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Chapter 1365, the war situation in Eastern Europe

Alexey and Andre looked at the departing pirate ship and couldn't help but open their mouths slightly.

"Just send these pirates away?"

"When I was in Moscow, I heard a lot about the pirates of the Ottoman Empire. They are extremely vicious and greedy, and they will never let any fat sheep go."

"But now, just come up here and have a drink and then go back?"

Alexei looked at the pirate ship going away, still a little unbelievable.

The pirates of the Ottoman Empire were famous. Not only did they roam the Mediterranean, but the Black Sea was also a place where Ottoman Empire pirates wreaked havoc. Even though the Principality of Moscow was some distance away from the Black Sea, various legends about the pirates of the Ottoman Empire still spread everywhere.

"Haha, of course."

"It's good to have some wine. Do you still want to steal something from us Ming people?"

Hearing Alexei's words, Zhang Wei burst out laughing, then patted Alexei on the shoulder and said: "You are now from the Ning Kingdom. This Ning Kingdom is the vassal state founded by King Ning of my Ming Dynasty, and it can also be regarded as my Ming Dynasty.

People, from now on, wherever you go, you must straighten your back and don’t lose the face of us Ming people.”

"Although these Ottoman Empire pirates are very fierce and greedy, they will never dare to touch us Ming people."

"Hey, back then, the Ottoman Empire army attacked the Ming Dynasty in the river area and massacred several towns in the Ming Dynasty. Afterwards, the Ming Dynasty offered bounties to all the Ottoman Empire soldiers who participated in the massacre. Even if I gave them a hundred courages, they would not dare to touch our Ming Dynasty people.

Otherwise, they won’t even be able to sleep well.”

When Zhang Wei said this, he looked extremely proud and confident.

The people of the Ming Dynasty were able to do business safely in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. It was definitely not the money in their hands, but the cannons and warships in the hands of the Ming Dynasty, as well as the bounty and pursuit system in which the people of the Ming Dynasty were bound to retaliate.

Regardless of the countries, gangs, or individuals in this area, no one wants to provoke the Ming people.

The Ottoman Empire that provoked the Ming Dynasty had hundreds of cities slaughtered, and was forced to cede territory and pay indemnities to seek peace. The Ottoman Empire generals and soldiers who killed the Ming Dynasty were hunted down with high rewards. So far, no one has escaped being hunted down, and even the vengeance will be punished.

The people of the Ming Dynasty put a reward on their entire family.

Who dares to provoke the people of Ming Dynasty?

The Black Dragon moved forward slowly in the Love Sea, and everyone on the ship enjoyed the summer scenery of the Mediterranean. Pirates came to pay attention to it every now and then, but as Zhang Wei said.

When these pirates saw that the people on board were all Ming people, they basically turned around and left. No pirate ship dared to touch the Ming ships.

A few days later, the ship arrived in Istanbul very smoothly, and anchored here in Istanbul, ready to take a rest and replenish fresh water, food, etc.

"Mr. Xie, Mr. An, it may be your first time traveling far away, and you still don't know much about the things we Ming people do when we travel overseas."

"We at Daming have offices in ports and cities on major shipping routes in various countries around the world, mainly to provide services and assistance to us Daming people overseas."

"The customs clearance document in our hands not only needs to be stamped in various countries and regions, but more importantly, it must be reported to our offices set up by Ming Dynasty in various countries."

"To get to that place, what is the route, what places do we pass, how much time does it take, etc. Through these things, we can accurately estimate the time we will arrive at the next stop."

"If we arrive safely, nothing will happen to us, but if something happens to us on the way, our Ming government will be able to use the recorded information and materials to investigate."

At the Ming Empire's Istanbul office in the Ottoman Empire, Zhang Wei brought Alexei and Andrei here to have them stamped. While lining up, he introduced them in detail to Alexei and Andrei.

"If the result of the investigation is that our Ming people have been killed or robbed, our Ming government will activate the corresponding mechanism. First, in the name of the Ming Empire, we will put pressure on the countries in the suspicious areas and ask them to cooperate with us in investigating this matter.


"After the investigation is clear, we will put pressure on these countries on the one hand, and on the other hand we will activate overseas security funds to provide rewards for the murderers of our Ming people and their families."

"The amount of the reward is so high that they can neither eat nor sleep."

"So overseas, remember to report wherever you go. In this way, if you encounter difficulties, our Ming government can provide timely help."

While talking, it was Zhang Wei's turn.

He took out his identity card and customs clearance documents, and the official checked them carefully, then asked a few more questions and quickly stamped them again.

When it was Alexei and Andrei's turn, the official in charge asked them carefully for a long time, asking about their origins and backgrounds in detail. At the same time, they also asked about some information about Ningguo and Tianzhu, Alexei and An

Andre answered all of them correctly, and then he was willing to get his seal.

When we stopped in Istanbul to report, make up notes, and rest, everyone realized that a war broke out between the Ottoman Empire and the European Allied Forces in Vienna.

The final result ended with a tragic victory for the European coalition forces. The Ottoman Empire army was forced to withdraw from the Austrian region and switched from offense to defense.

At the same time, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, unwilling to fail, issued a conscription order again, preparing to recruit an additional 300,000 troops to resist the attack of the European coalition forces.

As for the European Allied Forces, after winning the Battle of Vienna, they suffered heavy losses and lost the energy to attack the Ottoman Empire in a short period of time. They were also resting and recuperating and needed support from various countries again.

However, European countries also had differences on whether to continue attacking the Ottoman Empire.

Several countries in Western Europe felt that they had beaten the Ottoman Empire so badly that they were unable to continue their westward advance without threatening the Vatican. However, the Holy Roman Empire, the Austrian Habsburg family, Hungary, the Principality of Poland-Lithuania, etc.

However, the countries in Central and Eastern Europe advocated continuing to attack eastward and completely driving the Ottoman Empire out of Europe.

They even shouted the slogan of launching the Tenth Crusade, not only to destroy the Ottoman Empire, but also to attack the Middle East and recapture the Holy City.

There were great differences between the two sides. The main reason for the disagreement was that the losses in the war with the Ottoman Empire in Vienna were too heavy.

For example, the Kingdom of Spain, which worked hard to form and train the "Sword of the Matador" musketeers, almost competed with the Ottoman Empire's musketeers. Tens of thousands of advanced muskets purchased from the Ming Empire were all robbed afterwards.

For this reason, Queen Isabella and King Fernando of Spain issued harsh words. If anyone did not return the musket to Spain, Spain would definitely lead an army to conquer it.

However, no one paid attention to Spain's anger at all. Everyone's excuse was the same. The muskets they robbed were left behind by the Ottoman Musketeers, but they were not robbed from Spain.

The muskets used by Spanish and Ottoman musketeers were all purchased from the Ming Empire, and there was no difference at all. Even though the Spanish matador was extremely angry, there was nothing he could do for a while.

The heavy losses made the countries that formed the European coalition no longer want to fight to the end with the Ottoman Empire. Who knows how many more people must die before the Ottoman Empire can be driven out of Europe.

As long as the Ottoman Empire did not continue to advance westward, Western European countries felt that they could negotiate an armistice, but Eastern and Central European countries refused.

They had been robbed of a large amount of land, population, and countless wealth by the Ottoman Empire, and they were simply unwilling to cease the war now.

What's more, if the Ottoman Empire is given some time to recover, what will they do to resist the Ottoman Empire's invasion again?

The situation in Eastern Europe is turbulent, which also worries Alexei and Andrei.

The Principality of Muscovy cannot stay out of the matter. The European coalition forces and the Ottoman Empire are fighting fiercely. The Principality of Muscovy is also fighting fiercely with the Crimean Tatars.

The Tatars now often go to Muscovy to thresh the valleys, plundering the Muscovite population and selling them as slaves to the Ming Dynasty. This has seriously affected the operation of the Muscovite.

A large number of fertile fields were laid waste, no one dared to plant them, and a large number of people were robbed, resulting in a large population loss in the Principality of Moscow.

This made Grand Duke Vasily III of the Principality of Muscovy extremely angry and formed a large army to fight back against the Crimean Khanate. The fight between the two sides was also in full swing.

"We must go back as soon as possible. Under the turbulent situation, our family may be robbed and sold by the Tatars, or they may die in the war, or there may not be enough food because of the war.

Encountered hunger.”

Alexey learned the news from the Principality of Moscow and had trouble sleeping and eating. He wished he could return to the Principality of Moscow immediately and find his family.

"Your family is okay, at least they are still nobles. Even without you, they can still live well. My family is really worrying. I am a serf, and it is already very difficult in normal times. With the war and the turbulent situation, it is also

I don’t know what happened to them.”

Andrei was even more worried. He was born a serf, and his family were also serfs. Serfs were at the lowest level in the Principality of Moscow. It was very difficult when the country was in a good situation, but once war broke out, life would only be even more difficult.

It was originally planned to rest here in Istanbul for three days, but the anxious Alexey and Andrei only rested for one day before requesting to set off again. They had no choice but to transfer to a Ming Dynasty ship bound for Crimea to continue their journey.


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