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Chapter 1744, you must know how much you have

Just when Kansu II was in high spirits, when the Egyptian government and the public were clamoring to take back the other half of Egypt's ownership.

The city of Erzinjan on the border between the Ottoman Empire and Nanyun Province of the Ming Dynasty.

Yenicheri, a close minister of Selim I who had just taken office, was holding a shrouded ceremony to welcome Du Siqi, the chief envoy of Nanyun Province of the Ming Empire.

The Ottoman Empire has always been committed to maintaining friendly relations with the Ming Empire. Of course, this is because the Ottoman Empire was afraid of being beaten by the Ming Empire.

Selim I's father, Bayezid II, did not have the courage to go to war with the Ming Empire even until his death, but he always quietly maintained the favorable relationship between the Ming Empire.

Although the strength and vitality of the Ottoman Empire have been restored to a certain extent in recent years, relying on the plundering of slaves from Europe to make huge profits, it not only easily repaid the war indemnity against the Ming Empire, but also continued to expand its military power, and continued to expand its military power in Europe.

To expand westward, the Europeans who fought had to form a European coalition, which organized the Ottoman Empire to continue its westward expansion.

But it also allowed the Ottoman Empire to greatly expand its territory in Europe, incorporating large areas of land such as the Balkan Peninsula and Hungary into its territory.

And it has been working hard to restore its maritime power and has a strong influence in the eastern Mediterranean.

However, in the east, the Ming Empire has always been the most feared enemy of the Ottoman Empire. No one dares to provoke it, but they are afraid of going to war with the Ming Empire again.

Last year, old Bayezid II finally passed away, and Selim I came to power by seizing power. During this period, he has been consolidating his status and power.

Therefore, it was also very weak in the war with Persia and the Egyptians in the Middle East, and was defeated repeatedly, so that now the Middle East is almost completely occupied by the Persians and Egyptians.

Now, the situation has gradually stabilized, and the power and status of Selim I have been consolidated. The Ottoman emperor, known as the "conqueror" throughout history, is also preparing to start a series of external expansion plans.

Of course, having personally experienced many wars, Selim I clearly saw the important role that new firearms played in wars.

On the one hand, they attach great importance to and develop firearms, produce and build them themselves, and on the other hand, they purchase arms and weapons from the Ming Empire.

It's just that the Ming Empire has always been on guard against the Ottoman Empire. Weapons are not willing to sell to the Ottoman Empire, and more weapons are sold to the Persian Empire, Egypt, Spain, etc.

This also caused the Ottoman Empire to suffer a lot on the battlefield in the Middle East. The army composed of powerful new firearms was very lethal. In many cases, there were only a few thin rows of shooting echelons, but your cavalry was charging.

Don't go there.

As for the cannons of the Ming Empire, they were even more powerful and powerful.

The Ottoman Empire has also been expressing its willingness to purchase arms and weapons to the Ming Empire. This time, it finally received a response. The Ming Empire's Nanyun Province Chief Envoy personally came to Erzinjan City to discuss arms with the Ottoman Empire.

The matter of arms sales.

After two days of negotiations.

Du Siqi represented the Ming Empire and Jenichery represented the Ottoman Empire. The two parties signed an arms sales contract with a total price of 20 million taels of silver.

The Ming Empire sold 50,000 Ming Miyun Type 20 breech-loading flintlock muskets and 150 Ming Miyun cannons to the Ottoman Empire. It also sold 10 traditional sailing warships to the Ottoman Empire, and another 100,000

Set of traditional swords and weapons, military uniforms, boots and other supplies.

For this arms sale, the Ottoman Empire paid 10 million taels of silver in cash, and the other 10 million taels of goods were paid in installments in the form of a loan, with a total repayment of 10 years, and an annual repayment of 2 million taels.


This is an arms sales plan, and both parties are happy.

The Ming Empire has received another huge order, and the military industrial enterprises can live an extremely profitable life. In addition, the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty has also obtained a loan, and can obtain a good loan income.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Ming Empire can use the Ottoman Empire to repair Egypt and let them know why the flowers are red.

For the Ottoman Empire, this was also a good deal.

Selim itself needs a large amount of arms and weapons to strengthen his army and further consolidate his power and status. Of course, the most important thing is to have the strength to expand externally. The Middle East must be taken back. The Persians are mortal enemies.

It must be beaten hard, and it is best to destroy it.

The Egyptians are also drifting and are no longer obedient. It would be best to destroy them and seize the Egyptian Canal.

In addition, we have to go to Europe and continue to rob slaves. Otherwise, we owe a huge debt to the Ming people and it will be difficult to pay off. Only by continuing to rob slaves can we quickly pay off the debts to the Ming people.

In short, Selim I's ambitions needed powerful arms and weapons to support him.

After the contract between the two parties was signed and the Ottoman Empire paid 10 million taels of silver, the Ming Empire immediately shipped the arms, weapons and materials in the contract to the Ottoman Empire from Nanyun Province.

This once made the people of the Ottoman Empire feel incredible. The speed of the Ming people was really too fast. Of course they did not know that these arms and weapons were all eliminated by the Ming Dynasty. They were all shipped to Nanyun Province and prepared to go everywhere.

disposed of.

After acquiring arms and weapons, the Ottoman Empire obviously would not let them rust in a warehouse. It immediately began to mobilize its army to the Asian Peninsula to prepare for another war with Persia and Egypt.

On the other side is the Governor's Palace of Hong Kong.

Tang Yin also cordially summoned Andre, the Spanish minister in Hong Kong, and conveyed to him the decision that the Ming Empire would continue to support Spain and was willing to continue to provide loans to Spain to purchase arms, weapons and warships.

When Spain heard the news, he was so happy that he almost jumped up.

They had fought bloody battles with the French on land for several years, and now they were holding on with just one breath. They could no longer hold on. The Ming Empire was finally willing to continue helping Spain.

And this time, the loan amount provided by the Ming Dynasty was larger than before, and the arms and weapons sold were more advanced. The key is that after the contract was signed, the Ming Dynasty immediately provided the Spanish with the arms, weapons, and warships they needed.

The shipment arrived, and it didn't look like it was being delayed at all.

This surprised the Spaniards, and they immediately and quickly relied on these arms and weapons to arm new armies and fleets.

Originally, they had been unable to compete with the Egyptians in North Africa. Now that they had more warships and more cannons, they started to attack the Egyptians again, continuing to seize Alexandria, and at the same time began to seize more colonies.

Time flies, and several months pass by.

In the Egyptian palace, Kansu II no longer had the complacency and elation he had a few months ago. Now he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Not long ago, in the Mesopotamia in the Middle East, the coalition forces of Egypt and Persia were severely deceived by the Ottoman Empire. After a great war, Egypt and Persia suffered heavy losses.

Kansu II's 30,000 most elite troops armed with Ming dynasty weapons and weapons, as well as tens of thousands of Arab cavalry, were all lost in this battle.

The Ottoman Empire concentrated 100,000 musketeers, 100,000 elite Sipassi cavalry, and more than 300 various artillery pieces. It launched a powerful attack on Egypt and Persia in the two river basins of the Middle East. Egypt and Persia were in pain in the first battle. Gritting his teeth and suffering heavy losses, a large amount of land in the two rivers returned to the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

In addition to the disastrous defeats suffered in the two river basins in the Middle East and the almost annihilation of the elite army, on the North African side, the Spanish fleet once again frequently visited Egypt's ports in North Africa and engaged in a great battle with the Egyptian navy.

The navy that was finally formed suffered a heavy blow before it even had time to go for a stroll in the ocean. It suffered heavy losses. Only a few warships were left huddled in the ports of the Nile River, and they no longer dared to go out and fight. During the Spanish War, several colonies in North Africa were once again occupied by the Spanish.

At the same time, in the middle reaches of the Nile River, the Chu Kingdom of the Ming Dynasty launched another attack. The army pressed forward and successively broke through the new cities built by Egypt in the middle reaches of the Nile River, cutting off Egypt's expansion route to the hinterland of Africa.

Thinking of these things, Kansu II was very anxious.

At first, I thought I was very powerful and ambitious, and I was already planning my next expansion plan. Who knew that in just a few months, the elite army in my hands had been annihilated, the navy had been severely damaged, and major problems frequently appeared on many fronts.

Even the ministers who used to flatter him now seem to have different intentions.

"Has the envoy from the Ming Dynasty not arrived yet?"

Kansu II looked outside the main hall. Today he summoned Sun Ke, the Ming Empire's ambassador to Egypt. However, after waiting for several hours, Sun Ke still didn't come.

If this was his own minister, Kansu II would have taken him out and chopped him down hundreds of times. But this was a minister of the Ming Empire. Even if he didn't come, Kansu II would not be able to do anything with him. What's more, Now Kansu II still wants to ask the Ming Dynasty.

Continue to give yourself some loans to purchase arms and weapons to form a new pure firearms army. Otherwise, you will not be able to defeat the Ottoman Empire at all.

Once the Ottoman Empire's army is sent to attack Egypt, they may come directly to their own capital.

"Your Majesty, Ambassador Sun was about to leave, but suddenly he said he had a stomachache and wanted to go to the hut."

The minister responsible for inviting Sun Ke also quickly stood up and replied.

"Stomach hurts again?"


When Kansu II heard this, he immediately became angry. He grabbed things and started smashing them. This Sun Ke had been treating him for several hours. He couldn't talk at first, and then he had to wash his face, brush his teeth, and take a shower.

He wanted to eat, but now he said he had a stomachache, so he hesitated and made excuses. He had been waiting for him for several hours, but there was still no one.

"Please go again~"

After venting his anger, Kansu II still had to calm down and ordered people to continue to invite Sun Ke.

On the other side, at the ambassador's residence less than five miles away from the Egyptian Royal Palace, Sun Ke was leisurely reading the newspaper.

"I'm so worried about you~"

"I don't even look at how many pounds I have. Now I know it's time to hurry up. Take your time and hurry up."

This chapter has been completed!
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