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Chapter 1627 , strong ships and sharp guns are the mainstream of the future

"Dong dong~dong dong~"

In the English Channel, two huge fleets collided fiercely like rolling waves.

The entire sea area was filled with billowing smoke, artillery fire continued, and the roar was endless. The shells roared in the air, and then fell heavily into the sea, rising up huge water columns, or hitting the enemy hard.

Holes were smashed into the warship.

"Brave matadors~"

"Use the cannons and sharp swords in our hands to pierce the chests of these dirty pirates and send them all into the sea to feed the fish!"

Although Duke Colster was very old, his voice was still very loud. He stood on the deck, brandished the sword in his hand, and roared.

Behind him, Spanish warships had formed a formation, billowing smoke was blurring, water columns rose in the sea, and a large amount of seawater slapped on the deck.

"We must win! We must win!"

The matadors roared, the warships continued to advance, and the artillery fire attacked the Pirate Alliance warships one after another.

"For the great Japanese king, for the great Japanese country!"

"Kill for the innocent clan members who sacrificed their lives in Sunset City!"

Dongfang Yue also stood on the deck, pulled out the Japanese sword in his hand, and let out a roar. On the Japanese ships behind him, numerous Japanese warriors roared.


The artillery attacks came one after another, continuously.

Countless cannonballs roared in the sky, covering a large area of ​​​​the sea. Along with the rising water columns, holes were smashed into the ships of the Pirate Alliance.

"Full speed ahead~"

"Close them!"

"Fire attack ship, close combat ship speed up!"

The pirates hurriedly released small boats one after another from the big ships. The people on these small boats rushed towards the Spanish and Japanese warships one by one.

Some boats are filled with various flammable fuels and are ready to be attacked with fire. Some boats are door-to-door, dressed in rags but menacing. They keep waving their weapons and rowing the oars excitedly, preparing to board the boat.


The Pirate Alliance fully realized the huge gap between them and the other side in terms of warships. The Spaniards and the Japanese purchased a large number of large warships and artillery from the Ming Empire, giving them an absolute advantage.

It is obviously not a wise move to fight head-on with them.

Therefore, you must get close to the opponent as soon as possible, so that your own artillery can also attack the opponent. At the same time, you can also rely on the numerical advantage to conduct follow-up battles and release small fire ships to attack the opponent's large warships, using small ones to defeat the larger ones.

The wide sea area was filled with a large number of ships in an instant.

The back-and-forth shelling between the two sides caused countless water columns to rise in the sea, as if there were huge shoals of whales moving here.

"Dong dong~dong dong~"

On the Spanish and Japanese warships, the Miyun cannons purchased from the Ming Empire made loud noises.

The rate of fire is very fast and the range is far enough.

The powerful advantage was clearly demonstrated in the naval battle at this moment, with wave after wave of artillery falling towards the Pirate Alliance.

A large area of ​​cannonballs shrouded a small English ship, and seven or eight cannonballs fell heavily on the ship.

All of a sudden, there was a miserable wailing sound on the boat, blood and flesh were flying everywhere, a large amount of sawdust turned into terrifying sharp weapons, and the holes almost broke the small boat apart.

Raging seawater continued to pour in from the hole, and in the blink of an eye, the ship began to sink into the sea.

The English pirates on the ship immediately jumped off the ship in fear and swam around desperately.

The small fireboats that were advancing rapidly were hit hard by cannonballs one after another. Some unlucky small fireboats were directly hit by one of the cannonballs.

In an instant, the small fire boat was smashed through, and a large amount of fierce fire oil on it was flammable. In the blink of an eye, it burst into flames, completely swallowing up the small fire boat, and turned into a fire lotus drifting on the sea.

At the same time, the artillery attacks from the Pirate Alliance also fell on the Spanish and Japanese warships, leaving holes in them and causing waves of wailing sounds to be heard on these ships.

Some unlucky ships even had their ammunition depots ignited, and a huge explosion occurred. The entire ship was blown up and jumped up on the sea, split into two halves, or the gas was ignited and the raging fire was swallowed up in the blink of an eye.


As the distance between the two sides gets closer and closer, the battle becomes more and more intense.

The Spanish and Japanese combined fleets were in a crescent formation, giving full play to their own firepower advantage, and their powerful artillery attacks were extremely ferocious.

However, the Pirate Alliance is not a vegetarian. The triangular attack formation is like a sharp blade inserted into the Spanish and Japanese warships.

At the forefront of the battle, the artillery fire between the two sides was coming back and forth, with fewer and fewer misses. Each warship was smashed with holes by the cannonballs, causing heavy casualties.


Small fireships and landing craft quickly approached.

On a ship, the Spaniards and Japanese people came to the deck one after another, and the muskets fired out intensive gunshots like fried beans, sieving the small boats that tried to approach them.

However, there are so many of these small fireships that they are almost all over the sea.

I saw a small fire boat hit a large Spanish ship heavily. In an instant, a raging fire burst into flames. The large amount of fire oil carried on it burned rapidly, and the fire spread towards the Spanish ship in the blink of an eye.

, no matter how hard the Spanish sailors on the ship put out the fire, it was useless. They could only watch the fire spread to other parts of the ship.

There were also small boats fighting one after another like a pack of wolves fighting tigers, surrounding a large Japanese warship. Hooks and claws flew up, and then people kept climbing up from these small boats, trying to capture it.

This Japanese warship.

It's just that what they encountered were elite warriors from the Japanese country. Almost all of these Japanese warriors were passed down from generation to generation, and their martial arts and fighting skills were also passed down from their ancestors.

The Japanese sword in his hand shone coldly under the sunlight, sending all these fierce pirates across the seas of Europe into the ocean to feed the fish. In the blink of an eye, the blood dyed the sea red, and the strong smell of blood lingered.

Still diffuse.

"European barbarians are nothing more than that!"

The Japanese warriors easily dispatched these pirates who wanted to fight, and even couldn't help but laugh at them.

Although the Japanese people are short, they are extremely fierce in combat. Most of them are from the samurai class and have superb martial arts skills. It is a piece of cake to engage in such a series of battles.

In comparison, the Spanish matadors seemed a little embarrassed. The pirates' successive battles on the big ships brought them huge troubles and made them so exhausted that even the artillery attacks were not as good as the previous ones.

It was violent at that time.

"Dong dong~dong dong~"

As the distance between the two sides got closer and closer, each other's hit rate began to increase linearly. After a salvo of artillery fire, huge holes appeared on the battlefields of each ship, and a large number of people could be seen being killed.

His flesh and blood were bruised by artillery fire.

The severely injured ship began to pour and slowly sank into the sea. The sound of artillery fire, gunfire, fighting, and the sound of raging fires formed a tragic scene of naval battle.

On the sea not far away from the battle between the two sides, on the battleship "Yongle Emperor", Xiong Han and Deng Yong were watching the naval battle intently.

At the same time, on the deck of the battleship, people from the Ming Empire Navy were recording the battle data between the two sides in detail.

The distance and hit rate of the artillery attack, the degree of damage to the attack part and its impact, the advantages and disadvantages of different formations, traditional fireships, the survival probability and combat effectiveness of powerful artillery in follow-up battles.

Customs, the degree of influence of wave level on naval battles, the advantages and disadvantages of ship size in combat, whether artillery attack is better in dense array attack or free combat, etc.

In a naval battle, there are too many things that can be learned and summarized to provide the most favorable data for the Ming Empire's naval construction.

Such a large-scale naval battle is definitely very rare, and it is also a very rare learning opportunity.

"Artillery is the way to go in the future!"

"Traditional fireships and follow-on battles are truly outdated. Even I, a member of the Army, can clearly see that."

Deng Yong watched the battle between the two sides. The fire ships and pick-up ships that the pirates had quickly placed high hopes on did not have much effect, because most of the ships were destroyed before they even got close.

Even if they get close, they are often greeted by dense bullets. Even if the boat gets close, it will be difficult for you to climb up against a tall ship.

On the contrary, the effect of the artillery fire attack is more obvious. Under a round of artillery fire attack, if the hit rate is high, a large ship can be directly sunk.

Although the current battle between the two sides is very fierce, it can be seen that the Spanish-Japanese combined fleet has an even more obvious advantage, and the proportion of battle losses between the two sides is constantly increasing.

"Strong ships and powerful guns will be the mainstream in the future of the sea!"

Xiong Han nodded solemnly and said. To provide you with the fastest update of Ming Zhenhai King, Chapter 1627, strong ships and sharp cannons will be the mainstream free reading in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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