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Chapter 2153, Liu Duoyu voted for this project

"This phone call is much better than a telegram!"

"You can call in real time directly, even the voice is the same, incredible, really incredible!"

"A great invention indeed!"

Everyone couldn't help but marveled at this magical phone. There were more and more inventions in the Ming Dynasty. There were many great inventions and innovations in the Royal Academy of the Ming Dynasty, but this phone was still

It still makes everyone feel amazing.

"Teacher Kuang, you have made a fortune. If you just sell this phone, you will get at least tens of thousands of taels of silver."

"Yes, yes. It is said that the invention of the phonograph was sold for tens of thousands of taels of silver. In my opinion, the patent for this telephone can be sold for at least tens of thousands of taels of silver."

"Teacher Kuang, please remember to treat us to dinner this time."

"This is not the result of me alone, but the credit of the entire team."

When Kuang Xiong heard this, he immediately smiled and said.

Everyone's attention was focused on this new invention, but they did not notice that Liu Jin had arrived at the scene. Even the principal, Xia Peiliang, was focused on the phone.

"This phone is indeed very promising, but it still needs to be improved. These calls often need to be kept confidential, and it is best to be miniaturized."

Xia Peiliang touched his mustache and said thoughtfully: "Its market prospects must be very good, but the initial investment must be huge."

"Because it requires the establishment of special telephone lines, just like electric wires, the investment is not small and requires a lot of money."

"In addition, how to meet the needs of many phone calls is also a problem."

Xia Peiliang is indeed the president of the Ming Dynasty Royal Institute of Technology. He can see at a glance several problems that this phone will face if it is fully launched on the market.

This made Liu Jin, who was watching on the sidelines, couldn't help but nod.

First of all, the phone must be miniaturized, and secondly, it must pay attention to privacy. If you put a speaker like this, the content can be heard by the surrounding people. Obviously, it needs to be similar to the telephones of later generations. Make it miniaturized and put it to your ear.

, so that only the listener can hear the content.

Secondly, the telephone line must be laid, and the telephone lines and wires are almost the same. Without lines, there is no way to make a call.

The last problem is the exchange problem.

In the early days of history, there were dedicated operators for telephone calls. For example, if someone wanted to call Alice, Alice would first have to call the transfer center, and the operator would connect Alice's call to someone else.

You can get through the phone call with John Doe.

This is obviously very troublesome. It is fine when the number of telephones is not large. But once the number increases and becomes popular, the operators will be very busy and confused.

So this is also a technical issue.

"Principal, you have said a lot. This is indeed a problem that needs to be improved and faced."

When Kuang Xiong heard this, he immediately frowned and started thinking.

"If these three problems cannot be solved, the phone patent may not be sold for much money, but if these three problems can be solved, then the phone patent will be very valuable."

Xia Peiliang smiled and said.

"The miniaturization and improvement of telephones are still very easy to achieve."

"Assuming the route, it is obvious that a specialized trading firm is needed to do this, and there is no need to consider it."

"The only headache is the switching issue. If it's just a one-to-one call, I don't know how many lines need to be assumed, and a switching center is needed in the middle."

After Kuang Xiong thought carefully, he immediately came up with some solutions.

"The switching center is a good idea, but if there are a lot of calls, it may not be possible to hand over the calls manually. In the end, a special switch will need to be invented to automatically switch without errors and faster."

Wei Nanping, a professor of electromagnetics, thought for a while and said: "This converter must be an important invention. Who is interested in studying this thing together?"

"I, Lao Wei, count me in!"

"Count me in!"

"Count me in too."

As soon as Wei Nanping finished speaking, professors and teachers around him responded.

This made Liu Jin on the side laugh. The teachers and students of the Ming Dynasty Royal Institute of Technology are really stupid. The students are very active in their own research and inventions, and these teachers are the same.

This can be said to be the tradition of the Royal Institute of Technology, or it can be said to be because of financial incentives.

All kinds of inventors have always received extremely generous returns through various inventions.

The invention of the phonograph sold for tens of thousands of taels of silver.

You must know that the annual income of an ordinary person during this period was only about 200 taels of silver. These tens of thousands of taels of silver were equivalent to the income of a person for one or two hundred years.

In terms of later generations' figures, if the per capita annual income is 100,000 yuan, it means that this invention cost 20 to 30 million yuan, although it is not that rich or anything.

But tens of millions at a time is definitely enough for a person to live in a lifetime, and even if you put it in the bank and earn interest, it is enough to live a well-off life.

There is also Zhang Xingjian who discovered penicillin. The entire Zhang family benefited from this. They clung to the gold mine of penicillin. The price of penicillin was more expensive than gold, and the demand was extremely strong. The entire Zhang family did not know how much money they made from it.


There are many examples and situations similar to this. Many important mechanical inventions have been sold for good prices, especially some inventions related to automobiles and motorcycles, which car manufacturers will spend a lot of money to buy.

In addition, here at the School of Chemical Engineering, many chemical fuels, oils, formulas, etc. are also very valuable and are sold at very good prices.

Many professors, teachers and students at the Royal Institute of Technology have become very rich by selling their patents, and everyone is very enthusiastic about these things.

On the one hand, it is interest. Many people like to delve into these things. On the other hand, it can bring considerable benefits to themselves. Of course, they are keen on invention and research.

And if you can make important inventions and breakthroughs, such as the discovery of penicillin, God may reward you with an iron rice bowl, like the Zhang family received an iron rice bowl. This is a supreme honor.

Every teacher is vying to join the team that studies switches. Everyone clearly sees the future market and prospects of telephones.

The patent of this phone is a big selling point. If the switch is developed, it will also be a big selling point. This is a big business that makes money.

"Ahem, everyone, don't rush to study the switch."

"Who do you think is better to sell the patent for this phone right now?"

Kuang Xiong asked with a smile.

"Of course, needless to say, it must have been sold to Daming Electrical Company."

"The Daming Electrical Company has already laid wires and lines in the major large and medium-sized cities in Daming. It only needs to lay special telephone lines to cover the major large and medium-sized cities."

"In addition, only Daming Electrical Company has such large capital to invest."

"Also, they have always been generous and gave me a lot of money. Last time I paid a few thousand taels of silver for a socket patent from Laoguan. It was a very simple invention."

"Yeah, in my opinion, I'd rather sell it to Daming Electrical Company. I'd be more at ease. I can work with them to improve the phone in the future, and they'll provide the funds."

Upon hearing this, many teachers also spoke one after another.

Everyone has the same opinion, which is to sell it to Daming Electrical Trading Company, which is a business jointly established by Liu Jin and Dang Tianzi.

The service is fair, reasonable and very reputable. It has a professional evaluation team, as well as a professional research team and laboratory, which can continuously improve and upgrade.

Inventors have two options: they can buy it out in one go, or they can choose a long-term cooperation model to share the profits and participate in the development and improvement of subsequent technologies.

"I heard that Sihai Trading Company and Sangong Trading Company are also vigorously entering the electrical field, and they have spent a lot of money to purchase a lot of patents and inventions. You can also give these two a try."

"The Sihai Trading Company is not good, it's just a small business."

"Sangong Trading Company is not good either. They don't pay much attention to technology and invest little in R&D. Daming Electrical Trading Company is good. I heard that they are currently laying electric wires and lines to the county."

"It's better to forget about Sihai Trading Company and Sangong Trading Company. Don't sell to them."

Everyone kept discussing that if they invented this, they would naturally have to sell it at a good price. After all, it would be of no use if they had it in their own hands.

"I, Liu Jin, voted for this phone call!"

At this time Liu Jin's voice sounded.

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately looked over. When they saw it was Liu Jin, Xia Peiliang and Wei Nanping, who knew Liu Jin, also quickly saluted respectfully: "Mr. Liu!"

Only then did the others react and salute one after another. At the same time, the people around them also quickly made way for a way out.

"Hello everyone, hello everyone."

Liu Jin smiled and nodded with everyone, and then said to Kuang Xiong: "I bought your phone invention for 100,000 taels of silver. What do you think?"

"One hundred thousand taels of silver?"

"Oh my God!"

When everyone around them heard this, they couldn't help but take a breath, and then their eyes turned red.

One hundred thousand taels of silver!

This is an astronomical figure for ordinary people. Even if it is placed in the bank, it will earn thousands of taels of interest in a year. This can almost buy half a house in the capital.

If it is used for eating, drinking and having fun, the annual interest will be enough to lie down, eat and drink, and live an extremely comfortable life.

In future generations, it will be equivalent to a small goal. If a small goal is given to ordinary people, they can definitely live a comfortable life while lying down.

This chapter has been completed!
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