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Chapter 18, Conspiracy

"Since we are doing business together, we naturally have to share the money together. What's more, I will rely on you for a lot in the future."

Liu Jin looked at the two of them and could see that they were both very serious and not even half-hearted.

"That won't work either. This method of making money was discovered by you, Brother Jin. We haven't done anything, so how can we share the money?"

Zhao Heishan shook his head repeatedly. He was an honest man, but he knew very well that the most important thing in life was his duty.

"Let's go like this, three to seven, you three, me seven, that's all right, right?"

Liu Jin thought for a while and said, coming from later generations, Liu Jin believed that common interests can bind people together firmly. As for relying on so-called morality, character, etc., Liu Jin felt that it was not possible.

Nothing can withstand the test of interest.

"No, no, Brother Jin, if you insist on doing this, just pretend that we have never been here today. We will always keep the secrets you mentioned and will never let them out in the slightest."

Zhao Heishan still shook his head, not daring to covet dividends at all.

"There's really nothing I can do against you. Let's do this, just 10%. This achievement is considered as the reward for your labor. If you do things for me, I can't help but pay you, right?"

Liu Jin really had no choice, and he really didn't understand the thinking of the ancients. He didn't want the benefits that were given to him for free. This snow salt is very profitable. As long as he firmly grasps this method of making money, he will naturally have a steady stream of wealth in the future.


However, Zhao Heishan resisted all odds and refused to accept the wealth that came to his door. If it were given to a modern person, he would definitely have to worry about it.

"This, okay."

Zhao Heishan was silent for a while, thought about it, and finally nodded and agreed.

It is definitely a lie to say that they are not excited. Liu Jin and Zhao Erhu earned more than 10 taels of silver after working for 10 days. A pound of snow salt was sold for 200 taels, which was very profitable. As long as they followed Liu Jin, they could turn around in the future.


"Uncle Heishan, let's discuss how to operate it so that we can avoid being discovered by everyone as much as possible and protect our financial path."

When Liu Jin heard this, he laughed happily, and then began to discuss with Zhao Heishan's family how to make money by purifying coarse salt on a larger scale.

"Our snow salt is actually extracted from coarse salt. It is obviously not cost-effective for us to boil the coarse salt and purify it ourselves. I think we might as well purchase the coarse salt from others and then purify it into snow salt. This will be more cost-effective."

Faster and more convenient.”

"This is good, but if we purchase coarse salt, it will definitely attract the attention of others."

Zhao Heishan listened carefully and after hearing Liu Jin's words, he thought about it and said.

"That's a question, Uncle Heishan, do you have any good ideas?"

When Liu Jin heard this, he immediately frowned.

The last time he purified snow salt, Liu Jin also asked Zhao Erhu to fetch brine from the beach to boil the salt in order not to attract attention, and then slowly refined it into snow salt. The efficiency was very low, the output was very leisurely, and a lot of waste wasted.


"I think we need to build a bigger yard first, and the walls must be higher so that people outside can't see inside."

"Then we have to divide the steps of refining snow salt into many steps, and put the simple steps that are not core in the yard. The most important thing is to put them in the house. In this way, even if someone comes in, they will only

Just by seeing us boiling salt, you won’t immediately discover our secret.”

"It's easier to buy coarse salt. Doesn't snow salt have to be sold to salt dealers? Every time you sell snow salt, buy some coarse salt from the salt dealer, so that the villagers won't be suspicious.


"In this way, no one is aware of it. Even if someone has doubts, we can let them come to the yard to take a look and dispel their doubts."

"But the best way is to wait until you have money to buy a piece of land and build a large manor, or go to the sea to find an island. This way it can be kept more secret."

Zhao Heishan thought about it carefully and said slowly, the most important thing about refining coarse salt is the method. Everything else is very simple. Once this method is leaked, there will be no way to make money from snow salt.

"Well, that's all we can do for now."

After listening to Zhao Heishan's words, Liu Jin also nodded. Although buying coarse salt from the salt dealer will let the salt dealer know that the snow salt is extracted from coarse salt, there is definitely no way to keep this secret for a long time.

It will be known to everyone.

The key is still the method of refining coarse salt. As long as you can firmly master this method, you can control the wealth of snow salt in your own hands.

It doesn’t take too long, it only takes a few years, to make a fortune from this snow salt. With a golden finger in hand, relying on various advanced technologies, you can develop all kinds of profitable things. When you get to that

By that time, the secret of snow salt would no longer be important.

"Refining coarse salt mainly involves two important steps, one is to filter insoluble impurities, and the other is to remove soluble impurities through chemical reactions."

"Between these two steps, it is best to add some more useless steps, which can increase the difficulty of being cracked. This needs to be designed carefully. Zhao Heishan and his family also need to observe more and be on guard against others.


Liu Jin thought rapidly in his mind, and he was also thinking about keeping secrets in his mind.

The current conditions are still limited. If you have money, you can build a large farm, buy some slaves, divide the refining steps into many steps, and use the assembly line method to refine coarse salt. This method is the safest.

"Uncle Heishan, it's about half a month before the salt dealer comes to our village. During this time, you still need to work hard to bring back the brine."

"No hard work, no hard work, this is what should be done."

"Let's work hard. I promised Erhu that he would have money to marry his aunt during the Chinese New Year. This snow salt is very profitable. If you make money, Uncle Heishan and your family can also build a better house, and Erhu will marry his wife."

Naturally it’s much easier.”

"I'm really hopeless, I just want to marry my mother-in-law~"


Liu Jin, Zhao Heishan and others discussed together for more than an hour, carefully going through all aspects of refining coarse salt, taking every aspect into consideration, trying not to attract the attention of others, and making a fortune silently.

"Jin'er, you have grown up!"

When Zhao Heishan and others returned, Liu Jin's mother Wang looked at Liu Jin and said with relief.

She saw everything that happened at night. Liu Jin seemed to have grown up overnight and became a man, capable of being a pillar of man.

"Mom, I can't help it. This Tang Tiger is eyeing us, mother and son. If he doesn't find a way, sooner or later he will eat us down to nothing."

"It is definitely not easy to deal with this Tang Laohu. We have no money and no people, so I also want to recruit Zhao Heishan's family and slowly accumulate strength."

Liu Jin smiled and said helplessly.

"I also know that last time Tang Laohu harmed you, brother Jin. If it hadn't been for the blessing of our ancestors, and if you had any shortcomings, I wouldn't have the shame to meet the ancestors of our Liu family."

"Tang Laohu will not let us go. It's good for you to be prepared."

"But making money is a trivial matter after all. If you want to really defeat him, you still have to study hard and strive to get into high school next year. Then you won't have to worry about it. If you become successful in the future, it will be easy to take revenge."

Mrs. Wang is not a pedantic person, and she has clearly seen Tang Huo's true face, and is very supportive of her son. However, she is more interested in studying and studying for fame, which is the path she has persisted for more than ten years.

"I know that I joined Zhao Heishan's family to save time and energy to study hard and prepare for next year's college entrance examination. Otherwise, if I just rely on myself, I will not have enough energy to make money and study at the same time."

Liu Jin nodded and said, naturally he did not dare to tell Mr. Wang that he had no hope of taking the imperial examination. He still had to take the imperial examination, and it didn't matter whether he passed or failed.

"I'm relieved that you have your own arrangements."

Hearing Liu Jin's answer, Ms. Wang nodded with satisfaction. Liu Jin was a good child, which had made her worry-free since she was a child.

Then she seemed to think of something, thought for a while and said: "Brother Jin, you are already seventeen years old. Originally, I wanted to wait until you are in high school before proposing marriage to you."

"Now that you have grown up, Zhao Heishan is already looking for an aunt. It's almost time for you to find someone to warm your bed. Forget about getting married, I think you can have a younger one first."

"Our family didn't have any money before, but now that you have a way to make a fortune like Xue Yan, you will naturally have the money. If you start a family and start a business earlier, I can also have grandchildren earlier."

Wang smiled and discussed with Liu Jin. She had just heard that Zhao Erhu wanted to marry her mother-in-law, and then she remembered that Liu Jin was already quite old. At the age of seventeen, in ancient times, many people's children were already good at making soy sauce.

"Mom, I'm still young, not to mention that I still want to focus on studying for fame. If I have fame, there's no need to worry about not having a wife."

Hearing Wang's words, Liu Jin's face turned red. As he spoke, he even mentioned the matter of marrying wives and taking concubines. You must know that in later generations, a seventeen-year-old is just a high school student, still a child.

"Jin'er, you are right. If you don't have fame, you won't be able to marry a famous lady. An ordinary wild girl is not worthy of our Jin'er. If you want to marry, you must marry a beautiful, educated and sensible lady."

Hearing Liu Jin's words, Mrs. Wang thought for a while and nodded. She had high expectations for Liu Jin. She had not told Liu Jin about the marriage because of this consideration. Otherwise, Liu Jin would have the reputation of being a scholar and a good person.

She is pretty and has more than ten acres of land at home, so it is not difficult to find a wife.

This chapter has been completed!
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