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Chapter 1515, where is the principle of heaven?

The Ming Dynasty is directly under the direct control of Nanjing, an ancient capital with a long history, but at this moment it has fallen into turmoil.

Like many cities in the Ming Dynasty, with the rapid development of capitalism and the colonial era, a large number of factories and workshops sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. A large number of people poured into the city, making this ancient city become congested.

A large number of new districts appeared outside the city walls.

The same is true for Nanjing. Thanks to its superior geographical location, it is located in the hinterland of the prosperous and prosperous south of the Yangtze River. The Yangtze River runs through Huguang, Jiangxi and other places, and can also connect to the sea.

Nanjing has also experienced extremely rapid development in recent years. Although it is not as good as Tianjin and Beijing, it is also the third largest city in the Ming Dynasty. Outside the original old city, a large area of ​​​​new areas has appeared around it, with many high-rise buildings and dense factories.

"Give me my wages, give me my wages~"

On a spacious cement road, a large number of workers gathered together in the severe cold and kept roaring.

Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, according to the rules of previous years, the workers have worked hard for a year, and the factories and workshops should pay off all their wages for this year at once, and let the workers take their money with them.

With your hard-earned wages, you can go home happily to celebrate the New Year.

However, now, there are actually a large number of factories in Nanjing that not only refuse to pay workers' wages for this year, but even require workers not to go home for the New Year and must continue working in the factory until next year.

Only then can you get this year’s salary.

This moment was like a fuse, igniting a tinderbox. The workers in the factory exploded in an instant. A large number of workers gathered together and asked the owner of the factory to give an explanation and give the workers the wages they had worked hard for a year.

Send it on.

At the gate of the Jinling Cement Factory, many workers were kicked out. The workers' bags, clothes, etc. were randomly thrown all over the floor, all at the gate.

At the factory gate, dozens of hooligans armed with sticks, arrows, and guns looked contemptuously at the workers making trouble outside the factory.

"I'm going to put my words here today. If you want money, get out of here, or your legs will be broken."

"If you want to continue working in the factory and get paid, go back to work honestly now. When the Chinese New Year comes next year, the employer will give you the money together."

Scar gently waved the stick in his hand and looked at the workers in front of him arrogantly, like a wolf looking at a flock of sheep. Even though there were many people on the other side, he was not afraid at all.

He specializes in doing this kind of thing. He doesn't understand these troublemaking workers very well. As long as the leader is dealt with, the others are just like sheep. They will either continue to go back to work in the factory, or just pack up their bags.

If you leave, you will save a year's worth of hard work.

"Give us our wages. We have worked hard for the factory for a year, but in the end we can't get a penny. We can't justify it anywhere, right?"

Ding Laosan looked at the scar in front of him, and then at the ferocious gangster behind him. He was an honest man and pretended to be brave enough to step forward to argue.


"The factory provides you with food, shelter, and clothes. Where can you find a good employer? Was there any good employer in the past?"

"The boss is just in a bit of trouble right now and can't turn over funds. Can't you guys be considerate?"

"Isn't it okay to continue working in the factory for another year and pay off two years of wages at once this time next year?"

"If you must gather here to make trouble, if you continue to make trouble, I will break each of your legs, and then let the officials arrest you all, and exile you to the Winter City. You will be cold to death."

Scar came to Ding Laosan with a stick, put the stick in his hand on Ding Laosan's shoulder, and threatened him fiercely.

"I want my wages now. Next year, who knows whether it will be delayed the year after next year."

Ding Laosan said tremblingly.

"Give you some face, you can die without shame."

When Scar heard this, he immediately became angry and hit Ding Laosan's leg hard with the stick in his hand.


Ding Laosan immediately let out a painful scream and fell to the ground.

However, Scar seemed to be preparing to scare the monkeys. Ding Laosan fell to the ground and did not let go. The stick in his hand continued to hit Ding Laosan hard.

"I want money, do I want your money~"

"I don't care what kind of shit I am. If I can feed you and give you a place to live, that's good. I have the nerve to ask for money."

"If you break these dog legs, I won't call you Scar."

He was beaten as hard as a scar and yelled at the same time.

Many workers nearby looked at this scene and immediately stepped back unconsciously. They were all too frightened to speak.


Only Ding Laosan was left at the scene, screaming miserably, his legs were broken, and his whole body was in great pain.


The beating had beaten Ding Laosan almost to death, but Scar still couldn't breathe, so he spat a mouthful of thick phlegm onto Ding Laosan's head.

"Who else wants wages? Come forward!"

Scar was holding a stick with bright red blood on it, and he shouted to the workers who were half-dead with fear.


"This is clearly trying to drive us to death. They won't give us wages, and they will beat us half to death."

"If we regress today, we will let these people bully us from now on."

Looking at Ding Laosan dying on the ground, Li Hu, who is from the same hometown as Ding Laosan, stood up and shouted, this Li Hu is tall and strong. Ding Laosan brought him here when he came to work in the factory. Ding Laosan

Three has always been good to him.

At this moment, he felt that he couldn't just watch Ding Laosan die here, and he had to stand up.

"Yes, yes~"

"There are more of us than them, so what are we afraid of?"

Next to him, Li Hu's fellow villagers also shouted.

"Give me my wages, give me my wages~"

Li Hu stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"Give me my wages, give me my wages~"

Li Hu's fellow villagers shouted after him, and the workers behind him also shouted out in unison when they saw someone taking the lead, and then walked forward.


"There are really people who are not afraid of death, give me a fight~"

When Scar saw it, he was not afraid at all. He picked up the stick and called Li Hu over.

As Scar shouted, the gangsters behind him also rushed forward, and all kinds of objects began to hit Li Hu, his fellow villagers, and the workers who rushed in front.

"Brothers, they are forcing us to die. They don't give us a way to survive. Let's fight with them~"

Li Hu's eyes were blood red. He was really bullying others. He hit Scar's body with his fist and shouted at the workers behind him.

"Fight them~"

Li Hu's fellow villagers also got up and started to fight back against these ruffians. When the workers behind him saw this, they also started fighting angrily.

The owner of the Jinling Cement Factory is a local gentry from Jinling. He has always been known for his evil intentions. The dormitories and food provided to the workers are extremely poor, but everyone tolerates these.

After all, we are here to make money, as long as we earn money, and everyone is miserable, they don't have to pay much attention to it. Just have a roof over their heads and food to eat.

But who knew that at the end of the year, the other party would not only refuse to pay wages, but also hire these gangsters to beat the workers, hoping to use this method to deprive everyone of their wages, and then continue to deceive everyone into giving money to the factory and continue working for nothing. Year.

The anger in their hearts was instantly ignited, and the angry workers turned from sheep into angry bulls.

Although dozens of local gangsters had something to do, their number was too small. In the blink of an eye, they were all beaten to the ground by the angry workers. Scar, who was originally extremely arrogant, was already dying at this moment, and his face was extremely ugly after being beaten. , the same goes for other local hooligans, who suddenly became the target of angry crowds to vent their anger.

"Go to the factory director~"

Li Hu, who was wearing a lot of glory, rushed into the factory with his people, and walked to the factory management with ease, preparing to have a good argument with the factory director.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Want to rebel?"

Arriving at the management office, factory director Zhang Rui looked at Li Hu and others and scolded them loudly.

"Director, we just want our wages. Give us the wages and we will leave immediately. If you don't give us the wages, we will demolish the factory if we enter."

Li Hu looked at Zhang Rui in front of him. This Zhang Rui had always been very harsh on workers. He not only deliberately extended everyone's working hours every day, but also immediately deducted heavy penalties from workers' wages whenever they made the slightest mistake, and even made some people sick. If you can't work, your wages will be deducted, and the penalty will be very severe. If you don't work for one day, half a month's wages will be deducted.

"We just want our wages."

Li Hu was frightened by Zhang Rui's words and could only say:

"The factory has no money this year. If you want money, keep working for another year, or get out of here."

"If the trouble continues, believe it or not, I will report it to the officials immediately and arrest you all. Then one by one, the whole family will be punished for rebellion and the nine tribes will be exterminated. At the very least, they will be exiled to the Golden Continent."

Zhang Rui looked stern. He had long been accustomed to being aloof and harsh towards these workers, and had no intention of giving them a good look.

"Fuck you~"

"I just want my wages back. If this is considered a rebellion, then I will do it today. I will kill you, you piece of shit, first."

When Li Hu heard this, he became really angry. He stepped forward, grabbed Zhang Rui, and shouted to the people who were following him: "We will fight back today!"

"All of this is forced. It's not that we don't want to be ordinary people in peace and security, but it's forced by these ruthless people. We work hard, but in the end not only don't we get paid, but we also get beaten. It's God's justice. Where is it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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