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Chapter 1853, the Great Plains of the Golden Continent

In the north of Penglai Bay, on the vast Beihuangzhou Plain, more than 100 people are riding horses, carrying bows, arrows, and muskets and galloping on the vast plain.

The Great Plains of Northern Huanghuangzhou can be said to be the largest plains in the world.

The land here is very fertile and is one of the three largest black soils in the world.

In addition to the fertile black soil, the terrain here is gentle, open and flat. The key is that the rain is very abundant, not only the Mississippi River (Mississippi River) in the middle, but also the precipitation itself is quite good.

Such a unique place has also created the world's number one powerful agriculture in the United States.

In agriculture, technology is very important, but what is more important is the innate natural resources and climate. The fact that the American agriculture can be so strong and developed in later generations has a lot to do with occupying this precious land.

The land here is fertile, flat and open, and is extremely suitable for mechanized farming and production. The food produced here is even enough to supply the needs of billions of people around the world.

Of course, the Americans in later generations did not do that. They were very smart and only cultivated part of the land. They also continued to cultivate the land in rotation to keep the land dry and allow the land to rest.

But even so, in later generations this area will still be the most important grain-producing and grain-exporting area in the world, accounting for more than half of the world's grain exports.

Liu Jin rode his horse across this vast and fertile land, feeling filled with emotion.

With this fertile plain, people in the Ming Dynasty will be able to give birth to babies in the future. Even if there are billions of people, they don't have to worry about starvation. This great plain is enough to feed billions of people.

Of course, the current Great Plains has not been developed much. It is an endless prairie with rich water and grass. It is the North Huanghuangzhou Prairie that is as famous as the South Huanghuangzhou Prairie.

Only in a few areas along the coast and rivers did some Ming immigrants open up some farms and plant some corn, wheat, sugar cane and the like.

In addition, there are a few herdsmen who migrated from the grassland province. They graze cattle and sheep on this vast land. It is still a paradise for giant bison and a hunting ground for the Yin and Shang tribes.

“This northern Huanghuangzhou prairie is really rich in water and grass!”

Emperor Hongzhi slowly stopped the horse he was riding. Thinking about it, it seemed that he had not been riding a horse for a long time. This time it was very rare to be able to ride a horse and gallop on the grassland and hunt. The whole person

They all felt refreshed.

"Your Majesty, although this is a grassland now, it is actually very different from our grassland province in the Ming Dynasty."

"The precipitation in the grassland province is limited, and the dimension is high and the heat is low, so it is not suitable for the development of agriculture, only suitable for the development of animal husbandry. However, the precipitation here is very abundant, and the dimension is low, and the light and heat are sufficient. In addition,

There is also a large river in the middle, and the land is extremely fertile, black soil, and the terrain is open and flat, making it very suitable for the development of agriculture."

"This great plain is said to be nearly 2,000 miles wide and 6,000 miles long. It is extremely vast. If cultivated here, the food produced in the future will be even greater than that of Liaodong, Hezhong, and Black Tu Provinces combined.


Liu Jin smiled and introduced the great plain beneath his feet to Emperor Hongzhi.

The descendants of the Yin and Shang Dynasties developed very slowly, and were still very backward and primitive. They were unable to form a feudal empire in such a vast plain, and they were still in the tribal hunting stage.

If the Indians in history could develop a powerful empire based on the favorable conditions here, Europe might not be able to occupy it.

Of course, it may also be because the natural conditions here are so superior, with abundant water and grass and abundant prey, that you can live a good life just by hunting.

Naturally, the Indians here will become comfortable and lack a sense of urgency, and their development will become extremely slow. Naturally, they will not be able to develop a strong civilization.

This can also be clearly seen in Africa.

The land in Africa is actually very fertile, and the climate in most areas can even be said to be quite good.

Africa is extremely rich in products. There are many kinds of wild fruits and fruits. In many cases, there is no need to plant them at all. You only need to throw the seeds into the land and you will get a full harvest.

Such favorable natural conditions have also fostered the lazy genes of the native Africans. Because they can live a good life without hard work, naturally no one will work hard.

They just need to lie under the tree and live a leisurely life. This trip lasts for thousands of years.

While people in other places are constantly progressing and developing, they are still continuing the tribal stage of thousands of years ago without any progress.

As soon as the age of great navigation came, they naturally became slaves. Even after following the Europeans for hundreds of years, they were still like this without any progress or development.

The gene of laziness in the bones cannot be changed. They will not plant the land if they starve to death, and they will not dig wells if they die of thirst. This is their tradition.

In the new century, when the population grew explosively and the natural output of the land could no longer meet the needs of the growing population, famine, disease and the like began to spread, making it the least developed region in the world.

The situation here in Huangjinzhou is somewhat similar.

The conditions here are great.

The fertile land and abundant rainfall have brought excellent natural conditions here, allowing the species here to be very numerous and large in scale. The local indigenous people can live a good life just by hunting, so naturally they rarely go back.

The land was cleared to plant crops.

The Mayan civilization, the Aztec Kingdom, and the Inca Empire were all located in tropical areas. The conditions in tropical areas are much worse than here, where the land is barren, not open, and narrow.

Therefore, there was no way to play the safari mode, and only the farming mode could be played. Civilization and empire slowly developed, and the transition from slave society to feudal society began.

In the history of mankind, any great civilization or empire has been able to develop because its natural conditions are relatively difficult. It needs to constantly use wisdom to create and change its environment before it can gradually adapt and survive.


Europe is undoubtedly a good place for future generations, but in ancient times, Europe was too far behind Africa and the Golden Continent?

First of all, the temperature here in Europe is very cold, especially in winter. If you don’t know how to weave, you will freeze to death and there is no way to survive here.

Secondly, Europe is not rich in products. People cannot live by eating wild fruits and fruits in the forest or hunting like in the Golden Continent and Africa. So you have to cultivate and develop agriculture.

Able to obtain food to survive.

Let's talk about our land in China. It's the same. It's cold in winter and hot in summer, and it doesn't have enough rich products.

Therefore, our ancestors must use their wisdom and diligence to continuously cultivate the land so that textile fabrics can continue and develop.

Coupled with the threat from the nomadic tribes in the north, we must constantly find ways to improve our combat effectiveness in order to protect our country.

Affected by the subtropical high pressure, either the south is flooded and the north is drought, or the north is flooded and the south is drought. This makes it necessary for us to always maintain a unified empire so that the north and south can support each other, help continue and develop.

Only then gradually developed a great and glorious Chinese civilization.

Sometimes a civilization is just like a person.

It is actually a good thing to suffer more and endure more hardships when you are young. It can train a person's willpower, endurance and adaptability, so that he can be more independent when he grows up.

If you have lived too comfortably since childhood, opening your mouth for food and reaching for clothes, knowing nothing and not knowing anything, and lacking in tempering and exercise, it will be difficult to be independent when you grow up.

The principles are the same, and so is civilization.

The natural conditions of Golden Continent are so good that it is extremely difficult for the indigenous people here to develop.

Of course, it may also be because they migrated to this continent for too short a time. The population was too small when they first migrated. It took a long time to gradually recover the population. However, other continents have already entered feudal society, and technology

The development progress of civilization is already much ahead of yours.


"This land is really a fertile land given to us Ming people by God. With this land, we in Ming Dynasty will no longer have to worry about famine in the future."

After listening to Liu Jin's words, Emperor Hongzhi nodded happily.

In such a fertile vast wilderness, if the large-scale agricultural farming methods of Liaodong and Hezhong Earth are adopted, and mechanized large-scale farming is used, the food that can be produced here will be really terrifying.

Of course, there are still too few Ming people here.

There are very few Ming people in the entire Golden Continent, only a few million people, and they are all scattered in immigrant towns along the coast. What everyone is passionate about is not farming, but looking for gold, silver and so on.

"If this land is reclaimed, our Ming Dynasty will no longer have to worry about food problems."

Liu Jin smiled and nodded in agreement.

There are many places where grain is produced in the Ming Dynasty. Liaodong, Hezhong, Nanyang, the Ming Dynasty itself, and the Black Earth Province in the future have not yet been developed. The main reason is that the population is too small. Even under the mechanized farming mode,

The cultivated land is still not much, but the grain production is so large that the people of Ming Dynasty simply cannot eat it all.

"Your Majesty, there is a large herd of bison in front of us, numbering tens of thousands!"

At this time, someone hurried over to report.

"Okay~ Let's take a look at the buffalo herds in Golden Continent."

When Emperor Hongzhi heard this, he immediately became energetic.

This chapter has been completed!
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