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Chapter 1936, the new school system

"Is there any adjustment needed in the points system?"

After listening to Ren Siheng's words, Xia Yan, the president of Imperial College London, asked.

“The total score system will not be adjusted, nor will the proportion of scores in each subject be adjusted. However, the scores of each test knowledge point within the respective disciplines need to be adjusted to a certain extent, and the proportion of new learning test content shall not exceed 10%.


Ren Siheng thought for a while and said.

"This is okay~"

"There is a lot of new knowledge and content emerging now. Some of it must be learned in middle school, but most of the content can still be learned in college."

Xia Yan nodded in agreement.

"I also agree with this."

Cai Yuliang, the president of Imperial University, also expressed his agreement.

After nearly 20 years of development, Xinxue has gradually developed a mature and systematic education model, from primary school to middle school to university, from basic subject content to step-by-step deepening, from Chinese studies,

Division of mathematics, history, etc.

The entire teaching system has been gradually improved and developed systematically. In the past 20 years, a large number of new talents have been cultivated.

Focusing on the concept of practicality first and application of knowledge, the knowledge and content taught and learned are closely related to production and life, which greatly promoted the development of Ming Dynasty's science and technology, technology and industry, and promoted the progress of Ming Dynasty's production and life.

"Does Mr. Liu have any new instructions on the enrollment of major universities this year?"

Xia Yan thought for a while and then asked about college admissions this year.

"No, it's still the same as in previous years. 80% of the students in major colleges and universities are admitted based on the unified college entrance examination scores and students' wishes."

"The other 20% of students can be admitted through independent admissions examinations based on the school's key development majors."

Ren Siheng shook his head and said.

This is also very different from later generations, who basically obtained places to enter colleges and universities through the college entrance examination.

Only a small number of top universities have the power to recruit students independently, but they are often criticized and complained about. For example, the famous PBC Institute of Technology has the largest enrollment of international students, accounting for the largest proportion, and its enrollment is through the college entrance examination.

The proportion of students is only about half, and the rest are admitted through various channels that ordinary students cannot participate in.

The country's money is spent on training a large number of foreigners, and various recruitment channels greatly crowd out the resources of ordinary students. Naturally, it is reasonable to create complaints about them.

The key is that various independent enrollment plans are not intended to cultivate talents at all. If they are intended to cultivate professional talents, there is nothing to say. In many cases, they become an easy channel for rich children to go to college.

For example, someone was obviously born and raised in China, but their parents changed their nationality to a foreign nationality when they were in middle school. As a result, they easily passed the entrance examination and immediately killed countless ordinary students. Don't you think it's infuriating?

Regarding this aspect, Liu Jin also conducted in-depth thinking in many aspects, and finally decided to retain some independent enrollment quotas, mainly to cultivate professional talents.

There are huge differences between people. Some people are good at learning mathematics, and some people are good at learning liberal arts subjects. If admission is simply based on total scores, many talents will be missed.

Just like in later generations, there are many students who have very good grades in science, but poor grades in Chinese and English. As a result, because of their partial subjects, they often fail to get the ideal scores and go to less than ideal universities. As a result, they miss out on their dreams.

Talent may also cause the country to lose a talented scientist, engineer, etc.

Especially English, because it is not their native language, many students perform extremely poorly in learning English, but it accounts for a large proportion and almost determines a person's fate and future, but it has no effect.

I don’t know how many students in future generations will regret it for the rest of their lives because of poor English.

Liu Jin thought about this issue repeatedly.

There are specializations in the arts, and people have their own things and fields that they are good at and not good at. You cannot kill everyone with one stick. You should set aside some places for these talented students.

Some students just don't like to memorize things by rote. Their logical thinking ability is very good. They like mathematics, physics, etc. They are very talented in learning these, and they are very happy to learn, and they like to learn very much.

Then you can specifically apply for relevant higher education institutions and obtain the qualifications for further studies through the independent enrollment plans of these higher education institutions.

For another example, if you like geography and find it very interesting and interesting, and want to develop in this area, but are not good at other subjects, then you can take relevant college exams and study geography knowledge and content specifically in the future.


This is a system formulated by Liu Jin after reflecting on the examination system of later generations, leaving about 20% of the quota for these colleges and universities, allowing them to enroll through independent enrollment, and also allowing them to apply for the independent enrollment plans of these colleges and universities to obtain the opportunity to enter the university for further study.


Although Liu Jin also knows that as long as students are recruited independently, there will definitely be backdoors, and there will definitely be people who find ways to enter these colleges and universities through this channel.

Just like in later generations, not only in our country, but also in Guowei. As long as you spend money, they can find a way to get you into the top universities in Guowei.

But Liu Jin still felt that it was necessary to do this, just to be able to unearth some geniuses under such a plan, geniuses in mathematics, physics, etc.

"This year, we have more than 1.2 million people graduating from Daming Middle School. There are now more than 20 colleges and universities across the country, with a total enrollment of more than 100,000. It's another year where thousands of troops are crossing the single-plank bridge.


Cai Yuliang couldn't help but sigh when he thought about this year's college entrance examination.

The number of new students is increasing year by year, but the number of new colleges and universities is growing very slowly.

The cost of running a university is too great. Even if Liu Jin is the God of Wealth, he cannot withstand such trouble.

Up to now, more than 20 colleges have been established, including Imperial College, Imperial University, Beijing Mechanical College, Beijing Construction Factory College, Daming Medical College, Daming Art College, Tianjin Maritime College, Tianjin Normal College and other colleges.

Colleges and universities.

Just to support the operation, development, and teaching of these more than 20 colleges and universities, Liu Jin spends tens of millions of taels of money every year. In addition, he is also responsible for the funds for new schools and the opening of more primary schools and middle schools.

The funds required are simply too great.

Xia Yan, Ren Siheng, and Cai Yuliang have repeatedly mentioned this matter to Liu Jin, believing that this fund should actually be borne by the Ming Dynasty treasury.

Or charge a certain teaching fee for the new education to reduce Liu Jin's burden and pressure.

You must know that this is a must-have every year, which is equivalent to a fixed expense. You, Liu Jin, are now the chief minister of the cabinet and have a huge industry under your command, so you can still support it.

If that day, Liu Jin is no longer the chief minister of the cabinet, and there is a problem with the huge industry under his command, what will this new student do?

Will tens of millions of new students stop studying in the future?

It is very unsafe to just rely on one source and channel of funds, unless it is supported by the state, which is the long-term solution.

But Liu Jin thought about it again and again and agreed with the three of them.

Rely on the imperial treasury?

This is obviously impossible, let alone new learning. Traditional private schools and academies are all private, privately or locally run. You need to spend a lot of money to study in private schools and academies.

As for the Ming Dynasty court, it has always been responsible for the imperial examinations. As for studying, the court has no care. Whether the academy can continue to operate depends entirely on you.

You said that the imperial court should now be responsible for the funds for new schools?

is it possible?

It is simply impossible. Although the imperial court now has sufficient tax revenue and a full treasury, it will never say that it will pay for new schools.

In everyone's long-standing concept, studying is something that only a few people can do, which means that not everyone will be allowed to receive education, and the ministers in the DPRK are even less likely to support allocating funds to new students.

If you want to support it, you are also supporting the old school, those academies and private schools.

As for charging new students a certain tuition fee, Liu Jin thinks it is not feasible.

The reason why many parents are willing to send their children to a new school is simply because the new school is free and includes a lunch. This study does not cost money. If the child becomes successful in the future, it will be their own child. This business is very cost-effective.


If fees are collected, then it would be normal for a student to receive at least two to three taels of silver a year, which may discourage many parents from letting their children study.

In particular, many girls will lose the opportunity to study. You must know that even if study is free now, many parents are unwilling to send their girls to study because they feel that there is no need for girls to read so many books.

It's enough to go to elementary school and learn arithmetic and recognize some words. This is still free. If there is a charge, I guess there are too many, and too many people will lose the opportunity for education.

This is what Liu Jin does not want to see. Women can hold up half the sky, and they can also produce many outstanding scientists, engineers, talents, etc. If you have money now, you must support it.

If that day really comes, let's talk about it then. There will be a road for cars to reach the mountains, and it will be straight for boats to reach the bridge. Sometimes, if you think too much, you will be very tired.

"Our new school is better. In addition to the universities founded by Mr. Liu, there are also many universities founded by each locality. There are dozens of them in total. Generally speaking, the number and proportion of admissions are still acceptable.


"This year's imperial examination is really about thousands of troops crossing the single-plank bridge. It is really difficult!"

PS: Do you think we should recruit students independently?

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