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Chapter 1489, Korean Fleet

After more than ten days of sailing, dozens of ships from the Four Seas Trading Company transporting the Persian Empire's army finally arrived in Nanzhou City, a large island in East Africa, and prepared to anchor here for two days.

Here, fresh water, food, vegetables and fruits are replenished, and routine maintenance of the ship is carried out.

The Cape of Storms at the southernmost tip of the African continent is an area that everyone is talking about now. The storms in this sea area are very fierce all year round. Every year, many ships have accidents in this sea area, so that even the most experienced captains are walking in this area.

Be extremely cautious when in the sea.

Sihai Trading Company attaches great importance to this order from the Persian Empire. Li Jing, the person in charge of the Indian Ocean region, personally follows the ship and is fully responsible for all aspects of affairs to ensure that the soldiers of the Persian Empire are transported to West Africa intact.

Nanzhou City is the largest city in South Africa. South African colonial trading companies have operated here for many years, and it is somewhat different from other colonies.

The South African colonial trading houses did not use any slaves and did not pay attention to plundering the resources of the colonies. At the same time, they expelled and killed the natives of the colonies and built colonies composed entirely of Han people.

Therefore, it attached great importance to its own development and built a large number of industries in the South African colony.

There are not only steel mills, textile mills, shipyards, glass factories, cement plants, salt drying plants and a series of relatively complete industries, but also two large shipyards have been built in the South African colony, which has initially taken shape.

Pretty good shipbuilding ability.

There is a shipyard here in Nanzhou City. It can not only build ships, but also perform maintenance on passing ships. Many ships that want to bypass South Africa will undergo maintenance here to check if there are any problems with the ships and improve safety.

properties to ensure that you can safely survive the stormy ocean area.

"Finally arrived at Nanzhou City~"

"Notice that everyone will have a good rest here for two days. All ships will be inspected and repaired. Fresh water, food, vegetables and fruits will all be replenished."

Li Jing looked at the busy Nanzhou City in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief and ordered to the people around him.


As soon as the clerks in his trading company heard this, they immediately began to convey Li Jing's order, and the entire fleet began to get busy.

"Mr. Li, if our 30,000-strong army rests here in Nanzhou City, will it make the people of the South African United Commercial Bank think..."

Next to Li Jing, this time Korbanda, the commander of the Persian Empire army, looked at the dozens of large ships around him, then looked at the Persian soldiers on board, and after thinking about it, he said with some worry.

But before he finished speaking, Li Jing said indifferently: "What do you think?"

"Do you think the people at the United Commercial Bank of South Africa will not allow you to rest here?"

"Or are they worried about your soldiers getting into trouble?"

"It's completely unnecessary. They will definitely be happy to allow you to rest here, and they won't worry at all about your soldiers daring to cause trouble here."

"I also advise your Excellency, General, to restrain your soldiers. If you really cause any trouble here, it will be really troublesome then."

"The people behind the South African United Trading Company are the real powers of our Ming Empire. If you anger them, let alone you, your entire Persian Empire may not have any good fruits to eat."


When Korbanda heard this, he immediately frowned.

To be honest, he was a little worried that the people here in Nanzhou City would not allow his soldiers to rest here. On the one hand, it was because he had a total of 30,000 soldiers under his command who were armed to the teeth, with enough ammunition, and no one could change them.

It is easy for so many armies from other countries to enter their own territory.

On the other hand, I am also worried that something will happen. Since ancient times, it is easy for things to happen where the army is stationed. Especially after a long sea voyage, these soldiers often change their temperaments and become irritable and explosive.


If something happens accidentally, it will be difficult to solve.

But who knew that Li Jing was so confident in the United Commercial Bank of South Africa that he even gave himself a warning.

"I will strictly order the soldiers under my command to abide by all the rules here~"

After pondering for a while, Korbanda issued the strictest order to his soldiers.

The Ming Dynasty people are indeed not easy to mess with, and the South African United Commercial Bank is even more difficult to mess with.

If something really happened, he, a great general, might be investigated by Ismaili I. Ismaili I would definitely kill him without hesitation to appease the anger of the Ming people.

Dozens of large ships slowly docked at the port of Nanzhou City. Just as Li Jing expected, the South African United Trading Company welcomed the arrival of the Persian Empire soldiers.

However, many strict requirements were also given. An area was set aside outside Nanzhou City for these Persian Empire soldiers to camp and rest for two days. They were not allowed to leave this area and affect the normal life of the people of Nanzhou City, otherwise

The colonial governor of South Africa will retain the power to take all necessary measures.

After giving the Persians a warning, the South African colonial governor-general did not even send supervisors, but directly sent a few petty officials to lead the Persian army to camp in the designated area.

As for Li Jing and Korbanda, they naturally found a restaurant near the sea as soon as possible, ordered a table of delicious food and wine, and enjoyed the scenery of Nanzhou City while tasting the food and getting ready.

After a good meal, go and have a good sleep.

"This Nanzhou City is really good. The city is neatly planned and dotted around. It looks very beautiful."

"And Nanzhou Port is also quite busy..."

Korbanda was tasting the food while looking at Nanzhou City in front of him. When he looked at the port, what he was about to say suddenly stopped and his eyes looked at the sea.

On the sea surface, between the water and the sky, you can suddenly see dozens of large ships heading towards Nanzhou Port. These dozens of large ships are all very large, and they are no worse than the ships of Shishi Trading Company.

Dozens of large ships, majestic and majestic, like giant ships, with astonishing momentum, as if thousands of troops are galloping on the sea, and you can even clearly see the neatly arranged cannon holes on both sides of the ship.

These dozens of large ships are all warships, not ordinary merchant ships.

"This is~"

Korbanda looked at the dozens of large ships on the sea, and his whole body suddenly became energetic.

"It's a Korean warship. There's nothing to worry about."

Li Jing picked up the telescope and looked over. When he saw the Korean flag hanging on the ship, he immediately said with relief.

"A Korean warship?"

"What are their warships doing here?"

Korbanda suddenly became nervous.

The Persian Empire spent such a huge price to transport tens of thousands of people to West Africa this time. It was definitely not for a vacation, but to rob the West African colonies.

The North Korean fleet in front of us seems to be heading to West Africa. It may become its competitor or even its enemy in the future.

"What else can I do, of course, to take revenge and vent my hatred."

"North Korea's Yanshan City in West Africa was attacked by pirates and suffered heavy losses. In addition, Spain and Japan were also deliberately compressing and squeezing out Korea's colonies."

"How could they not express anything? They just didn't expect that North Korea would really take action this time. Dozens of large ships. It is estimated that North Korea's navy has been dispatched. This is the rhythm of chasing those pirates to the ends of the earth.


Li Jing said jokingly, with the mentality of just watching the excitement and not taking too much into account.

"That's it~"

"It seems that their goals are similar to ours. Maybe we can still cooperate."

After Korbanda heard this, he immediately said thoughtfully.

"Haha, if you want to cooperate with the North Koreans, I can help you connect them. I know many friends in North Korea, many of whom are important ministers of North Korea. There will definitely be no problem in helping you connect."

When Li Jing heard this, he immediately laughed happily.

Things are getting really lively here in West Africa right now.

There are pirates everywhere, greedy Spaniards and Japanese, and Koreans and Persians who are as angry as bulls.

It is estimated that when the Persian Empire's army and the Korean army arrive in West Africa, various wars will soon start.

The Persians and Koreans will not give up so easily.

Sending such a huge army to distant West Africa must be a big move, and they will never be satisfied without ruthlessly robbing enough meat.

As for West Africa, Spain and the Ming Dynasty currently have the most colonies. No one dares to touch the Ming Dynasty's colonies, but that may not be the case for Spain.

The key point is that the Spaniards themselves did not follow martial ethics. They first attacked the colonies of the Portuguese and Persians, and then suppressed the Koreans. This made the Koreans quite unconvinced.

North Korea, which considers itself to be the second largest country in the world, will not die like this, not to mention the huge profits from its overseas colonies, and everyone wants to acquire more colonies.

West Africa is known as the Gold Coast and the Ivory Coast. It is rich in gold, silver, ivory, diamonds, and there are also a large number of Kunlun slaves. Any colonial settlement cannot bring in more than a million taels of silver a year.

Fat, who doesn’t want to have more of it?

"Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Li. We in the Persian Empire will definitely thank you very much afterwards."

When Korbanda heard this, his eyes lit up and he immediately said with a smile.

"Haha, wrap it up on me~"

Li Jing smiled, then looked at the North Korean fleet heading towards Nanzhou Port, and then ordered the people around him: "Go and find out who the leader of the North Korean fleet is."


When the people under my command heard this, they immediately understood and started to deal with the matter immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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