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Chapter 1595, the life of Daming people

Simon looked at the world map. On the map, the vast territory of the Ming Empire occupies almost half of the map. In addition to the Ming vassals, colonies, etc., the entire world only consists of Europe, and the Middle East is no longer the territory of the Ming people.

It is hard for you to believe that in such an era, the Ming people have already established such a huge territory, but what about their Jews?

The world is so big that there is no land for the Jews. There is no land that truly belongs to the Jews. They can only live in the shelter of others and live in exile.

"I want to live here for a while and feel everything here."

Simon thought for a while and said.

"You really should live here for a while, look around and walk around. Maybe it will inspire you."

"Actually, I suggest that all Jews in Europe come to Ningguo."

"The people of Ming Dynasty are inclusive and open to all rivers. They can accommodate us Jews. Here we will not be excluded or treated differently, and we can live a peaceful life."

Brown agreed with Simon's idea.

Before I came to Ningguo, my knowledge of the Ming Dynasty was only limited to the Eastern Empire described in Marco Polo's travel notes, plus the many legends about the Ming Dynasty that I had heard in Europe over the years.

The people of the Ming Dynasty are extremely wealthy. They eat with porcelain, everyone wears silk, and there is even gold everywhere. My country is extremely wealthy.

The Ming Dynasty was so powerful that they swept across all directions. They defeated the Ottoman Empire and had to cede territory to pay indemnity. They owed the humiliating Erzinjan City Agreement. On the European side, they punched Portugal, kicked England, and beat France, forcing England to cede territory and pay indemnity.


In addition, the revenge fund set up by the Ming people is also very famous in Europe and the Middle East. Almost everyone knows that you can mess with anyone, but don't mess with the Ming people, otherwise the Ming people will kill you with money.


Therefore, in the inherent impression, the Ming people were powerful, domineering, and wealthy. After they actually came to Ningguo, they had been in contact with the Ming people for a long time.

He slowly discovered that the people of Ming Dynasty were not only extremely rich materially, but also spiritually. They had a long history, splendid culture, strong self-confidence and national pride, and their language and writing were full of wisdom.

, Tang poetry and Song lyrics are exquisite.

The people of the Ming Dynasty are not as domineering as imagined, but are very gentle. They always pay attention to being kind to others and value peace. Their culture is open to all rivers, tolerance is great, and it is extremely tolerant.

Every Ming Dynasty person is like a noble, a humble gentleman, gentle and elegant.

Brown has a deep understanding of this and feels that Simon should really walk around, take a look, and feel every bit of this huge empire.

"Then I will bother you a lot from now on."

Simon nodded and said.

"It's okay. I also hope more Jews can come here."

"I really think this is a very suitable place for us Jews to settle."

Brown thought for a while and said: "It just so happens that I have nothing to do. Next, I will be a tour guide and take you around to take a look."

Because of Simon's arrival, the Jews in Sephardi Town held a party to welcome Simon's arrival. At the party, almost all the Jews expressed satisfaction with their current lives.

Although here, unlike in Europe, they are all engaged in agriculture and do not have much money in their hands.

But here, they don't need to worry about whether they will be evicted, whether they will be ostracized, heavy taxes will be levied, etc.

Here, you only need to work when the sun rises and breathe when the sun sets, and live a simple and peaceful life.

Simon understood it carefully.

Keep talking to people to understand clearly.

Simon soon discovered that although most of the Jews in Sephardic Town were still very conservative and unwilling to integrate into the Ming Dynasty, they still lived their own lives.

They refused to learn the language and writing of the Ming Dynasty, and refused to have too many exchanges and contacts with the Ming Dynasty people. They were immersed in their own world and lived the Jewish life for thousands of years.

But there are still some Jews who have put aside their original surnames and given names, adopted the surnames and names of Ming people and started to learn from Ming people in all aspects.

Just like the Ming people, they cut their hair, shaved off their beards, wore the clothes of the Ming people, spoke the Ming dialect, learned the Ming culture, and began to actively integrate into the Ming Dynasty.

This is a very rare phenomenon.

You must know that the Jews have been wandering in Europe for thousands of years. They have always adhered to their traditional traditions and have always refused to integrate into the local area, so they were rejected.

But now, some Jews are willing to integrate into the Ming Dynasty and change their long-standing traditions. This is a very miraculous thing.

Although the reason for this is the Ningguo caste system, it is enough to illustrate the power of the Ming Dynasty culture, which has extremely strong appeal and penetration.

In the small town of Saifati, Simon took a good rest for two days to wash away the fatigue of the journey. On the third day, Simon and Brown began to travel.

In Chixia City, Simon came here again accompanied by Brown.

As before, Chixia City is still very busy and lively.

People from all over the world gather together. Although there are huge differences in skin color and appearance, they can live together in harmony.

"Here comes Zongye~"

"Here comes Zongye~"

When Simon and Brown were wandering around casually on the street, someone didn't know who shouted on the street. Suddenly, a large number of people poured out of the street, which was originally crowded.

"Where did the rice dumpling leaves come from?"

"Yes, yes, where did the rice dumpling leaves come from?"

"It's the Dragon Boat Festival soon. It's impossible without rice dumpling leaves. How can we make rice dumplings?"

"That's right. There are no rice dumpling leaves around Chixia City. These rice dumpling leaves have to be shipped from Tianzhu. They are very expensive. They cost a penny a piece. The key is that even though they are expensive, they are still out of stock."

"Yes, yes, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. You must eat these rice dumplings, otherwise they won't have the same flavor. We also have to commemorate Qu Yuan. I heard that there are dozens of teams participating in the dragon boat race this year.


As someone called for the rice dumpling leaves, a large number of people appeared in the streets and alleys, and everyone started talking.

The key is that none of these people look like Ming people. They are basically blond, blue-eyed white people, and there are many Tianzhu people.

Everyone spoke Ming Dynasty dialect and talked about how to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival of Ming Dynasty.

"A boatload of rice dumpling leaves has arrived at the pier. They cost a penny each. Everyone, hurry up and buy them. If you are late, you won't be able to buy them by then."

"A large amount of glutinous rice came with the ship. The price is not expensive, but there is not much."

At this time, someone shook the rice dumpling leaves in their hands and shouted excitedly.

"Go quickly, go quickly~"

"It will be too late if you don't go~"

"Yes, let's go, let's go~"

When other people heard this, they immediately rushed to the pier to buy rice dumpling leaves.

"What's going on?"

Simon couldn't hear Daming's words and could only ask Brown on the side.

"This will soon be the traditional Dragon Boat Festival of the Ming Dynasty people. The Ming Dynasty people attach great importance to this Dragon Boat Festival and are very particular about it~"

"The Dragon Boat Festival is a day for family reunions, and it is also a festival formed to commemorate Qu Yuan. On this day, rice dumplings are eaten,"

"Zongzi is a delicacy made of glutinous rice wrapped in leaves. Zongzi must be eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival. Naturally, this custom slowly spread to the world with the people of Ming Dynasty."

"Here in Chixia City, people come from all over the world. Under the many policies of Ningguo, everyone has gradually developed the habit of celebrating the Ming Festival, and has gradually forgotten the original festivals of their own nation."

"What's more, this Dragon Boat Festival is a custom of the Ming Dynasty people, with a long history and cultural heritage. It is also a symbol of everyone's gradual transformation into the Ming Dynasty, which helps to improve the caste level of your family."

"So you can see that they take this festival more seriously than the Ming Dynasty people. These rice dumpling leaves are so expensive, but they still have to spend money to buy them and celebrate this Dragon Boat Festival."

Brown explained in detail.

"Let's go and have a look at the pier~"

After that, he took Simon to the Chixia City Port Pier. At this moment, a large ship was seen at the pier. There was already a long queue. Everyone had copper coins in their hands, ready to buy rice dumpling leaves from Tianzhu.


Simon looked at it carefully, looked at the copper coins in everyone's hands, thought for a while and asked: "What is the currency of the Ming Dynasty like?"

"I only know the Ming people's silver coins!"

"People in the Ming Dynasty usually use copper coins for transactions. Silver coins are actually not very useful, because one silver coin can be exchanged for a thousand copper coins, and here in Chixia City, one copper coin can buy two eggs."

"Therefore, silver coins are rarely used. Copper coins are different in the Ming Dynasty and overseas colonies and vassal states. Especially in the vassal states, the copper coins cast by each vassal state are different."

"However, the copper coins cast by these vassal states have one characteristic, that is, they are round on the outside and square on the inside. The words printed on them are different. At the same time, according to the requirements of the Ming Empire for each vassal state and colony, all copper coins must contain a certain amount.

The copper can be a mixture of copper and iron, or a mixture of copper and tin, but the copper content is fixed."

"Silver dollars and banknotes are issued and manufactured by the First Bank of Ming Dynasty. The vassal states and colonies cannot manufacture silver coins and issue banknotes."

"So it can be said that in the Ming Dynasty and many vassal countries and colonies, currency can be used universally, copper coins can be used everywhere, and silver coins and banknotes can be used unimpeded. Even not only within the huge system of the Ming Empire, but also in the Ming Dynasty

A vassal state of the empire, among many surrounding countries.”

"The silver coins and banknotes of the Ming Dynasty can also be circulated unimpeded. Because they are exquisitely made, everyone is very happy to accept them. It can be said to be a global currency."

Brown took out some copper coins and silver dollars from his money bag, took out the silver notes, and explained the currency situation in Ming Dynasty to Simon in detail.

"Isn't this too convenient?"

After Simon heard this, he was immediately amazed.

In Europe, the situation is very different. Each country's currency is different. Even the silver coins are different between different countries. They need to be exchanged with each other, which is very troublesome.

But for the people of Ming Dynasty, they were able to achieve unified currency, unified language, unified writing, and the same writing and carriage. Almost everything could be used in the huge system of the Ming Empire.

"Yeah, it's very convenient."

"So the business of the Ming Dynasty people was extremely developed. If you see these rice dumpling leaves, they were grown here in Tianzhu, and then transported to Chixia City by fast ship for sale."

“Their lives are almost globalized!”

"The tea we drank in the morning came from Tianzhu. Of course, rich people will drink tea from the mainland of Daming. Although the quality of the tea grown in Tianzhu is actually not bad, discerning people still think that the tea from Daming

Local tea is better and more expensive."

"Some people like to add sugar and milk to tea. The sugar is sucrose from Nanyang in the Ming Dynasty, and the milk is fresh milk shipped from the Chu Kingdom. The Chu Kingdom occupies the East African Plateau and vigorously develops animal husbandry.


"Many of the seafood we eat here come from South Africa, and some of them come from the northern border of Golden Continent. The clothes we wear are shipped here from the mainland of Ming Dynasty."

"The wine I drank was from Mediterranean France, Italy or Spain, or it was shochu from the Ming Dynasty."

"The newspapers you read here must be the Ming Ming Morning News from the mainland of the Ming Dynasty. The steam engines used are also from the mainland of the Ming Dynasty."

"That is, Chixia City is just the capital of Ningguo in West Africa. The Beijing-Tianjin area on the mainland of the Ming Dynasty is really prosperous and prosperous, with almost all the world's goods gathered. During the Chinese New Year last year, the Ming Dynasty Morning Post said

This matter was reported in detail, and goods from all over the world were gathered in the Beijing and Tianjin areas, bringing an extremely prosperous life to the people of the Ming Dynasty."

"All of this is obviously inseparable from the unification of currency, language and writing of the Ming Dynasty, which provided extremely favorable conditions for business, greatly facilitated commercial trade from south to north, and was able to bring goods from all over the world to

Everywhere in Ming Dynasty allows people of Ming Dynasty to enjoy goods from all over the world, even in every corner of the world."

Brown described to Simon every detail of life in the Ming Dynasty. For the people in the Ming Dynasty, their lives and work have been developing towards globalization.

"In fact, it's not just life, it's also production. I saw a few big ships. The goods they are loading are coffee, one of the specialties here in Chixia City. This is a drink that emerged from the Chu Kingdom.

Because of its unique fragrance, it is now loved by many people.”

"We have a large number of manors here in Chixia City that specialize in growing coffee, which has good economic benefits. It is currently the largest coffee planting area outside of Chu State."

PS: Today is still a chapter of 4,000 words. Well, I wasted time visiting relatives during the day~

This chapter has been completed!
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