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Chapter 1870, beautiful Hawaii

Blue sky, white clouds, blue sea waves.

Above the vast sea, a series of islands are like pearls embedded in the blue sea. The scenery is beautiful, seabirds are flying, and the fields are magnificent and turbulent, just like a paradise.

“How on earth were these Hawaiian Islands discovered?”

Emperor Hongzhi took a telescope and looked at the island in front of him. The scenery was beautiful, lush and very beautiful.

It is unimaginable that there are such beautiful islands in such a vast Pacific Ocean.

Along the way, not a single island was discovered for more than ten days. Only here, in the center of the Pacific Ocean, there is an archipelago, and there are actually indigenous groups on this island.

It is really incredible how the people here arrived at these islands and finally thrived here in an era without advanced navigation technology.

"Your Majesty's island was accidentally discovered by ships. Some ships will deviate from their course due to the influence of storms when sailing in the sea. Once the course is not corrected in time, the place where they sail will most likely be very different. This

This is also one of the reasons why new islands are being discovered around the world."

"The Hawaiian Islands were also discovered in this way, and the name of Hawaii was translated based on what the indigenous people on the islands said."

Liu Jin explained to Emperor Hongzhi.

To be honest, there is nothing strange about discovering the Hawaiian Islands. What is really strange is the indigenous people on the islands.

This place is far away from the mainland, and even the nearest land requires more than ten to twenty days of sailing to reach it. In an era without advanced navigation technology and shipbuilding technology, if you want to get here, you really don't know how you got here.

It's really unbelievable to reach here just by using simple canoes, small rafts and the like.

But in a place like this, humans still exist, and they continue to thrive and form tribes, and they even attack and compete with each other.

Historically, the tribes of the Hawaiian Islands were finally unified, but they still took advantage of the beautiful people, and finally incorporated this place into their territory by force.

So wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Even on such an island far away from the world, competition between tribes and battles between people still exist. There is no such thing as a paradise.

"Are there any indigenous people here?"

When Emperor Hongzhi heard this, his eyes widened slightly.

In Emperor Hongzhi's opinion, this place was far away from the mainland, and there was no mainland for who knows how many miles around. How did these natives get here?

"Not only are there, but there are quite a lot of them. So far, my Ming Dynasty has only reached an agreement with them. We have rented one of the islands to build a port for the repair of ships coming and going. We, the Ming Dynasty people, have temporarily

You cannot go there unless you have received an invitation."

Liu Jin said with a smile.

"Well, in this middle area of ​​the Pacific Ocean, far away from the land, how did the indigenous people here get here?"

When Emperor Hongzhi heard this, he immediately smiled and asked.

"I don't know about this anymore. I'm afraid no one can know how their ancestors arrived here."

"I can only say that everything is possible. Now our Ming Dynasty has also discovered some indigenous people on many islands in the South Pacific. These islands are also far away from the land, and we don't know how these indigenous people arrived."

"Perhaps it is very likely that they slowly migrated from generation to generation along the island chain in the Southeast Asia, and eventually moved farther and farther, and finally reached these islands in the depths of the Pacific Ocean."

Liu Jin thought about it and gave an explanation that would be speculated by later generations.

Regarding the origin of the indigenous people on the Pacific Islands, later generations of scientists have conducted many demonstrations. The more scientists used genetic technology to analyze, and finally concluded that Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand have these South Pacific islands.

The genes of the indigenous people are very similar to those of people in South Africa.

It is speculated that in ancient times, there may have been an extremely cold period when large areas of ice froze on the ocean. Through these huge ice layers, their ancestors migrated to these places.

Of course, the credibility of this speculation is not high. What is more credible is that the indigenous people on these islands have mastered relatively mature navigation technology and the technology of distinguishing directions through astrology, and eventually gradually conquered the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

Islands at.

"The world is really wonderful. There are so many mysteries waiting for us to discover."

"It's incredible that there are still indigenous people living in the depths of the Pacific Ocean."

After hearing this, Emperor Hongzhi sighed and shook his head.

"Yes, the world is big, and there are too many wonderful things."

Liu Jin also nodded and sighed.

The origin of human beings has always been a mystery. Do we believe in evolution, imagination, creationism, or alienism?

Even in later generations, everyone is still arguing, and the answers given by science have never been credible or convincing to everyone.

There are still many, many mysteries in this world waiting to be discovered, but often after discovering one layer of secrets, you are quickly attracted to new ones, and it seems that you will never know the truth of this world.

Three large ships slowly anchored in the port here on the largest island in the Hawaiian Islands.

Da Dao is the largest island among all the islands here. Currently, hundreds of Ming people have settled on the island, building a simple port here and providing supplies and assistance to passing ships.

There are not many valuable specialties and items in the Hawaiian Islands. Its greatest value is to provide fresh water and food supplies for passing ships.

The Ming Dynasty people rented some land here at extremely cheap prices, built a crude port, and stored supplies such as food, fuel, and coal. They also planted vegetables, fruits, rice, sugar cane and other things on the island, which was convenient.

Supplies and life on passing ships.

The arrival of the three large ships immediately made the Ming people on the island very busy, helping to prepare inns for rest, food, fresh water, replenishing fuel, etc.

These Ming people on the island are all associates of Tianjin Ocean Trading Company, and only Tianjin Ocean Trading Company will be prepared to do these things, which not only facilitates the passing ships, but also facilitates the trade of its own business.

Of course, Liu Jin and Emperor Hongzhi did not need to worry about these things. When they arrived at the island, Emperor Hongzhi and Liu Jin also mounted their horses and began to stroll leisurely on the island.

I have to say that the scenery of Hawaii is truly unparalleled.

There is no pollution here, everything is very natural, and the scenery is charming. In addition, it is located in the tropical area in the center of the Pacific Ocean, with abundant rainfall and dense vegetation, making the scenery here very charming.

After watching the seascape at sea for more than ten days, they suddenly arrived on land. Liu Jin and Emperor Hongzhi were also happily playing around, enjoying the beautiful scenery here, relaxing and preparing for the next ten days.

Prepare for a boring voyage at sea.

PS: Please allow me to go underwater first today. I have been really tired in the past half month. First, my daughter had a cold and a fever, which kept her half to death. Then I had a cold, fever and cough. I haven’t recovered yet. Last night, my son started to have another fever.

A person has a high fever and is about to collapse. The child has been distressed and uncomfortable, and he has a cough and a runny nose.

Writing requires a very quiet environment to produce satisfactory content. In such an environment, writing is too tiring, too tiring, and the content is very weak. Please understand that I am adjusting my state, etc.

The better the child is, the better he will be.

This chapter has been completed!
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