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Chapter 1962, what is left is the real monk

Thousands of monks gathered together at Faxiang Temple in the capital, and everyone looked very ugly, because according to the latest "Religious Belief Management Law" issued by the Ming Dynasty, most of the monks in Faxiang Temple were ordered to return to secular life.

Naturally, no one wants to return to secular life. Living in the temple is so comfortable. Every day is the same as clocking in at work. You can just come here and recite sutras. The monthly income is astonishingly high. You can get it for any month.

To dozens of taels of silver, it is more than ten times the income of ordinary people.

It's evening, everyone changes clothes, eats meat, drinks and goes to the brothels without any delay, just do whatever you need to do.

Now that we are ordered to return to secular life, this also means that our good days are over, and we will no longer be able to live a comfortable life just sitting down.

"Let's go, let's all go."

"As long as you have Buddha in your heart, you can practice practice wherever you go."

The host, Master Wu Nian, looked at the numerous monks, waved his hands and said.

It’s no longer possible to leave. Fahua Temple is now in trouble. The presiding officer, Wuchen, has seriously violated the monk’s precepts and amassed money. Now his property has been confiscated and exiled to Winter City. The entire Fahua Temple

The temple has been completely sealed.

Although Faxiang Temple did not suffer the same fate as Fahua Temple, its current life is not easy either.

The imperial court's order has been conveyed, rectifying the situation within a time limit and discouraging the redundant monks.

According to the order issued by the government, Faxiang Temple can only reserve 20 monks, and they must take exams every year. Only those who pass the exam are considered real monks, and the others are fake monks and must return to secular life.

Faxiang Temple is a large temple with over a thousand monks, but it was suddenly cut off and only 20 places were left. No matter how you stay, there is nothing you can do.

Except for the fact that the number of monks has been greatly restricted, there are regular assessments. Only those who have obtained a certificate are considered monks. Otherwise, they are not considered monks. Wearing monk's clothes without a certificate is cheating, an illegal act, and will be arrested by the government.


It used to be so comfortable to be a monk. You could immediately become a Buddha immediately after putting down the butcher's knife. Now, being a monk requires a test. You have to be proficient in Buddhist scriptures and the like before you can be considered a monk, and only then can you obtain a ultimatum.

In addition, the temple will no longer be able to hold any Dharma gatherings, temple fairs, etc. It is not allowed to be open to the outside world during normal times. It can only be opened to the outside world during a specific week every month for men and women to come to pray to gods and Buddhas.

The merit box in the temple, the donated sesame oil money, etc. are all subject to tax. For this reason, the people in the tax office are very active now, and come to the temple every day to keep an eye on them if they have nothing to do.

The merit boxes are specially made by the people at the tax yamen and are locked. Only after paying the tax can they be considered as belonging to the temple. In addition, the temple also needs to pay a certain amount of tax regularly every month.

For this part of the tax, the tax yamen will determine the amount of tax levied by the temple based on the number of people entering and leaving the temple. The more people there are, the more taxes will be collected.

It can be said that the good days are really over now.

This time, the decree issued by the court was too strict, and it specifically targeted various religions in the Ming Dynasty.

Many monks took their baggage and reluctantly left one by one. It was impossible not to leave. There would be no profit to be made from now on.

And if there is no written ultimatum and someone from the government sees it, then it is difficult to escape punishment. Who can bear it if you are accidentally assigned to the Golden Continent, Australia, etc.

After thinking about it, I decided to forget it. Since I can no longer make money, I might as well go home and work honestly with my wife and children in my arms. Being a monk for a few years is enough.

Soon, there were only 20 people left in the originally bustling Faxiang Temple. These 20 people were all old monks in the temple, and each one of them could be considered a true Qing cultivator.

In fact, the main reason why we are here today is because the people of the Ming Dynasty are now too rich. Those who come to pray to God and Buddha often throw away a lot of money.

Over time, the money came too easily, and the monks in the temple naturally changed their taste.

One after another, they continued to bring in their lay relatives and nephews, and the number became more and more. In fact, there were not that many monks at all.

After all, real Buddhist monks actually work very hard. They chant sutras and recite Buddha's name, observe fasting, abstain from alcohol and sex, and keep the six senses pure. This is not something ordinary people can achieve.

People have their own desires and preferences, especially young people, who cannot persist in it. Only those who truly see through the secular world can calm down and practice.


"Gone, everyone is gone, it's really quiet now."

Master Wu Nian looked at the suddenly deserted Faxiang Temple, feeling very disappointed in his heart.

Buddhism still has a strong obsession with expanding its influence, developing followers, expanding the number of monks, etc. This is different from Taoism. Taoist priests in Taoism are not keen on spreading their own Taoism to others. They pay more attention to fate and require

It’s so much that most people can’t stand it.

"It's all the fault of Huiming from Chu State. It was he who harmed Buddhism."

Thinking of the days to come, Master Wu Nian could not help but curse Huiming.

This Huiming founded the Unique Sect and developed it in the Chu Kingdom. In the end, he even wanted to establish the Great Izai Buddha Emperor and claimed to be the Great Izai Buddha Emperor. He directly pushed Buddhism into the abyss of hell, so that Buddhism had its current retribution.

Buddhism, which was originally prosperous and prosperous, has now become extremely deserted. In addition, it has been put on many shackles in the future, and it can no longer develop and expand wantonly.

After this, those who remain are the real monks, eating fast, chanting Buddha's name, and staying away from the world.

But Master Wu Nian also knows that Buddhism, Buddhism, ultimately relies on the worship of believers to develop and grow. This is true for almost all religions in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, relying on a set of tricks to deceive people to enjoy their gains.

The congestion of the temple, the food and clothing of the monks, and the construction of new temples, etc., all of these expenses actually fall on the believers in the end.

European religions even directly tax believers, sell indulgences, etc. The purpose is to make money, because only when you have money can you enjoy it, build churches, temples, etc., and support a large group of people who have nothing to do.

People promote their own religious teachings.

Now the Ming Dynasty is directly starting from many aspects, restricting the number of people, restricting the economy, restricting the number of temples, etc. After this, it will be really difficult to develop and grow. It is almost like a Taoist sect. It has to pay attention to fate and have to support itself.


At the Assumption Cathedral in Meaux, the capital of Black Earth Province, Bishop Popoev is hosting an interview with Antonio, the emissary from the Holy See, to discuss expanding the influence of Christ in Black Earth Province.

"Bishop Popoev~ His Majesty the Pope's will is to promote our God to the people of Ming Dynasty as much as possible and attract more people of Ming Dynasty to believe in God."

"The Ming Empire is now the most powerful empire, with a vast territory, a population of more than 200 million, and extremely rich. However, the Ming Dynasty has always strictly prohibited foreign missionaries from entering the Ming Dynasty to preach."

"Your place is now the land of the Ming Dynasty, and it is also our opportunity to spread the glory of the Lord to the people of the Ming Dynasty."

Antonio conveyed the decree of the Holy See to Popoev.

The Holy See has always been committed to proselytizing to the Ming Empire, and has sent envoys and missionaries to the Ming Empire many times.

However, these people would be expelled as soon as they set foot on the land of the Ming Empire. If they preached in private, they would be immediately executed.

This made the Vatican gnash their teeth in hatred, but they were helpless, so they had been trying to find a solution in many ways.

Among them was the missionary mission to the vassal states, vassal states, and colonies of the Ming Dynasty. To this end, many achievements were made. Some churches were built in some vassal states and colonies, and a certain number of believers were developed.

Here in Black Earth Province, people are often sent here, hoping to use Black Earth Province to spread the glory of God to the people of Ming Dynasty.

"It's really hard."

"The Ming people look down on us Europeans, thinking we are barbarians, and they also look down upon our God. They prefer to believe in their own gods."

Bishop Popoev shook his head helplessly. Today's life is much more difficult than before. The church's land and property have been confiscated by the government. They are not allowed to collect tithes or sell indulgences.


And now many people have converted to believe in the gods and Buddhas of the Ming Dynasty. The temple built by the Ming Dynasty in Mocheng is very popular. Not only do a large number of Ming Dynasty people go to offer incense, but also many local Slavs have begun to go there.


Because the gods of the New Daming people don't need anything, you can believe it if you like it, or you don't have to believe it if you don't like it. If you are willing to give it, you can give some sesame oil money, if you are not willing to give it, you don't have to give it a penny.

Moreover, people in the Ming Dynasty have a utilitarian nature in their religion. I ask you to do something, and I will fulfill my wish only after you have accomplished it. As for paying taxes, why does your church charge taxes from me?

While the two were discussing the matter, a group of officers rushed in and immediately arrested Bishop Antonio and the accompanying missionaries.

"Popoev, the imperial court has long issued a strict order strictly prohibiting any contact or collusion with foreign religious forces, and you actually colluded with people from the Holy See."

"Catch them together!"

The leading police officer looked at Popoev and immediately said sternly. With a wave of his hand, he also arrested Popoev and at the same time began to promote the court's latest religious management law.

In the church, after listening to the other missionaries, priests and the like, they all couldn't help but look sad. After that, they were subject to more restrictions, and it was even harder to develop. They actually wanted to

Participate in the assessment, and the assessment will be conducted in the language and writing of the Ming Dynasty, and accept the appointment from the Ming Dynasty.

The Holy See has given up and will completely sever ties with the Holy See.

"You can't do this, you can't do this!"

"Almighty Lord, please bless your child!"

Bishop Antonio kept struggling. The Holy See still wanted to preach in the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty people would cut off your hands directly.

This chapter has been completed!
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