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Chapter 1524, first rectify Jiangnan officialdom

"Don't they understand that the destiny of an individual is closely linked to the destiny of the country. Only when the country prospers can an individual live a good life, but when the country declines, even the gentry will not have a good life."

"Every time there is a change of dynasty and a year of famine and turmoil, even the wealthy gentry cannot escape the disaster."

"The Ming Dynasty is able to enjoy today's prosperous times, with a strong country and a prosperous people, which proves this point."

"In the past, the imperial treasury was empty, the border troops were trapped and their combat power was low. Every year the Tatars went south to plunder, the Japanese pirates were rampant along the southeast coast, the Jurchens in Liaodong dared to plunder our border people wantonly, and the chieftains in the southwest were capricious."

"The people in the country are struggling to survive. Even if there is a slight famine, the land will be full of hunger and death. They will exchange their children for food. They have to make a fortune for the country. The entire Ming Dynasty will eventually become rich like a bunch of moths like them."

"Countries are extremely wealthy, with countless amounts of gold and silver buried in the soil like lumps of iron. They are not satisfied with this, and even want to control the entire Ming Dynasty, but they have no intention of having a family, a country, and a world.

Just for my own selfish desires."

The more Wang Shouren talked, the more excited he became, and the more distressed he seemed.

"well said!"

Liu Jin clapped his hands and applauded.

I have to admire Wang Shouren for being such an outstanding person. He always sees things clearly and clearly, and he immediately exposed the faces of the gentry and wealthy families in Jiangnan.

They are just a group of moths who only know how to eat away at the entire country for their own benefit.

"Liu Jin, actually I admire you very much."

"Looking at what you have done over the years, even though you have run a huge industry for yourself, even though you are also as rich as the country."

"But there is an essential difference between you and them. While you are earning wealth, you have led more people to become rich. The wealth you have created has nourished the entire Ming Dynasty. You are not only rich for yourself, but also for the entire Ming Dynasty."


"Because of you, the Ming Dynasty has become stronger, sweeping across all directions, expanding its territory, and now has a vast territory. There are granaries in Liaodong, Hezhong, pastures and grasslands, the Western Regions and Central Asia, and gold mines.

Golden Continent, with Australia, there is also beautiful Nanyang,"

"Because of you, countless poor Ming people have been reborn. They have their own vast land and their own wealth."

"Because of you, our Ming Dynasty can truly stand proud of the world, take a broad view of the world, and build on the past and open up the future."

Wang Shouren looked at Liu Jin with admiration, he really admired Liu Jin.

"Haha, it's really an honor for me to be able to admire you, Lao Wang."

When Liu Jin heard this, he couldn't help laughing happily.

Who is Lao Wang? He is known as the last saint and the neighbor that everyone in future generations will fear.

Being able to impress Lao Wang is undoubtedly something to be proud of.

"Really, I didn't mean to flatter you."

Wang Shouren said very seriously.

"It's useless to flatter me. Let's talk about how to rectify Jiangnan first."

"You know what His Majesty means, tell me what you think."

Liu Jin stopped chatting with Lao Wang and returned the topic to Jiangnan.

"If you want to govern Jiangnan, the first thing you need to do is to sort out the officialdom in Jiangnan."

"This time around Nanjing, they calculated exactly what happened when I left Nanjing. The officials who stayed in Nanjing are inextricably linked to them."

"Even though I am the chief envoy of Nanzhili, I am often restricted by the officials below. If anything happens, they will know it as soon as possible."

"If we don't severely rectify Jiangnan's officialdom, there will be no secrets in our actions, and they will be able to deal with us easily."

"It was originally a very small matter. As long as the officials in Nanjing at that time provided justice to these workers, asked the factory owners to pay the money, and then imprisoned the gangsters, the matter would not have become a big deal."

"But these officials and those people were in the same group, and they worked together to help others do harm, which led to unrest among hundreds of thousands of workers and almost turned into a catastrophe."

“These officials cannot escape their culpability!”

Wang Shouren replied without thinking.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you~"

Liu Jin nodded, thought for a moment and said, "It's okay to change the entire Jiangnan officialdom."

"Everything else is easy to handle, but the Nanjing Sixth Department is not so easy to handle. Many people's official positions and grades are much higher than mine, and they are on the same level as you."

"And I don't know how many disciples and former officials there are. It can be said that they are spread throughout the Ming Dynasty officialdom. I'm afraid there will be huge pressure to suppress them."

Wang Shouren nodded, and then said awkwardly.

"I will bear the pressure. If I can't bear it anymore, Your Majesty is here, so feel free to go ahead and do it."

"Those who should be dismissed from office, those who should be dismissed from office, those who should be killed, and those who should be exiled, the scholars in Jiangnan have already sorted it out several times, and now they can no longer afford to spend any money."

Liu Jin said very confidently that in the past, Jiangnan Shilin's power was very strong, but after several blows, Jiangnan's power in the court was greatly weakened.

"With your words, I feel relieved~"

Wang Shouren immediately laughed. Thinking about it carefully, Liu Jin has been impeached and criticized by many people for what he has been doing, but he has been able to be fine all the time, not because Emperor Hongzhi behind him has always been full of support, trust and trust.

He's holding on to it, and you just have to go ahead and do it.

In the residence of the Chief Envoy of Southern Zhili, many officials from the various state offices and yamen of Southern Zhili had arrived at this moment, with imperceptible dissatisfaction and a trace of uneasiness and fear on everyone's face.

"This is the time to celebrate the New Year, and I'm on annual leave. I don't know why the chief envoy summoned us here."

Jiangnan River Censor Luo Xi said to his colleagues with some dissatisfaction.spanstyle>谷/spanstyle>

It's a rare annual leave that happens once a year. Officials like them can also take a good rest. Even though they don't have much to do in normal times, this kind of legitimate rest is naturally liked by everyone.

Luo Xi was originally drunk on a flower boat on the Qinhuai River. He had been preparing to spend time on the flower boat for several years, but now he was brought into this cold yamen by Wang Shouren's order, and he was very unhappy.

Although Luo Xi, who is in charge of the river, is not of high rank, he is a real man. The entire lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the southern section of the canal are under his jurisdiction, as well as the ports and docks of Nanjing, Songhu and other cities along the river.

It also falls under his jurisdiction.

Judging from the current level of development of shipping in the Ming Dynasty, the interests involved are huge. Even if he, the river censor, lives on a flower boat that costs money like water all year round, he does not need to spend a penny.

Naturally, someone packaged it for him and also gave him money.

"Yes, this is a great Chinese New Year. It's not a good Chinese New Year, so I have to summon everyone here at this time."

Li Zhixue, the prefect of Suzhou Prefecture on the side, also said that for this matter, he rode over from Suzhou in a hurry. It was so cold in the winter that he had runny nose.

"It's not just about this matter in Nanjing."

"This matter has already passed. Just do whatever you have to do. If you have to call everyone over, do whatever you have to do."

"Yes, yes, everything has calmed down. There is no need to continue the quarrel."

"This matter is so big that even the emperor is furious. How can it be over so easily? A few people will have to be taken out as scapegoats."

Everyone was talking to each other, but only Yin Zhouwei of Yingtian Mansion remained silent at this moment.

When such a huge thing happened in Nanjing, he could not escape his responsibilities as a governor. Of course, he was also one of the accomplices. When some workers came to complain, it was he who had these workers beaten back.

Now things did not develop as originally expected. Wang Shouren cooperated directly with the local garrison and forcefully arrested Zhang Yuanting, Zeng Qing, Jiang Cheng and others. He quickly came up with enough money to pay these workers and calmed down the storm.

Moreover, there has been no follow-up from the court. It was originally said that even if Wang Shouren could settle the matter, Wu Shamao would definitely not be able to keep it, and he, the governor, could easily shirk the responsibility.

But now, Wang Shouren has not been punished in any way, even though news has come from the capital that the memorials to impeach Wang Shouren can fill Emperor Hongzhi's study room.

But Emperor Hongzhi had no intention of convicting Wang Shouren, and seemed to leave full power to Liu Jin. Now it was over, and Wang Shouren would definitely be the first to take action on himself.

Although Zhou Wei is a senior official of the third rank, Wang Shouren is one level higher than him and has no right to deal with him. However, there is Liu Jin above him, and he also has the privilege of beheading first and then reporting.


Other officials were complaining about coming to the meeting during this Chinese New Year, but he, the governor, was living like a year, suffering all the time, waiting for his fate.

Everyone didn't wait too long. Liu Jin and Wang Shouren, dressed in crimson robes, walked over with cold expressions.

"Liu Gong, Wang Gong~"

Seeing Liu Jin and Wang Shouren, everyone quickly shouted in unison.

"Everyone, sit down~"

Liu Jin looked around with a cold face. Everyone was here. Even people from the farthest state capital rushed over at night. Many people could still see the wind and snow on their bodies, and their faces were so cold.


"Yingtian Mansion Yin Zhou Wei~"

When Liu Jin saw everyone sitting down, he immediately named one person.

"Ah~ I'm here~"

Hearing Liu Jin's words, the other party had just sat down and immediately stood up and said as if on conditioned reflex.

Liu Jin looked at the other party. He was already very old, over fifty years old. His hair and beard were starting to turn gray.

"The emperor has repeatedly issued orders, and the imperial court has also emphasized many times that during the Chinese New Year, local governments must ensure that factories, workshops, businesses, etc., pay workers' wages in full to ensure that workers can go home happily to celebrate the New Year."

"Hundreds of thousands of workers here in Nanjing were deliberately not paid their wages, and even hired gangsters to beat workers who asked for money. When workers reported to the government, not only did they not get justice from the government, but they were also beaten by government servants and officials.


"What do you, the Yin of Yingtian Mansion, do for food?"

"Where were you at that time?"

Liu Jin asked coldly.

"Xiaguan, Xiaguan had already taken a rest at that time and was preparing to go home to celebrate the New Year, so he didn't pay attention to this matter."

Zhou Wei replied tremblingly.

"Have you taken a break and are you ready to go home for the New Year?"


"I see you are planning to spend the New Year in prison."

"The person who came here is a vegetarian in response to the corpse of Zhou Wei, Yin of Tianfu. He neglected his duties and did nothing. He disrespected the emperor's will and the imperial court's instructions and ignored the life and death of the people."

"Take off his official hat, take off his official uniform, throw him into prison, and await trial!"

Liu Jin snorted coldly, listed his sins, and dismissed him directly for investigation.


"Liu Jin, after all, I am also a dignified official of the third rank. Even if you are the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, you have no right to deal with me directly."

After hearing Liu Jin's words, Zhou Wei immediately shouted excitedly.

"This time I came to Nanjing with the emperor's order. I have the right to kill you first and then report later. Do you believe that I will kill you now?"

Liu Jin's eyes were like torches and he said calmly.

After hearing this, Zhou Wei was immediately discouraged, and the other officials did not dare to express their anger.

This chapter has been completed!
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