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Chapter 2255, old king with a headache

In the Wenyuan Hall where the cabinet office of the Ming Dynasty is held, Wang Shouren, the current chief minister of the Ming Dynasty cabinet, is having a headache thinking about the problems that the Ming Dynasty is currently facing.

Liu Jin resigned and went to enjoy the mountains and rivers. He lived a comfortable life and left a huge stall to Wang Shouren. The Ming Empire at the moment was not only extremely vast, but also a true empire on which the sun never set.

Moreover, the population is also very large, with a population of nearly 500 million. In addition, it is the empire with the most powerful military, technological, and economic power in the world.

Governing such a large empire is definitely not an easy task, especially as the chief minister of the cabinet, the steward of the Ming Empire, assisting Emperor Zuo in governing the world, this job is definitely not something that ordinary people can do well.

In particular, Wang Shouren is not a person who is willing to be silent and do nothing. He is a truly powerful person. Naturally, he cannot be like the cabinet ministers in the past, just being a monk and ringing the clock.

Today's Ming Empire does not allow its cabinet ministers to do nothing, because the Ming Empire is undergoing unprecedented development and is experiencing unprecedented changes, and the path it is taking is a path that has never been traveled by anyone in history.

The road of capitalism and colonialism is a road that has never been traveled by any dynasty before. Looking at ancient and modern times, no country or dynasty has ever experienced such an era.

In such an era, if something can be done, the Ming Empire will become stronger, more prosperous, and richer.

However, if you do nothing, live a simple life, or even fail to adapt to the development of the times, then the prosperity that the Ming Empire finally enjoyed will most likely turn from prosperity to decline, just like the Tang Empire in history.

The son will decline.

Therefore, Wang Shouren has felt a lot of pressure since he became the chief minister of the cabinet. He is often thinking about what he should do to do better and make the Ming Empire more prosperous.

"When Liu Jin sat in this position, how did he think?"

"If it were him, what would he do?"

Wang Shouren was just thinking. There were a large number of memorials on his desk that needed to be reviewed by him, but he ignored them.

Wang Shouren knew very well that as the chief minister of the cabinet and the most important decision-maker and participant in the various policies and systems of the Ming Empire, what he had to do was to think about the future development of the entire empire. This daily trivial matter was not the most important thing.


The most important thing for the helmsman is to control the sailing direction of the Ming Empire, rather than worrying about the small things on the ship. It’s just that the Ming Empire is traveling on a road that no one has ever traveled before, and no one knows the future.

What will happen? This makes Wang Shouren very secretive sometimes and doesn't know what to do.

"Now the textile industry of our Ming Empire has encountered an unprecedented crisis. A large number of textile factory products are squeezed into warehouses and cannot be sold."

"A large number of factories are severely under-operated and cannot even pay wages. Once these tens of millions of textile workers lose their jobs, it will form a chain reaction, affecting other industries and leading to chaos in the entire society."

Wang Shouren frowned and kept thinking.

As the leader of the textile industry in the Ming Dynasty, the Wang family knows the situation of the textile industry in the Ming Dynasty best.

Now Wang Shouren has seen the first economic crisis that the Ming Empire is about to face, the economic crisis caused by the textile industry.

Although the Caiyun Textile Factory of the Wang family is still doing well in its small life, Caiyun Textile Factory, which mainly focuses on brand management, sporting goods, and directly-operated stores, has already begun to become a light factory.

The current crisis in the textile industry is not nothing to the Wang family, but the problems of the entire Ming Dynasty textile industry are increasingly exposed.

"We have too many textile factories in Daming, too many. They are everywhere. Even in the Beijing-Tianjin area, there are still many textile factories that have not been relocated."

"A large amount of cotton is being planted and sheep are being raised all over the world. The supply of raw materials has never been sufficient, allowing these textile factories to operate at full capacity. The amount of cloth, clothes, and shoes produced has suddenly increased, and they cannot be sold at all.

Go out and there is a huge backlog in the warehouse."

"The entire market seemed to be completely saturated all of a sudden, and all the products could not be sold."

"What has actually happened?"

“Why can’t the good ones be sold?”

In fact, Wang Shouren himself has already thought of the problem, that is, supply is seriously greater than demand, which has led to severe overcapacity and an economic crisis.

But in this era, no one has seriously studied these economic phenomena and concluded the laws of the market economy. Therefore, even talented people like Lao Wang are still thinking about why they cannot sell.

Based on past experience and history, no amount of cloth, shoes, etc. is too much, because cloth and shoes are consumables that will rot and need to be replaced frequently.

Especially in the past, the linen used was very easy to rot and was not wear-resistant at all.

So for ordinary people, clothes and shoes are the most lacking, such as shoes, straw sandals, and wooden shoes. In fact, the vast majority of ordinary people often only have one pair of shoes, and they need more if they are worn out.

Wearing them, reluctant to throw them away, wearing straw sandals and wooden shoes is a very common phenomenon.

The same is true for clothes. Taking winter clothes as an example, in the past, many poor families might only have one or two winter clothes for the whole family. Only those who had to go out to do errands could wear them, while others stayed at home.

In bed, because there is no clothes to wear, you will get cold when you go out, and you may catch a cold or get sick.

For people in the past, clothes and shoes were really scarce items. It is not an exaggeration to describe that it took three years to get new, three years to get old, and another three years to mend.

So this is also a question that many people can't figure out, why these clothes, shoes, and cloth can't be sold all of a sudden.

You must know that everyone's living standards have improved a lot now. The entire Ming Empire has a huge demand for clothes, shoes and cloth.

Nowadays, almost everyone in the Ming Dynasty has a lot of clothes and shoes, especially young people. A piece of clothing may be worn only a few times and then not worn. The waste is also very serious.

And these shoes, there are now various types of shoes, such as sports shoes, casual shoes, cotton shoes, sandals, etc. Young people almost have to wear several pairs.

With the Ming Empire's huge population of nearly 500 million and such a huge market, many people think that no matter how much cloth they have, they can't sell it. What's more, people in the Ming Dynasty can now sell products all over the world and have a global market.

This is the reason why many people are optimistic about the textile industry, because in everyone's opinion, the business related to the four words of clothing, food, housing and transportation is a business that does not require worry. No matter how many clothes you have, you don't have to worry, they can always be sold.

Furthermore, the textile industry is a traditional industry that is already very mature, has experience, and is easy to operate. However, the emerging industries such as automobile manufacturing, petroleum industry, chemical industry, film and television industry, etc.

Not only is the investment huge, but it also requires technology, which makes many people afraid to invest in it and would rather invest their funds in the textile industry.

This is another major reason why the textile industry in Ming Dynasty is booming. There are too many funds invested in this field. There are textile factories everywhere, continuously producing cloth, clothes, and shoes.

In the past, production capacity could not be released due to the constraints of raw materials. Now that raw materials are fully supplied, it will be very scary when the production capacity is released.

In addition, many overseas vassals and colonies have chosen to invest in the textile industry for their own development. In particular, some places that specialize in growing cotton rely on their own advantages to run the textile industry. In order to solve the problem of labor, even

Yu also allowed the extensive use of slaves.

These had a huge impact on the textile industry of the Ming Dynasty, taking away a large part of the overseas market and even selling it back to the Ming Empire, impacting the local market of the Ming Dynasty.

According to traditional concepts, everyone is optimistic about the textile industry, and a large amount of investment has been made in it, resulting in the current huge crisis, and this crisis has begun to gradually become more prominent and violent.

"Once a large number of textile companies close down, there will inevitably be a wave of unemployment, the city will become more chaotic, and bank loans will also become a huge problem."

"Many banks may collapse as a result, especially those small banks. Massive unemployment will also affect other industries, causing a series of chain reactions."

"How can we save this situation?"

Wang Shouren has a huge headache. Although there has been no official explosion yet, all signs have shown that this economic crisis will soon come, and the problems that the Ming Empire will face will be extremely serious.

The textile industry was the most important industry in the Ming Empire. There were countless textile factories, large and small, employing tens of millions of people. And the majority of the employees in this industry were women, and many women could only find textile factories.

The factory inside.

This is an industry that everyone in Ming Dynasty society generally believes is allowed for women to engage in. If you recruit waitresses in restaurants or hotels, people may think that you are not good enough. Only brothels and houses can have women as waitresses.

During this period, there were very few types of jobs and positions for women. The textile industry was the largest and the best, because all the factories were women. In addition, since ancient times, men farmed and women weaved, so this was the tradition.

Everyone recognizes it.

Once the textile industry breaks out, a large number of women will be unemployed.

This chapter has been completed!
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