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Chapter 25, Master Sun

Changli Academy, Changli County.

This Changli Academy is the best academy in Changli County, and it was also the academy where Liu Jin originally studied.

Liu Jin's place is Changli County, Yongping Prefecture, Beizhili, and it definitely belongs to the north. During the Ming Dynasty, there was a big difference in reading between the north and the south.

The literary style in the south is at its peak, and literary talents are born in large numbers. Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Nanzhili have been famous places for examinations since the Song Dynasty, and literary talents are born in large numbers.

In the south, there are many academies of all kinds, ranging from the four world-famous academies to ordinary village schools. I don’t know how many there are.

But it is completely opposite in the north. Although there is Shandong in the north, the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, the sages of Confucius, the writing style is far worse than that in the south.

There may be private schools in many villages in the south where children from good families can study and take the imperial examinations. There are more teachers and masters who teach and educate people, and their standards are relatively higher.

However, in the north, private schools and academies are very rare. There are also fewer teachers and teachers, and their level is not as good as in the south. It is even more difficult to study. The same is true in Changli County.

Liu Jin used to go to Changli Academy in the county seat of Changli County to study. There were no private schools or academies in Xiahetun or even within twenty or thirty miles around Xiahetun.

Liu Jin, wearing a cotton coat and cotton hat, walked up the stone steps of the academy step by step leisurely, admiring this ancient academy with great interest.

The academy is built on the mountain. It takes a long way to go up the mountain. It is far away from the bustling city and is very quiet. As far as studying is concerned, it is very good and has a bit of asceticism in it.

In fact, studying in ancient times was definitely a very hard job.

Studying hard in the cold window is definitely not an adjective, but the most realistic description. Liu Jin's memory recalled scenes from when he came to study in Changli Academy.

At a young age, I came here to live alone away from my parents. I spent every day around the Four Books and Five Classics. I either memorized or wrote them. It didn’t matter if I didn’t eat well or sleep well. The teachers and masters of ancient private schools and academies are not the teachers of future generations. If you can’t let them

He was satisfied that the ruler would never show any mercy. Even if the emperor's son was studying, he would definitely be beaten by the ruler.

Often when the teacher slaps a ruler, there is no room to cry. Parents in ancient times would never go to the teacher to trouble them, let alone hit the teacher.

Liu Jin passed the examination and became a scholar. According to the rules of the academy, Liu Jin did not need to stay in the academy to study. He could go home and study on his own and concentrate on preparing for next autumn.

Liu Jin came to Changli Academy this time to visit his teacher Sun Fuzi and ask him for advice on writing. There was no other way. Liu Jin practiced it on his own, but the calligraphy was never recognized by the system. If he could not complete the task, he would

No points.

Without points, there is no way to use the various magical functions of the system, and there is no way to cheat. If there is no way to cheat, it will be difficult for this salty fish to stand up, not to mention that there is a Tang Tiger eyeing him eagerly.

Behind Liu Jin, Zhao Erhu challenged the burden. There were gifts prepared by Liu Jin, including dozens of kilograms of fine rice from the south of the Yangtze River, a piece of cotton cloth, 10 kilograms of pork, several kilograms of sugar, several kilograms of dried dates, and so on.

In total, it cost Liu Jin several taels of silver.

As a student visiting his teacher, he absolutely cannot go empty-handed, not to mention that Liu Jin still has something to ask his teacher, so he must be well prepared.

And Liu Jin, who came from later generations, also knew very well that whether he was this noble scholar or the villagers in Xiahetun Village who couldn't read a bunch of Chinese characters, everyone was a human being, and everyone had to eat.

, it’s never wrong to prepare a few more things yourself.

Even if you don't care about your own face, you should always look at the face of these gifts when the time comes, and you will always be more attentive to yourself.

"The Master said: Isn't it just right to learn and practice from time to time? Isn't it a joy to have friends come from afar? Isn't it true that a person who doesn't know and is stunned is not a gentleman?"

As soon as Liu Jin arrived at the college, the sound of loud reading could be heard. Following the sound, he looked over and saw that in a classroom, there were a dozen children about ten years old who were following a teacher, shaking their heads and reading.

“I read these things every day, but I don’t know what the use is.”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Jin from later generations couldn't help but shake his head. Ancient scholars not only had to memorize the Four Books and Five Classics every day, they also had to read and memorize several books that were many times larger than this one.

Various annotations, almost all of them were placed in a few shabby books. The Six Arts of the Gentleman advocated by scholars in the past have now become only the most useless things.

"China's backwardness probably started here."

Liu Jin thought in his heart, even the thoughts of scholars, let alone ordinary people, are tightly imprisoned. The entire society is like a pool of stagnant water, without a trace of vitality, a trace of innovation, or anything new.

They will all be rejected, and technological innovation will be said to be a kitschy art that does not lag behind the talent.

He shook his head and didn't think too much.

Soon, Liu Jin took Zhao Erhu to the residence of his teacher Sun Fuzi. At this time, Sun Fuzi was still in class. The person who received Liu Jin was Sun Fuzi's wife Wen.

"Student Liu Jin pays homage to his master~"

Liu Jin saluted Mr. Wen very respectfully, and at the same time motioned to Zhao Erhu to take out the gifts one by one.

"Come just come, bring as many things as you want for what?"

When Mrs. Wen saw that Liu Jin had brought a lot of things, including rice, cotton, and meat, she immediately accepted them with a smile on her face.

Although Liu Jin had never been short of Shu Xiu in the past, Liu Jin's family's conditions were limited, and apart from Shu Xiu, he had no other filial piety. Unexpectedly, this time, Liu Jin came with enough gifts.

"The student is ashamed. He has always been taught by his teacher, but he has not been able to repay his teacher properly. It is not worth mentioning that he is just a little thoughtful."

Liu Jin smiled and replied, chatting with Mr. Wen for a while, Liu Jin waited patiently.

Without waiting for too long, Liu Jin's teacher Sun Fuzi came back from class. When he saw Liu Jin, he was also smiling. Apparently, he knew from Mrs. Wen that Liu Jin came here with enough gifts this time, but Liu Jin knew it from his mind.

From my memory, I know that Master Sun didn't have much good feelings towards Liu Jin in the past. The reason was because Liu Jin had no other filial piety other than Shu Xiu.

"The student has met his mentor."

As soon as Master Sun arrived, Liu Jin quickly performed the disciple ceremony.

"Well, sit down."

Master Sun looked at Liu Jin, nodded with satisfaction and said.

Liu Jin then returned to his seat again, and then looked at Master Sun carefully. The Master Sun in front of him was about 40 years old, with a goatee, wearing a robe and a hat.

I used to be a civil servant, but I always failed in the examination. I wanted to be an official but had no money to travel, so I had no choice but to come to Changli Academy and become a teacher.

Liu Jin was sizing up Master Sun, and Master Sun was also sizing up Liu Jin. He was always wondering why Liu Jin suddenly had the money to give him so many gifts, and he was also guessing about Liu Jin's purpose.

"It's been snowing heavily lately and it's freezing cold. I wonder how my teacher is doing?"

Liu Jin was the first to break the silence between the two with a very simple greeting.


Master Sun pinched his goatee and nodded. Then he thought about it and asked, "Autumn is coming next year. How are you preparing for it? How sure are you?"

"The student is dull, not good at learning, and has no confidence at all. I am afraid he will live up to the teachings of his teacher."

When Master Sun asked about his studies, Liu Jin knew in his heart that the gift he gave was not in vain, so he replied very respectfully on the surface.

"Among the many students, you are the one who studies most diligently and diligently. I am actually very optimistic about you. You should work harder and strive for high school."

"If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me, and you can also communicate more with other classmates. You were too withdrawn before and had too little communication with your classmates. This will be very detrimental to your future career development."

"Although it is important for us to study and take the imperial examination, the more important thing is our career after the imperial examination. If we know more and make more classmates, at the same time, our future career will be much broader,"

Master Sun looked at Liu Jin, thought for a while and said, this is the truth. Although Liu Jin had no filial piety before, he was the most talented and hardest-working among all his students in terms of studying. He also liked Liu Jin more.

Many people who came to study at the same time as Liu Jin have not even passed the scholar examination. Liu Jin is already a scholar at the age of seventeen. If he can pass the examination next year, his future will be bright.

"Students must remember their teachers' teachings."

Liu Jin nodded very solemnly and replied.

"This time the students come here, there are indeed many things they would like to ask your teacher for advice."

After the conversation had ended, Liu Jin didn't waste any more time and stated his purpose.

"Say it."

Master Sun nodded and said.

"Recently, students are practicing calligraphy, but there is no progress after practicing this calligraphy. In the past, our teacher taught us that people are like their handwriting, and scholars must write beautiful handwriting. We will take the Qiuwei exam next year.

, I am also very anxious, so I came here to ask sir for advice."

Liu Jin thought for a while, sorted out his words, and explained his purpose.

"Words are indeed very important."

"Well, come to the study with me. I'll first see how far you have improved your calligraphy."

Master Sun nodded, then thought about it and said.


Liu Jin quickly stood up respectfully and followed Master Sun to the study, sighing once again in his heart that this gift was really not in vain.

This chapter has been completed!
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