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Chapter 1790, concern from the emperor

Shangyun Town Immigration Office.

Li Da, Wang Kaiwen, and Li Nick came to the Immigration Department together.

"Wang Kaiwen?"

"What's the matter with you?"

Deng Shan was drinking tea and reading the newspaper. It was winter, and he, an immigration official, could finally take a breather and feel less tired.

Among the 10,000 immigrants in Shangyun Town, Deng Shan didn’t remember too many people. Wang Kaiwen was one of them, because Wang Kaiwen was a person who had gone to school and read a book. Many times, Deng Shan also needed Wang Kaiwen’s help.

, coupled with the fact that Wang Kaiwen’s family is from Hetong Province, he is considered to be the richest among many immigrants.

It can even be said that they are richer than him, Mr. Deng Shan and Deng. It is said that Wang Kaiwen’s family has thousands of acres of fertile land on this side of the river. They have a large breeding farm where they raise hundreds of pigs, hundreds of sheep, and dozens of cattle.

and a dozen horses.

When Wang Kaiwen immigrated here, his father gave him thousands of taels of money as a share of the family. He was a wealthy man. When others were still worrying about cultivating land, he had already purchased a cultivator early.

, we have reclaimed thousands of acres of land and built a breeding farm, and we are just waiting to start working hard next year.

"Master Deng, we are here to inquire about policies related to the purchase of agricultural machinery."

Wang Kaiwen also asked after saluting Deng Shan.

"Policies related to agricultural machinery?"

When Deng Shan heard this, he remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something important.

The imperial court has already notified major immigrant towns to count the number of agricultural machinery purchased. The imperial court has relevant subsidies for purchasing machinery and preferential loan policies.

"I actually forgot about this, thank you for reminding me."

"There is this policy. When purchasing agricultural machinery, the court will subsidize 30%. In addition, it can also provide interest-free loans. If you want to buy it, I can register it for you now. When spring comes, the machine can be shipped

come over."

Deng Shan quickly found the relevant documents and said.

"30% subsidy and interest-free loan?"

"This is really good, but it's a pity that I have already bought a cultivator."

"Let me buy another seeder. Help me register it. I only want a wheat seeder produced by Jingcheng Machinery Factory."

When Wang Kaiwen heard this, he thought about it and said without hesitation.

If you don’t take advantage of the preferential policies to buy a machine now, you will have to pay for it yourself if you want to buy it later.

"I want a cultivator~"

Li Da looked at Wang Kaiwen and Li Nick, thought for a while and stuttered.

He trembled when he thought that spending hundreds of taels of silver to buy a cultivator would not only use up all his money, but also owe dozens of taels of silver.

But fortunately, I believe that Wang Kaiwen has also seen the power of a cultivator. With this machine, he can cultivate thousands of acres of land, and then he can have a large amount of food to sell, and it can be done in a year.

Return your capital and earn a lot of money.

"I also want a cultivator."

Li Nick on the side also quickly said, "The relationship between the three of them is relatively good. Although Li Nick is a native of Nanyun Province, it does not prevent us from getting along well."


Deng Shan quickly registered and ordered the officials to quickly publicize the matter.

At this moment, several trucks drove up outside the Immigration Office, loaded with truckloads of supplies.

"Master Deng~Master Deng~"

"The imperial court has sent something again!"

In the car, the delivery driver came down and immediately shouted.

"Is the imperial court sending something again?"

As soon as everyone heard this, they hurried out. As soon as the canvas on the car was lifted, the good guy actually had a car full of meat.

"The Emperor heard that it was snowing heavily and freezing cold here in Black Earth Province, so he specially took out a sum of money from his own funds to buy a lot of meat and shipped it to Black Earth Province."

"Each family can get twenty kilograms of meat. You can get a total of 200,000 kilograms of meat here in Shangyun Town."

Soon, an officer from the Black Earth Provincial Immigration Bureau who was responsible for delivering the meat started shouting with a tin trumpet, and at the same time, some officials began to post this notice outside the immigration office.

"The Emperor actually cares about us common people!"

"The emperor used his own money to buy meat for us. How can we eat this meat?"

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live the emperor!"

Soon, all the immigrants in the town heard the news, and all of them came to the door of the Immigration Department and learned that they had spent their own money to buy meat for everyone that day.

Immediately, many people were moved to tears, especially the older generation. Only those who have experienced successive hardships will understand how good it is now.

A little bit of meat is a small thing, and it won't make a lot of money, but it lets everyone know that the Holy Emperor cares about everyone, remembers everyone, and cares about everyone.

Many immigrants at the scene couldn't help shouting in unison.

It was only when the immigrants arrived in Black Earth Province that they could truly feel the care of the emperor and the court. Food, clothes, quilts, seeds, and all kinds of things were distributed. Now the emperor even paid for the meat from his own pocket.

Many people were deeply moved and moved to tears with gratitude.

Among them, the immigrants from Nanyun Province were the most excited.

Many of the older generation of locals in Nanyun Province are very aware of the life they lived in the past. At that time, they did not have enough to eat or wear, they had to endure heavy taxes, and they had to be worried about the powerful countries and tribes around them.

When they came to plunder, their kings, nobles and the like were not only unable to provide them with protection, they even had to collect high taxes.

Looking at it now, since it was included in the territory of the Ming Empire, they have never had to worry about it, and they no longer need to be afraid.

The taxes paid are very small, and only one-tenth of the food grown is enough. In winter, there is no need to worry about nomadic tribes coming to thresh the grass and grain, and there is no need to worry about the Ottomans and Persians coming to capture slaves.

Now the Emperor actually misses them, cares about them, and spends his own money to buy meat for them. This has never made them so touched as at this moment, feeling their own presence and caring from the Emperor of Heaven.

Many old people kneel down and worship in the direction of the Eastern Capital. Their recognition of the Ming Dynasty has skyrocketed. With such an emperor and such a Ming Dynasty, they have long forgotten their original identities. Now they are citizens of the Ming Empire and the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.



In a village outside Moscow, in the cold wind, many local indigenous people are almost lying on their beds, silently looking forward to the cold winter passing soon.

The people here used to be serfs. After this place came under the rule of the Ming Empire, the Ming Empire liberated the serfs, allowing everyone to regain their freedom and own their own land.

However, their fate did not change much in a short period of time, because the land had not yet been cultivated and they did not have much food of their own.

In winter, it is very cold here. They have little food and insufficient winter clothing, so most of the time they can only stay at home and dare not go out.

"Winter will pass as soon as possible. Next year, we can cultivate our own land. In autumn, we will have endless food."

Movič silently counted the time in his heart, thinking about the prosperous life in the coming year.

He did not have any resistance or dissatisfaction with the rule of the Ming Dynasty. Just the fact that he no longer had to be a slave made Moviqi express his approval. The life of a serf was extremely miserable. Now that he is no longer a serf, he also has the most precious possessions.


As long as you work hard in the next year, there will be endless food in autumn. By then, you will be able to wear clothes as beautiful as the people of Ming Dynasty.

Just as Movich was planning his plans for next year in his mind, there was a sound of gongs and drums outside.

As soon as he heard this sound, Movich became excited and beat the gongs and drums in a way unique to the Ming Dynasty. There must be something going on.

Quickly putting on his clothes, Movich hurried outside and saw that people in the village had also appeared one after another. At the end of the village, there were officials wearing Ming official attire and a group of former aristocratic followers acting as translators.

Next to them, there are bags of flour piled up. What is this for?

Everyone was very curious.

"Everyone, the Emperor of Heaven learned that the winter here in Black Earth Province is cold and the weather is severe. He knew that the people in Black Earth Province were short of food and clothing, so he allocated a sum of money from his own funds and specially purchased a large amount of grain for distribution.

For you guys."

"Each person was given fifty kilograms of flour. Everyone went to call everyone in their own family and distributed food according to their head."

The leader of the Ming Dynasty official spoke a bunch of Ming dialect that no one could understand, and soon the people around him began to translate.

"A fifty pounds of flour?"

When everyone heard this, they were all dumbfounded and looked in disbelief.

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty actually distributed food to everyone, and each of them received fifty kilograms. Even the children had a share. Is this really unbelievable?

You must know that these nobles in the past wanted to eat all the bones of their serfs, and it was impossible to say that they would be given food.

But now, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty not only liberated the serfs and gave them freedom, but also gave them land. Now that winter has arrived, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty is actually afraid that everyone will starve, and even distributes fifty pounds of flour to each person.

This is really unbelievable. This is something that I never dared to think of before.

In the past, the Grand Duke of Moscow had never cared about the life and death of humble serfs like them. Will those nobles care about their life and death? Will they care whether everyone has food to eat and whether they will freeze to death?

Now, the emperor of Ming Dynasty not only gave them freedom and land, but also cared about whether they had food to eat.

This made them deeply moved at once, and they suddenly realized the benefits of becoming people of the people of tomorrow.


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