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Chapter 2046, Daming has the ability to deal with all problems

Popular Recommendations: The Emperor’s Arrival at Hongmeng Heaven’s Order to Punish Evil

"Your Majesty, it seems that what Liu Gong said is based on facts. If the scene at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty or the end of the Tang Dynasty really happens, then our Ming Dynasty will enter a troubled period."

After reading Hanwen, he also said worriedly.

Everyone has always paid attention to history, and what they pay attention to is the changes of dynasties, divisions of regimes, foreign invasions, emperors and generals, etc. Few people say to pay attention to the climate.

Only in later generations, as people's understanding of nature becomes deeper and deeper, and climatology becomes a science, will relevant scholars truly study the ancient climate and study some of the major impacts brought about by climate.

The change of some dynasties in history must actually be due to the inability of officials to govern, and it is also closely related to the climate.

For example, in the late Tang Dynasty, the formation and development of vassal power was actually related to the climate. First of all, the climate became extremely extreme, causing agricultural production to be very unstable.

Coupled with the annexation of land, the contradiction between man and land is acute. If the people can no longer live, war will naturally break out. If there is a peasant uprising, it will naturally be suppressed, and these border town officials, generals, etc. must be reused.

As time goes by, it will naturally be easy to form a situation where the feudal lords and towns are separated. In the end, the tail will not be able to be eliminated. In addition, it is in the Little Ice Age, and it will naturally completely collapse and change dynasties.

It can be said that in later generations, research in various aspects has been relatively in-depth. Some looked at the change of a dynasty from an economic perspective, and the focus was on the Ming Dynasty.

The demise of the Ming Dynasty was related to the natural climate, but it was also inseparable from the economy.

In history, the Ming Dynasty first experienced financial collapse, resulting in the court having no money to do anything.

Starting from the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty's finances had huge problems. Such a huge empire could not collect tax money. The tax money was only two to three million taels of silver a year and the tax revenue in kind was getting smaller and smaller.

It is simply not enough to support this huge empire.

There was no money, no money for disaster relief, no money to build the army, and no money to increase the salaries of officials, etc. The result was that the external enemies could not be defeated and they were retreating steadily. How many Jurchens did they have?

Even if one could defeat ten, it would not be a problem at all. However, in the end, the Ming Dynasty was replaced by the Ming Qing. Why?

Because the soldiers in the border army have never received the respect and equal treatment they deserve. How can they fight a war when they don’t have enough to eat or wear, and when their weapons and equipment are inadequate?

The internal disasters were spreading everywhere, but they could not be suppressed. Every time the army was mobilized, it was a nerve-wracking matter for the Ming Dynasty, because they could not get money, food and grass.

Officials' remuneration is very low, but with two pronunciations, officials cannot have enough to eat, and the people below naturally have no hope of having a good life. Therefore, these officials will wantonly annex land, accept bribes, and collude between officials and businessmen. These are all

It's just an ordinary thing.

Therefore, the imperial court could no longer collect money, and taxes became less and less, and the situation continued in a vicious cycle.

Looking at the history of the middle and late Ming Dynasty, as long as the emperor can receive money and get money, he can still do something, like Jiajing and Wanli, if there is no money, they will find ways to make money.

After getting the money, you can still do some things, such as the three major expeditions of thousands of miles, sweeping away the Jurchens in Liaodong, supporting North Korea to defeat the Japanese pirates, and sweeping away the Japanese pirates on the southeast coast.

All these illustrate the importance of money. Without money, even the emperor and the court cannot accomplish anything.

Of course, these are later generations of experts and scholars who analyze history from many aspects, and climate is also a reason for everyone's analysis.

In ancient times, agriculture was the mainstay. In an agricultural society, the influence of climate was very large.

In a good year, basically nothing will happen, but once there are various disasters, natural disasters and man-made disasters, the whole society will be in turmoil.

"Your Majesty, although it is still hard to believe this, I think we should make some preparations. Don't be afraid of the worst, just be afraid of 10,000."

"If you make more preparations, it will be best if no disaster occurs. If there is a disaster, you can be prepared."

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Zhong Fan stood up and said.

If droughts continue for years and various natural disasters occur one after another as in history, it will mean that the entire Ming Dynasty will enter a turbulent and troubled period.

So if you are prepared, you can be just in case.

"Your Majesty, I think Mr. Liu is still a little unfounded. Who can say for sure about this kind of thing?"

"I still feel that there is no need to make such a big show of things and spend a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to do these things. With the prosperity of our Ming Dynasty, even if there is any disaster, it can be easily stabilized."

"In the past, there would be droughts, floods, etc. almost every year. In the 28th year of Hongzhi's reign, Henan suffered a severe drought. The land was bare for thousands of miles, and the entire Henan Province had no harvest."

"However, there is no problem, because our Ming Dynasty now has several large grain warehouses that produce grains. The food produced in one year is enough to feed the people of our Ming Dynasty for ten years."

"In addition, almost all parts of the Ming Dynasty now have railways and trains, and roads have spread all over the country. Even if there is a disaster in one place, food can be quickly mobilized from other places to provide support."

"Instead of spending a lot of effort to build this early warning and prevention mechanism, it is better to build more railways and roads, and convenient transportation is better than anything else."

Yang Tinghe stood up and said that as a Sichuanese, he had enjoyed the convenience of railways. He had a special liking for building railways. He felt that instead of spending a lot of effort to build more railways and roads, it would be better to build more railways and roads.

As long as the roads are open, it only takes one day to transport grain from Liaodong to Guan Nei, and it only takes two days at most to transport grain from the Hezhong area to Guan Nei.

Moreover, the transportation capacity of trains is so powerful that one train can carry enough grain to feed a million people for a period of time.

What's more, Daming now has convenient highways, the transportation capacity of large trucks is also extremely powerful, river transportation and sea transportation are also very convenient, and the speed of material mobilization is far from what it could be compared to before.


Yang Tinghe's words were nodded in approval by everyone. Even Emperor Hongzhi thought it was very reasonable.

Various disasters occurred every year in the Ming Dynasty, either drought in the north, floods in the south, locust plagues, plagues, etc.

But it has been very stable over the years and there have been no problems.

Even if several provinces suffer from drought and the grain harvest is cut off, the problem is not big, and grain prices remain stable. Because of the large amount of grain imported from foreign countries, and trains of grain being transported there, all problems are solved.

"Your Majesty, I also think there is no need to spend so much time and money on it."

"I think that even if an early warning and prevention mechanism is established, it can be the same as the current imperial court's granaries. At most, more granaries can be built at major railway transportation hubs and important transportation places to store more grain. If there is really a famine,

By sending food to these places, things can be quickly stabilized."

Yang Yiqing thought for a while and expressed his stance.

Although the situation in various places is similar to that in history, and it may really enter the Little Ice Age, judging from the current situation in the Ming Dynasty.

Liu Jin was indeed a little too worried this time.

The Ming Dynasty has abundant grain production and reserves, and transportation is very convenient. What should we be afraid of?

Even if several provinces have no harvest, even if there is no grain production for one or two years, the problem will not be big, and Ming Dynasty can easily get through it.

"Perhaps Liu Jin is really worried too much."

After listening to what they said, Emperor Hongzhi also felt that it made sense in his heart. Did Liu Jin really go too far?

Judging from the current situation in the Ming Dynasty, it seems that there is really no need to worry about anything going wrong. Money is needed and food is needed. The key is that transportation is very convenient, and the number of people engaged in agriculture is much smaller than before, and the proportion is also much smaller.


A large number of people are engaged in industry and service, and the proportion is getting larger and larger, while the number of people engaged in agriculture is getting smaller and smaller.

"Is Lao Liu really worried too much?"

Zhu Houzhao thought about it in his heart. After thinking about it carefully, it seems that with the current situation of the Ming Dynasty, there really is nothing to worry about. The various corresponding systems are actually very complete.

The Ming Dynasty itself built many granaries specifically to store grain, and they were used for disaster relief at critical moments.

"Your Majesty, you might as well take a look at the situation in recent years before making a decision. Judging from the current situation of our Ming Dynasty, even if there is a large-scale famine in several consecutive years, we don't need to worry too much, and it will be enough to cope with it."

"If it is true as Liu Gong said in recent years, the imperial court can pay attention to this matter and strengthen some preparations in relevant aspects. If there are no problems, there is no need to worry too much."

Mao Ji also spoke.


Emperor Hongzhi thought carefully and nodded in agreement. Although the situation and judgment Liu Jin said were still valid, the Ming Dynasty was not what it used to be, and it was completely capable of dealing with it.

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