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Chapter 1570, Daming School of Architecture and Engineering

In the study room, Emperor Hongzhi looked at the important ministers in front of him and said, "What do you think of the Yangtze River Bridge?"

In the morning meeting just now, the ministers were arguing endlessly about whether to build the Yangtze River Bridge. Those who advocated the construction also had their reasons.

The natural chasm of the Yangtze River has seriously hindered the communication between the north and the south of the Yangtze River. The construction of the Yangtze River Bridge to connect the north and the south will be very helpful in promoting communication between the north and the south. And now the railway has been built to Nanjing. If you want to continue to build it south, you must

A bridge is to be built.

Ministers who oppose the construction of the Yangtze River Bridge think that the risk is too great. Building a bridge on the Yangtze River is not a small river, but a creek. The river surface is very wide and the water is rolling. It is very difficult to build a bridge on it, and the construction is extremely difficult.

Not appropriate.

Moreover, the investment in this bridge is huge, requiring 50 million taels of silver. It can definitely be regarded as the project of the century. You must know that the total investment of the Egyptian Canal, which is about to be opened to navigation, is only 20 million taels of silver. However, building this bridge costs 50 million taels of silver.

Ten million taels of silver, this is simply using silver to build a bridge.

It would be fine if this bridge could be built, but if it cannot be built, or if it collapses soon after it is built, such a huge amount of wealth will be wasted.

Many ministers in the DPRK and China objected, feeling that the risk was too great and that there were too many technical difficulties that were difficult to overcome.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the risk of building this bridge is too great. The Yangtze River is naturally dangerous, the water is deep and fast, and the river is very wide. Building this bridge is unprecedented."

"Besides, the funds required are really huge, fifty million taels of silver, which is a huge investment."

Liu Jian was the first to stand up. He opposed the construction of the bridge and felt that the risk was too high and the investment was too high.

"Your Majesty, what Liu Gong said is true. The Yangtze River is naturally dangerous and cannot be overcome by human power. The risk of building the Yangtze River Bridge is too great. It is a good thing that it succeeded. Once it fails, it will probably be infamy for thousands of years."

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it is available on both Android and Apple.]

Li Dongyang also followed suit.

Both of them have reservations about building the Yangtze River Bridge. This does not contain any partisan views. They simply think that this investment is high, the risk is high, and it is difficult to build.

"Your Majesty, although it is unprecedented to build a bridge on the Yangtze River, it does not mean that we cannot really build a bridge on it. It is precisely because no one has ever built a bridge on it before, so we should make history.

First of all."

"Of course, it doesn't matter whether we can build it or not, because we don't know how to build bridges, and we don't know how to build bridges. In this regard, I think we should listen more to those who know how to build and repair bridges.

Let me tell you, it would be best to send an inspection team to the Yangtze River to conduct detailed inspections and demonstrations, and conduct relevant experiments, so that we can get accurate answers."

"If we have the technology to build this bridge, then we should have the courage to create a new era. Although the investment is large, it will be beneficial to the country and the people. It will benefit the present and future generations."

"Of course, if it is indeed impossible to build this bridge, then we should proceed with caution and leave this matter to future generations."

Liu Jin thought for a while and then stood up and expressed his opinion.

Whether it can be repaired or not is not up to everyone, because none of us are bridge builders and do not understand the technology of bridge building. Let alone the Yangtze River, if we are asked to repair any river, we will not know how to repair it.

This matter still needs to be done professionally by professionals.

After hearing Liu Jin's words, everyone nodded slightly.

What Liu Jin said is very reasonable. When it comes to things like building bridges, building roads, and digging tunnels, whether everyone really has the final say or not, we still have to let professionals do the talking.

"A craftsman from the recruitment department is here to ask?"

Zhang Mao thought for a while and said.

"No, we should go to Daming College of Architectural Engineering to take a walk, have a look, chat with the professors of the School of Architectural Engineering, ask questions, and listen to their opinions."

"The craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry, their bridge-building technology is far inferior to that of the School of Construction Engineering. Nowadays, most of the construction of highways and railways in our country are completed by professors and students from the School of Construction Engineering."

Liu Jin shook his head and suggested.

It cannot be said that the skills of the craftsmen in the Ministry of Industry are really bad, but most of the skills of these craftsmen in the Ministry of Industry are passed down from their ancestors, although there are many exquisite skills.

But in terms of innovation, it is far inferior to many colleges established by Liu Jin.

The many colleges founded by Liu Jin were based on the higher education of later generations, and the students they recruited were all students who had received systematic basic education.

What they studied was very broad. They had to study astronomy, geography, physics, chemistry and many other subjects. At the same time, they had to learn many traditional skills of the Ming Dynasty. The two combined each other, and this is how the Ming Dynasty's science and technology came to be.

With rapid progress, we can constantly develop a variety of new machines.

Building the Yangtze River Bridge is a systematic project. It is simply impossible to rely on traditional craftsmen to complete it. It still depends on people from the School of Architecture and Engineering.


Emperor Hongzhi nodded slightly. He also knew that these colleges under Liu Jin were powerful and could build railways. The construction of a railway was also an extremely complex project. It had always been completed by professors and students of the School of Architecture and Engineering.

"Go to the School of Architectural Engineering."

Daming College of Architecture and Engineering is located in Xincheng, South District of Beijing. It gathers together with Daming Royal Institute of Technology, Daming Institute of Technology, Daming Institute of Chemistry, Daming Institute of Mechanical Engineering and many other universities to form a huge university area.

Each college covers a large area, has huge investments, and has an extremely beautiful campus environment. It recruits a large number of students every year to continuously cultivate science and engineering talents for Ming Dynasty and promote Ming Dynasty's rapid development in the field of science and technology.

Emperor Hongzhi, Liu Jian, Li Dongyang, Liu Jin, and Zhang Mao arrived at Daming Construction Factory College in casual clothes. Walking on the beautiful campus, a large number of students could be seen everywhere holding books and studying seriously.

This period is completely different from later generations.

In later generations, many people don't care about studying at all, don't study hard, and even think that studying is useless. College students are working for primary school students and so on.

This period is different. Studying has always been an extremely luxurious thing. Only really wealthy families can provide education for their children, and ordinary families simply cannot afford it.

Furthermore, scholars enjoy a transcendent status in this era. Even a scholar has many privileges, which are far beyond what ordinary people can compare with.

Once you are admitted to the Juren Examination or the High School Jinshi, you will really soar to the sky, become a farmhouse minister in the morning, and ascend to the Emperor's Hall in the evening. You will be extremely noble.

Everyone also admires scholars quite a lot. No one would say that studying is useless, and it is impossible for a scholar to do a job for a poor person.

Therefore, Liu Jin founded a new school to provide ordinary poor children with the opportunity to study. Whether it is these children, their parents, or people around them, everyone will tell you to study hard and cherish the opportunity.

If you don't study hard, the teacher's ruler at school will tell you what it means to be strict. When you get home, your parents' mixed doubles will tell you what it means to hate iron but not become steel.

If you are naughty and make trouble again, the school will expel you directly. If you don't want to study, just leave early. Don't waste resources and time.

Therefore, students during this period study extremely hard. Everyone is studying hard, cherishing this rare opportunity, and not daring to slack off.

Not only because the opportunity to study is rare, the school has strict requirements, and the parents' hopes are placed on them at home, but also because after studying well, they can indeed have a good future.

The new type of education run by Liu Jin only has three levels: primary schools, middle schools and colleges and universities. If you do not get good results in the middle school graduation examination, you will not be able to enter one of the many colleges and universities founded by Liu Jin.

If you want to continue your studies, you can only go out to work.

Generally, they are only teenagers when they come out of middle school to work. However, they are literate, can do arithmetic, and know a lot of basic common sense, so they are very popular in many factories, workshops, and businesses.

After being recruited, they first study with the master for two years. By the time they are about 20 years old, they are basically able to stand alone and become the mainstay of factories, workshops, trading houses, etc.

The really powerful ones are the students who were able to get into colleges and universities. In this era without exam-oriented education, they got into colleges and universities purely by relying on their talents. It can be said that they are all geniuses.

In this institution of higher learning, they continue to study, and at the same time they also shoulder the mission of research, studying science and technology. Generally, when they come out, they are basically robbed by big commercial banks, big factories, colleges and universities, research institutions, etc.

Go ahead. As soon as you graduate, you can basically get a very good job and salary, so you absolutely don’t have to worry about life.

Especially the students of Daming College of Architectural Engineering, because they specialize in construction factories. Nowadays, Daming is engaged in infrastructure construction, and the city is developing extremely rapidly. There is a strong demand for professionals like them in construction factories.

When you build a house, you need people like them to design and check it. After all, the buildings now have several floors, and they are not the mud houses of the past.

You need them when you build roads and bridges. Without them, it would be impossible to build your roads and bridges well. With professional talents like them, you can not only build better roads and bridges, but also save a lot of money.

The need for them is so great that students from the School of Architecture often receive many invitations before they graduate, and each one is offered better treatment than the other.

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