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Chapter 2162, people are like piglets

Within the Holy Roman Empire.

A group of wolf-like soldiers quickly rushed into a village, and immediately the whole village began to panic, with countless cries, curses, and screams coming and going from time to time.

But the whole process did not last too long. In less than 10 minutes, hundreds of men, women, and children in the village were all tied up with ropes and escorted out in a queue.

"Kill them all, the old ones!"

The leading officer carefully looked at the goods in front of him and issued the order expressionlessly.

The elderly and older people are worthless to the people of Ming Dynasty. They can't even be sold for a tael of silver, and they have to pay for food, so it's better to kill them directly from the beginning. Anyway, now is a period of war, and all kinds of

All kinds of bandits, robbers, refugees, and defeated armies are nothing. The death of some people is nothing at all, it's nothing.


Upon hearing this, the soldiers under his command immediately went to deal with these matters, separated the old people from the older ones, and then fired a volley of arrows, killing dozens of old people in the blink of an eye.


"Dad, Mom!"

Seeing such a scene, the remaining young people and children couldn't help shouting loudly and crying bitterly.

What they were greeted with was a whip, which left their skin and flesh raw and painful.

Soon the remaining young adults, women and children were escorted to the four-wheeled carriage that held the door open to imprison people. With the creaking sound of the four-wheeled carriage, they gradually left their hometown. I don't know what their future fate will be.


In a marching camp, tens of thousands of soldiers are constantly training. At the same time, one can see teams coming back from all directions, each team escorting a large number of slaves.

These slaves are now also called piglets, and the piglets sold to the Ming Dynasty are also very valuable piglets.

A piglet sold to the people of the Ming Dynasty can be sold for almost 20 taels of silver. Women are more valuable and can be sold for 30 taels of silver. Children are not valuable, but they can be sold for a few taels of silver.

Compared to the hard work of doing business, farming, taxing, etc., there is nothing faster than catching people and selling them to make money. Especially in this war-torn era, making money from this business is really fast.


Earl Lawrence knew this very well. In less than a year, Earl Lawrence's strength rapidly expanded by capturing slaves and selling people.

In a very short period of time, an army of 100,000 people has been armed. Among these 100,000 people, 50,000 are new riflemen armed with all Ming Dynasty weapons and weapons. After training, with the excellent performance of the new rifles,

Performance and powerful combat effectiveness.

In addition, Earl Lawrence also armed himself with a cavalry of 20,000 people and an infantry of 30,000 old-fashioned muskets.

With such a powerful army, Earl Lawrence directly became one of the most powerful people among the many states of the Holy Roman Empire. Even though his own territory had been occupied by the Spanish, it still did not prevent him from doing whatever he wanted in other people's territories.


"My lord, the Duke of Aleman has just sent us another warning and rule, asking us to leave his principality immediately."

In Earl Lawrence's marching camp, Ged, an official under Earl Lawrence, smiled and talked to Earl Lawrence about being driven away.

The current Earl Lawrence is just a magpie's nest, staying in the territory of Duke Aleman. He neither goes to the front line to fight with the Spaniards nor leaves the territory. He just arrests people in Duke Aleman's territory.

Slaves, constantly training troops, have brought the entire principality into a state of chaos, making it difficult for the people to live.

Duke Aleman has no way to deal with Earl Lawrence, because now Earl Lawrence holds a powerful army of 100,000 men and can destroy Duke Aleman anytime and anywhere.

"Haha, this is the seventh warning issued this month, right?"

When Earl Lawrence heard this, he immediately laughed.

He is not afraid of anything now. In the past, he, a count, could not say anything in front of these dukes. Now, the dukes of the Holy Roman Empire are begging him to quickly send troops to the front line.

Even though everyone now knows that they are doing something wrong here, they can't do anything about it and can only let themselves be free.

Now Earl Lawrence has tasted the benefits and taste of having an army in his hands in troubled times. This taste is awesome.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Gad smiled and nodded.

"Ignore him, the most important thing for us now is to make ourselves stronger."

"We also need more troops, more arms and weapons."

Earl Lawrence smiled and did not take Duke Aleman's warning to heart at all.

"Let's go and take a look at our goods. Calculate the time. It's almost time for the people of Ming Dynasty to come to receive the goods. At the same time, they will also transport the arms and weapons I need."

Earl Lawrence walked outside with a smile on his face, and soon came to a place where slaves were held. A large number of slaves were held here, numbering tens of thousands.

All these people were captured by Earl Lawrence's army and were called cargo by Earl Lawrence, also known as piglets.

The camp where slaves were kept was very dirty and messy. It was no different from a place where livestock was kept. All kinds of pungent odors could be smelled from a distance.

At this time, the campground was also busy.

According to the requirements of the Ming Dynasty, all slaves, both male and female, must shave their hair and beards. The slaves who have just been captured are undergoing a project of shaving their beards and heads.

The men were struggling constantly and refused to shave off their beards. For them, being without beards was more difficult to accept than killing them, but their resistance had no effect at all.

All he got in exchange was a severe beating with a whip, which had no other effect.

As for the women and children, they were crying constantly. It looked ugly to have their hair shaved off. The women were unwilling to do so, but they were also afraid of the whip, so they could only wait in line to have their hair shaved off.

"This Ming Dynasty man is really strange. He insists on shaving all his hair and beard."

Seeing how busy the camp was, Earl Lawrence also said with a smile.

"Sir, I heard that it's because the Ming Dynasty people think that beards and hair are easy to breed lice, fleas and the like, which are not good for health, so they shave their hair and beards."

"People in the Ming Dynasty generally rarely have beards and their hair is cut very short."

Gad quickly explained.


Earl Lawrence nodded, then looked at the slaves imprisoned here in the camp, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Recently, fewer and fewer slaves have been captured. This cannot continue. Without slaves, we will have no income. It is difficult to

Keep supporting it.”

"Sir, we have captured almost all the slaves nearby. I guess we will have to move to another place."

Gade said quickly.

"It's almost time to change places."

While the two were talking, bursts of trumpet sound came from the camp outside.

"Haha, the Ming people are here!"

When Earl Lawrence heard this, he immediately became energetic and hurried outside.

Soon, when Earl Lawrence came outside, there were hundreds of large cars forming a long queue outside. On top of the car at the head, Wang Xiyang jumped out of the car and walked towards Earl Lawrence with a smile on his face.

"Haha, Lord Earl!"

"Mr. Wang!"

When the two met, they were very happy with each other.

Wang Xiyang had business to do here, and the Nanyang Wang's Escort Agency made a lot of money by working with Earl Lawrence as a slave seller and selling arms and weapons.

Earl Lawrence, on the other hand, followed the path of Wang's Escort Agency, and relied on the slave trade to rapidly develop and grow. His strength expanded rapidly, and his ambitions also expanded rapidly.

"Mr. Wang, have you brought everything I asked for?"

"Please rest assured, Lord Count, we Ming people always pay attention to credibility when doing business. As long as the money is in place, you will be satisfied."

Wang Xiyang clapped his hands, and the bodyguards behind him quickly opened large carts, which were filled with arms and weapons, various military supplies, food, etc.

"Haha, not bad, not bad!"

"It's really pleasant to do business with you, Mr. Wang. Let's go and see the piglets you want."

Earl Lawrence insisted on these arms and weapons, and nodded with great satisfaction. They were all high-quality and well-known products. They were good in everything, but they were expensive.

After that, he took Wang Xiyang to see the slaves in prison.

Following Earl Lawrence to the camp where slaves were held, Wang Xiyang couldn't help but frown slightly when looking at the dirty camp. These Europeans just didn't care about hygiene. Even the nobles smelled so bad that they never washed themselves.

After taking a few baths, ordinary people become even more like this.

Nowadays, tens of thousands of slaves are imprisoned in small camps, and there are all kinds of unpleasant and pungent smells, which are similar to pig pens. This is also the origin of piglets.

"As you requested, all the piggies have shaved their beards and hair, including the women."

"The price is still the same as before, right?"

Earl Lawrence said with a smile.

"Of course, the price will still be based on the previous price. This is what we agreed on."

Wang Xiyang nodded and said.

Although the price of slaves has dropped, it can't be helped because there are many nobles selling slaves in Europe, and Earl Lawrence is just one of them.

Everyone is trying to find ways to make money to buy arms and weapons to increase their strength, but if you want arms and weapons, you must have money. There are not many goods that can be sold to the people of Ming Dynasty, and among them, the fastest money-making piglets are these piglets.

Men will be sent to Africa to mine and farm land during the Golden Week, while women will be sent to be servants and maids to the Ming Dynasty. If they are lucky, they can even be concubines to the Ming Dynasty people.

Ming Dynasty has a vast territory and a large population, and the market demand is very strong. This has always been the most important export product of Ming Dynasty for the European team.

PS: Please vote for me, please help me in any way~

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