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Chapter 2280 Extra Story: Daming Changli Liu Family

In Xiahe Town, a small town on the coast of the Bohai Bay, the once-in-ten Liu family ancestor worship event has not yet begun, and the entire Xiahe Town has become extremely lively and noisy.

Starting from the highway connecting Changli International Airport in Changli County, luxury cars continued to get off the highway and arrived at Xiahe Town.

Each of these luxury cars is worth one or two houses. They are all top luxury brands and are extremely valuable. Ordinary people will not be able to earn the money to buy such luxury cars in their lifetime.

What’s even more incredible is that the license plates on these luxury cars are actually license plates from all over the world, including license plates from South Africa, the Republic of East Tianzhu, as well as license plates from Ming Dynasty Golden Continent, Australia and other places.

license plate.

It was as if all the vehicles from all over the world had gathered here.

If outsiders saw it, they would definitely exclaim loudly, how can these cars that are not local to Daming be able to drive to Daming casually? Don’t they need all kinds of complicated procedures?

And what happened in Xiahe Town? There are so many luxury cars from all over the world, and there are even a large number of private jets parked at Changli International Airport.

Are we going to hold a world summit here in Xiahetun?

Or should we hold the World Cup here in Xiahe Town? Otherwise, there would be so many private jets and luxury cars gathering in this small Xiahe Town.

Of course, this is the confusion of outsiders.

For people in Xiahetun and even the entire Changli County, this has become a common thing, because every ten years, the descendants of the Liu family return to their ancestral home here in Xiahetun from all over the world.

On the one hand, it is to compile the genealogy and write down the men born in the family in the past ten years into the genealogy. Genealogy compilation is a very important thing for the people of Ming Dynasty.

Even ordinary families will revise their genealogy regularly, let alone a super big family like the Liu family, who pay special attention to the inheritance of their own family.

The Liu family of Changli was a well-known super family at that time. Starting from the founder Liu Jin and Liu Wenzhenggong, it has a history of more than 200 years. The family has many children and capable people. It is rumored to be one of the seven major families that control the world.


When the Liu family compiles their genealogy, it is naturally extremely grand and important. Descendants from all over the world will gather here in Xiahetun.

As early as a month ago, the descendants of the Liu family had booked all the high-end hotels in Xiahetun and even the entire Changli County to arrange for the descendants of the family who came back to worship their ancestors and compile their genealogy.

In addition to compiling genealogy, another important thing is to worship ancestors.

Changli Liu family, there was no such thing as Changli Liu family in the past. Until the emergence of Liu Jin Liu Wenzhenggong, his life was full of legends and glory, and he directly created a new branch, the Changli Liu family.

All the descendants of the Liu family in Changli are the descendants of Liu Wenzhenggong. If they are not descendants of Wen Zhenggong, they cannot call themselves the Liu family of Changli, otherwise they will be prosecuted and held accountable by the Liu family's children.

Of course, if you are a descendant of the Changli Liu family, the Changli Liu family will also give you a lot of help and include you in the Liu family's fund welfare system.

When Wen Zhenggong was in his later years, considering the future multiplication and expansion of the family's children, he also established the Changli Liu Family Fund with part of the family's industry.

The ownership of the entire fund belongs to all the children of the Liu family in Changli. The children of the family select suitable candidates to manage these enterprises and assets, and allocate funds from the output of these enterprises and assets to the children of the family.

Any descendant of the Liu family can get benefits from it. This benefit includes monthly pocket money and year-end lucky money. If a descendant of the family gets married, he or she can also get a large amount of start-up capital for the first marriage. If the age

Over the age of sixty, there are additional pensions, etc.

This fund has been in operation for more than 100 years. The scale of its industries is very large, covering all major fields around the world.

Only the descendants of the Liu family know the annual income. Outsiders have never known how profitable this fund is. However, judging from the continued expansion of the Liu family's descendants, the fund's benefits have not only not decreased but have increased.


The scale and income of this fund are extremely huge figures, absolutely astronomical, otherwise it would not be able to support the Liu family's increasingly huge expenses.

Moreover, according to the "Biography of Liu Jin in Ming Dynasty" compiled by later generations, the assets and industries controlled by the Liu Family Fund were only part of the industries under Wen Zhenggong Liu Jin's command.

The huge industry left behind by Wen Zhenggong was generally in the hands of the seven sons of the Liu family.

Among them, Liu Jin's eldest son Liu Xin inherited Liu Jin's title of Duke of Liao and is still a wealthy noble in the Ming Empire. Although the Ming Dynasty has already realized the constitutional monarchy, the nobles no longer have any privileges.

But the Duke is still the Duke, he is still a noble, he is still a wealthy family. Even if he does not have any privileges, everyone still recognizes his identity and status.

The eldest son Liu Xin has inherited the title of Duke of Liao and continues to this day. He is the fifth generation of Duke of Liao.

In addition to the noble titles, most of Liu Jin's many properties in the Ming Dynasty were inherited by Liu Xin's lineage, including the shares of the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty.

The First Bank of the Ming Dynasty, also known as the World Bank, initially started by discovering silver coins and banknotes. It gradually spread around the world relying on its good reputation. As the Ming Empire swept the world, the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty became the only company that legally discovered currency.

Bank of.

Although it later developed from the silver standard to the gold standard, and then to the collapse of the gold standard system, the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty has always firmly controlled the issuance of global currencies.

The currency issued by the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty is not only the legal currency of the Ming Empire, but also the only legal currency of the Ming vassal states, vassal states and colonies.

So far, major colonies, vassal states, vassal states, etc. cannot issue their own currency and can only use the currency issued by the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty.

For this reason, there were even several currency wars, but they all ended with the victory of the First Bank of Ming Dynasty.

Because behind the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty are the seven major families that control the world, the most famous of which are the Zhu family, the Liu family, the Zhang family, and the Xu family.

Needless to say, the Zhu family, this royal family of the Ming Dynasty, despite the establishment of a constitutional monarchy, no longer holds any real power and is only a nominal monarch.

However, the Zhu family is still a royal family, and they still control a large number of industries that they and Liu Jin founded back then. They have a huge influence on the political economy of the entire Ming Dynasty and even the world.

At the same time, the Zhu family is not only the Zhu family here in the Ming Dynasty, but all the vassal states before the Ming Dynasty around the world were founded by the princes of the old Zhu family. There are still a large number of these vassal states that still implement the monarchy system.

, the feudal king controls all the power of the feudal kingdom.

The descendants of the Zhu family are very numerous and very large. They have established countless vassal states, and the industries and assets they control are extremely huge. According to some statistics, the Zhu family controls at least 20% of the world's assets.

Of course, the Zhu family has always denied this. They always believe that they are just ordinary Ming people, ordinary descendants of Yan and Huang, and the children of the family are still studying and working hard and making contributions to the progress and development of society.


Needless to say, the Liu family is the family founded by Wen Zhenggong Liu Jin. It is a leader and pioneer in the era of capitalism and colonialism. It is also a pioneer in the field of science and technology. Almost all dozens of top universities around the world are Liu Jin.

It was founded by the ancestors of the Liu family, and it is still funded, operated and controlled by the Liu family.

The Zhang family is the British Duke Zhang. At that time, the British Duke Zhang Mao had a very good relationship with Liu Jin, the Duke of Liao. They always followed Liu Jin's footsteps and not only jointly founded a large number of industries, but also had relationships with major aristocratic families.

Marriage, intertwined with each other, connected with each other.

There is now the Zhang family. Many wealthy families have gradually declined in the turbulent times, but the Zhang family has always remained standing. This has a huge relationship with Zhang Mao's smart decision back then.

The Xu family is the descendant of Xu Da, the king of Zhongshan in the Ming Dynasty. It is a family with two families. The Xu family, the Liu family, the Zhang family, and the Zhu family are all in the same family and are married to each other. The family industry is huge, there are many children, and capable people are born in large numbers.

In addition to these four major families, there are more than a dozen families of various sizes behind the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty. All of these families are the noble families of the former military commanders of the Ming Empire.

With development now, these families have already become behemoths all over the world. Many colonies were founded and controlled by them, and their presence can be seen in many industries.

It is precisely because of these super large families all over the world that the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty can always firmly control the issuance of global currencies.

Liu Xin's lineage alone can control the First Bank of the Ming Dynasty, which is enough for future generations to eat. No matter how he loses his family, it is impossible to ruin this foundation.

The lineage of Liu Jin's second son Liu Da is mainly from South Africa. South Africa is the second largest country in the world after the Ming Empire, and it is also the country with the second largest population.

It is very powerful in the high-tech and industrial fields, and is the only opponent that can compete with the Ming Empire.

The descendants of Liu Da are not only spread across South Africa's political arena, but have always firmly controlled the trends of South Africa. In the economic field, the Liu family is also a super family behind the South African economy. Quite a few industries and assets belong to Liu Da.

Descendants of this lineage.

The third son Liu Cheng's lineage is mainly active in the Tianzhu area. It is a super-large family in the Republic of Ceylon. It has been active in the political and economic fields of Ceylon. There are even many vassal states and colonies in Tianzhu that have a large number of Liu family industries.

, huge in scale and very influential.

Every election for the Governor of Ceylon is absolutely indispensable without the support of the Liu family, otherwise it would be impossible to be elected Governor of Ceylon, and the Liu family's own children have already produced two Governors of Ceylon.

The fourth son, the fifth son and the sixth son are super-large mining owners in the Nanyang region, Australia region and Golden Island region respectively. They each have a large amount of land, oil mines, gold mines, copper mines, etc., and they are also engaged in many other industrial fields.

They are all involved, and the industry is spread across various industries.

The seventh son, Liu Yang, is of this lineage because Liu Yang married the Nanyang Princess, the daughter of Emperor Hongzhi, which was even more remarkable. Not only did he independently obtain the title of a Duke, making the Liu family the second one-family and two-person family after the Xu family,

The Duke's family.

Moreover, three generations of emperors, including Emperor Hongzhi, Emperor Zhengde and Emperor Yongsheng, all gave a large number of rewards to this lineage. Among them, Emperor Hongzhi directly sent large islands in Southeast Asia as dowries. To this day, these islands are still in the hands of the descendants of the Liu family of this lineage.


In addition, they inherited part of Liu Jin's assets. The descendants of Liu Yang's lineage are very rich. At the same time, they often have marriages with the Zhu family, so they are always active in the political and economic fields of the Ming Dynasty. The recent chief minister of the Ming Dynasty cabinet is from this lineage.

Born Liu Ye!

The Liu family's seven houses were all the children of Xu Waner and Li Zhen, whom Liu Jin was married to at that time. As for the sons Liu Jin later gave birth to from concubines, they were also numerous, but the property allocated to them was not much.

But even if it is not much, it is still compared to the first seven houses. In fact, this part of the industry is still huge. If you take out any one, it can support a big family.

The ten-year ancestor worship and genealogy revision is an extremely important event for the Liu family. People from all over the world gather here at the ancestral land in Xiahe Town.

In the next half month, the descendants of the Liu family will hold an ancestor worship ceremony here every ten years. During the ancestor worship ceremony, they will not only study and visit the Wenzhenggong Museum, but also learn from their ancestor Liu Jin, and at the same time remember

A family motto passed down by our ancestors.

After the ancestor worship ceremony, the family tree is compiled, which is also a major event. All the children of the Liu family who were born in the past ten years must be present to write their names into the Liu family tree.

This is an extremely important and enveloping matter.

In about 200 years, the descendants of the Liu family have developed to the present, and they have become extremely large. There are tens of thousands of descendants in the family. Every ten years when the family tree is revised, many more descendants will be added. The descendants stretch out and spread out.

At this moment, the entire Xiahe Town has become extremely lively. A large number of Liu family descendants have returned to their ancestral home, visiting the Wenzhenggong Museum, paying homage to Wenzheng Cemetery, visiting the entire Xiahe Town, etc. Liu can be seen everywhere.

Figures of family descendants.

The gathering that takes place once every ten years is a major event for the descendants of the Liu family, and all other matters can be put aside for the time being.

Even Liu Ye, who became the chief minister of the Ming Dynasty cabinet, rushed back from the capital to preside over the Liu family's ancestor worship event. Some relevant news media wanted to report this, but were severely prohibited.

PS: Extra chapters shouldn’t be charged in the first place, but today is the last day of the month, so for the sake of perfect attendance, I shamelessly put it in the VIP chapter~~Shameless old cow!

This chapter has been completed!
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