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Chapter 1458, listening to Yuxuan poetry meeting

The imperial examination held every three years made the whole capital more prosperous and lively. You can see talented people from all over the world gathering together in twos and threes, chatting, reciting poems and making fun of the moon, splashing ink, and arousing applause.

According to the sound, businessmen of all sizes in the capital, especially the brothel Chuguan, which has been favored by romantic talents since ancient times, naturally organize various poetry gatherings to follow this trend.

It’s called making friends with poems, but in reality it’s just to ride the wave of popularity and increase one’s reputation so that it can be sold at a good price.

In this era when brothels can be legally opened, conventional means are no longer able to attract high-ranking customers. Only the collection of talented people, beauties, poems, songs, etc. can make the big money owners spend huge sums of money.

Ting Yuxuan is considered to be the leading figure among the brothels in the capital. Even if you go into Ting Yuxuan for a cup of tea, it will cost you a few taels of silver. As for whether you want to find a girl from Ting Yuxuan to accompany you.

If you drink some wine, sing, etc., the price is really expensive, easily worth dozens or hundreds of taels of silver.

If you have a girl you like and want to have a romantic time, Ting Yuxuan will tell you that the girls here are all prostitutes but not their bodies. If you don’t spend a certain number of times and a certain amount of money here, you can’t even think about going to Magpie Bridge with the girls here.

These three-year science and technology examinations naturally became a good opportunity for Tingyuxuan to improve his skills. Tingyuxuan’s boss also spent a lot of money to invite talented people who came to the capital to take the imperial examinations to Tingyuxuan to participate in the poetry test.


You don’t need any money to participate in the poetry meeting, but it is not easy to get in. There is a test at the door. You can match the pairs. If you match, you can go in directly, or you can guess the word puzzle. That’s right, you can

To enter, of course you can also write poems, draw pictures, etc. As long as you are passable, you can enter.

Apart from this, there is no other way, otherwise even if you are rich and spend a lot of money, sorry, you will not be able to get in through the door of Tingyuxuan.

There is no doubt that this is absolutely a perfect place to play with routines and tricks. It is obviously a dirty place, but it is mixed with poems, songs and the like, making you absolutely full of tricks. If there is no ink in your stomach,

, you can’t get in even if you have money.

But people of this era just love this tune. Whether they are talented scholars or rich local tycoons, they all flock to it. If they can't get in if they have money, they can only blame themselves for their lack of ink and spending money behind their backs.

Use the money to buy a limerick and mix it in.

As for the talented people who came to take the imperial examination, naturally they all looked arrogant and took the step of not recognizing their relatives.

They do have this capital to be proud of.

Those who can take part in the examination are all candidates who have passed the provincial examination. Based on the current situation of the Ming Dynasty, these candidates can directly become officials, starting from the seventh rank.

Of course, if you can pass the high school in the joint examination, you will be a Jinshi, which is even more incredible. You will have a bright future. Maybe you will be able to dominate the world in the future, control the world, and follow the rules.

Whether it is now or in the future, these talented people who come to the capital to take the exam are the most shining people of this era, and naturally they are very arrogant.

"Old Liu~Old Liu, hurry up, hurry up~"

At the door of Ting Yuxuan, Zhu Houzhao, dressed like a talented scholar, was hurriedly walking towards Ting Yuxuan, followed by the helpless Liu Jin.

It was originally agreed to inspect the Mercedes-Benz Bicycle Factory, but it turned out that Zhu Houzhao heard about a poetry meeting in Tingyuxuan, so he was dragged to Tingyuxuan.

As a dignified official, if anyone knew that I had come to a place like this, even if nothing happened, I would probably get a few stains on him.

Although it has been a legend since ancient times that talented people and beautiful women were charming and unrestrained. Since ancient times, talented people often liked to hang out in places where fireworks were played, and even took pride in them. However, Liu Jin, who came from a later generation, still felt that it was best not to go to such places.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the door of Ting Yuxuan, but were stopped by the waiter at the door.

"You two young masters, it's easy to get in. As long as you can pick a pair at random, guess the word puzzle, write a poem, draw a picture, etc., you can get in if you can do any of them.


The clerk looked at Zhu Houzhao and Liu Jin. Both of them were dressed like scholars and scholars. They had jade hairpins on their heads, jade belts and pendants around their waists, expensive watches on their wrists, and silk green shirts. This was absolutely appropriate.

The noble son of a wealthy family.

"Isn't it just a brothel? You still play with these frivolous things. It's not like we don't have money. Why aren't we allowed in?"

Next to them, many people who were stopped expressed their dissatisfaction extremely unhappily. All of these people were dressed in rich and noble clothes. Some even wore thick gold necklaces and several gold and jade rings on their hands.

The aura of a nouveau riche comes upon you.

Anyone who dares to come and listen to Yuxuan's consumption is naturally a wealthy person with no shortage of money.

I heard that there is a poetry club here in Tingyuxuan, and there is also some kind of beauty pageant and talent competition there. This makes many people feel itchy and come here because of it, wanting to go in and have a look.

But now I can't even get through the door, so naturally I am very angry.

"Everyone, everyone~"

"It's not that everyone is not allowed to enter, it's just that this time it's a poetry meeting, where friends are made friends through literature, and there are talented people who come from all over the world to take the exam. If you don't have some literary talent, it may be difficult to have fun after entering."

The waiter at the door was very arrogant. Although his words were very tactful, his meaning was very clear. It is better not to go in without some ink and make yourself look embarrassed. Otherwise, you will be the one to make a fool of yourself.

What's more, the people inside are all talented people. The future officials are not comparable to you, the nouveau riche with a little money.

Hearing what this guy said, these rich locals were very helpless. They could only watch the talented people coming in groups of three or five and enter easily with a little show of literary talent.

Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao naturally dealt with this little game very easily, and soon entered the Tingyuxuan.

Tingyuxuan covers a very large area, with many courtyards inside. The style is the style of Jiangnan gardens, which is very exquisite and tastefully decorated. You can see calligraphy and painting everywhere, as well as various exquisite pairs and some of the past.

The beautiful poems left by the talented scholars, etc.

It gives the impression that this place is filled with the atmosphere of talented scholars, without any of the rouge and powder atmosphere of a brothel. However, even the maids who serve people can be seen everywhere, all of them are well-dressed, and both in figure and appearance are extremely good.

This makes people full of infinite expectations and wild thoughts about the girls here.

Under the leadership of the maid, Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao also came to a large courtyard built with a lake. This courtyard covers a large area, with a large lake in the middle, and an island in the center of the lake.

There is an attic, which is decorated with gauze. When the breeze blows, the gauze is flying. You can see a beautiful woman playing the piano on the attic. Next to it, there are three or five talented people who are drinking, shaking their heads and listening to the music of the piano as if they are drunk.

Except for the attic on the island in the center of the lake, there are small pavilions all around the lake. There are also villas connected to the small pavilions. Next to each small pavilion, there are many talented people who seem to be thinking hard.

Those who thought of it happily walked to the next small pavilion. They didn't answer, but they could only go to the neighboring garden.

“You really know how to play!”

Seeing this scene, Liu Jin couldn't help but laugh.

Carefully counting the small pavilions surrounding the small lake, there are actually nine. This means that you have to pass nine levels before you can finally be qualified to listen to music in the attic on the island in the middle of the lake. See and listen to Yuxuan this year.

The one who came out became a famous courtesan.

Even these talented people who play this trick are the best from all over the world. However, in the end, there are probably only a few people who can go to the attic on the island in the center of the lake. Most of the talented people can only go to the nearby Bieyuan and Tingyuxuan.

Other girls have a heart-to-heart talk.

"It's boring~"

Zhu Houzhao on the side curled his lips and said when he saw the scene in front of him.

Although Zhu Houzhao is a prince, his literary talents are probably not as good as those of ordinary scholars. He wants to go to the attic on the island in the middle of the lake to listen to music and see the top talent of Tingyuxuan. It seems that he has no talent at all.


You must know that in this nine-path pavilion, there are not only the problems that Yuxuan told people to pay a lot of money to set up, but also the talented people who came to participate in this poetry meeting to set up problems for each other later.

You almost have to be proficient in everything, such as pairs, guessing puzzles, writing poems and poems, drawing and so on.

As a literati, you can play tricks on everything, be it a sly person or a famous person, but you really can't do it without some ink.

"These two people must be candidates for the East List~"

"It must be so. Everyone knows that the candidates in Dongbang don't have much ink in their stomachs. They only rely on the grace of the court to take the exam. If they were placed in our Jiangnan area, they might not even be able to pass the exam.


Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao stopped to move forward, which aroused a burst of contempt. Several talented people heard Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao's words and cast contemptuous glances. At the same time, they also concluded that Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao were candidates for the East List.

"What happened to the candidates on the East List?"

At this time, before Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao could answer, a group of people dressed up as talented people came over. After hearing the words of several Jiangnan talented people, they immediately became extremely angry.

When Liu Jin and Zhu Houzhao heard this, they quickly looked over and saw this group of talented people. Although each of them was wearing a long shirt and long sleeves, their appearance was very different from that of the Ming Dynasty people. Many of them knew at a glance that they were not Han people, but from China.

Talents from minority tribes in various parts of the Ming Dynasty. (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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