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Chapter 1839, harvest season

Shangyun Town, Black Earth Province, with the cold wind coming from the Arctic Circle, the entire Shangyun Town has entered the busiest season of the year.

Here in the Li family's field, Li Dazheng drove a harvester to harvest his own wheat. The golden waves of wheat moved with the wind, and as far as the eye could see, there was a golden ocean.

As the harvester advances and the machine rotates, pieces of wheat are harvested quickly.

Thanks to his early purchase of a cultivator, Li Da has reclaimed thousands of acres of land this year. Most of these thousands of acres of land are used to grow wheat. Now it is the wheat harvest season. Looking at the wheat fields in front of him,

Li Da's whole body was filled with the joy of harvest.

How much wheat can be harvested from thousands of acres of wheat fields will probably only be known after the actual harvest.

The land here is really fertile. You can grow whatever you want on the fertile black soil. Wheat grows very well. Although Li Da is also planting wheat for the first time, he knows from his neighbors that the wheat yield is quite good.

The yield is high, and the key is that the quality of the wheat is also very good, with plump grains and heavy ears that bend the stalks.

The machine kept moving forward, and bags after bags were filled with wheat and then pushed down. Looking back, there were already hundreds of bags.

According to the Ming Dynasty's immigration policy, immigrants who immigrated to Black Earth Province did not have to pay rent in the first few years, which meant that all the food belonged to them.

With so much food, Li Da felt a sense of happiness that he had never experienced before.

You must know that in the past, in the mountains of Qinling Mountains, there were very few fields. In addition, the fields were also very barren, and the food production was very limited.

Although Carpenter Li and his family do not have to pay public food, the food harvested after a year of hard work is still limited, and it is simply not enough to feed the family.

Therefore, even if they are hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, the life of the mountain people can only be said to be a hard life. Although they do not have to pay taxes or be oppressed by officials, wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and it is still the same in the mountains.

Yes, the big village bullies the small village, the one with many brothers bullies the one with few brothers, it is the same.

Carpenter Li's family has a large family, little land, and limited food. Therefore, Li Da and Li Er often don't have enough to eat. What Li Da has longed for most since he was a child is to eat with an open belly and be full every time. If there is meat,

It will naturally be better if you eat more.

Now, looking at the wheat field in front of him and the bags of grain behind him, Li Da knew that he would never go hungry again. There was so much grain that his family of three could never finish it.

Li Da and his wife were busy, while the baby was sleeping soundly in the cradle. Both the couple's faces were filled with smiles that could not be concealed.

People who come from the mountains all have the same obsession with food.

The harvest season always makes people happy and happy. Even after a busy day and I am too tired to even eat, I am still very happy.

"Take a break~"

Seeing that it was almost noon, Li stopped the harvester.

"The harvester is really fast. It will take more than ten days to finish harvesting all our wheat."

Li Da looked at the area where he had been working all morning. A large area of ​​wheat fields had been harvested. He calculated silently and estimated that ten days would be enough.

This efficiency, this speed, thousands of acres of wheat fields!

"It is estimated that 70 acres will be harvested in one morning this year."

Li Da and his wife did the math, and then looked at the bags in the field. They were all smiling from ear to ear.

"How much food do you think we can harvest this year?"

Li Da's wife looked at the wheat field in front of her and asked.

"This acre of land weighs about 500 kilograms. We have planted almost 2,000 acres of wheat. Calculating this, we can harvest almost 1 million kilograms of wheat this year."

Li Da calculated and said.

"One million catties of wheat!"

"Have we finished eating?"

After listening to this, Li Da's wife immediately opened her mouth. Although the food in the house was already full and she had known for a long time that there would be a bumper harvest this year and there would be a lot of food, she was still deeply moved when she heard the figure of one million catties.

was shocked.

"Where can we finish eating? Most of the food still has to be sold."

"I guess this food will not be easy to sell."

"We should have listened to Wang Kaiwen and planted less wheat and more onions, potatoes, corn, etc. There is too much food, but we are worried."

Li Da thought about it and became a little worried.

Because there is so much grain harvested this year, it is estimated that it will definitely not be sold. In addition, there is so much grain that there is no room to store it at home. Now I have to find a way to build a granary to store grain.

"Isn't it easy to sell the food?"

"As long as you sell it cheaper, you still worry about not being able to sell it?"

Li Da’s wife doesn’t believe it. Food, such a precious thing, is she worried about not being able to sell it?

"If you don't believe it, if someone has come to harvest wheat, it would be here now. But have you seen any businessmen coming to harvest wheat?"

Li Da shook his head and said: "Hurry home and cook. I'm carrying all the wheat here. I'm going to find a way to build a granary here. The house is full."

"If we build a granary outside here, what should we do if someone steals it?"

When Mrs. Li heard this, she immediately said anxiously.

"Who is going to steal your food?"

"Don't you see that every household has more food than they can fit in?"

"After everyone is done with their work, we will hire some people to build some houses here to use as warehouses. We must raise more cattle, sheep and pigs next year, otherwise the food will spoil if it cannot be sold and left there."

Li Da thought about it and started planning for next year. There was too much food to eat, and it probably wouldn't be easy to sell. It couldn't be wasted. He had to find a way to use the food.

"Okay, okay, you are the head of the house, I will listen to you. I will go back to cook and bring it back to you later."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li nodded repeatedly, and then came to the vegetable field. In addition to planting 2,000 acres of wheat, the Li family also planted a large number of vegetables. They could just pick some and eat them.

His wife went back to cook, and Li Da took advantage of his break to stand on a small slope and look around at the land under his feet, making plans in his mind.

"The land here is higher. It can be used to build a breeding farm, raise some pigs, and build a warehouse."

"The terrain here in the west is open and flat, so it's better to use it for farming."

"You can grow pasture in the east, specifically for raising cattle and sheep. Wang Kaiwen is great. Not only is there a bumper harvest of food this year, but the family is also raising more and more cattle, sheep, and pigs."

"Next year we will reclaim some land. We don't have to worry about the amount of land. The more the better. Then we can enclose some areas like Wang Kaiwen and let the sheep and cattle graze properly. We can also rotate the land to let the land rest.


Li Da silently planned his future life.

In the past, it was a difficult life in the mountains. We didn't have enough to eat, didn't have enough clothes to wear, and lived in poverty. Everything could be seen at the end of the day.

But it's different here. I immigrated here last year, and this year I started to have a lot of work, with endless food, vast and fertile land, and my own children.

All this made Li Da full of energy.

"I don't know what the situation is like here with the second son. I'll finish my work at home as soon as possible and then go to the second son's house to see and help."

Soon, Li Da thought of his younger brother Li Er again, and was silently planning in his heart.

On the other side, here in Xiaofeng Town, Li Er is also busy with the autumn harvest. He is driving a harvester a little clumsily on his own wheat field, watching the rolling waves of wheat, enjoying the joy of the harvest.

He was relatively lucky, because his brother Li came here early last year and knew the benefits of immigration, so he immigrated to Heitu Province immediately after the Chinese New Year to catch up with the spring plowing.

And because of the advice of his brother Li Da, he bought a cultivator early. He used the cultivator to cultivate thousands of acres of land for himself, and he also earned a lot of money by helping others cultivate land.

This allowed Li Er to taste the sweetness of the machine. He decisively bought a harvester early and caught up with the autumn harvest. The machine harvested wheat very quickly. In just a few days, the wheat in Li Er's home was

It's almost finished.

"Haha, you can eat with open stomach this year. Thousands of acres of wheat can produce hundreds of thousands of catties of grain. You don't have to go hungry anymore."

Li Er shouted excitedly. Behind the harvester, Li Er's daughter-in-law, Lu, was busy with her big belly. Although she could see that she was very tired, her face was filled with a smile.

For mountain people, there is no time that is more joyful and important than the harvest time, so even pregnant women with a heavy belly will try their best to help with some things.

Fortunately, I used a harvester, which was very fast, and I didn’t have to bend down all the time, so it wasn’t very tiring.

"Take a rest, take a rest~"

Li Er stopped the machine, and then hurried over to help his daughter-in-law work and let her rest and rest.

"I don't know if brother has finished collecting it here."

Mr. Lu sat down to rest, and soon thought of his eldest brother Lu Da. His eldest brother Lu Da did not listen to the advice and did not buy a cultivator or a harvester. This year, he just relied on his own brute force to cultivate dozens of acres of wheat fields.

I am still bending over in the wheat field and am probably half dead from exhaustion.

"Definitely not. There are dozens of acres of wheat fields. How long will it take to harvest them with a sickle? When we finish harvesting, I will drive the harvester to help him harvest it."

"He just didn't listen to the advice. If he had bought a cultivator as early as I did, not only would he have been able to plant a lot more fields this year, but the harvest would not have been so tiring, and he would have been more relaxed."

Li Er said with certainty: "With dozens of acres of wheat fields, your waist will bend!"


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