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Chapter 1766, Li Dongyang's wish

"Mr. Li, take care of yourself!"

In the cabinet, it was rare for Li Dongyang to come to court, and it was also rare for him to come and sit in the cabinet.

Of course, his health is also very poor, and he can barely lie down in bed now. According to historical records, Li Dongyang will also die of illness next year.

Now his condition is quite bad. His hair is gray without any luster, his skin is dull, his eyes are cloudy and lifeless, and his mental state is very poor.

"Oh, so what can you do if you take care of yourself? This is what happens naturally when people get old."

Li Dongyang sighed, then smiled and said: "It's better to be young, it's better to be young."

"Look at you, you don't seem to have changed much from back then."

"Mr. Li was joking. I feel that my health is not as good as before. I used to read the copywriting for several hours without making any difference, but now I still have back pain and my eyes are dizzy."

Liu Jin smiled and replied, "Liu Jin's health is naturally not bad. He is in the prime of life and has great strength. He does not suffer from back pain or anything like that."

But after Zhang Mao left, Liu Jin kept Zhang Mao's words in mind and felt that he should also understand the principle of retreating bravely from the rapids. Now he can also start to pretend to be sick or feel uncomfortable.

After working for a few more years, it was almost time to submit a letter to resign and return to my hometown to spend the rest of my life.

Of course, Liu Jin has his own plans. He will never spend his whole life on important affairs of the court. That would be too unworthy. He has already done what he needs to do, and the remaining time should be spent on himself.

The world is a big place, and Liu Jin also wants to walk around and take a look.

When I am about fifty years old, I should retire. While my health is still good, I am able to walk, and I am eating well, I can travel around the world, see the scenery, and taste the delicious food from various places.

This is how your life is worth living.

Before I traveled back in time, I was just an ordinary office worker, working nine to five, running around for a busy life. I didn't have much leisure and time and money to see and walk around.

At that time, my dream was to be able to achieve financial freedom one day and be able to travel around the world and so on. Later, it gradually changed to being able to pay off the mortgage as early as possible, so that I could feel more relaxed.

People are always changing.

When I was a child, my ambitions reached the peak of my youth. I burst into tears in middle age and lamented in old age. I always thought that I could go back to the past. But sometimes I close my eyes and imagine my life in middle age and old age. Then I open my eyes and find that

When you are still young, you are often unable to grasp the current opportunity and destiny.

After traveling through time, I have accomplished countless things that I never dared to think about before. I have huge wealth, a beautiful wife, or two at once, and a bunch of children.

At the same time, he holds a high position of authority, is an extremely popular minister, holds great power, is inferior to one person and is superior to ten thousand people, which can be said to be infinite glory.

For Liu Jin, this is enough.

I also want to travel around the world, see things, and fulfill the dream of an ordinary person before traveling through time.

For this ideal and goal, Liu Jin will work hard from now on. Pretending that he is not in good health is also a common method.

"After all, you are still very young and have a long way to go."

"Unlike me, half of my body has been buried in the ground, and I didn't know that he suddenly passed away that day."

"The fact that Mr. Zhang left like this makes people sigh for a moment."

"The past memories of returning to my hometown seem to be still vivid in my mind, but now things have changed and my old friends have gone west."

Li Dongyang seemed to be like other old people. He talked a lot and was always reminiscing about the past.

Zhang Mao's departure also filled him with a kind of sadness. Even if a person holds a high and powerful position, he will still be unable to withstand the time and will eventually turn into a handful of loess.

Especially now that Li Dongyang's own health is not good, he often thinks about many things.

He thought about his child who had died young, how he had been so high-spirited when he was on the gold medal list when he was young, how he had had a smooth career and had risen through the ranks. He had already joined the cabinet and became a cabinet minister at a young age. He had been in the cabinet for more than ten years and was able to show off his ambitions.

And talent, this life is not in vain.

In short, Li Dongyang now spends every day in memories, thinking about countless people and things, and there are many people and things he wants to see and take a look at.

Liu Jin looked at Li Dongyang and could clearly feel his sadness and sluggishness.

For an old man like him who is suffering from many diseases, this seems to be quite normal.

At this moment, Liu Jin suddenly felt that Emperor Hongzhi was sometimes too ruthless.

A few years ago, Li Dongyang had frequently resigned because of his poor health. He wanted to return to his hometown to take care of himself, and at the same time, he wanted to walk around and see things.

However, Emperor Hongzhi repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay, which reflected his concern for his ministers and made him famous for his generosity and kindness, but who could know how tormented and uncomfortable Li Dongyang felt in his heart.

Perhaps what he needs most is not this, but to be able to return to his hometown to take care of his old age, go around and see the people and things he wants to see.

Thinking of this and thinking about Li Dongyang's passing of illness next year, Liu Jin also wondered whether he should do something.

"Mr. Li, are you here to ask for your resignation from His Majesty?"

Liu Jin thought for a while and asked.

"Yes, I came here to ask for your resignation from His Majesty."

Li Dongyang nodded and replied.

"Has His Majesty approved it?"

Liu Jin asked again.

Li Dongyang smiled and shook his head slightly. He couldn't even remember how many times he had submitted a letter to resign, but he had never received Emperor Hongzhi's approval. It seemed that he was going to die in the capital.

In fact, I still want to see everywhere. I want to go to Zhejiang to see Xie Qian, drink tea and chat with this old friend, want to pay homage to my mentor, and see my son who died young.

Pay homage to your parents.

If conditions permit, Li Dongyang would even like to visit Chaling, the Li family's colony in the Persian Gulf.

Finally, I will return to my hometown in Chaling, Huguang, and wait for death slowly.

This is Li Dongyang's last wish, and now it seems that maybe he will die here in the capital, and maybe he can only return to his hometown after he dies.

I have to say, this is an extremely sad thing.

"Mr. Li, I will go and talk to His Majesty about this matter."

Liu Jin thought about it and said proactively.

"This is not good."

When Li Dongyang thought about it, he shook his head slightly.

Liu Jin, the chief minister of the cabinet, went to tell the emperor to allow Li Dongyang, the second minister, to return to his hometown to retire. This would be very bad for Liu Jin's reputation and would easily arouse the emperor's suspicion.

Others will wonder if you, Liu Jin, are impatient to hold all the power of the cabinet in your own hands, so you reject dissidents?

Although Li Dongyang himself knew that Liu Jinze was doing it for his own good, so that he could have time to complete what he finally wanted to accomplish.

But it is still damaging to Liu Jin’s reputation.

"It's nothing, it's just a false reputation."

"I think Your Majesty should be able to measure up to Mr. Li."

Liu Jin smiled and said.

Soon, Liu Jin went to the palace to ask for an audience with Emperor Hongzhi.

Outsiders don't know how Liu Jin persuaded Emperor Hongzhi, but a few days later, Emperor Hongzhi granted Li Dongyang's request to return to his hometown to take care of himself, rewarded Li Dongyang generously, and summoned him alone.

Once Li Dongyang.

The monarch and his ministers chatted for a whole morning, talking about a lot of things and contents. At the same time, a farewell banquet was held for Li Dongyang in the palace.

Li Dongyang was very happy to receive the approval. After a good gathering with many old friends, classmates, colleagues, etc. in the capital, he did not hesitate at all.

Of course, it can be said that he couldn't wait, and he rushed south in a hurry. His first stop was to Zhejiang, to Yuyao, Zhejiang, to see Xie Qian, who was already retiring in his hometown.

He and Xie Qian had been officials together for many years, and they had been colleagues in the cabinet for many years. Their relationship was quite good. Even after Xie Qian returned to his hometown to take care of his old age, they still exchanged letters with each other.

Now at the last moment of his life, Li Dongyang also wanted to see Xie Qian again, and finally take a look at his physical condition and decide whether to go to the Persian Gulf.

Li Dongyang left, and soon Emperor Hongzhi appointed Wang Shouren, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, to join the cabinet. This again surprised the government and the public, because Wang Shouren had only been the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue for about a year, and now he was appointed to the cabinet.

The pavilion is old.

There are more people in the court who are more qualified than Wang Shouren, and the key is that Wang Shouren is not very old, only in his forties. Both the government and the public are older than Wang Shouren, and there are a lot of senior ministers. They all

Wang Shouren has not yet entered the cabinet as cabinet minister, but Wang Shouren is already advanced.

This also makes many ministers quite dissatisfied, because being a cabinet minister is not only a symbol of power, but also an honor.

Liu Jin's chief assistant, who is in his thirties, and Wang Shouren, who is in his forties, are both too young, but this is Emperor Hongzhi's will, and no one can change it, and everyone is thinking about why Emperor Hongzhi did this.


ps: These chapters are a bit heavy. In fact, people should think about their own lives carefully. Think about their life in middle age and old age, and then think about everything they have now. I don’t think a person is mature enough.

Maturity does not depend on age. Some people are still as naive as children even if they are forty or fifty years old, while some people have already understood the principles of life at a young age. To judge whether a person is mature or not, it still depends on the age.

This person's thinking about life and the meaning of life.

This chapter has been completed!
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