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Chapter 1410, change with the times

"Your Majesty, I believe that what Liu Jin has reported means that it is indeed time for restructuring."

"The size and population of the capital are growing day by day, and the original establishment of Shuntian Prefecture can no longer meet the needs of urban management in the capital. There are hundreds of cases that need to be tried every day."

"There are regular civil cases among them, but there are also a large number of criminal cases and a large number of commercial and trade cases."

"In addition, the expansion of the city's scale, the surge in population, and the emergence of a large number of factories, workshops, businesses, etc., all require the government to carry out corresponding regulations and management."

"The traditional yamen structure can no longer meet and adapt to the needs of new big cities."

Liu Jian pondered for a while, then stood up and said.

His attitude is very clear, that is, he thinks that what Liu Jin said is indeed necessary to carry out restructuring. Capitalism has developed rapidly in the Ming Dynasty in recent years, and factories, workshops, and commercial banks have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

The consequence is that the population begins to slowly concentrate in cities, and cities become larger and more densely populated.

If Liu Jin had not been aware of the emergence of these problems in advance and made some plans in advance, many major events and problems would have occurred in the Beijing-Tianjin area.

Liu Jin knows very well that no matter which country is industrializing or urbanizing in ancient and modern times, it will face many problems at home and abroad.

Historically, when the British carried out the industrial revolution, a large number of people concentrated in the city, making the city extremely dirty and messy. At the same time, because a large number of people had no housing, they formed a large number of slums, gangs were rampant and many other problems.

This aspect still exists in large numbers even in the 21st century.

At the same time, in the early stages of the development of capitalism, excessive exploitation and oppression by capitalists led to the rapid development of many labor movements, social unrest, and so on.

In addition, there are many associated problems such as environmental pollution, medical health, traffic congestion, etc.

Liu Jin knew these problems, so he made a lot of preparations in advance.

In both Beijing and Tianjin, a large amount of land is in the hands of Liu Jin, so Liu Jin carries out centralized planning and construction of these lands. The planned industrial zones and factories can be rented out, and they all have dormitories, so that they can solve the problem of housing problems.

problems, coupled with the development of real estate, the housing problem can be solved very well, and a large number of slums will not appear.

In addition, we have established legal holidays early and formulated relevant and relatively complete laws to protect workers' rights and rest. We also use our own industries as representatives and examples to fully protect workers' freedom and rights.

Vigorously open new schools and hospitals, etc., and provide basic education, medical services, etc. Under these policies, the Beijing-Tianjin region, including Songhu, the three rapidly developing big cities, will not have any major problems.

Otherwise, if we look at the development history of the Europeans, when the population exceeds one million, not to mention the current population of several million, many big problems will arise in these big cities.

Cities in Europe are not large in size. A city with a population of 100,000 is considered a big city.

But even a city with a population of only 100,000 is still smelly, dirty, traffic is extremely bad, and it is extremely chaotic.

In comparison, the cities in the Ming Dynasty are much cleaner and neater. Even the capital city with a population of one million is much cleaner and neater than cities in Europe.

Liu Jin had made a lot of preparations for these in advance.

The development of capitalism and the industrialization brought about by the emergence of the steam engine will inevitably bring about the development of urbanization, and various new problems will arise.

Now, the population of the capital has exceeded six million people, and various problems have emerged. It is time for official planning to be carried out.

"Your Majesty, the four cities of Tianjin, Songhu and Nanjing, the capital of the Ming Dynasty, have a population of more than one million. Among them, the population of the capital and Tianjin exceeds five million~"

"Although the current population of Songhu and Nanjing is only three million, they are developing rapidly and are expected to exceed five million soon~"

"At the same time, there is a trend in various parts of the Ming Dynasty. The population is concentrated in cities. Whether it is small counties, state capitals, or provincial capitals, the size and population of cities are constantly expanding."

"Problems similar to those in Beijing have occurred in many places. However, due to the local government structure, the management of major cities cannot keep up, so many cities have become chaotic."

"I believe that what Liu Jin reported has indeed reached a point where changes must be made."

"The setting up of the government structure must be changed in real time according to the existing situation to achieve the purpose of maintaining social stability and protecting the stability of the people."

Li Dongyang also stood up and expressed his attitude.

The things Liu Jin mentioned were all things that were now or were about to be faced. He criticized current affairs, pointed out the things that the Ming Dynasty would face, and put forward corresponding policies.

Of course we have to support it.

The advantage of the Ming Dynasty at this time is that the party power has not developed and grown. Unlike the middle and late Ming Dynasty, where party strife was serious, many times, policies that were clearly beneficial to the country were met with hostility because of party differences.

The opposition and obstruction of the parties made it impossible to change and remedy the problems of the Ming Dynasty.

In addition, the current Emperor Hongzhi is in power himself, and at the same time he is willing to discuss things with his ministers. This is a very good relationship between monarch power and prime minister power. No one has monopoly power, so that there are emperors and ministers constantly

Matters of struggle for power.

Generally speaking, in such an environment, policies and suggestions that were beneficial to Ming Dynasty could basically be effectively implemented. This is also the reason why many reforms proposed by Liu Jin were successful.

This is something that was difficult to achieve in the Hongzhi Dynasty and probably in other dynasties.

"With the expansion of the city and the surge in population, it is indeed necessary to change the government structure. However, if we change it according to the memorial written by Liu Jin, will there be redundant officials?"

"In addition, the establishment of more yamen and officials, officials, yamen servants, etc. will inevitably increase corresponding financial expenditures."

Ji Zhong, the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, thought for a while but stood up and said.

What he was most worried about was that after there were more officials, the government's expenses would increase. After all, he was afraid of poverty before, but now he has not been rich for a few years, and the money in the treasury is still very precious.

"Establishing more government offices, appointing more officials, and increasing officials and government servants will definitely increase fiscal expenditures, but compared with the needs of urban development, these are all necessary."

"What's more, we set it based on the city's population size. For cities that have not reached a certain population size, there is naturally no need to make relevant changes."

"As for the phenomenon of redundant officials, there is no need to worry. At present, the number of officials in our Ming Dynasty is still relatively small, and all the candidates accumulated over the years have been appointed as officials."

Liu Jin thought for a while and replied.

There is no way around this. The problem now is that there are too many things. The number of officials, officials, government servants, etc. is too small to manage the increasingly large cities and population. We must carry out restructuring. The simplest way is to increase the number of people.

The number of officials, officials, etc.

"According to what you wrote above, set up six yamen: the Police Bureau, the Taxation Bureau, the Litigation Bureau, the Health Bureau, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and the Education Bureau to divide the affairs of the original yamen."

"Isn't this health bureau a little redundant?"

Xie Qian thought for a while and said.

"No, I think the Health Bureau is not redundant at all. On the contrary, it should be given high priority."

"Compared with the smallpox outbreaks in the Aztec Kingdom and the Inca Empire in the Golden Continent, everyone should still remember that a huge city turned into a dead zone almost overnight due to an epidemic disease."

"Our cities in the Ming Dynasty are larger and more populous than theirs. Once the population is too concentrated, various diseases will spread at an unimaginable speed."

"In addition to developing advanced medical technology, we should attach great importance to this matter at the government level."

"For example, we must strictly manage the city's sanitation, strictly prohibit littering, littering, etc., and at the same time, centralize the disposal of garbage, build tap water, public toilets, etc."

"In addition, we should promote cowpox to prevent smallpox virus, etc., to prevent the occurrence of various diseases as much as possible, and at the same time, take timely and effective measures to remedy the diseases that occur."

"This is the matter of the Health Bureau, and it is also a very important matter!"

Liu Jin shook his head repeatedly and said, the Health Bureau is too important, how could it be redundant?


After hearing Liu Jin's words, Emperor Hongzhi and everyone also nodded.

Everyone still has fresh memories of the Aztec Kingdom and the Inca Empire. It is said that the smallpox virus epidemic that year reduced the population of these two huge empires by half.

If the Ming Dynasty had not dispatched a large number of medical staff to the Golden Continent in time and used cowpox vaccination to prevent the spread of the smallpox virus, these two huge empires might have completely disappeared.

Thinking about the history of the Black Death in Europe is even more chilling.

In medieval Europe, a Black Death almost wiped out all the big cities in Europe, killing tens of millions of people. To this day, when Europeans talk about the Black Death, their faces change.

"Just follow Liu Jin's suggestion and implement it. Of course, the specific situation must be done and analyzed in detail, and continuous improvements and additions can be made later."

"The government's duty is to protect the country and maintain its stability. Since it can no longer meet the needs, it naturally needs to be changed."

Emperor Hongzhi thought for a while and made a final decision.

This chapter has been completed!
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