred taels of silver?"

When Alexei and Andrei heard this, they immediately smiled and looked at each other. This was the lowest offer they had received now.

“Can this price be lower?”


Soldiers all undergo rigorous training."

"This price is also based on the fact that we are both soldiers. There is no way it can be lower."

Li Ting said very seriously.

"Okay, let's go by what you said. I believe you, and I believe even more in the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty."

Alexey and Andrei looked at each other and accepted the price.

This chapter has been completed!
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