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Chapter 2128, super hot

At the Beijing Benz Automobile Factory, factory director Duan Hai is inspecting the factory.

He has been managing this factory for many years, and he visits each production line in the factory every day to check on the situation of the factory.

As the top, most advanced and largest automobile factory in Ming Dynasty, Mercedes-Benz has a large number of factories and production bases all over Ming Dynasty and even overseas.

Dozens of factories and production bases have been established in the seven major cities of Beijing, Tianjin, Songhu, Chengdu, Chang'an, Nanchang and Guangzhou. At the same time, there are also two large factories in the South African colony, Ceylon Island.

The Mercedes-Benz automobile factory can produce more than 3 million vehicles of various types a year, among which the most popular sales are Mercedes-Benz cars and Mercedes-Benz trucks, which are sold all over the world.

However, Mercedes-Benz Motors is also facing a lot of competition, especially competition from BMW Motors. BMW Motors was a car factory built after the Mercedes-Benz Motors Factory when the former British father Zhang Mao was still alive.

BMW has learned everything from Mercedes-Benz, and now, Yanran has become another giant in the Ming Dynasty automobile industry, also with huge scale and huge output.

The competition between Mercedes-Benz and BMW in the automotive field is very fierce, especially in mid- to high-end cars.

As for low-end cars, the competition is also very fierce. The cheapest car now only costs 500 taels, less than one-tenth the price of a Mercedes-Benz.

Such a low price is also very popular among the general public, and sales are extremely strong. The annual output and sales volume can reach millions of vehicles.

However, for Mercedes-Benz, Duan Hai has always insisted on taking the mid-to-high-end market route, and will never sacrifice his worth to compete in the low-end Red Sea market.

Although there are sales in the low-end market, the profit margin is too high, and with the continuous upgrading and replacement of the automobile industry, it will be difficult to persist without sufficient profits.

Only by entering the mid-to-high-end market can we have enough profits and enough funds to invest in research and development, constantly integrate new technologies and functions, and carry out upgrading.

“I don’t know if the new models and colors launched this time will be liked by everyone.”

Duan Hai was thinking while inspecting the factory.

Following the emperor's enthronement ceremony, Mercedes-Benz also designed a new model similar to later generations of SUVs. This new model is called a Han-style model by Mercedes-Benz, which means to show the majesty and power of the Han Empire. style car.

Every time a new model is launched, Duan Hai is always worried about poor sales.

Because the launch of a new model requires a lot of investment and research and development, as well as changes to the corresponding production lines, the investment is very large.

Only a certain number of corresponding models at the sales office can be said to be profitable.

For example, the newly designed Hanfeng model this time, according to calculations by Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-Benz must sell more than 100,000 units of this car before it can be said to be profitable, and more than 300,000 units can be considered a big hit. .

However, Duan Hai is still very confident about this, mainly because it uses blue spray paint this time.

This is the first time that Mercedes-Benz has used blue paint, and it is also the first time that Daming Automobile has used blue paint.

Blue is an extremely noble color in this era, because it is too rare. In an era when technology was not very developed, it was difficult to develop practical blue pigments.

Especially the use of blue in car paint is something that many car manufacturers have been studying.

Mercedes-Benz took the lead in achieving breakthroughs and success and developed blue paint.

Competition in the field of high-end automobiles is all-round, including model, performance, safety, modern fashion, appearance, color, etc., which are all very important.

The reason why Mercedes-Benz has always been able to secure its position as the leader of Ming Dynasty's automobile industry is because Mercedes-Benz has invested a lot in research and development.

Mercedes-Benz cars are always able to constantly introduce new ones and incorporate many emerging technologies. Mercedes-Benz cars have superior performance, comfort, and high safety. At the same time, their appearance design is also very grand, and their colors are often unique.

For example, Mercedes-Benz now has a red paint, which is unique to Mercedes-Benz. Other car manufacturers simply cannot produce paints of the same color.

Even BMW has launched a red car, but its red color is obviously different from the red color of Mercedes-Benz cars. There are many kinds of red, and some colors are unique and cannot be mixed by outsiders at all.

This is similar to the porcelain factories all over the Ming Dynasty. Each porcelain factory has its own unique secrets. Only it can produce porcelain with a special color and craftsmanship, and other factories cannot produce it at all.

Unlike later generations where many excellent skills were stolen, the Ming Empire now attaches great importance to these crafts. They are the secrets of factories and workshops that are not passed down and are the basis of survival.

The same is true for some of the prescriptions. Many of them are family heirlooms and are not passed down to the outside world. They are taken very seriously. With the rapid development of capitalism and medicine in the Ming Dynasty, the introduction of these prescriptions has also established the foundation of medicine.

Factories, workshops and other places produce these medicines.

Many prescriptions are very effective, and many medical families have lived a very good life just relying on one prescription.

These also greatly stimulated the people of the Ming Dynasty to carry out research on new things. For example, Zhang Xingjian, the miracle drug lord, only discovered penicillin and held the patent rights for penicillin. With this penicillin that was more expensive than gold, the Zhang family made a profit.

I don’t know how much silver it is.

There are many things like this in the Zhang family, which stimulated the emergence of various new inventions and continuously promoted the development of science and technology, industry and medicine in Ming Dynasty.

As the leader of Ming Dynasty's automobile industry, Mercedes-Benz has always invested heavily in research and development, and it also attaches great importance to the research of paints, holding several unique patents and formulas in its hands.

The most valuable thing now is this blue paint formula.

"Director, director, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot!"

Someone hurriedly ran to find Duan Hai and said breathlessly.

"What's so hot?"

Duan Hai asked quickly.

"Our newly launched blue Han-style car is now extremely popular. Dealers from all over the country have sent telegrams, wanting to place large orders for this new blue Han-style car."

Ren Ye quickly said that he was the sales manager of the Mercedes-Benz automobile factory and was mainly responsible for sales.

"Is it really popular?"

When Duan Hai heard this, he immediately laughed.

"It's not an ordinary fire, it's very hot."

"Especially in overseas markets, various vassal states, colonies, and vassal states have sent telegrams saying that everyone is looking for this new carriage and blue car."

“Those cars we’re sending out are totally hot right now!”

"I just made some statistics and estimated that we can receive at least more than 200,000 orders. This is just the beginning. Our country in Ming Dynasty is the largest car market. I believe that blue Hanfeng cars will become popular soon.

, it is estimated that we can sell at least one million units of this car."

Ren Ye took a breath and explained it in detail.

"Haha, Mr. Liu is indeed right."

After Duan Hai heard this, he immediately laughed happily.

Hundreds of cars were given away to the monarchs, princes, governors, etc. of various countries, vassals, and colonies, all of whom were the most powerful and wealthy people in the world.

They take the lead in using this new car, which will definitely have a huge influence and lead everyone to buy this new car.

Mercedes-Benz cars have never been sold to ordinary people, but to rich people, and only rich people can afford them.

Rich people, although they are not short of cars, would definitely not mind buying another car they like, especially a car that is stylish and high-end.

"There are a lot of orders from the Ottoman Empire, the Persian Empire, Egypt, Spain and other places. This car is completely popular!"

"I think we should increase investment in advertising here in Daming, so that our sales in Daming can be equally strong."

Ren Ye nodded solemnly and then put forward his own suggestions.

"Yes, our local market is the largest car market."

Duan Hai nodded solemnly in agreement, with a smile on his face.

This new model and new color are a great success, and the next year or two will be much easier.

At the same time, the BMW automobile factory in Beijing is here.

Zhang Jing, the director of the BMW factory, was furious and reprimanded people in various departments because he also received news about the fire in the new blue model of Mercedes-Benz.

"Look at it, look at it all!"

"This new model of Mercedes-Benz has such a grand and stylish design, it looks different, and it also has this blue paint. Why can't we develop a blue paint now?"


"The factory invests millions of taels of silver in research and development every year. Are the models you design good enough? And this paint, why can't we make a blue paint?"

"And what are the people in the sales department doing? Mercedes-Benz cars can be given as national gifts to various countries, vassal countries, colonies, and vassals. Why can't our BMW cars do the same?"

"There are so many businesses and projects that can be done, why don't we have any news at all?"

"You all have a look. According to the news, this new Han-style blue model of Mercedes-Benz is very popular now. It has already received orders for more than 100,000 units."

"Go back and reflect, reflect, step up research, and launch the same new car!"

PS: Please vote~~

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