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Chapter 311, Cement is really an artifact

"Great Khan, retreat! If this continues, we won't be able to break through the pass in front of us. Our ladders can't even reach the top of the city wall. How can we continue to fight?"

The battle lasted for more than an hour, and the situation was very fierce. Under the tall city wall, corpses were everywhere and blood flowed like rivers. However, the attack of the grassland army was still like a tide, with no intention of stopping.

Dayan Khan was very strict in managing his army. He would rush through mountains of swords and seas of fire with just one order. He would never stop attacking without withdrawing his troops.

Looking at the miserable scene in front of them, some tribal leaders couldn't help but come to Dayan Khan's side, and said reluctantly that they had never fought such a frustrating battle.

The city wall was too high, and many methods were tried in turn, but to no avail. The ladder used to prepare was actually too short, not high enough at all, and was even shorter than the city wall.

The archers were unable to provide suppression, and they suffered heavy casualties in the exchange of fire with the Ming army. This had never happened before. Only a few eagle shooters could cause certain damage to the Ming army's archers.

The attacks by Yun Che and Chuang Mu also had little effect. Without the suppressive banquet of the archers, the Ming army on the city wall easily smashed Yun Che and the warriors carrying Chuang Mu to pieces with stones.

"Ming Jin withdraws his troops~"

Dayan Khan naturally saw all this in his eyes. If he continued to fight like this, he would undoubtedly be destined to die. The effects of the tentative attack had already been produced. He clearly realized that it would be difficult to go south to plunder this time.


Accompanied by bursts of dull howls, the prairie soldiers receded as quickly as the tide. Even the corpses had not had time to collect themselves, and a large number of injured prairie warriors were still wailing.

"Haha, we are retreating, we are retreating~"

On the city wall, the Ming army began to cheer.

This battle was fought very easily, and their own losses were minimal. Only a few dozen people died, and most of the injured were minor injuries. They received timely treatment, but the results they created were extremely brilliant.

Everyone couldn't help but look at the corpses lying all over the place under the city wall. There were at least thousands of them without counting.

There were also a large number of injured people who could not move and were still wailing. This was an unprecedented victory.

"General Controller~What a great victory!"

All the people beside Liu Yu said with smiles on their faces.

"Haha, it's a great victory. It's all thanks to the bravery of all the soldiers in the army to kill the enemy. I will write down all the credit for everyone. Just wait for the rewards from above."

Liu Yu was smiling all over his face. He had won the battle, and it was indeed a great victory. There was no need for any moisture, just write it down according to the number.

He has already made some calculations in his mind. With his achievements last year, he is expected to be promoted from the local area to the capital. He will go back to find his fellow countryman Liu Jian, and then interact with his immediate boss Ma Wensheng.

Activities, this promotion is absolutely impossible to escape.

"This cement is really a magic weapon~"

Liu Yu was in a good mood as he walked on the wide city wall. He couldn't help but stamp on the hard cement wall under his feet and exclaimed in admiration.

Without this thing, facing the attack of a hundred thousand grassland army, it would be difficult for them to stop the attack of this grassland army, not to mention their achievements, and they don't know how many people would die.

Because of the cement, their frontier troops easily built the city wall several feet higher. When they first attacked the city, he could see clearly that the ladders of the prairie people were not as high as the city wall, and some of the prairie soldiers climbed up.

When I looked up from the top of the ladder, I was shocked to find that there was still some distance from the top of the city wall. I could only watch helplessly as a big stone knocked me down, and I couldn't rest in peace.

"It is indeed an artifact~"

The other generals also nodded.

Since ancient times, building city walls has been extremely labor-intensive, material, and financial. They naturally wanted to build the city wall higher, but conditions did not allow it. The funds allocated by the court were limited, so it was impossible to build it too high.

But with cement, it's completely different. It's very simple and easy to build city walls with cement. You can mine sand and gravel and mix them with cement. It's easy and simple to continuously raise the city wall. It's fast.

And very strong.

Many frontier generals have deeply realized the benefits of cement, and even use the cement to build their own houses and build spacious, neat and clean cement roads.

There is no difference between the current Ming army and the previous Ming army. They have the same low combat effectiveness, the same depleted armaments, and the same rampant corruption. But because of the cement and the higher city walls, they easily won the battle and defeated one hundred thousand soldiers.

The prairie army blocked the grassland.

On top of the city wall, Liu Yu and others were happily discussing how to report victory to Emperor Hongzhi. Under the city wall, the heavy city gate slowly opened, and the border troops began to clean the battlefield.

They had used telescopes to confirm that the grassland army had really retreated. This retreat lasted several miles. They set up camp at the foot of a mountain and seemed unwilling to accept today's defeat.

Not afraid of the prairie army retaliate, they naturally had to seize the time to clean up the battlefield. The thrown stones and rolling logs needed to be recovered and moved to the city wall as good things that could be used repeatedly.

The arrows can also be recovered. The prairie army retreated smartly, leaving countless arrows on the battlefield, which cannot be wasted.

Of course, the most important thing is the heads of the prairie soldiers. Reporting good news to the court is always based on the number of heads. Every head is a great contribution.

In addition, the sheep jacket worn by the prairie people is very warm and is the favorite of the frontier soldiers. It looks ugly and has an unpleasant sheep smell, but it is a real jacket and is very

The warmth is even warmer than a cotton-padded jacket. For the poor frontier soldiers, it is a good thing for winter.

Of course, if you are lucky enough to find a few copper coins, a little silver or something from this prairie soldier, it will be an extra income, and you can have a few drinks in the evening.

"Haha, let you be fierce~"

Cleaning up the war is the favorite thing of the border troops, but in the past they rarely had such an opportunity to clean the battlefield, because they were basically defeated themselves, so there would be no chance to clean the battlefield for you. Groups of border troops were under the city wall.

He cleaned the house very cleanly, and from time to time he cursed and stabbed the corpse a few times.

"Haha, brothers, come on, come on, there are still a few alive here~"

Like a cat clawing at a mouse, the frontier troops cleaning up the battlefield surrounded the injured prairie soldiers and began to play with them.

If they were to face the sturdy grassland soldiers and fight in this wild way, not many Ming soldiers would have such courage, but they were still very good at bullying the injured grassland soldiers.

"General Commander, do you want all of these injured prairie soldiers~"

On top of the city wall, Liu Yu and others looked at everything that happened below with a smile. One of his generals smiled and said, and when he spoke, he also made gestures on his neck. The meaning could not be more obvious.

"No, pass on the order. The injuries are not very serious. Let's capture them all alive. Capture some prisoners and send them to the capital. This should be better than giving away their heads."

Liu Yu thought for a while and shook his head. He suddenly had a hunch that he should be able to capture many prairie prisoners this time. He was also thinking about overwhelming these prairie prisoners to the capital and holding a prisoner sacrifice ceremony or something.

You might as well let the people above take a look at it, it might help you get promoted.


When the subordinates heard this, they immediately issued the order.

When the people cleaning the battlefield below heard this, they immediately understood what to do. Those who were seriously injured would be stabbed, and those who were slightly injured would be captured and tied up with iron chains.

Originally I thought there wouldn't be too many prisoners, but when the battlefield was cleared, more than two hundred prisoners were captured.

Everyone is greedy for life and afraid of death, and the same goes for prairie people. Many people simply pretend to be dead when they are injured during the siege, preparing to wait for Ming Jin to withdraw his troops before sneaking back, or waiting for their own side to break through the city wall.

Come out and enjoy the warrior treatment.

Anyway, there are all kinds of people on the battlefield. Not everyone in the prairie is not afraid of death. Not everyone is an extremely brave warrior. There are also cowards and some who are afraid of death, especially when fighting against the wind.

, will also act secretly like the Ming army.

It's just that they were unlucky and failed to follow the retreating team. Their side lost the battle again, so they became prisoners.

This chapter has been completed!
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