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Chapter 169, Dong Xiaoshan

The Tianjin port has turned into an extremely busy construction site, and tens of thousands of victims who have been recruited are busy at this time.

There are people who specialize in transporting stones and soil, working in teams of two, carrying dozens of kilograms of sand, gravel and soil; there are also people who are feebly waving pickaxes, saws, shovels, etc. in their hands. The victims are too hungry and not very strong.

It's not as good as a regular employee who can eat three meals a day and occasionally eat meat, so there is not much requirement in terms of labor intensity.

If you were a regular employee, you might have to carry hundreds of kilograms. It's simply impossible to work like this.

Dong Xiaoshan is also a member of the huge construction army. He is already twenty this year. In future generations, he will still be a child in an ivory tower, going to college, playing games, dating girlfriends, chasing dreams, youth, publicity, wantonness, etc.


But Dong Xiaoshan is different. At the age of twenty, he is already the head of the family and the father of two children. During this famine, he also fled to Tianjin with his family of four.

All the food I brought these days has been eaten. Although there are still some coins left in my pocket, the food is too expensive. Those profiteers have raised the price again. Now a pound of food costs fifty cents per pound.

Faced with such high prices, he was really reluctant to spend the money he had saved so hard to buy food. Fortunately, he was lucky.

His Royal Highness the Prince showed sympathy for the victims and deliberately recruited a large number of victims to work. Although the wages were only ten cents a day, these ten cents could be exchanged for ten kilograms of fish and meat. This was okay, and it could barely keep a family of four alive.

However, Dong Xiaoshan has been a diligent person since he was a child. He firmly remembers the words when recruiting workers, as long as he performs well and works hard, he can be converted into a regular worker.

The benefits of formal workers have been spread for a long time. There are more or less people around you who are working for His Highness the Crown Prince and Mr. Liu, and many of them rely on the support of their relatives and friends.

So everyone is very clear about the remuneration of regular workers. They have three meals a day, and now they can eat fish and meat as they like. In addition, the monthly salary is also very high. An ordinary working person can get enough for a month.

The salary is about two taels of silver. If you master some skills and can do some technical work, the salary will be even higher.

It is said that the carpenters here at the shipyard are all very lucky. Not only are their wages high, but they are also given good housing. This is simply unheard of, but everything is happening in front of our eyes.

Therefore, even though he was very hungry and felt weak, Dong Xiaoshan still worked very hard. While others carried dozens of kilograms with two people, he carried dozens of kilograms by himself. Others would take a break after working for a quarter of an hour, but he would

Keep doing it.

He wants to become a formal worker and give his family a stable life. More importantly, he also wants to learn technology, become a skilled worker, and live in a good house.

Whenever he feels tired and feels like he can't hold on, he will look at the family area of ​​the shipyard near Tianjin Port. The rows of houses there are neatly laid out, with white walls and blue tiles, and they are very beautiful.

, each community is surrounded by walls, and the children inside are studying in private schools in the community, and the sound of reading is heard constantly.

Dried fish is dried at the door of every house in the community. It is said that Liu Gongzi rewarded the skilled workers. Whoever dried fish more will have more dignity, because it means that the owner of this family has good skills and a high level.

, be appreciated.

"This is how people live!"

Dong Xiaoshan's eyes revealed a look of great envy, and at the same time he secretly clenched his fists, vowing that he would give his family such a life.

In the past, he did not expect to live such a life. His family was also a poor family. They did not even have land, and they all relied on farming for the landlord.

But now, he sees hope, because in His Royal Highness the Prince's industries in Tianjin, whether it is a shipyard, a cement factory, or a maritime academy, as long as you are willing to learn and work hard, there are plenty of opportunities.

Thinking of this, a powerful force emerged from Dong Xiaoshan's body, supporting his tired body and supporting him to continue working hard.

"Xiaoshan, why are you working so hard?"

"Everyone is doing it slowly. It's still only ten cents a day. If you work so hard, you won't get an extra cent."

Dong Dahe, who lives in the same village as Dong Xiaoshan, looked at Dong Xiaoshan working hard and persuaded him with confusion.

Dong Dahai, like most people, does not work very hard. Of course, it may be because everyone is like this, or it may be because he is hungry and does not have much energy.

"Didn't the supervisor above say that as long as you work hard, you can become a regular worker? If I want to become a regular worker, I want to have three meals a day. Naturally, I have to work hard."

Dong Xiaoshan smiled and said.

"Don't be stupid and become a regular employee?"

When Dong Dahe heard this, he quickly shook his head and said, "This is all a lie. They are tricking us into doing more work for them."

"Probably not. After all, it is the property of His Highness the Crown Prince. How could you lie to others? Anyway, it is all physical work. After some sleep, your strength will come back."

Dong Xiaoshan didn't think too much and continued to work hard. Whenever he got tired, he would look at the family area of ​​the shipyard. Then he would think about his starving children, and he would immediately feel energetic again.

Not far away from Dong Xiaoshan, a man in steward's uniform held a charcoal pen and paper in his hand and kept recording something. When he saw Dong Xiaoshan working hard, he also nodded and recorded it on the paper.



Soon, the day's hard work finally passed. As the bell rang, the entire Tianjin port burst into cheers. Then many people who had worked hard all day began to line up with the stewards of their own groups to collect their gifts.

A tiring day of revenge.

"But it makes me exhausted. If I had known better, I wouldn't have picked the gravel."

Dong Dahe rubbed his shoulders and licked his tongue at the same time. When he thought that he would be able to get his own fish and eat meat soon, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"It's quite tiring."

Dong Xiaoshan was almost paralyzed by exhaustion. He had not eaten enough to begin with, and after working hard for a day, his stomach was already pounding and he was very hungry.

He was hungry and tired, but Dong Xiaoshan didn't care as long as he didn't die. He looked at the family area of ​​the shipyard again. It became lively again as the employees in the shipyard got off work.

Laughter and laughter, waves of fragrance.

This chapter has been completed!
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