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Chapter 1397, it's another year when I go home

In Beijing, accompanied by the crackling of firecrackers, Tiangong Textile Factory ended its busy year and officially began its annual holiday.

People in the Ming Dynasty have many rules for doing things. When setting up a factory, opening a business, doing business, etc., it is indispensable to worship heaven and ancestors, thank God and ancestors for their blessings, and pray for abundant wealth.

During this New Year's holiday, all major factories, businesses, etc. will inevitably set off firecrackers to increase the celebration. Before the New Year's holiday, setting off firecrackers and fireworks also means completeness and completeness, marking the end of this busy year.

Previous period.

At this moment, not only the Tiangong Textile Factory was setting off firecrackers, but the entire surrounding factory area was almost the same. The sound of firecrackers and fireworks was deafening, resounding through the sky.

At the gates of factories, workers who have been busy all year gather together in small groups to prepare for the New Year.

"Er Xiu, are you going home this year?"

Li Erxiu and several sisters from the same village held hands and happily walked out of the gate of the textile factory.

"Return. I didn't go back last year. I got a letter from home, saying that the child misses us very much and it's impossible not to go back."

Li Erxiu replied with a smile on his face.

"Of course Sister Xiu will go back. After all, I bought a bicycle, which makes it much more convenient to go back."

"Isn't that right? If Sister Xiu buys a car this year, she might be able to buy a house in the capital next year."

"What is there to say about a bicycle? Everyone who wants to buy one can afford it."

"I would like to buy it, but it's out of stock. It would be much more convenient to go home if I had a bicycle."

"Isn't that right? It's really uncomfortable to walk back. It's different with a bicycle. I think we can get home in two days."

"It's better to go to places connected by trains. You can just take the train back."

"Isn't that right~"

"How about we go shopping together today to buy some New Year's goods?"

"Okay, okay, I'm going to buy a New Year's outfit for my son, and I'm also buying it for my parents. I heard that the ready-made clothes produced by Caiyun Textile Factory are very good, why don't we go and take a look?"

"Let's go, let's finish shopping for the New Year's goods today and prepare to go home tomorrow."


When women are together, they always have all kinds of endless things to talk about.

At this time, Wang Gensheng came to Li Erxiu with a handsome drift on his bicycle. During this time, he had already mastered his bicycle skills like a fire.

"Sister Xiu, your boss is here. It's different with a bicycle. He comes very quickly."

"That's right, this bike looks great~"

“Everyone feels more energetic when riding on the bike.”

"Sisters, I'm leaving first~"

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Li Erxiu sat on the back seat of Wang Gensheng's bicycle.

When he first bought this bicycle, Li Erxiu still regretted it. Twenty-two taels of silver was not a small sum.

If in the past, poor families couldn't get out a few taels of silver even if they pawned their homes, it meant that times were good and people in the Ming Dynasty had become rich.

Coupled with the emergence of factories, people could work in factories, and everyone was slowly able to save money, and life became much better.

But it was still a huge sum of money. I spent it all at once to buy a bicycle, and I regretted it at that time.

But now, Li Erxiu feels that it is very worthwhile.

With the bicycle, Wang Gensheng can come over after work every day, and the couple can get together.

During this weekend's holiday, the couple could ride around the capital together, walk around, and go to many places they had never been before.

More importantly, having a bicycle now is definitely a matter of dignity. You can become the focus of everyone's attention wherever you go on a bicycle.

Now you can ride this bicycle back to your hometown. Thinking about the scene of riding this bicycle to visit relatives and friends after returning to your hometown, Li Erxiu feels that the money is worth spending.

"Mom, let's go buy some New Year's goods and take them back."

"Buy two new sets of clothes for each of the children, buy one set for the elderly on both sides, and buy two more beautiful sets for you."

Wang Gensheng was riding a bicycle, and he felt refreshed. Although it was very cold to ride a bicycle in the cold winter wind, but looking at the envious eyes on the street, he suddenly felt that it was not cold at all.

"I still have my clothes, why buy new ones?"

"Of course I have to buy new ones. After working hard all year, I have to be willing to buy some new clothes for myself. What's more, I'm going home to celebrate the New Year. How can I not wear something decent?"

"Then you buy a set too."


While the couple was riding their bikes, they were also discussing how to go home for the New Year.

When we arrived at the commercial street, the entire commercial street was already crowded with people, and every shop was packed with people.

The Chinese New Year holiday is the best time of the year for business.

Every factory, workshop, and business bank has paid wages and year-end bonuses to its employees. After a year of hard work, with money in hand and going home to celebrate the New Year, it is natural to make a lot of purchases.

This created a lively scene in the commercial street in front of us. There were people everywhere on the road in the commercial street, and many people were carrying big and small bags in their hands.

The bosses and clerks in various stores are sweating profusely because there are too many people and the business is so good. Whether it is food, clothing or clothing, as long as you have the goods, they will be available in a very short time.

Within a few days, a huge group of consumers will buy everything.

Fortunately, these bosses are all experienced and have prepared sufficient supplies in advance to meet the huge market demand and avoid running out of goods.

Wang Gensheng, Li Erxiu and his wife also followed their plan and went directly to the clothing store that sells clothes.

The clothing store has the best business here. The clothing store covers a large area and is packed with people. The clerks in the store are sweating profusely from being busy.

Buying ready-made clothes directly has only become popular in recent years.

In the past, everyone bought cloth and then went home to make their own clothes. There were very few people selling ready-made clothes, and they were not popular because if you made your own clothes, you could make them according to your own needs.

But in recent years, ready-made clothes have become popular, mainly because everyone is usually very busy and simply don’t have time to make their own clothes.

Furthermore, the ready-made clothes designed and manufactured by the factory are more beautiful than the ready-made clothes made by buying cloth yourself. For a big city like the Beijing-Tianjin area, although the word fashion has not yet been coined, the love for beauty is still there.

, everyone has it.

If you wear a piece of clothing made by yourself, it will look rustic no matter how you look at it. However, those garments designed and manufactured in factories just look better and more fashionable. Naturally, everyone will slowly get used to buying garments, and

It’s not about buying cloth and making clothes yourself.

The gradual popularity of ready-made clothes has also led to the development of the textile industry in the Ming Dynasty. A large number of textile factories began to transform into ready-made clothes, which greatly enriched the varieties of ready-made clothes and promoted more and more people to purchase ready-made clothes directly.

After a lot of shopping, Wang Gensheng's bicycle was full of things.

There are clothes for the children and the elderly, snacks for the children, and some new year goods for the Chinese New Year. Some of these things are not sold in the mountains and corners of my hometown. They are only available in big cities like the Beijing-Tianjin area.

For sale.

It was a small bicycle with a basket in front filled with things, bags hanging on both sides of the faucet, and a big bag tied on the big bar in the middle.

On the seat behind, Li Erxiu was wearing a thick winter coat and hat, tightly wrapped in cloth, and holding a large bag in his hand.

As for Wang Gensheng, wearing a thick wool coat, a thick wool felt hat, and wool gloves on his hands, he pedaled his bicycle back home excitedly and happily.

The capital is connected by concrete roads in all directions.

Although the wind is howling and the weather is very cold, you can see a large number of figures on every cement road. They are wearing thick clothes, carrying large and small bags on their shoulders, smiling and walking excitedly.

Walk to your hometown step by step and return.

New Year is a time for reunions. Even if we are far apart and even if the weather is cold, it still cannot stop people from going home.

In my hometown far away, wherever I have my parents, my children, and my roots, no matter how high or far I fly, I still have to go back.

Even in the face of cold wind and heavy snow, everyone still has to go back.

On the wide concrete roads leaving Beijing, the vast crowds of people returning home formed long black queues.

"What a spectacular scene. Perhaps only home has such power, allowing millions of people to brave the severe cold to return to their hometowns, spend a few days in a hurry, and then have to brave the severe cold to return here again."

On top of a high-rise building in the southern district of Beijing, Liu Jin held a telescope and looked at the cement road leading into the distance. Looking at the vast crowd of people returning home in the cold wind, he couldn't help but express himself.


Think about future generations, every Chinese New Year will usher in the peak period of returning home.

At each station, hundreds of thousands of people are crowded together, braving the cold wind and sometimes cold rain, carrying large and small bags, enduring the hardships of the journey, and still want to go back to their hometown.

Reunite with loved ones.

At this moment, the scene I saw before my eyes was so similar.

What is imprinted in the bones of this nation can pass through thousands of years and undergo countless great changes, but it will never change.

The family, the country, the world, this is the reason why the descendants of Yan and Huang have always stood firm.

"The transportation is still too backward, and the number of horse-drawn carriages is still too few."

"It's freezing cold, so it's really difficult to go all the way back."

"Let's go and have a look at the train station~"

Looking at the people returning in the cold wind, Liu Jin sighed slightly, got up and went to the train station, ready to go and have a look at the train station.

This chapter has been completed!
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