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Chapter 1998, the grave of the Ming people

Monomopata, in the southeastern inland of Africa, came under the jurisdiction of Zimbabwe in later generations, and it can also be regarded as an inland area of ​​Africa.

At this moment, the South African colonies are invading here aggressively, preparing to drive away the indigenous people and occupy this ancient and rich land.

The land here is fertile, with dense forests, vast grasslands, and rich resources. The reserves of gold, diamonds, platinum, etc. are extremely abundant.

At the same time, the animal resources here are extremely rich, there are many elephants, and the price of ivory is very expensive now, and it is the most important plundered resource for colonies and vassal states in Africa.

At the same time, there are a large number of crocodiles in the Monomopata area, and now crocodile skin is an important emerging leather material. Leather boots and belts made of crocodile skin are gradually selling well all over the world, and the prices are also rising.

For such a treasure land, the South African colonies have wanted to capture it very early. Of course, it is not only the South African colonies, but also the powerful and powerful vassal states such as Ningguo, Sangong Colony, and Li Family Colony in the east. The colonies also have an interest in this land.

I have been salivating and coveted it for a long time.

The natural conditions here are really good, and it is one of the few good places in Africa.

The forest coverage rate is extremely high. More than 70% of the land is forest. It has a large area of ​​fertile land and good rainfall. It has a tropical savanna climate and it is not cold all year round. It is a God-given place, not to mention rich in natural resources.


However, it is such a place that everyone has never been able to occupy.

On the one hand, it is because the Kunlun slaves here have formed a country themselves, the Monomopata Kingdom, which has a relatively complete organization and legal resistance. Different from the tribal status in other places, the Monomopata Kingdom is relatively strong.

A lot, and more organized.

Of course, this is not the main reason. The real reason is that this place is located in an inland area, where various diseases are rampant and prevalent.

Major colonies and vassal states have invaded here many times. When the armies come, various diseases often break out very quickly. Without any war, they have to retreat quickly, so they have never been able to stand here.

This also made the local Monomopat people call this place the ‘Grave of the Ming Dynasty!’, which means that as long as the Ming Dynasty people enter here, they are stepping into the cemetery and are not far away from death.

No, malaria and sleeping sickness broke out again in Ivory Town, the colonial stronghold of the South African colony. Hundreds of more than 2,000 soldiers were infected, which made this colonial town panic. Everyone was eager to leave this plague.


"I brought enough cinchona to give to the soldiers suffering from malaria immediately!"

Liu Da rode to Ivory Town. This time he came to Ivory Town as the senior inspector of the South African Governor-General's Office to inspect the situation in Ivory Town and prepare for the next attack on the Kingdom of Monomopata.

This land has been coveted by the South African colonies for a long time, and they have long wanted to take it. However, the situation has never been optimistic. All kinds of problems will always arise when large armies are sent here. There are too many diseases here, and they are contagious.

It is also extremely powerful, and often spreads throughout the entire military camp within just a few days. The speed is so fast that people are caught off guard.

Fortunately, there are telegraphs and cars now, and communication and transportation are very fast. Once a problem occurs, medicines can be quickly mobilized here, and sick soldiers here can be quickly transported away for treatment.

Otherwise, the South African colony would probably be similar to Ningguo, and would not even have the courage to set up a colonial stronghold here.


When the soldiers under his command heard this, they quickly got busy.

Liu Da was observing carefully here in Ivory Town.

The size of the town is not large. It is more like a larger walled city than a small town. It is surrounded by a not-so-high city wall, only three meters high. It can be easily climbed over with a ladder, and it is the same as the Ming Dynasty wall.

Some city walls are far from comparable.

But it is absolutely sufficient to defend against local indigenous attacks here.

Inside are a large number of houses, which store food, arms and weapons, etc. This is a military town and a typical military stronghold used for military expansion in Africa.

The main function is to eliminate the local indigenous people and seize land and resources. When encountering a siege by the indigenous people, the city gate will be closed and a large amount of food, arms and weapons will be stored inside, which is enough to easily hold on for several months until reinforcements arrive.


However, at this time, the situation in the entire Ivory Town was indeed very pessimistic. A large number of soldiers were sick, and the entire town seemed to be plunged into a haze.

Liu Da inspected carefully and kept thinking.

"Why do we Ming people get sick so easily after entering here?"

"And their local Kunlun slaves don't seem to be so susceptible to disease?"

Liu Da couldn't figure it out. The South African colonies had coveted this place for a long time, but they were always troubled by diseases. If they couldn't solve this problem, they couldn't even think of occupying this fertile land.

"At present, all the major vassals and colonies are trying hard to seize land in the inland areas. Our South African colonies cannot lag behind others. This Monomopata area is bound to be won!"

The reason Liu Da came to this ivory town this time was to inspect the situation here and formulate feasible plans and plans for the next expansion. Now it seems that the most important thing is to solve various diseases.


"General Zhang Mo meets your lord!"

While Liu Da was thinking, Zhang Mo, the person in charge of the town, hurriedly came to Liu Da's side. Zhang Mo was a descendant of the Zhang family of the British Duke.

"General Zhang, there is no need to be polite!"

Liu Da also quickly returned the greeting.

"The situation seems to be serious this time, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it is very serious. In just a few days, our soldiers developed malaria and sleeping sickness one after another. Malaria is not bad. As long as the Cinchona cream arrives, they can be cured quickly. However, the sleeping sickness is currently

Even the military doctors are helpless."

Zhang Mo nodded solemnly and said: "Originally everything was fine. We were raiding a tribe, but after returning from the tribe, the disease began to rage. We don't know what happened."

"Did they bury the corpses when they took out the tribesmen during the raid, and did they disinfect them after they came back?"

When Liu Da heard this, he asked again.

"Yes, we buried all the bodies and spread quicklime for disinfection. After returning, we always took a shower, washed our hair and disinfected."

Zhang Mo nodded and said.

"When camping at night, do you use mosquito nets to prevent mosquito bites?"

Liu Da thought for a while and asked again.

Liu Da, who comes from the capital, is a talented student who graduated from a new school. He is also very interested in biology. He has also studied new medicine. He often reads the Ming Dynasty Medical Journal and is aware of some conditions of infectious diseases.

"Mosquito nets are used, but the soldiers standing guard do not have mosquito nets, and even if there are mosquito nets, there is no guarantee that they will not be bitten."

Zhang Mo thought for a while and said.

"Has all the water the soldiers drank been boiled?"

Liu Da nodded and asked again.

"This...because the weather is hot now and the soldiers don't like to drink boiled water, so they don't have any."

When Zhang Mo heard this, he immediately hesitated and said.

"That may be the problem. It's easy to get into trouble when drinking unboiled water, especially in a place like this!"

Liu Da was immediately sure that malaria was almost always caused by drinking raw water and mosquito bites. Malaria was almost always spread through these two channels.

As for the sleeping sickness, I am afraid we will have to wait for the medical professor who came with the army to study it carefully before we can know what the problem is.

"Pass the order!"

"From now on, the water everyone drinks must be cooked water after boiling, and drinking raw water is not allowed!"

"In addition, the problem of mosquito nets must be solved, more quicklime must be sprinkled around the camp, and drainage ditches must be cleaned to prevent the occurrence of these diseases."

Liu Da thought for a while and gave the order directly.

"Yes, sir!"

Zhang Mo replied solemnly.

In my heart, I blame myself for not being strict with my soldiers. The weather is very hot, but we can't be careless. Drinking raw water is really easy to cause problems, especially in a place like this.

"Dang! Dang!"

At this moment, the town's siren sounded.


"Sir, General, there are a large number of local indigenous troops outside and are attacking us!"


"An enemy is attacking at this time?"

When Liu Da and Zhang Mo heard this, they immediately hurried towards the city.

Standing on the top of the city, I picked up a telescope and looked into the distance. I saw that the wilderness in the distance was full of people. They were holding long hair, wooden shields, bows and arrows, etc. in their hands, and they were moving towards the ivory menacingly.

There was a killing spree here in the town.

"They really know how to pick the moment, and they actually chose this time to attack us!"

"There are at least tens of thousands of people here!"

Zhang Mo's face turned ugly. Many soldiers had fallen ill at this time. These natives actually launched an attack at this time. There were still so many troops. If they couldn't hold on, it would be doomed.

"Prepare for battle!"

Liu Da also looked ugly. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing when he came here. This time he had to fight to the death.

This chapter has been completed!
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