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Chapter 1607, Regional Economy

In the Western Regions, while Zhu Houzhao was busy picking up girls, he also did not forget to inspect the situation in various places in the Western Regions.

How do the various tribes get along with each other?

Whether there are large tribes bullying small tribes, Han people bullying other tribes, or being bullied by other tribes. Another question is whether the officials in the Western Regions act fairly and whether there is any favoritism to any party.

"Here in the Western Region, the tribes get along very harmoniously. This kind of tribal policy is very effective and needs to be continued."

After inspecting many places in the Western Regions, Zhu Houzhao finally came to the conclusion that the tribal policies currently implemented are very effective.

There are many tribes in the Western Region. There are hundreds of large and small tribes, and their customs, habits, religious beliefs, etc. are all very different.

This difference is also the root cause of the turmoil and constant killings in the Western Region.

As for the Western Region itself, the natural conditions are not very good. Only places with water will have vitality. Most places are vast desert areas.

Tribes competed with each other for grasslands with water sources, oases, and living space. It was very common in the past for large tribes to bully small tribes and plunder small tribes.

Whoever is ruthless will be justified, and whoever has a strong fist will be the boss.

But now, the Ming Dynasty implements the policy of equality of all tribes here, and also emphasizes that everyone is equal, not only respecting each tribe, but more importantly, respecting the individuals of each tribe.

The armies of the Ming Dynasty guarded various parts of the Western Regions. They carried out severe attacks on horse bandits, road bandits, thieves, bullies, tyrannical tribes, etc., and swept away the demons and monsters in the Western Regions. At the same time, they also eliminated the armed forces of all ethnic groups in the Western Regions.

The nobles and leaders of each tribe will move to the Beijing-Tianjin area to settle down, break away from their own tribes, and at the same time disband the original armed forces of each tribe, disperse the population of each tribe, and move a large number of people to the territory of the original Hax Khanate

Central Asia Province with basic foundation established.

The next step is to govern the country according to law. The most important point in appointing officials from various places is to learn to handle the affairs between the tribes. The basis is the law of the Ming Dynasty and does not favor any party. Only in this way can the prestige of the Ming Dynasty government be established.

The last step is to vigorously promote Han culture, open and establish new schools in places where various tribes gather, and require children of all tribes to go to school and receive education and influence from Han culture.

Although he has not ruled the Western Regions for a long time, under this set of effective policies, the tribes in the Western Regions live in harmony, equality and friendship, and conflicts between tribes have been greatly reduced.

And because there are more and more common languages ​​​​and characters, the integration between tribes is accelerating, and there are more and more intermarriages between tribes. In addition, the Ming Empire has always attached great importance to the Western Regions, and its investment in building railways has also accelerated.

It promoted the development of the Western Regions and promoted the economic development of the Western Regions.

All these have brought about earth-shaking changes in the living standards of the tribes in the Western Regions. People's lives are much better than before, and naturally they will not cause trouble or trouble.

Those who herd cattle continued to herd, those who farmed continued to farm, and those who did business continued to do business. All industries prospered, and all tribes prospered. This also allowed the Ming Dynasty's rule here to quickly stabilize.

Zhu Houzhao, who personally traveled around the Western Regions, saw with his own eyes the harmonious coexistence of various tribes. Therefore, he felt that the current policy was very good and must be adhered to.

In the past, Ming Dynasty's policy towards minority tribes was very poor.

On the one hand, the military power of these minority tribes was not cut off. For example, there were many grassland tribes that surrendered to the Ming Dynasty in the past, but the Ming Dynasty only named the leaders of these tribes as kings or military generals.

Let them continue to lead their tribes, have armies and tribes in their hands, and also control the economic and political power of their tribes.

When they were weak, they were willing to surrender to the Ming Dynasty and protect the Ming Dynasty, which could indeed stabilize the border.

But once the Ming Dynasty weakened and they became stronger, they would naturally become new tribes that invaded the Ming Dynasty. This kind of thing happened again and again in history.

Like the previous Hami Guards, King Hami, and the Jurchens in Liaodong, they were all in the same situation. They tolerated and recuperated, and when they became stronger, they continued to plunder the borders.

While claiming vassalage on the surface, it continued to harass the border, continued to suck blood and grew stronger, and eventually became a catastrophic disaster.

There are also the chieftains in the southwest. In fact, they are similar. The chieftains are small local kings. They have military power, economic power, and are hereditary. It is strange that they do not rebel.

Another aspect is that they have never thought of ways to promote the integration of ethnic groups, that is, to allow them to retain their own military power, and to have any major contacts with them. At the end of the day, it is just a tea-horse trade, what kind of contacts can there be.

Although they are your ministers and surrender to you on the surface, they are just following the Ming Empire to survive and develop. They are still like water and fire, and it is difficult to integrate.

Naturally, problems will inevitably arise in the long run.

When the Ming Dynasty was strong, it would listen to you. But when you become weak, or a tribe more powerful than the Ming Dynasty rises, the wind will immediately blow you away, fall on both sides, or simply bite you back, and directly become a disaster that threatens the Ming Dynasty.


It was in view of this historical lesson that Liu Jin came up with this series of minority tribal policies.

A large number of Han people migrated to the Western Regions, Hezhong, Central Asia and other places to establish immigration towns and immigrate to the border, which also alleviated the contradiction between man and land within the customs, and also greatly promoted the development of border areas.

Coupled with this series of minority tribal policies, promoting the integration of ethnic groups and consolidating the border areas, this made the Western Region very stable in a short period of time, with few things happening.

Even if he is an ambitious person, he has no way to cause trouble.

First, there is the strong rule of the Ming Dynasty. Second, there is a loss of military, political, and economic support. Finally, the people of your own tribe are living their own lives. Who will rebel with you?

When the Ming Dynasty's army raided various tribes in the Western Region, the blood flowed like rivers in the Western Region, and the scene of corpses strewn across the fields still scares countless people to this day.

Without the strong killings of the Great Tomorrow Army, which killed all the tribes in the Western Regions and surrendered, it would be difficult for the Western Regions to be stable. No matter how good the policy was, it is estimated that the tribes in the Western Regions would not accept it. After all, the leaders and nobles of the tribes would not


But you have to agree even if you don't agree. All those who don't agree and have ambitions have already been buried with three-foot-high grass. The Ming Dynasty has a hundred thousand troops guarding here, plus a large number of retired soldiers from various local governments to make up the police, yamen, and servants.


What else do you want?

Are you living your own life honestly, are you preparing to move people away, or are you provoking the heavenly army to massacre your entire family?

Smart people know how to do it.

Zhu Houzhao looked at the bustling scene in Yili City. People from all over the Western Regions wore different national costumes, had different looks, and brought different goods.

They all communicate with each other in Ming dialect, use Ming copper coins, silver coins, and silver notes for transactions, and live in harmony with each other. Let's take a look at the shops on the streets of Ili City.

There are large commercial houses and shops opened by Han people, and there are also small shops and small trading houses opened by people from various tribes, which sell all kinds of goods, not only local specialties from the Western Regions, but also specialties from all over the world.

Life is prosperous, trade routes are smooth, and tribes live in harmony. This is what the Western Region should be like.

Zhu Houzhao still remembered his identity as the Prince of the Ming Dynasty, so he went back to play. While playing, he also had to examine the situation in the Western Regions, summarize the tribal policies in the Western Regions, and reflect on whether there was something wrong and whether he should continue to persist.


"Today I'm going to the northern foothills of Tianshan Mountains to see the plantations here~"

Zhu Houzhao rode out of Yili City on his sweaty horse and prepared to inspect the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain.

Not only was the situation of the various tribes in the Western Regions getting along with each other, Zhu Houzhao was also concerned about the economy of the Western Regions.

Zhu Houzhao has visited various places in the Western Regions, and now the economy of the Western Regions has undergone tremendous changes compared with before.

In the past, the economy of various tribes was mainly divided by tribe. Nomadic tribes were naturally based on herding, grazing cattle, sheep and horses. They were often powerful, skilled in bow and horse, and were large tribes, such as the Mongols and Kazakhs.

, of course there are also small tribes such as the Khitan people and the Wusun people.

There are also those who settle in oases, mainly making a living by farming, such as the Uighurs and Huihui people, who mainly gather in various oases to make a living by planting wheat.

But now, the economies of the tribes in the Western Regions have also undergone great changes. This change is mainly due to the strong economic intervention of the Ming Dynasty.

Like the nomadic tribes, they used to be nomadic and constantly moving around, mainly grazing cattle and sheep, but now, because of the huge demand for horses and wool from the Ming Empire,

There are many nobles who have a large number of large pastures in various parts of the Western Regions. They hire grassland people to herd cattle, sheep and horses for them, and establish breeding farms. Some of them specialize in raising wool-producing sheep. This kind of sheep is a breed imported from Europe.

Others specialize in raising cows to produce milk, because in the Ming Dynasty, especially in the Beijing-Tianjin area, it is unknown when drinking milk and eating cheese became popular, driven by huge market demand and economic interests.

, allowing many pastures to start raising dairy cows.

Similarly, these dairy breeds are selected from high-quality breeds from all over the world, and European slaves are exclusively used to make cheese.

Nowadays, the cheese produced by some ranches in the Western Region is very famous, and it is no worse than the cheese in Europe in any aspect.

There are also ranches that specialize in raising horses. At the same time, they continue to cultivate horse breeds and collect excellent horse breeds from all over the world for breeding. The horses they breed are of very high quality and are very popular.

These professional pastures and breeding farms have had a huge impact on the nomadic tribes. In order to make money, these grassland tribes also began to learn the breeding methods of the Han people, specializing in raising a valuable livestock, and gradually settled down and enclosed the land.

Build pastures and farms for breeding.

As for the tribes who settled in the oasis, they have also undergone tremendous changes.

Because the grain products of the Ming Dynasty were very high, grain prices were very cheap.

These tribes who settled in the oasis and made a living by growing wheat had a relatively difficult life. Their food could not be sold at a high price, they did not make money from farming, and they could only eat enough.

But people are poor and want to change. Since growing food doesn’t make money, then grow something else.

The natural conditions here in the Western Region are very good, and they are very suitable for growing some cash crops or fruits.

Turpan, for example, has its own tradition of growing grapes, and now it has been carried forward even further. A large number of grapes are grown, and then wine is made and raisins are made. The benefits are also very good.

And here on Tianshan South Road, a large number of red dates are planted. When the red dates mature, there are fruit trees all over the mountains and plains. Various types of red dates can be freshly transported directly on the train to Beijing and Tianjin for sale, or they can be dried in the winter.

When the time comes to sell it, the benefits will be very good.

In addition, there are also those who grow cantaloupe, fragrant pears, and wolfberry, all of which have achieved good results.

Of course, the largest number of people grow cotton. Now the textile industry in the Ming Dynasty is very developed. There are a lot of cotton planting areas in the Western Regions. Not only are there cotton plantations of the Han people, but also various tribes are planting a lot of cotton.

Under the promotion of these local governments, huge areas are often formed, and the entire area is mainly planted with certain cash crops.

Relying on the newly built railway, all specialties can be transported to the pass at the fastest speed, bringing a steady stream of money to the people here.

In addition to the original economic activities of specialty products, which are constantly expanding in scale and concentrated planting, the Western Regions, like other parts of the Ming Dynasty, are introducing a large number of valuable cash crops from all over the world.

For example, cherries from Europe are very popular in the Beijing-Tianjin area because of their excellent taste, and the price is very high. Therefore, in Shandong Province of the Ming Dynasty, someone specially introduced the cherries from Europe and achieved very good results.

After this spread to the Western Regions, some people also planted cherries on a large scale at the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains. In addition, apples were also planted on a large scale, forming a large planting area.

This is the current regional economy of the Western Regions. With the gradual integration into the huge economic system of the Ming Dynasty, the lives of various tribes have undergone tremendous changes. This change has penetrated into all aspects, including what everyone raises, what they plant, and what they grow.

Everything must be based on market conditions, rather than the very simple and crude primitive economic model just for survival as before.

"Hami melons from Hami, grapes from Turpan, cotton and red dates from Tianshan South Road, apples and cherries from Tianshan North Road~"

"The economy of the Western Regions is increasingly inseparable from our Ming Dynasty. Such a close connection is the strongest rule. Even if they want to break away, it is impossible, because once they break away, they will not be able to live their lives at all.

Go down."

Zhu Houzhao summarized it carefully and immediately saw the most critical point.

ps: Today I drove to a deep mountain and old forest. The road is very steep and rugged. There are not many households living in it, but all of them have cement roads, electricity, and even Internet access.

I have to sigh at this time. The country has indeed done a lot for the people in recent years. In order to provide access and Internet access to a few households, I don’t know how much investment was made. It is simply a loss-making business~ Well, there is still a chapter today~

This chapter has been completed!
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