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Chapter 1587, completely tearing the skin

The news that Marseille had been sacked spread quickly throughout Europe as if it had wings. Suddenly, European countries were in panic, and many coastal ports and cities were as silent as cicadas and put on tight defensive measures.

Who would have thought that pirates would be so powerful that they could plunder a large city guarded by thousands of people and with a population of hundreds of thousands.

A city of Marseille's level is considered a big city in Europe. It was completely looted, let alone other cities.

The shadow of pirates suddenly hung over Europeans.

King Louis XII of France was extremely angry and declared that they would investigate the matter thoroughly and all pirates would be drowned in the sea.

For this reason, France also started a fight on the border with Spain. It bluntly stated that it had discovered that pirates had entered Spain and wanted to capture the pirates in Spain.

It’s just that Spain is not someone to be trifled with. Spain is now at its peak and considers itself to be the big brother of Europe. It has a strong navy and army. How can it allow the French to do such nonsense?

Not only did the French not take any advantage, they were also beaten severely by the Spanish army, and they were beaten to pieces. The two sides also started fighting one after another in the border area. Although the scale was small, it still caused the death of thousands of people.

The casualties also brought the relationship between France and Spain to a freezing point.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the French are obviously looking for trouble in Spain, and what happened in Marseille is undoubtedly the work of the Spaniards.

France alone is no match for the Spaniards. The French have not taken any advantage in the several border troubles.

The Spanish army, which has a good relationship with the Ming Dynasty and is also very wealthy, is armed with a large number of Miyun Type 16 muskets and Miyun cannons imported from the Ming Dynasty. The muskets in the hands of the French army are all self-made, and the gap is huge.

Can't take advantage of anything.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Marseille seemed to have evaporated from the world. There was no news about them anymore. Only occasional news came back from the far east. They seemed to have been trafficked to the Nanyang plantations of the Ming Dynasty and came to Wenwen.

In the tropics, sugar cane was grown.

Amidst the anger and helplessness of the French people, it seemed that this was how it would be introduced.

However, when on the Egyptian side, the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire broke out again in the Mesopotamia, fighting for the ownership of the Mesopotamia, the Egyptians and the Spaniards fought again in Alexandria. The angry Cansu II even directly

Declared war on Spain.

Compared with these things, things in Marseille seem to suddenly become not so important, and will soon be gradually forgotten.

However, the Spanish and Japanese people had no intention of stopping.

The sacking of Marseille gave the Spaniards and Japanese a complete taste of the sweetness.

Just hundreds of thousands of people were sold as slaves to the Ming Dynasty, and they obtained nearly three million taels of silver from them. In addition to the massive amount of goods looted from Marseille, a large amount of gold and silver treasures, etc., it was only

By sacking Marseille, they gained a huge wealth of nearly tens of millions.

And the cost paid for this is almost negligible. This kind of capital-free business makes money so fast. Whoever does it knows who does it, and whoever does it becomes addicted.

You can rob all the wealth that others have worked hard to accumulate in one fell swoop. You can even sell people as slaves. This business is simply not too high-spirited.

With the successful experience of Marseille, in less than half a month, the Spaniards and the Japanese started trouble again, this time against Brighton in England.

Compared to Marseille, Brighton has a smaller population, only tens of thousands of people, and because it is located in Western Europe, it is far less wealthy than the port of Marseille on the Mediterranean.

But it was relatively easier to loot. It was still the same tactic. Send some ships to lurk in in advance, and then arrive before it gets too late. When it gets light, they would close the door and catch the cattle and sheep.

Almost overnight, Brighton, with tens of thousands of people, was completely looted. Just like Marseille, not even a chicken was left.

After Marseille, Brighton and Henry VII of England were as furious as Louis XII. After some investigation, everything pointed to the Spaniards and the Japanese who came from the far east.

These Japanese people are very good at hiding. They have a kind of ninja that has been strictly trained. They are very powerful. They can sneak in quietly and assassinate you.

Brighton was heavily guarded, but it was still completely looted without a sound. Tens of thousands of people were never heard from, and no one knew they had been trafficked to that corner of the world.

The angry Henry VII led the newly trained army to surround the Spanish colonies in England. He wanted to capture the pirates if any pirates entered them.

The excuse is still the same as the French, they want to vent and express their anger, but the Spaniards blame the matter on the pirates, and they blame it completely, threatening that as long as there are pirates, the Spaniards will drown them in the sea.

, will never tolerate it.

The angry Englishman was helpless and gritted his teeth in anger.

Marseille and Bled were sacked by pirates one after another. The French and English were extremely angry. On the one hand, they began to cause trouble for Spain on the front. On the other hand, the Pirate Alliance also began to launch a counterattack.

In the past, the pirate alliance only targeted Spanish overseas colonies and treasure ships. However, now that the Spaniards do not care about martial ethics, they have also begun to attack cities and ports along the coast of Spain.

Sometimes pirates even stared directly at these ports. As long as a ship came out, they would kill them without hesitation. They would wait until the Spanish warships came out and then escape immediately.

Suddenly, from the Mediterranean to the coast of Western Europe, from West Africa to North Africa, pirates were rampant everywhere. From time to time, there would be news that a certain place had been looted by pirates. The entire Western Europe region was suddenly panicked, and the shadow of pirates was deep.

Deeply shrouded.

Spain has always regarded itself as the big brother of Europe, so naturally it is impossible for it to just swallow its anger.

The Pirate Alliance kept looking for trouble for Spain, and Spain responded unceremoniously. Soon, after Brighton, Portugal's Porto, and the Netherlands were all attacked and plundered by pirates.

At the same time, outside the major ports of England, Portugal, France, the Netherlands and other countries and regions, there were also a large number of Spanish warships disguised as pirates. As soon as they saw ships from these countries coming out, they would immediately rob them.

The back-and-forth between the two sides was almost completely broken. Later, they didn't even bother to raise the pirate flag, and just started doing these things with their own flags.

At the same time, there were constant frictions between the two sides on land. On the border between France and Spain, the French sent troops to try to take back Bordeaux, which was taken away by Spain, but they ended in failure.

Portugal also tried to send troops to take back the areas robbed by Spain. To this end, a large-scale war broke out. With the support of the local Portuguese, they actually succeeded in taking back the areas.

However, they were soon suppressed by the Spanish army. Under the attack of artillery and muskets, the Spaniards quickly recaptured these areas.:.

Henry VII of England tried to take back Hampshire ceded to Spain, but was beaten back by the well-prepared Spaniards.

At the same time overseas, the French seized Accra, the important Spanish colony in North Africa, in retaliation for Spain. Portugal took the opportunity to seize the most important Cape Verde Islands in West Africa, trying to control the route from West Africa to Europe in order to loot Spain.

treasure-carrying ships, and at the same time combat the rampant plundering behavior of the Japanese in Western Europe.

For a moment, both sides were originally doing these shameful things under the guise of pirates, but now they were clearly at odds with each other.

From the coastal areas of Europe to the colonies in West Africa and North Africa, from the land to the seas everywhere, the two sides were going back and forth, the smoke was filled, the swords were tense, and a war was constantly brewing.

Both sides are accumulating strength and preparing to deal a fatal blow to the other side. They have reached this point, and the third Western European War has reached the point where it is inevitable.

Even Italy, the Holy Roman Empire, and the countries in the Nordic region are also involved. In addition, North Korea and Persia in West Africa, as well as Egypt and the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East, all of a sudden, a world war is on the horizon.

It's brewing, and the storm is raging! We provide you with the fastest update of Ming Zhenhai King, Chapter 1587, completely tearing up the face and reading it for free.:.

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