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Chapter 1883, the current world is still good

Emperor Hongzhi and Liu Jin were discussing matters in Liaodong in the fields. Ren Laosi, who was plowing the land with a cultivator here, also felt curious.

"Who are this group of people, and what are they discussing in my field?"

Ren Laosi looked at Emperor Hongzhi, Liu Jin and others. They were followed by dozens of people. There were dozens of people regularly distributed in a large area around them. There were dozens of cars parked on the road. This was obviously

Big shot.

Why would such a big shot come to his own farm?

Thinking of this, Ren Laosi also stopped the tractor and walked towards Emperor Hongzhi and Liu Jin, but was stopped before they arrived.

"It's okay, let him come over."

Emperor Hongzhi looked at Ren Laosi who was stopped and said with a smile that he just wanted to have a good chat with the farmers in Liaodong.

After Emperor Hongzhi spoke, Ren Laosi was able to come to the side of Emperor Hongzhi and Liu Jin. He carefully looked at Emperor Hongzhi and Liu Jin in front of him. The two of them were dressed like nobles without a doubt.

"Ren Laosi has met two noble people~"

Ren Laosi is already in his forties and has immigrated to Liaodong for more than ten years.

"Fellow, don't be afraid. We were just passing by and saw you plowing the fields. We were very curious, so we stopped to take a look."

"Come, come, sit down and have a cup of tea."

Emperor Hongzhi was smiling and very kind. He took Ren Laosi to the roadside and sat down first. Then he had someone bring a chair to Ren Laosi and also asked him to pour tea for him.

"Okay, okay~"

Ren Laosi was also a little flattered. He sat down with some restraint and took a sip of tea. He immediately felt that the tea was extraordinary and much better than the tea he drank at home.

"Does this large piece of land belong to your family?"

Emperor Hongzhi was very easy-going and asked, pointing to the land in front of him.

"Yes, it belongs to my family."

"Because I immigrated earlier and was the first to buy a cultivator, I cultivated a lot of land. This piece of land in front of me and the land here are all mine. There are about several thousand acres.

Go to the ground."

When Ren Laosi heard this, he proudly introduced it to Emperor Hongzhi.

The thing he is most proud of in his life is owning the thousands of acres of land in front of him. He has been cultivating the land all his life. Owning thousands of acres of land of his own is definitely something to be proud of.

In the past, that was something that was unthinkable. Before he immigrated, let alone an ordinary farmer like him, not every landowner even had thousands of acres of fertile land.

"Well, there is land to the tiller, that's a good thing."

"People in the village also have their own fields, right?"

After hearing this, Emperor Hongzhi nodded happily and said.

"Yes, yes~"

"Everyone who immigrated to Liaodong has several thousand acres of land. Some have more land, even tens of thousands of acres. But the land is too big, too much, and it is very tiring. Planting thousands of acres

That’s almost enough.”

Ren Laosi nodded and said.

"Fellow, I see how relaxed you are at farming. Will it be very tiring if you have thousands of acres of land like this?"

After hearing this, Emperor Hongzhi knew what was going on in his heart, and after thinking about it, he continued to ask.

“Farming now can’t be called tiring.”

"Let's just talk about plowing land. With this plowing machine, thousands of acres of land can be plowed easily. It's fast and good. All the bugs and eggs in the soil will be dug out and eaten by birds, or

He froze to death directly."

"There is also a seeder when sowing, and you just sit on the machine. There is also a harvester when harvesting. You can drive the machine around and the harvest is complete."

"Nowadays, there are even special machines for grinding flour. There is no need to use a stone mill to grind it. The flour ground by this machine is white and fine. The key is that it is also very fast and labor-saving."

Ren Laosi smiled and shook his head, then he suddenly started talking and started talking non-stop.

“In the past, farming was really tiring.”

"I have been farming all my life. It was really hard when I was thirty years old."

"At that time, when we were farming, we didn't even have our own land. We were farming on the landlord's land, and we had to hand over half of the food grown to the landlord. The key point is, that land is incomparable to the land in Liaodong, and the yield is very low."

"My hometown is on the Loess Plateau of Shaanxi, where there are thousands of ravines, barren land, and a severe lack of water."

"When we were farming, there were no cows. We relied on people working as oxen to till the land, plowing the ground with one hoe and one hoe, or relying on people to pull the plow like cows."

"We can only dig out a little bit of thick land, and the growth of crops is particularly poor. The key is the lack of water. Once there is a dry season, we have to walk several miles every day from morning to night to carry water.

Watering the ground, working day after day.”

"Finally, when the harvest came, the grain produced from one acre of land was not even half of that in Liaodong, less than 300 kilograms, and half of it had to be handed over to the landlord."

"Those days were really hard."

“I work so hard all year long that I can’t even have a full meal.”

"I am the fourth eldest child in my family. I have two brothers and one sister in front of me, and a younger brother and a sister below me."

"When the whole family eats, it's true that they spend almost every day hungry."

"I'm not afraid of the jokes of the two nobles. Others have already gotten married in their teens. I will be a bachelor until I'm thirty, and no one wants to marry into my family."

"My two brothers both got their wives through marriage exchange, and they also exchanged my eldest sister and younger sister."

When he said this, Ren Laosi couldn't help but shake his head.

The poor days in the past were really not what people lived. Regardless of what they pursued, just having enough to eat was already a luxury.

"Exchange kisses!"

After Emperor Hongzhi heard this, he immediately fell silent. After reading this in the newspaper, he realized that the people at the bottom of the Ming Dynasty had such a difficult time. They had to exchange wives to get a wife. If there were no sisters or sisters in the family, it would be a lifetime.

It's a bachelor's thing.

This was something that was difficult for Emperor Hongzhi, who came from a royal family, to understand.

Emperor Hongzhi just doesn't want women, otherwise it would be normal to have three palaces, six courtyards, seventy-two concubines and so on. Look at the ministers, princes and nobles in the court, who doesn't have three wives and four concubines?

But when it comes to the people at the bottom, it turns out to be so difficult.

"Yes, exchange marriages."

"There are no girls in my house, so I am a bachelor at the age of thirty."

"Originally, I thought that my whole life would be like this, that I would be a bachelor for the rest of my life."

"It wasn't until later that the imperial court encouraged immigrants to immigrate to Liaodong, so I immigrated to Liaodong, thinking that I wouldn't have enough food and clothing to live in my hometown anyway."

"I didn't expect that it would be completely different when I arrived in Liaodong. There is a lot of land here. You can cultivate it as you like and it will be your own."

"The land here is extremely fertile. Whatever you plant grows, and the yield is very high."

"There is also no shortage of water here. There is no need to work hard to carry water. In addition, later on, there are cultivators, harvesters and other machines. This kind of land is even easier. I can plant a few crops easily.

With a thousand acres of land, he quickly became wealthy in just one or two years."

"Later, I also married a Korean and bought a European slave girl as my concubine. I also gave birth to more than a dozen children."

When he said this, Ren Laosi also showed a proud look on his face.

The thirty-year-old bachelor has taken root in Liaodong. He not only married a wife, but also took a concubine. He has thousands of acres of land and more than a dozen children. In these days, Ren Laosi used to think of everything.

I didn’t dare, but now I have passed it.

"Haha, that's really good."

After Liu Jin heard this, he also smiled and said.

"Isn't that right? The world is better now!"

"There is plenty of land, it is easy to farm, and there is so much food that we can't finish it all. These days are just days. The previous ones were not called days, but were called suffering. They were here to suffer and be tired, not to live."

Ren Laosi smiled and nodded. Thinking about the past days, it was really not a life for human beings. They didn't have enough to eat or wear, and the house they lived in was also very shabby and dirty.

The key is that I have to work hard to the end of the year, working tirelessly in the fields, but the sad thing is that I can't even eat enough, and I can't get a wife.

Is that how people live?

That is not the life people live at all, but hell. People come to this world to suffer and suffer.

Only the present day can be regarded as a day, if you live comfortably and have success.

Even farming can be so easy. One person can easily cultivate thousands of acres of land, and harvest millions of kilograms of grain, which is too much to eat, and just sell it for hundreds of taels of silver.

A few hundred taels of silver, this is definitely a high income.

Ren Laosi built a beautiful house, bought a lot of machines, and built his own breeding farm, raising cattle, sheep, and pigs. It was also very easy to raise more than a dozen children. Compared with when he was a child,

It is much, much better, not only to have enough food and warm clothes, but also to pay attention to eating well, eating meat, eating delicious food, and wearing beautiful clothes.

This chapter has been completed!
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