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Chapter 2108, imitating Charles V of Ming Dynasty

Far away in Europe, in the Spanish Palace, Charles V was discussing national affairs with several reformist ministers.

"Your Majesty, the seven electors of the Holy Roman Empire have announced that you have deposed your title of Holy Roman Emperor and have now re-elected a new emperor."

"According to the information released to us by the Ming Dynasty, many states in the Holy Roman Empire are actively preparing for war. They have purchased a large number of arms and weapons from the Ming Dynasty Ocean Trading Company, recruited new ones, and are preparing to resist our Spanish righteous forces!"

Alfred reported to Charles V the changes in the Holy Roman Empire.

Now Charles V is busy controlling all aspects of Spain and reforming Spain, so he has no time to deal with these countries of the Holy Roman Empire.

After winning the civil war, Charles V abolished the state system, followed the example of the Ming Empire, implemented a provincial system, and took back many powers of the nobles, including taxation, conscription, administrative and other powers. It was owned by Charles V, and he imitated the Ming Empire and established a cabinet minister system to help him manage this huge empire.

The young Alfred became Spain's first auxiliary minister of the cabinet, while Peros and Torres became the second and third auxiliary ministers, holding a lot of power in their hands.

Implementing a provincial system at the local level, Charles V employed a large number of small nobles, commoners, and merchants as officials to oversee the entire empire and huge colonies.

This matter has been busy from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, and now it is finally starting to take shape.

Although it encountered countless opposition and repeated rebellions by the great nobles in the process, it was finally fully realized under the suppression of Charles V's army.

Now Spain is different from any other era in history. The kings of Spain in the past often had titles such as King of Aragon, Kingdom of Castile, etc.

Now, it is the King of Spain, and the Kingdom of Aragon has become the Province of Aragon, no longer a kingdom.


"Don't worry about them now. After we are done with these things, we will slowly pick them up. They are just a mess, nothing to worry about!"

After hearing this, Charles V didn't take it to heart at all. The situation in Europe was naturally very clear.

In the entire Europe, it can be said that except for France, almost all other countries are loose alliances of large and small states. Even the British Isles and small islands are divided into England, Scotland, and Ireland. , from here we can see the dispersion of Europe.

But France is another one. Since the Hundred Years War between England and France, France has been unified, and France has always maintained such unity. This has also laid the foundation for France to remain the hegemon of Europe.

One of the very important reasons is that France eliminated those internal states, principalities, etc., which is similar to the Ming Dynasty. It implements a provincial system instead of a state system.

The Holy Roman Empire is a typical representative of the state system. It seems to be very large, but in fact it is a piece of loose sand, composed of hundreds of principalities, principalities, free states, cities, etc., even under the principalities. You can continue to divide them into finer and smaller pieces.

Under such a system, the Holy Roman Empire had an empty appearance, but in fact it was not a country at all, let alone an empire.

Charles V was obviously very aware of all this, so he did not take the countries of the Holy Roman Empire into consideration at all.


Alfred quickly said yes, then thought about it and said: "Your Majesty, the reason why the Ming Empire is powerful is because the Ming Empire has always attached great importance to inheritance, especially the inheritance of the royal family."

"So the emperors of the Ming Empire usually opened up their harems and established many concubines. This way, they would have many heirs and their heirs would be guaranteed, so there would be no chaos."

"In this regard, France and the Ming Dynasty are very similar. Like the Ming Dynasty, the throne in France is passed down from male to female, and will never be passed on to anyone with a foreign surname."

"We in Spain want to become as powerful as the Ming Empire, and we must imitate the Ming Empire in this regard."

"Your Majesty, you should expand your harem, establish more concubines, give birth to more children, and at the same time establish the same prince system as the Ming Empire, so as to ensure the long-term stability and inheritance of our Spanish Empire!"

"We in Spain should also introduce a succession code similar to the French "Salic Code" to clarify the change of the imperial throne, and follow the example of the Ming Empire in establishing the eldest son inheritance system!"

Alfred discussed with Charles V how to imitate the perfect inheritance system established by the Ming Empire.

"But the queen will not agree."

When Charles V heard this, he immediately frowned.

Charles V's ability to secure the position of King of Spain has a lot to do with his wife Insabella, who is his cousin and the daughter of King Manuel I of Portugal. When she married, she brought an extremely generous dowry, which solved the financial crisis of Charles V.

At the same time, Charles V received support from many parties, which allowed him to secure his position as King of Spain.

"And we in Europe have always paid attention to bloodline. Only noble princesses can give birth to legal heirs."

Charles V was very worried about this matter.

The tradition here in Europe is like this. It pays attention to the purity of blood, so it is all marriages between royal families. Marriages between nobles and nobles will never talk about marrying the daughter of a commoner, because that will be despised by the nobles, and the status will be lost. It is difficult to rule an entire country without recognition.

"So this is why our Europe is not as good as the Ming Empire!"

"The reason why the Ming Empire is so powerful is because they don't care about bloodline or anything like that. They only care about ability."

"All the wives and concubines of the Emperor of the Ming Empire were from common people, but this did not hinder the greatness of the Emperor of the Ming Empire. The Emperor of the Ming Empire was not only the emperor of the Ming Empire, but also the monarch of more than a dozen vassal states. He was the leader of the Ming Dynasty overseas. There are hundreds of small colonies and the monarch of the vassal state."

When Pelos heard this, he quickly said: "There are always various talents emerging and being reused in the Ming Empire."

"Liu Jin, the current chief minister of the Ming Dynasty cabinet, is just an ordinary citizen, but he is very talented and has been reused. It is because of his reforms that the Ming Empire has become as strong as it is now."

"The reason why we in Europe are not as good as the Ming Empire is because we pay too much attention to and care about blood and origin, resulting in a large number of talented people who cannot get important, while the nobles without talent occupy high positions and only care about their own enjoyment and life.

, with no regard for the life or death of the country."

"Today, almost all of the world is under the control of the Ming Empire. Only a few areas such as Western Europe and West Africa have not yet been controlled by the Ming Empire."

"But in a few more years?"

"With the strong national power of the Ming Empire, I am afraid that the whole world will be included in the territory of the Ming Empire. If we do not break the constraints of the past, our ultimate fate is to lag behind the Ming people forever."

Perros said looking extremely worried.

"Your Majesty, only those who have been to the Ming Empire will understand the huge difference between us and the Ming Empire. The Ming Empire can have millions of people in just one city, which is comparable to a country in Europe."

"Europe's current system is the root of Europe's backwardness. It is like a piece of loose sand. How can we concentrate our efforts to develop and strengthen our own country?"

"The queen will object. Please leave this matter to me. I will definitely convince the queen to agree to this matter."

Torres took the initiative to express his ability to persuade the queen to agree to this matter.

"Well, then I'll leave this matter to you."

After hearing this, Charles V also nodded solemnly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Torres quickly and solemnly agreed.

"Your Majesty, the eldest son inheritance system of the Ming Empire is actually very beneficial to the queen, because only the queen's son is the legitimate son and has the right to inherit."

"Only when the queen has no sons, the right of inheritance will be passed to other princes. Of course, the premise is that your majesty canonize enough concubines, so that enough princes can be left."

"In this regard, there is actually another advantage. People in the Ming Dynasty do not allow incest marriages, because according to the medical research of the people in the Ming Dynasty, the offspring of incest marriages often have defects, some congenital diseases, and poor health.

, easy to die young.”

"As long as the queen agrees, your majesty will issue a decree to all parts of Spain, asking nobles from all over the country to send their daughters who are suitable for marriage to beauty pageants, and choose the daughters of nobles who are healthy, beautiful, and in good shape as concubines. In this way,

You can give birth to more princes to ensure the inheritance of the throne."

Seeing that Charles V agreed, Alfred also began to introduce the Ming Dynasty's eldest son inheritance system to Charles V in detail.

"In addition, in terms of confirming the prince, the Ming Empire attached great importance to the education of princes and princes. For this reason, it also built the East Palace for the Ming Prince. This East Palace is not only a palace, but in a larger sense, it is actually a palace.

Perfect structure and system.”

"Choose famous teachers to teach the prince since childhood and cultivate the prince's ability to manage the country. Select the ministers in the court to be the prince's teachers and officials. The ministers in the court are the king's ministers and the prince's ministers."

"This system is used to determine the succession and succession of the Ming Dynasty. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty more than 100 years ago, this system has been operating very effectively, ensuring the succession and stability of the Ming Dynasty!"

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