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Chapter 2125, the first year of Zhengde commemorative edition

The enthronement ceremony of Emperor Zhengde was held very grandly. It was the most important event in the Ming Dynasty in recent decades. Careful preparations were made in all aspects, and it was also very successful.

After the ceremony was completed, the envoys from various countries were also preparing to return.

This time we came to Ming Dynasty, it was an eye-opener for everyone. We really saw the prosperity, wealth and vastness of the Ming Empire. The only regret is that the Ming Empire is really too stingy.

Everyone worked so hard to send all kinds of gold, silver and jewelry. The Ming Empire's return gift was really too shabby. There was really only one photo. Many people were worried about how to go back and deliver gifts to their monarch.

Woolen cloth.

"it is finally over!"

"Let's make the arrangements and let's go back."

Ferdinand didn't want to stay in Ming Dynasty for a moment. Although he lived very comfortably here, he still wanted to return to Austria as soon as possible, because here, he didn't feel any respect from being a noble.


And regarding the Ming people, although he recognized the power and wealth of the Ming Empire, he also felt that the Ming Empire was really stingy. The gift he brought to the Ming Emperor this time was worth hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. However, the Ming Empire

But there is not even a decent return gift here.

Just thinking about it makes people think that the Great Tomorrow is really stingy, extremely stingy.

After all, this is to give everyone some tea, silk, porcelain, etc., so I don’t want everyone to go back empty-handed.

It was not just Ferdinand who complained about the stinginess of the Ming Dynasty. Ibrahim of the Ottoman Empire also felt that the Ming Empire was a bit stingy at this time, so it was really inappropriate for everyone to go back empty-handed.

"This Ming Dynasty man is really stingy!"

"Everything for the enthronement ceremony has been completed. I thought they would give us some gifts in return. Unexpectedly, there has been no news until now."

Ibrahim shook his head slightly and said to the people around him: "It is still a country of etiquette. From this point alone, Ming Dynasty seems too stingy."

"Isn't that right? It's not just us who say this, many envoys also say this."

"He only replied to us with a photo, which is too stingy."

"But there is no way. Who made the Ming Empire so powerful? Even if it is stingy, no one dares to say it."

Everyone complained about the stinginess and stinginess of the Ming Empire.

At this moment, Liu Jin, Wang Shouren, and Yang Yiqing came out with smiles on their faces and stood in front of everyone and said.

"Everyone, everyone has come from afar. We in the Ming Dynasty often have poor hospitality, so please forgive me!"

"It is my great joy to have the emperor ascend the throne. You have traveled thousands of miles and traveled thousands of miles to come with blessings and gifts from the monarchs of various countries. Naturally, I will not let you go in vain."

Liu Jin glanced around and could see the disappointed expressions on these people's faces. They were indeed stingy this time. The richer Zhu Houzhao became, the more stingy he became.

"We in the Ming Dynasty have arranged many return gifts outside the palace. When you come from all over the world, you can pick up a set to take back. It's a small thought. I hope you won't dislike it, and I also hope that the monarchs of various countries will like it!


After Liu Jin finished speaking, he also took the lead and walked outside.

When everyone heard this, they all immediately became energetic. The Ming Empire was indeed very polite and would not disappoint everyone. They would still give gifts in return.

Everyone quickened their pace and followed Liu Jin's pace towards the outside of the palace, wanting to see what kind of return gift the Ming Dynasty had prepared for everyone.

Soon, everyone followed them to the outside of the palace. As soon as they left the palace gate, everyone's eyes widened slightly because there were cars, motorcycles, bicycles, etc. neatly parked in the large square in front of them.

Waiting for large quantities of goods.

There are many kinds of these goods, neatly arranged, a lot, a lot. There is no doubt that these must be the Ming Empire's return gifts.

Liu Jin waited until everyone came out and said with a smile: "In order to thank all countries for their blessings, we in the Ming Dynasty also prepared some small gifts to give back to everyone."

"First of all, it is a high-end car produced by the Mercedes-Benz Automobile Factory. This car is specially designed and customized. It is a commemorative edition of the first year of Zhengde. There are only 500 cars produced in a limited edition!"

"Each car has a unique design and number. This is a return gift from the Emperor of Heaven to all countries, monarchs and governors."

"This is a motorcycle and bicycle produced by our Ming Dynasty. It is also a specially customized version of the motorcycle and bicycle. It is a commemorative edition for the first year of Zhengde. The global production is limited to 1,000 units. It is also a gift from our Ming Dynasty to the monarchs and governors of various places."

"This is a watch and pocket watch specially designed and produced by our Ming Dynasty Royal Watch Factory. It is inlaid with a large number of diamonds and named Junlin Tianxia. It is also a limited edition, with a global limit of 1,000 pieces. It is also given to monarchs and governors of various places.


"Of course, there are also several unparalleled watches and pocket watches here. These are given to all the envoys present. Everyone has a share. Although it is not a limited edition, such an unparalleled watch is in our Ming Dynasty.

The price is over 1,000 taels of silver, which is a token of appreciation from our great emperor for everyone’s hard work coming all the way. I hope you won’t dislike it.”

Liu Jin pointed to the cars, motorcycles, and bicycles behind him and introduced them in detail.

Although they are all industrial products, the car is obviously very important and looks very big, as well as motorcycles, bicycles and so on.

Of course, it costs some money to sell it in the market, but it is an industrial product and can be produced continuously, so it is not precious. It is very suitable to give it as a gift.

On the one hand, it is both face-saving and polite, and on the other hand, it can still promote these industrial products and let everyone see Daming’s sophisticated industrial products and strength.

Everyone listened carefully and looked at the cars. This Mercedes-Benz car seemed to be a little different from the previous cars. It was a bit similar to the SUV cars of later generations. It looked more majestic, good-looking, and spray-painted.

It is also a blue color that is specially prepared using the latest chemical technology to symbolize noble status.

Many people may think that there is something noble about blue?

That's because the chemical technology of later generations is extremely advanced and developed, and various colors can be easily produced. However, in ancient times, when chemical technology was backward, many colors could not be produced at all.

The most expensive color among them is blue!

In ancient times, there was only one source of blue, which was ground into powder from lapis lazuli, which was more expensive than gold. Only after repeated screening could the blue dye be obtained.

This blue fuel is many times more expensive than gold, and ordinary painters cannot afford it at all. Those who can afford it are not willing to use it casually. They are only willing to use it when painting the most important paintings and the most important parts.

Like European medieval and Renaissance paintings, this expensive blue dye was only used when painting the Madonna, so it is also called Madonna blue.

The same is true in the East. Azurite clothes are definitely the most expensive clothes. They are more expensive than the bright yellow used by emperors. And whether in the East or the West, blue symbolizes nobility and wealth, because it is really scarce and the price is high.

Extremely expensive.

Now looking at this Mercedes-Benz with blue exterior paint, not only the eyes of the numerous envoys shone, but also the eyes of the numerous Ming officials around them.

This blue car looks like a very noble car, so I looked back to see if I could buy one from the Mercedes-Benz Automobile Factory.

"This is the sword that our Emperor of Heaven presents to the monarchs and governors of various countries. It is forged from the rarest metal and can cut iron like clay."

Liu Jin pulled out a sword and introduced it with a smile.

Daming's current steel smelting technology and processes have become more and more mature. Not only has the output been greatly increased, the key is that all kinds of steel can be smelted, and various famous forging processes around the world have also been gradually studied.

Come out, the various knives, steel, etc. produced here are becoming more and more powerful.

Of course, everything about swords has become obsolete, mainly gun barrels, gun barrels, and special steel parts required for various industrial machinery, etc.

Forging a batch of precious swords is a trivial matter for the Ming Dynasty's steel factory. It can be completed easily, and some gems, gold, etc. will be inlaid for you as accessories.

"This is a gramophone. It is also given to the monarchs of various countries and governors of various places. In addition, it has some scenes of our dramas and songs, as well as the recorded sounds of this enthronement ceremony."

This can be regarded as the earliest cultural export. Songs, dramas, poems, songs, etc. of the Ming Dynasty will be accompanied by the continuous export of the powerful Ming Empire. Naturally, it will also be accompanied by the export of culture, values, ideas, etc.

"This is a camera, and there are instructions for how to use it. You can go back and study it carefully before using it."

"This is a hand-cranked generator and a set of electric lights, wires, etc. After everyone goes back, they only need to assemble it simply, and then let people shake it continuously, so that the generator can continuously generate electricity, and then these electric lights can

It becomes brighter.”

Electricity is now also a product that Daming focuses on exporting to the outside world. This time, Daming Electrical Company is also very careful, fully considering that many places around the world do not have electricity, and also specially designed such a set of power generation devices and electric lights.

Naturally, we want people all over the world to feel the light of electric lights.

From now on, I can buy some power generation equipment, electric lights, etc., which will bring in a lot of money.

(End of chapter)

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