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Chapter 1759, Daming Black Earth Province

In the city of Moscow, groups of Ming troops marched neatly into this ancient city.

The people in the city looked at the Ming army on the street through the cracks in their doors, and they were all trembling with fear.

The army led by their Grand Duke Vasily III and the Grand Duke Ostrogoski of Lithuania was completely defeated. Just outside Moscow, under the gaze of countless people, they were completely defeated.

Facing the Ming army with terrifying cannons and rifles, they still tried to rely on dense formations for impact and shooting, but failed miserably.

Under the attack of the Ming Dynasty's explosive ammunition and advanced rifles, there was almost no suspense. In just one battle, more than 200,000 troops were killed by the Ming Dynasty, and not even a tenth of them escaped.


Even Vasily III and Ostrogsky were not able to escape. They were chased by the Ming Dynasty's cavalry, and were chased by the Ming Dynasty in large trucks and cars. In the end, they still could not escape.


The sky has changed and collapsed!

For the remaining people in the city, this moment was like the end of the world. Everywhere in the nobles' mansions, the Ming army violently drove out all the nobles.

Women became slaves, and they would be distributed as spoils of war to the soldiers of the Ming army, while men had to die. It seemed that the Ming people had no intention of keeping these nobles.

The continuous gunfire of executions resounded throughout the city. All the gold, silver, jewelry, etc. from the nobles' homes were looted and placed on the street. This made countless people's eyes wide open and stayed with them for the rest of their lives.

I have never seen so many gold and silver jewelry.

It is also hard to believe that in such a barren country, these nobles can be so rich. Box after box of gold coins, silver coins, and all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, it makes people's eyes dizzy.

Everywhere in the church, all the clergy were violently pulled out, and then shot and killed without ceremony. The looted wealth was loaded onto horse-drawn carriages and taken away, with books and the like piled in piles.

The fire burned cleanly.

The statues of gods in the church were either chopped into pieces or directly blown to pieces with explosives. The people of Ming Dynasty disliked these things very much.

In the palace of Basil III, Zhu Houzhao admired the murals and various buildings on Qiangshan with great interest.

The Principality of Muscovy was greatly influenced by the Byzantine Empire. It has always claimed to be the successor of the Byzantine Empire. It has been greatly influenced by culture and art, and its style has a strong Byzantine flavor.

"Byzantine Empire!"

Zhu Houzhao recalled relevant information about the Byzantine Empire in his mind. This was a huge empire that had perished, but it was reborn on this land.

Unfortunately, they encountered the Ming Empire, so they could only stop here.

"Marshal, these are the family papers of Vasily III."

Soon, Liu Jin came in with a group of women. He understood Zhu Houzhao very well. Even though Zhu Houzhao was the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty, he actually learned the behavior style of the prairie people.

Killing all the other side's men on the battlefield, then taking over the other side's wives and daughters, and whipping the other side's children, this is exactly the same as the Mongols back then.

So after entering the palace, the first thing Liu Jin did was to capture all the women in the palace, and then select the young and beautiful ones for Zhu Houzhao to choose.


When Zhu Houzhao heard this, he immediately became interested. He glanced at the family records of Vasily III. Suddenly, they were like seeing a man-eating beast. They were all trembling with fear and did not dare to look directly at Zhu Houzhao. They could only stand at the very end.

The current Princess Sofia, who was in front of Vasily III, still holds her head high.

This old woman, who is over sixty years old, still has the pride and confidence of a princess of the Byzantine Empire. Even though she is now a prisoner, she is still extremely arrogant, as if she wants to kill or behead her.

Looking at the girls behind her, they were all very average-looking and far inferior to the beauties of the Ryazan Principality. Zhu Houzhao suddenly became less interested.

He waved his hand and said: "Take them all as slaves and distribute them to the soldiers."


Liu Jin nodded, then waved his hand, and the soldiers pulled them all down again.

"Marshal, Huo Yun has captured the city of Smolenskok. Please send a message to ask if you want to continue the attack to the west?"

At this time, Yang Yun, dressed in military uniform, walked in and reported to Zhu Houzhao.

"Continue to attack, all the way to the Baltic Sea, and open up the western seaport, so that we can directly connect to Hong Kong by sea in the future."

Zhu Houzhao led the army without thinking. Since the Ming Empire was expanding here, it had to do it in one step. Don't drag it out in a hurry, and go directly to the Baltic Sea at once. In this way, you can get the outlet of the Baltic Sea.


Yang Yun quickly replied.

"Huo Ying and Liao Yuan's troops are divided into two groups. One group is pursuing the Crimean Khanate Tatars to the Danube area. The other group has captured the city of Kiev. Please ask for instructions whether to continue the attack."

"It's almost time to let them stop. It's time to leave some space for the Tatars and force them to death. Who will plunder slaves for us in the future? Further south, we will be bordering the Ottoman Empire."

Zhu Houzhao opened the map, looked at it carefully and said.


Yang Yun quickly wrote it down and immediately sent someone to send a telegram.

"Is there any news from the mainland?"

Zhu Houzhao asked after thinking deeply.

"News has arrived. Your Majesty and the imperial court want us to establish a black soil province here, divide the state capitals, and carry out a certain degree of cleanup. The official appointed by the imperial court is already on the way."

"In addition, the imperial court has also begun to organize millions of immigrants to come to Black Earth Province, and we must do the relevant resettlement work here, because winter is coming soon, and the winter here is very cold, enough to compare with Winter City, so

Things must be arranged for winter.”

"We also need to study the climate and solar terms here and work out a reasonable farming time so that the immigrants can adapt to everything in the Black Earth Province as soon as possible."

Yang Yun delivered a telegram to Zhu Houzhao.

Zhu Houzhao took it and looked at it carefully.

"This style of doing things is exactly the same as that of Lao Liu. He does things with great enthusiasm."

After reading the order from the mainland, Zhu Houzhao immediately laughed.

Just by looking at this telegram, Zhu Houzhao knew that Liu Jin had prepared everything on his homeland.

Wage war, clear the land, and then set up provinces and state capitals. Then a large number of immigrants will come, and immigration towns will be built to accommodate immigrants, etc.

Everyone in the Ming Dynasty has already played this set very well, and they have long been very familiar with it.

"Invite Yin Wan V to come over, and also find some nobles who took the initiative to surrender to us in advance."

Zhu Houzhao thought for a while and said.


Soon, Yin Wan V, Oleg, Andrei and others were invited in.

Yin Wan V is the Grand Duke of the Ryazan Principality. Of course, he is now considered one of Zhu Houzhao's countless father-in-laws. Oleg and Andrei are the traditional nobles of the Moscow Principality.

From the very beginning, he advocated surrender to the Ming Empire, but as a result, Vasily III ignored them, the traditional nobles. This also made them, who were already dissatisfied, contact the Ming army in advance and secretly surrender to the Ming army.

A lot of information.

At the same time, when they attacked the city of Moscow, they also took the initiative to open the city gate in advance, allowing Zhu Houzhao's army to capture the entire city of Moscow almost without a single blow.

"Our Ming Dynasty is planning to combine the Principality of Muscovy, the Principality of Ryazan, the Kazan Khanate, the Yin Er Khanate, and the Crimean Khanate to form a Black Soil Province."

"Please help me refer to it, how can I let my Ming Dynasty permanently occupy this place and make this my Ming Dynasty's permanent land?"

Zhu Houzhao looked at these people and said calmly.

Hearing Zhu Houzhao's words, Yin Wan Wu couldn't help but feel sad in his heart. For such a huge piece of land, the Ming people attacked it at any time, and occupied it all in the blink of an eye.

Now it is even more important to formally annex this vast land, set it up as a province, and establish permanent rule here. This is completely different from the grassland nomadic tribes.

The nomadic tribes on the grassland only regard this place as pasture, and come regularly to collect taxes and thresh grain. They have no intention of permanently occupying this place, nor do they intend to rule it.

This is a good ending for them, because the prairie people need nobles like them to help collect taxes, and they still have to rely on them in the end.

But the people of Ming Dynasty were different. They did not need nobles like them to help collect taxes. The people of Ming Dynasty chose to make this place a part of the Ming Empire. They wanted to permanently occupy this place and establish a solid provincial rule here.

This also means that these nobles will never be able to improve their status. From now on, they can only become the lackeys of the Ming Dynasty, act as translators for the Ming Dynasty, or assist the Ming Dynasty in ruling this land.

"Your Highness the Ming Dynasty, the people in this land are actually very easy to rule, because the people of the Ming Dynasty are all serfs. They are like livestock. They have no thoughts and freedom of their own at all. They will only do things according to the orders of their masters."

"The Ming Empire established a province here, and it only needs to ensure the interests of the nobles and lords. I think they are also very willing to recognize the rule of the Ming Empire and be loyal to you, Your Highness!"

Oleg thought for a while but stood up and said.

"Are they all serfs?"

When Zhu Houzhao heard this, he couldn't help being slightly surprised. Is this place the same as Uzang?

"Yes, Your Highness, except for a few nobles and businessmen, most of the others here are serfs. They are the same as livestock of the nobles and lords. They cannot even be called human beings."

Andre also followed suit, and then began to talk endlessly about the situation here, constantly giving Zhu Houzhao advice.

This chapter has been completed!
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