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Chapter 1768, do a lot of infrastructure

"Your Majesty, the Black Earth Province is too far away from the mainland of Ming Dynasty, and there are many indigenous people there. I believe that in order to strengthen the control and governance of the Black Earth Province by our Ming Dynasty, we, the Ming Dynasty, should build railways from two directions to Europe.


After discussing external matters, Liu Jin also took out a memorial he had already written and submitted it to Emperor Hongzhi.

This is an extremely large infrastructure plan, similar to the five-year plans of later generations. Of course, the railway to the Black Earth Province is only a part of this huge plan.

Emperor Hongzhi looked quickly and carefully.

This infrastructure plan is very large.

The core focus is around the four aspects of railways, highways, ports and urban construction.

In terms of railways, based on the existing railways, several major railway trunk lines have been proposed and planned.

One of them is a plan to build a railway to the Black Earth Province of Europe. This part of the railway plan is divided into two parts. One part is from Central Asia Province, Hezhong Province, through the Ural Mountains, the city of Kazan in the former Kazan Khanate, and the city of Ryazan in the Principality of Ryazan to Moscow.

City, and finally arrived directly at Houzhao City, which was transformed into the Baltic Sea.

The other part goes north from Xijigang Port in Nanyun Province, enters the territory of the former Ilkhanate through the gentle area of ​​the western Caucasus, and then repairs along the Sea of ​​Azov to the territory of the former Crimean Khanate, and finally connects with Ka

French City, Kiev, and Moscow City formed a complete railway network to strengthen the Ming Empire's control and rule over the entire Black Earth Province.

Another one is to build a railway connecting Sichuan. Sichuan is a land of abundance, with fertile land and a large population. However, since ancient times, the road to Sichuan has been too difficult, so Sichuan has not received much development.

It is difficult for people and materials from Sichuan to leave, and it is also difficult for people and materials from outside to enter Sichuan, forming a closed environment, which is very detrimental to the development of Sichuan.

If Sichuan can develop rapidly and keep up with the development of the Ming Dynasty, then the Ming Dynasty will have a large rear area in the southwest.

Of course, Liu Jin, who came from a later generation, also knew the importance of balanced development in various regions.

Due to various reasons, later generations chose the strategy of concentrating their efforts and resources to develop the eastern coastal areas first, and then relying on the strategy of getting rich first to drive wealth later.

Although great achievements have been made, it has also led to uneven development between regions. The eastern region can rival developed regions in Europe, while many places in the western region are not even much different from Africa.

Some people in the eastern region can eat a meal worth millions, while in the western region, the annual food expenses for hundreds of teachers and students in a school are less than 100,000 yuan.

The huge difference has brought about many problems. The over-concentration of the population to the eastern coastal metropolitan areas has caused many problems, such as left-behind children, too dense urban population, employment and education, and many other problems.

In addition, the areas that developed first are also full of superiority, discrimination, and looking down on outsiders. They think that the reason why they are richer than others is because they are smarter, harder-working, more capable, etc.

However, in fact, this is not the case.

The reason why they became rich was entirely because the entire country's resources and policies were initially concentrated on the development of these areas, allowing them to become rich quickly.

However, they regard all this as their own efforts and look down on the poor people in the central and western regions. However, they do not know that at the beginning, the coastal areas were not as good as the inland areas. In many cases, they could not even make a living.

They didn't have enough to eat, so they went to Southeast Asia to make a living.

Liu Jin is a time traveler, so he knows this and the importance of balanced development and the huge benefits it can bring.

The land of Tianfu must be built with a railway. The completion of the railway will open up the development of the Tianfu region and make the land of Tianfu prosperous and strong.

In later generations, after the infrastructure was gradually improved, Sichuan Tianfu also began to make continuous efforts and gradually became the largest city and economic and industrial center in the southwest. Chengdu also has the potential to become a first-tier city, which is enough to illustrate this

a little.

Of course, it’s not just the Land of Abundance.

Liu Jin's infrastructure plan also includes the development of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Huguang and Jiangxi.

Later generations originally relied on the golden waterway of the Yangtze River. Huguang and Jiangxi could actually achieve the same status as coastal areas. With convenient river transportation, the economy could also develop rapidly.

However, the policy prioritizes the development of coastal areas, and all the bridges over the Yangtze River are built too low, making it difficult for 10,000-ton oil tankers to pass. As a result, Jiangxi and Huguang are in dire straits.

The Huguang area is better. With the gradual development of railway transportation, Jiangxi has completely become a place with no sense of existence. It is a proper agricultural province. There were few in the surrounding areas that were better than Jiangxi in the past. As a result, in the end

No one in Jiangxi can compare.

I have to say that this is purely caused by policy inclination. If they develop slowly, Huguang and Jiangxi may not be much worse than the coastal areas.

Therefore, in the new upcoming plan, Liu Jin clearly proposed to develop Huguang and Jiangxi, dredge the waterway of the Yangtze River, open up steep areas, and give full play to the river transportation value of the Yangtze River.

Nowadays, steamships and internal combustion engines are available, which can completely overcome the inconvenience of navigation caused by the reverse current. As long as the steep places in the Yangtze River are dredged, according to the exploration and estimation of later generations of scientists, the Yangtze River will be

The shipping value is completely direct to the Wuchang area in the core of Huguang.

Even if a reservoir is built at the location of the Three Gorges, the shipping value can go directly to Chongqing. Of course, building the Three Gorges Reservoir in this era is definitely not feasible, so don’t even think about it.

As long as shipping can be opened to the Huguang area, it will be enough.

In the current Yangtze River Basin, there is very little water and soil erosion, and the ecological environment is very good. When Liu Jin went to Nanjing last time, he saw a large number of finless porpoises in the Yangtze River.

Because the water and soil are well conserved, the water volume of the Yangtze River is very stable and abundant. Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake are both very large, and even large ships can directly enter these two large lakes.

In addition, the Ming Dynasty has been emigrating, moving a large number of people overseas, outside the customs and other areas. This has also reduced the ecological pressure in these places. This also means that the ecological environment of these places will be able to survive for a long time.

Very well maintained.

These are all very favorable factors, which are conducive to the Ming Dynasty's support for the development of Huguang, Jiangxi and other places, dredging the golden channel of the Yangtze River, and building ports and docks in the areas along the rivers of Huguang and Jiangxi.

The other is to build railways, both water and land. It is entirely possible that Huguang and Jiangxi can rival the coastal areas, with convenient transportation. In addition, these two places have large populations and are wealthy places in the Ming Dynasty. Huguang

There is no need to worry about the development of Jiangxi and Jiangxi.

At that time, if the railways to Guangdong and Guangxi are built and the railways to the north and to Henan are connected, then it can become a transportation hub and develop faster.

In addition to railways, we also need to overhaul roads.

Liu Jin's plan calls for the construction of highways connecting every state capital in the Ming Dynasty. Of course, for now, this is limited to the local areas of the Ming Dynasty.

Overseas places are vast and sparsely populated, and there is really no way to build roads there.

Like here in Huangjinzhou, the population is concentrated in a few urban areas along the coast, which are far apart from each other. It is more convenient to travel by boat.

And here in Australia, the land is vast and sparsely populated, and the population is concentrated in a few immigrant towns. As long as cement roads need to be built in these places to strengthen previous connections and exchanges, it will be enough.

The key is the mainland of the Ming Dynasty, where the population is the largest, the differences between different places are also the greatest, and it is also where transportation is most needed.

In the five-year plan, kilometers will be built to connect every state capital in the Ming Dynasty, and the next step is to connect every county. For many towns and villages in remote areas, as long as transportation is inconvenient.

Liu Jin's plan is to relocate all the people in these areas. The black soil province has vast black land, which is many times better than many remote rural areas and poor areas.

Since these places are not suitable for survival and life is miserable, then all of them should be moved out and used as nature reserves to protect the environment and prevent soil erosion.

Like many places in the southwest, transportation is very inconvenient, and the investment in building roads and railways is too large to be worthwhile. It's better to move out quickly. It's not that there is no land or no choice.

Of course, the most important thing now is that the Ming court has a lot of money. There is so much money that there is no place to spend it. It is just a pile of iron in the treasury. It is better to spend it on infrastructure construction, which can not only improve transportation, but also promote the Ming economy.

development, drive employment and stimulate the development of related industries.

In general, the current Ming Dynasty has favorable conditions in many aspects. It has a strong family background and sufficient resources. It is also a period of rapid development of the new industrial revolution. Naturally, it must seize the opportunity to lay a good foundation and promote balanced development in various places.


Unlike later generations, after a hundred years of turmoil and semi-colonial and semi-feudal plunder, the entire country's wealth has been completely looted, and the extent of poverty is completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

At that time, even eating was a big problem. How did you expect to plan and develop well?

Talking about environmental protection is nonsense. Even if you don’t have food to eat, everything will be done clean. If you want to develop under such circumstances, you can only concentrate on the development of some areas first. There is no way to say

Like Liu Jin, fully consider the balanced development of all parties.

ps: Do you think it makes sense?


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