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Chapter 2067, life must have goals, the court must have direction 2

In fact, Liu Jin has mentioned the matter of improving the Ming Dynasty's medical system before, but it has never received high attention, only in the matter of newborns.

At that time, under the auspices of Liu Jin, the imperial court conducted unified training for all midwives and stable mothers in the Ming Dynasty to popularize some basic knowledge.

The effect is quite good. The neonatal mortality rate in Daming has been greatly reduced, and many of the mistakes that often occurred in the past have also been greatly reduced.

For example, Bai Jiaxuan gave birth to many children in Bailuyuan in later movies, but half of them did not even survive the first seven days.

Because of the ignorance of the midwife and midwife, they used rusty scissors to cut the umbilical cord. As a result, they were infected with tetanus, which disappeared in a few days.

This phenomenon was very common in that ignorant and ignorant era. Many newborns died because of the ignorance of these stable mothers and midwives.

In an era when knowledge was not popularized and spread, even the sons of emperors would inevitably encounter such things, let alone the children of ordinary people.

Feeling this, at that time, under Liu Jin's initiative, a unified training, education and study was carried out for midwives, stable mothers and the like throughout the Ming Dynasty.

The effect is also great and the effect is very obvious. The mortality rate of newborns in Ming Dynasty has been greatly reduced.

But this is far from enough. If a person wants to grow from a baby to an adult, for more than ten years, he will have to experience many, many colds, fevers, pneumonia, etc., not to mention other things.

Without perfect medical care and relatively developed medical technology, the premature death rate in this process is very high.

In later generations, until the 20th century, after human science and technology developed to a certain extent and medical science and technology made great progress, the global population ushered in a big explosion of growth and development. In just a few decades, the population

is growing at an unprecedented rate.

Compared with later generations, the current population of the Ming Dynasty is simply insignificant. It can be said that it is very, very small.

Liu Jin attached great importance to this matter, mentioned it to Emperor Hongzhi many times, and also did some related work.

For example, medical schools and hospitals were promoted, and hospitals were established in the capitals of every province in the Ming Dynasty to promote many new medical technologies.

But for the entire Ming Dynasty, this is still far from enough. At the very least, new hospitals must be spread to the county and township levels.

This requires vigorous promotion with the power of the imperial court, and Liu Jin alone cannot do it.

Especially the establishment and development of medical schools require the power of the imperial court to do this. Among other things, it is necessary to establish a medical school in several provinces to cultivate more medical talents, doctors and so on.

Must have.

Although new medicine has been developed for more than 20 years, there are currently only two medical schools, Daming Medical College and Royal Medical College. The number of doctors trained every year is limited.

Ming Dynasty still needs more medical schools, more medical talents and doctors.


Emperor Hongzhi took Liu Jin's memorial and read it carefully.

Liu Jin's memorials are very different from those of other officials. They are concise and clear. They also like to use data to speak for themselves and make people convincing, instead of being like other officials who always show off their literary talent and knowledge and talk about something.

A lot of nonsense.

Looking at the large amount of data listed in Liu Jin's Memorial, Emperor Hongzhi also looked solemn.

As the emperor, Emperor Hongzhi had always been concerned about farming, the invasion of external enemies, and matters above the imperial court.

There is very little talk about medical technology, systems, etc., because these do not seem to be very important to the rule of the Ming Dynasty.

That is to say, Liu Jin would care about these things and mention these things, which allowed Emperor Hongzhi to see a different Ming Dynasty from different angles. He also knew that as the emperor, there were many things he had to do, many, not just those he knew before.


"Sure enough, something is going to happen again."

As for the other ministers, none of them were surprised.

When Liu Jin was here, he would have to do something difficult almost every now and then, always doing things that no one would have thought of.

Now that he is back as the chief minister of the cabinet, he is still in the same style as before.

What kind of medical system will be established? What impact will this have on the ministers above the imperial court?

The medical technology in the Beijing-Tianjin area is well developed. As long as there are many hospitals and it is convenient for everyone to see a doctor, is it necessary to spread all these to the entire Ming Dynasty?

How much money will it cost?

How much more needs to be done?

Isn't it good to be an official comfortably?

You have to keep tossing and tossing.

Of course, this is what everyone thinks in their hearts, but they dare not say it out, otherwise Emperor Hongzhi will definitely let you go home to retire.

Emperor Hongzhi paid special attention to these, such as high-yielding crops that could greatly increase food production, new farming machines, farming methods, etc. Emperor Hongzhi attached great importance to these.

This is also an important reason why the Ming Dynasty's grain production has greatly increased, because the immigrants of the Ming Dynasty used mechanized farming methods on a large scale, which greatly improved the efficiency of farming and greatly increased the overall grain production.

This is a major event related to the population growth of the Ming Dynasty. For Emperor Hongzhi, who loved his people like his own son, this was definitely a major event and he would definitely attach great importance to it.

"Everyone, let's take a look."

Emperor Hongzhi read it quickly, and as usual passed the memorial to everyone to read.

Everyone read it quickly and started thinking about it.

"According to Liu Gong's plan, our Ming Dynasty will need to build at least a thousand hospitals. The number of doctors and so on required will be very huge."

"And at least ten new medical schools need to be built to train relevant medical talents. Doctor, this cost is not small."

After Yang Yiqing read it, he thought about it and said.

"It does cost a lot of money, and it can't be completed in one or two years. It will take five, six, or even more than ten years to complete."

Yang Tinghe also spoke.

"Life must have a goal, and the court must have a direction."

"Throughout the past dynasties, dynasties have changed. It seems that each dynasty is repeating the story of the previous dynasty, and it is impossible to escape the cycle of chaos."

"The reason why our country, the Ming Dynasty, is as prosperous and prosperous as it is today is because the path and direction of its development that our country, the Ming Dynasty, is taking today is different from any previous dynasty."

"We pay more attention to people's livelihood. We continue to immigrate and open up more farmland. At the same time, we develop science and technology and develop various tools and technologies that can greatly improve productivity."

"So we, the Ming Dynasty, can be more prosperous, have endless food, endless new clothes, and can live in a sturdy and warm new house."

"This is the past time. The emperor and the princes in the court have a clear direction of development and efforts. They always take the people's every detail into consideration and work hard to let the people live a better life."

When Liu Jin heard this, he smiled and said.

"Today's Ming Dynasty is already invincible, strong and wealthy, but we cannot just be satisfied with what we have in front of us, we should also have longer-term development goals and vision."

"Looking at Ming Dynasty from different angles will naturally lead to different gains. It also means that we know that we still have many, many things to do and work hard to do."

"The development of the medical system is only one aspect, it is an aspect that reduces the mortality rate of the Ming Dynasty population and improves the health level."

"Our Ming Dynasty is prosperous, with a vast territory and sparsely populated areas. If we can have a larger population, Golden Continent, Australia, Guanwai and other places can be further developed. Our Ming Dynasty's overseas colonies and vassal states can also benefit from it."

"Not only in medical technology, we can also work hard in food, transportation, housing, education and many other aspects."

"In terms of food, if we had not vigorously developed agricultural machinery and insisted on immigrating outside the customs, would we have been able to produce so much food during the severe drought in the north last year?"

"But is it enough?"

"Obviously it's not enough. In the future, our population will continue to grow. We will need more food and more arable land. These require more agricultural machinery and better technology."

"The imperial court has many things to do and great responsibilities. It is not just about being able to govern the country well through benevolence, justice, morality and filial piety. What is needed is to continuously improve and work hard in all aspects, every small aspect. In this way

Only then can we truly build the Ming Dynasty into a prosperous and strong country."

After hearing Liu Jin's words, everyone nodded one after another and began to think about it.

We have always talked about governing the country with benevolence, justice, morality, and governing the world with filial piety. It seems that if we really do these things, the world will be peaceful and the Ming Dynasty will be prosperous and powerful.

But is this really the case?

All dynasties have done it this way, but in the end they are not all the same. Is it the fate of reincarnation?

Now Liu Jin analyzes these and divides them into aspects, such as agriculture, transportation, industry, economy, taxation, military, medical care, etc.

Then we continued to work hard and develop in every aspect, and finally we slowly achieved the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty.

Now the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty far exceeds that of any previous dynasty. The people are rich and the society is stable. Even if there was a severe drought and plague last year, the entire Ming Dynasty is still stable. It will not be like previous dynasties. Once there is any famine or the like,

Immediately, the people were in dire straits, people were starving, and there were wars and smoke everywhere.

All of this is not the result of efforts in all aspects.

This chapter has been completed!
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