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Chapter 2065, the first assistant to the cabinet again

In an elegant garden in the capital, several important leaders of the conservative faction gathered together again. They had also received the news that Han Wen was seriously ill and might not survive for long.

"The news has been confirmed. Han Wen is indeed seriously ill, and he is afraid that his time is running out."

Liang Chu told the latest news.

"There is news that Liu Jin went to visit Han Wen early this morning. The two talked secretly for two hours. The content of the conversation is unknown."

"It seems Liu Jin is in a hurry."

When Qiao Yu heard this, he immediately smiled and said.

"After all, Liu Jin's filial piety period will be up soon. If Han Wen leaves at this time, Liu Jin will definitely not be able to get a good position when he comes back."

Liang Chu nodded and said.

"I'm just afraid that if Hanwen can survive these last few months, it will be really troublesome then."

Yang Tinghe frowned. To be honest, he was both happy and sad at the same time.

The happy thing is that if Han Wen dies of illness, he is very likely to become the chief minister of the cabinet. He will truly be a minister with great power. This has been his dream all along.

But what is worrying is that if Han Wen can survive until Liu Jin's filial piety period expires, Liu Jin may come back and directly become the chief minister of the cabinet.

Once Liu Jin becomes the chief minister of the cabinet again, he may have no hope of ever becoming the chief minister of the cabinet again.

Liu Jin, who is only in his forties, is still very young. Now that the period of filial piety has expired, there will be no fetters anymore. Maybe he can easily work for another dozen or twenty years without any problem.

If your health is good enough, it seems possible to work for another thirty or forty years. After all, Han Wen worked until he was over eighty years old, and Liu Jian also retired only when he was over eighty years old.

But as for myself, I am already sixty-seven years old. Not to mention how many years I have been an official, I still don’t know how many years I can live. Naturally, I still hope to take this final step.

So he was really worried, worried that Han Wen could survive until the last few months, until Liu Jin came back.

After hearing Yang Tinghe's words, Yang Yiqing, Liang Chu, Qiao Yu, and Wang Qiong also frowned.

Over the years, the chief ministers of the cabinet have always been people of practical ability, including Liu Jin, Wang Shouren, and Han Wen. Liu Jin, who has returned after his term of filial piety, is most likely to be the chief minister of the cabinet again.

Calculated in this way, the Ming Dynasty was dominated by people of practical ability for several decades.

Nowadays, in the imperial court, there are many officials of the practical faction, and there are also a large number of important officials. This makes the practical faction always occupy the position of the chief minister of the cabinet. When will the conservative faction really stand out?

"I'm afraid that even if Han Wen leaves now, the emperor will still keep his position until Liu Jin comes back."

Yang Yiqing thought for a while and said something even more desperate and helpless.

Based on the emperor's favor and trust in Liu Jin, the vacant position in the cabinet, or the position of chief minister, must be reserved for Liu Jin, who is about to come back.

When several people heard this, they immediately became even more helpless.

The emperor trusted Liu Jin so much that he was completely invulnerable.

If Liu Jin comes back as the chief minister of the cabinet, everyone will never be able to stand out from now on.

There is another Wang Shouren after Liu Jin. Liu Jin's period of observing filial piety is about to expire, and Wang Shouren is about to finish it. The difference is only a few months.

If Wang Shouren comes back by then, this conservative faction will have no chance of getting ahead, because Wang Shouren is only in his fifties now, very young.

On the other hand, these conservative officials are actually very old. Yang Tinghe is 67 years old, Yang Yiqing is 70 years old, Wang Qiong is 65 years old, and Qiao Yu is considered young, but He is also sixty years old.

Everyone is really old. As we get older, our bodies are not as good as before. If we are not careful, we may belch. We are far inferior to young people like Liu Jin and Wang Shouren.

Of course, we cannot say that they are old. In the Ming Dynasty, those who could achieve this level were basically people in their sixties or seventies.

That is to say, Liu Jin and Wang Shouren were promoted too quickly and had already achieved this step early.

Inside the study room of Qianqing Palace in the Imperial Palace.

Emperor Hongzhi also received the news.

"Zhang Zhong, please go and read Korean for me."

"Bring some ginseng, velvet antler and other supplements over there, and also send the imperial doctor and professors from Daming Medical College to take a look."

After thinking about it, Emperor Hongzhi issued an edict.


When Zhang Zhong heard this, he quickly went to handle the matter.

When an important minister in the court was ill, Emperor Hongzhi would send someone to have a look, and sometimes he would go there himself to show that he valued and cared about the minister.

Han Wen is the chief minister of the cabinet, which is definitely indispensable. If Han Wen were to die of illness, Emperor Hongzhi might still have to meet him in person.

"Alas, time flies by and time is ruthless."

Emperor Hongzhi sighed, then came to the mirror and looked at himself in the mirror.

Although Emperor Hongzhi has been taking good care of himself over the years, keeping in good health and so on, he is already in his fifties after all. In his sixth year, his hair has begun to turn white, his skin is dull, and wrinkles have appeared on his face. No matter how young you are.

Over the years, Emperor Hongzhi also saw many ministers die of illness, including Li Dongyang, Liu Jian, Zhou Jing, Zhang Mao, Zhu Fu, etc. At this time, the figures of these ministers appeared in Emperor Hongzhi's mind.

Now Han Wen is also seriously ill, and his time is estimated to be running out.

"Time is ruthless, time is ruthless."

"I don't know how long I can live."

Then Emperor Hongzhi thought about himself and how long he could live. This man was old and had seen too much life and death, so he would naturally think about this.

Soon, Emperor Hongzhi shook his head again and stopped thinking about these messy things.

"Well, it just so happens that Liu Jin's filial piety period expires in a few months and he can take over Han Wen's position."

Soon, Emperor Hongzhi began to think about it.

The changes in the ministers of the DPRK are of great importance, especially the position of the chief minister of the cabinet. As the emperor, he naturally has to consider this matter carefully.

Liu Jin was a person whom Emperor Hongzhi trusted very much, and he was also a very capable person. His prestige and influence as the chief minister of the cabinet were enough to intimidate these conservatives.

The most important thing is that Emperor Hongzhi now thinks of himself. If Liu Jin is the chief minister of the cabinet, his workload can be reduced a lot. A lot of useless memorials will definitely not come to him.

In this way, you can have more time to recuperate.

If the officials of the old school were allowed to take the lead, I still don’t know what the memorial would be like by then. I would be very tired, and it would be the same as before. I read the memorial every day in the middle of the night, and I was worried about it every day. National affairs are worrying.


Because of Han Wen's serious illness, the entire government and the public were slightly shaken.

But fortunately, the problem is not big. The sound system allows the Ming Dynasty's ruling and opposition parties to still operate stably. At the same time, everyone is waiting for the changes in the ruling and opposition parties after Han Wen leaves.

Han Wen also continued to hold on until April of the 39th year of Hongzhi. When Liu Jin's filial piety period expired, Han Wen could no longer hold on, and he made his last contribution to the Ming Dynasty.

As soon as Han Wen left, Emperor Hongzhi immediately reactivated Liu Jin, who had returned, and re-appointed Liu Jin as the chief assistant of the cabinet. He was the head of the ministers and held great power.

This is not surprising, even though the conservatives have made a lot of efforts to this end, such as people constantly impeaching Liu Jin and so on.

But in the end, all the efforts were in vain. The emperor still trusted Liu Jin as always, and the officials of the practical group also gave full support. Liu Jin can be said to have made a perfect comeback.

You must know that in the past, there were officials who had kept their filial piety and Ding You came back. Usually, it was difficult to get a good position easily. It might take several years before you could get a good position.

But Liu Jin was different. When the filial piety period expired, Han Wen died of illness, just in time to become the chief minister of the cabinet again and hold great power again.

Liu Jin's comeback naturally made the officials of the practical group rejoiced. If Liu Jin came to serve as the chief minister of the cabinet and take charge of the overall situation, the official evaluation system for both the government and the public would definitely continue to be implemented.

It must be a good thing to say that it will be simpler and easier for everyone to get promoted.

As for the old-school officials, they are all mourning for their heirs, and they don’t know that they will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse to get ahead.

This chapter has been completed!
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