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Chapter 1485, building an ancestral hall in the winter of Daming

In the office of the Chief Minister of Nanyun Province in Xijicheng, Han Wenhua, the Chief Minister of Nanyun Province, was reading the latest Ming Dynasty Morning Post with a smile on his face.

"This boy really lived up to expectations. Although he is not the first-class player, he is still quite good as the first-class player. I will look forward to seeing you in the future!"

Han Wenhua looked at the news about the latest imperial examination reported in the Ming Dynasty Morning Post and touched his mustache with joy.

When Nanyun Province held the provincial examination last year, Han Wenhua couldn't help but marveled at Li Nanyun's article when he saw it. He felt that Li Nanyun would definitely fly into the sky in the future.

Sure enough, this year's high school Jinshi ranked first in the second class, which is a very high ranking. You must know that the current cabinet minister Li Dongyang was also the first in the second class, and the chief minister of the cabinet Liu Jian was only in the second class.

noun after.

Only Han Wenhua himself was in the second-level middle school during the imperial examination. He was incomparable to the second-level first place, and his starting point was much lower.

The first place in the second class can directly enter the Hanlin Academy to select Shujishi. Shujishi is a short-term position in the Hanlin Academy. They are close ministers of the emperor and are responsible for drafting edicts, explaining classics for the emperor, etc.

Simply put, this is a position that is close to the core of power, can be promoted quickly, and has a bright future.

Although Han Wenhua is now a feudal official, he is too far away from the emperor. It will not be so easy to be promoted in the future. Maybe he will be like this for the rest of his life. When he retires, it will be too high to be promoted to another level.

But for the position of Shujishi, as long as nothing unexpected happens, he can easily achieve the position of Minister of the Sixth Ministry or Minister of the Secretariat in the future. With good luck, it is also possible to join the cabinet like Li Dongyang in the future and become the chief minister.

"Sir, someone wants to see you~"

At this time, a servant came in and reported to Han Wenhua.

"Who is it?"

Han Wenhua put down the newspaper and asked.

"It's some local clan leaders, businessmen, etc. It seems that they want to ask everyone for some advice."

The servant quickly replied that there were no gentry in Nanyun Province. After all, it had only been under the rule of the Ming Dynasty for a few years, and the gentry class had not yet been formed. The original Georgian and Caucasian nobles were dispersed by the Ming army, so in

Here, the people who can represent the local indigenous people are some prominent figures such as patriarchs and businessmen.


When Han Wenhua heard this, he thought for a while and then gave the order.

Putting down the newspaper, Han Wenhua also came to the living room. He saw a dozen locals waiting patiently in the living room. Although these people had tall noses, deep eyes, blond hair and blue eyes, they were all wearing Ming Dynasty fashionable clothes.

The clothing, beards, hair, etc. are also the same as those in the Ming Dynasty, and even the hats on their heads are the same as those in the Ming Dynasty.

Li Ge and Wang Xinming were among them, waiting patiently for the Chief Envoy to receive him.

Soon, Han Wenhua, wearing a crimson robe, came to the living room. When everyone saw him, they all stood up and saluted.

"Master Han~"

"Master Han~"

"Hello everyone, hello everyone, please sit down, please sit down~"

Facing a smile, Han Wenhua took another look at the people present and quickly recognized several of them, all of whom were representatives of local Georgians and Caucasians.

In the past, when Han Wenhua needed the cooperation of local people for something, he would say hello and discuss it with them in advance, and there were also many people from Georgia and Caucasus in the yamen.

"Master Han~"

"I'm waiting to bother you once, mainly to inquire about the construction of the ancestral hall and the ancestral temple. You must also know about Li Nanyun High School's first place in the second class."

"When the news came back, our entire Nanyun Province was very happy and excited."

"We have also consulted teachers from private schools and some bosses from chambers of commerce, and we know that according to the rules of our Ming Dynasty, if there is a high school scholar in this place, he must build an ancestral hall, temple, etc."

"Our Nanyun Province has always been a barbaric land and does not know our Chinese culture and etiquette. It has not been long since the Ming Dynasty was newly added to our country. We do not know much about all aspects of things, even the ancestral halls and temples dedicated to our ancestors.


"This time, Li Nanyun High School, we also want to take this opportunity to build ancestral halls and temples, learn our Chinese etiquette, wear our Chinese clothes, and establish our Chinese heritage!"

"But we don't know much about some things in this area, so we came together to ask Mr. Han for advice!"

The leader of the old man is called Zhang Hong, formerly known as Tver. He is a Caucasian, and he is of the same clan as Li Nanyun. He speaks quite well about the Ming Dynasty, and has a lot of research on the Ming Dynasty culture. He actually thought of taking advantage of this time to go to Li Nanyun High School.

He called on everyone to build ancestral halls, temples, etc.

“We really need to build ancestral halls and temples~”

After Han Wenhua listened carefully, he nodded solemnly and said: "We Ming people respect heaven and ancestors. How can we do it without ancestral halls and temples."

"It is indeed a gratifying thing for Li Nanyun to be ranked first in the second grade of high school. It is also worthy of everyone getting together to discuss family matters."

"This ancestral hall has been used by each family name since ancient times."

"According to the rules of our Ming Dynasty people, if you want to build an ancestral hall, you must have a talented person. Li Nanyun has a bright future in the future. He is expected to become a general and become a prime minister. He has the qualifications to open a ancestral hall."

"This ancestral hall is not just a simple ancestral hall. It should be used as a connection and bond, and a family tree should be established based on bloodline, which should be revised regularly so that it can be passed down from generation to generation."

"But your situation is a bit special, because when we changed our surnames to Chinese names, everyone was a little messy, so the surnames were different. But in itself, you are actually a family with the same blood."

"So I think you can raise funds together to build a common ancestral hall and ancestral temple, worship ancestors regularly, and compile genealogy."

"As for how to build the ancestral hall, we must raise enough funds. The construction of the ancestral hall is related to the face of the people of the surname. Naturally, it must be built grandly and solemnly. In our country, the Ming Dynasty has strict requirements in all aspects."

"In addition, when building an ancestral hall, you need to choose a place with good Feng Shui, and you need to ask a professional Feng Shui master to select a precious site..."

Han Wenhua is naturally very clear about this matter. When he was a Jinshi in high school, when he returned to his hometown, his hometown held a grand and comprehensive activity of building ancestral halls and compiling genealogies, so he also informed Zhang Hong and Li in detail

Ge, Wang Xinming and others talked about some things that need to be paid attention to when building an ancestral hall.

Zhang Hong, Li Ge, Wang Xinming and others listened carefully, and someone specially recorded it in detail with pen and ink to make detailed preparations for the next construction of the ancestral hall.

"That's it~"

"Fortunately, I came here to ask Mr. Han for advice. Otherwise, if we tried to practice it without permission, we would probably be doing something unfair and trying to make people laugh."

After listening in detail, Zhang Hong and others immediately knew what was going on and sighed.

Building an ancestral hall is really not a simple and easy task. It not only requires raising a large amount of funds, but also has many requirements for the specification, style, orientation, etc. of the ancestral hall to be built. It cannot be built casually.

"Haha, you are very loyal to me, and I am very happy."

"If you still don't understand anything, or if you need my coordination or help, you can come to me at any time."

Han Wenhua was smiling all over his face. If this matter could be done well, it would be regarded as one of his political achievements.

As the chief envoy of Nanyun Province, one of his performance evaluations is to pay attention to the unity among the minority tribes, vigorously publicize and carry forward our Han culture, and make the minority tribes love our Ming Dynasty.

These local Georgians and Caucasians would think of building ancestral halls and ancestral temples, which is enough to show their identification with the Ming Dynasty, and it can also show that they are indeed doing well here, with outstanding political achievements and prospects for promotion.

"Well, you can actually build a Confucius temple?"

After pondering for a while, Han Wenhua thought about it and said again.

"Confucius Temple?"

Zhang Hong, Li Ge, Wang Xinming and others said with some confusion.

"Building a Confucian temple is a very honorable and serious matter. Generally speaking, only someone who wins the first prize in a place can build a Confucian temple. This is to encourage subsequent study and to study our Confucian scriptures seriously."

"Li Nanyun is ranked number one in the second division. Although he is not the number one pick, it is already quite rare."

"I will report this matter to the emperor and ask for permission to build the Confucius Temple."

Han Wenhua thought for a while and said.

For Confucian scholars like them, the Confucius Temple is undoubtedly a holy place.

The Confucius Temple cannot be built casually. The etiquette and laws are strict. If you want to build a Confucius Temple in a place, it also depends on whether your place has won the number one scholar in the country. Only places that have won the number one scholar can build a Confucius temple and people can pay homage to Confucius.

opportunities, and then be able to receive the protection of Confucius.

Everyone looked at Han Wenhua's extremely serious expression. After learning many things about Confucius and Confucianism from the Han population, they immediately understood that if Confucius and Mencius could be built, it would undoubtedly be a great thing for Xijicheng.

For the matter of getting promoted to Rongguang, I immediately thanked him profusely.

Soon, everyone left the government office and began to work on building ancestral halls and ancestral temples.

It didn't take long for the Georgians and Caucasians in the entire Nanyun Province to become excited. Regardless of whether they had money or not, almost every household began to donate money. In a short period of time, one hundred thousand taels of silver were raised.

Build ancestral halls and ancestral temples.

In the snow and ice, tens of thousands of Caucasians and Georgians braved the severe cold, carried stones, bricks, and wood to actively participate in the construction of ancestral halls and ancestral temples. They wanted to build Nanyun Province

The first ancestral hall and ancestral temple.

This chapter has been completed!
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