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Chapter 2031, it turned out to be tied to the capital train

In an elegant garden in the capital, many conservative elders gathered together, all of them frowning and sighing.

"The First Bank of the Ming Dynasty will no longer lend to us. The current shortage of money is very huge. If it can't be paid back, the factories, commercial banks, land, etc. will all belong to the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty."

"Isn't that right? My family now has a shortfall of 2 million taels of silver. I am so worried that my beard has fallen out. Where can I get these 2 million taels of silver?"

"Even if there is money to make up for the gap, it will be of no use now. My textile factory can no longer even buy cotton, and no one wants the cloth it produces. It seems like it has offended everyone overnight."

"Well, I can't sell the oil from my oil field anymore. I'm worried."

"Something really happened here in Huangjinzhou. My son was beaten to death."

"They really bullied us so much that they simply didn't give us any way to survive."

"Not only are they not giving us a way to survive, they are completely prepared to swallow up our property completely, leaving nothing behind."

Everyone told me one by one about the difficulties in their own homes.

Originally, everyone thought that the counterattack of the Practical School must come from the court. After all, they constantly criticized Liu Jin, Wang Shouren, Han Wen, Zhong Fan and others of the Practical School. The people of the Practical School would definitely fight back.

Unexpectedly, the situation in the court was calm and there was no counterattack or response. However, outside the court and the public, people from the practical group launched a violent counterattack.

Directly pulling out the fire under the cauldron will immediately make the conservatives look sad.

Although the conservatives are conservative, in such an era, these conservative officials often get involved in profitable factories, trading houses, overseas colonies, etc.

In fact, the Ming Dynasty no longer has the original traditional gentry who passed down their families through farming and reading. Twenty years of capitalist development, overseas colonization, and the emerging industrial revolution have already penetrated into all aspects of the Ming Dynasty and influenced all aspects of the Ming Dynasty.

Ming Dynasty at all levels and in all fields.

Across the government and the public, even these conservative officials have many factories, trading houses, plantations, overseas gold mines, silver mines, etc. in their families.

This is also one of the reasons why the Practical School has always remained standing, because the officials of the Practical School have also transformed from the traditional old-school officials. They clearly know what kind of policies are truly beneficial to the Ming Dynasty and the industries under their command.

development of.

Externally, in the past, the Ming Dynasty always valued peace and did not start war lightly. The concept of war and external plunder was not included in the governance of the country believed in by Confucianism.

However, to this day, the Ming Dynasty is extremely tough externally, pursuing a policy of external expansion and plunder, and is able to obtain a large amount of support.

The fundamental reason is that external expansion costs are small and profits are large. Ming Dynasty's expansion over the years has acquired huge land, vast raw material production areas and opened up a huge market.

Taking cloth as an example, the cloth currently produced by the Ming Dynasty cannot be digested by itself. It very much needs overseas markets, overseas vassal states, Europe, the Middle East, etc. It needs to rely on the huge global market to digest the Ming Dynasty.

The output of a large number of textile factories.

At the same time, huge textile factories also require huge amounts of raw materials. Naturally, the cotton and wool products of Ming Dynasty cannot meet the needs of the textile industry, so cotton must be produced in Tianzhu, Africa and other places to meet the huge demand for raw materials from domestic factories in Ming Dynasty.

This all determines that Ming Dynasty must be tough enough externally.

Because only if it is strong enough can it force all parts of the world to continuously open their markets and become the source of raw materials and product dumping for the Ming Dynasty.

In the case of the Ottoman Empire, there were originally many local craftsmen in the Ottoman Empire, and the amount of cloth they produced could not only meet its own needs, but could also be exported to European and Mediterranean countries.

However, with the impact of cheap cloth from the Ming Dynasty, handicraftsmen in the Ottoman Empire went bankrupt one after another, leaving a large number of handicrafts unemployed and even losing their main source of income.

The Ottoman Empire saw this and wanted to ban the inflow of cloth from the Ming Dynasty. However, it was repeatedly defeated in the war with the Ming Dynasty and had to sign a treaty that was humiliating and humiliating the country and opened its own market.

The huge Ottoman Empire had a large population and a vast territory. It was an extremely large market and an important source of raw materials.

The Ming Dynasty relied on its own muskets and cannons to knock on the door of the Ottoman Empire, and rolling silver continued to flow into the Ming Dynasty, bringing a steady stream of orders and benefits.

More and more officials have clearly seen this, and they also know clearly that the path of hard work is the most suitable for the development and prosperity of the Ming Dynasty, and it is also the path that truly suits the interests of all classes in the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, there will be more officials who support the practical group. Even the emperor and military commanders and nobles are on the side of the practical group.

What the Practical School emphasizes is making the cake bigger. In this case, all classes can eat more cake, and the entire Ming Dynasty will be richer and more prosperous.

The traditional and conservative officials are more interested in cutting and dividing the cake, trying to get as much of the cake into their own hands as possible.

As a result, it will naturally intensify the contradictions in all aspects, the contradiction between the civil servant group and the imperial power, and the land contradiction within the Ming Dynasty. These two main contradictions have always run through the entire Ming Dynasty.

In history, many chaos in the middle and late Ming Dynasty were actually caused by these two major contradictions, the contradiction between the civil servant group and the imperial power. The emperor used the power of eunuchs and factory guards to fight against the civil servant group, so there was Liu Jin, the great eunuch of the Zhengde Dynasty.

There are also Wanli and Wei Zhongxian who have not been in court for thirty years, etc.

As agrarian conflicts intensified, there were endless peasant uprisings one after another, which seriously dragged down the already dangerous body of the Ming Dynasty, and eventually led to the demise of the Ming Dynasty.

"Mr. Yang, please tell me something. What should everyone do?"

Someone looked at Yang Tinghe and saw that he didn't say a word, so he said anxiously.

"say what?"

Yang Tinghe frowned. At this moment, he was also very angry in his heart. His family's property was also under special care. Not only was he unable to get a loan, he was also forced to repay the previous loan. At the same time, several newly organized

The factory can't find enough talents.

Those newly trained talents are unwilling to work for their family's business life and death, and they can't recruit people even if they are paid high salaries. Don't worry about it.

There are often huge factories with millions of taels of silver invested in them. The family has finally managed to scrape together the money to build them, and they are counting on these factories to make money for the family.

Now it's even a problem to start construction. If we can't recruit people, we can't start construction at all.

"How much money does Huihai Bank still have?"

"Why don't we get the money from Huihai Bank first to help everyone make ends meet?"

Someone thought for a while and asked.

"Huihai Bank doesn't have much money anymore."

When Liang Chu heard this, he said helplessly.


"This Huihai Bank is a big guy who collected 50 million taels of silver in it. How long did it take for this 50 million taels of silver to be gone all at once?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately asked in surprise.

"The development of Huihai Bank has not been smooth, largely because there are too few branches and it is inconvenient for customers to use money. Therefore, it has been expanding on a large scale during this period and building new branches all over the Ming Dynasty."

"Every new branch requires tens of thousands of taels of silver, including buying a building, decorating and purchasing various equipment, etc. Money is spent everywhere."

"In addition, although the bank has no deposits, its loan business has never stopped, and a lot of money has been loaned out, so there is not much left of the 50 million taels."

Liang Chu said helplessly.

"Hurry up and ask the loan holder to return the money. We are all waiting for the money to save our lives. At this time, we can't control that much."

"Yes, yes, if there is no more money, factories, businesses and everything will be confiscated."

"What kind of bank did I open back then? I didn't have much deposits, and no one recognized the banknotes and coins I issued. Now it's better, and I'm losing money."

As soon as everyone heard this, they couldn't help but complain.

"It's useless to talk about this now. We should all think of ways to overcome the current difficulties."

Liang Chu also sighed.

This is great. I originally thought that I could completely beat the people of the Practical Group to death, but who knew that the other party's desperate counterattack directly pushed everyone to the cliff.

If they can't get through this, they may be really impoverished in the future.

After working hard all my life, I will soon be back before liberation.

"This matter seems to have to be resolved at the court level."

Yang Tinghe thought for a while and said.

"Can the solution be resolved at the imperial court?"

"Are we going to bow down to the doers?"

"If we finally have a chance to turn over, once Liu Jin and Wang Shouren come back, we will have no chance to suppress them again."

When Liang Chu heard this, he said quickly.

"There's nothing wrong with bowing to them temporarily. The key is to get through the current difficulties first."

"Everyone's property was purchased with the savings of several generations. Are you willing to be taken away by others like this?"

Yang Tinghe looked at everyone and realized that appropriate concessions and concessions were necessary. The key was to preserve his own industry and wealth.

I just hope that Liu Jin can temporarily let everyone go and leave a way for everyone to survive.

“It’s not what it used to be!”

Yang Tinghe also sighed helplessly in his heart.

I remember when I left the court, there were no hard-working people at that time, no big factories, commercial firms, etc. The court had the final say, they were civil servants like them.

Today, times have changed, and everyone has been tied to the capitalist train without knowing it.

This chapter has been completed!
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