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Chapter 315, making money

In just a few days, from just over 1,500 slaves, Qiao Yong earned a hundred thousand taels of silver. His whole body felt like he had been injected with chicken blood. There is a business more profitable than this in the world.


Salt, tea, horses, and iron were all far inferior to this business. He seemed to see a golden avenue, and he seemed to have discovered a new world.

The whole person immediately returned to Datong without stopping, preparing to see if he could sell some more slaves to the capital. Each slave could earn sixty taels of silver. This kind of business was really profitable.

"Master Liu, I don't know if you still have any prairie prisoners in your hands. I want them all."

When I arrived in Datong, I found Liu Yu who was familiar with the situation and asked again if there were any prisoners.

"No more. I gave it all to you last time. The little prince went to Gansu and Shaanxi."

Liu Yu smiled and shook his head. He was really making a lot of money this time. He had made great contributions in defending the city. The commendation orders from above have arrived. He has also recruited people to go through with fellow villager Liu Jian. It is expected that he will go through it soon.

Then you can leave this bitter and cold border town area and transfer to the capital.

The more than 1,500 prisoners last time brought him another 30,000 taels of silver, which is very important. After leaving here, there is no doubt that he will not have any share in the horse market business.

If you want to make money here in the capital, it's not as easy as in the border towns.

But when you get to the capital, there are more places where money is needed. Managing relationships and socializing. Living in the capital is not easy. The same is true for officials like them. The expenses in all aspects are huge. They don’t have a strong family background, but it is very difficult.

Difficult to mix.

So now he is a little worried about whether he should go to the capital or not. If he goes to the capital, he may not be able to get a job with real power for the time being. Even if he is promoted, he might as well make a fortune quietly in a place far away from the emperor.

The business of this horse market is very profitable. The worthless horses on the grassland are brought in money. The worthless salt, iron and tea in the pass are also worth money when they are brought to the grassland. Working here for a year is a trilateral system.

At least I can make a hundred thousand snowflakes of silver. If I work for a few more years, I will be able to make a living.

"there is none left?"

When Qiao Yong heard this, he was slightly disappointed. He was still counting on a few more waves, so that he could easily earn hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

"It seems that Boss Qiao made a lot of money from those goods last time."

Liu Yu looked at Qiao Yong, smiled and said.

"I am dissatisfied with Mr. Liu. I have indeed earned some hard-earned money. These products are still very popular in the capital. So if Mr. Liu still has such products, even if you send someone to contact me, the price will still be the same. I will take as much as I want.


Qiao Yong smiled and said, this matter cannot be hidden from others. It is estimated that everyone will know it soon, and he has nothing to hide. What's more, Mr. Liu Yuliu in front of him is not an ordinary person. He has a wide range of people here in the capital.

If you have connections, you can find out if you ask about anything.

"I also want to get the goods, but they have all gone west. Where can I get this kind of goods? For twenty taels of silver, I even want to sell myself."

Liu Yu smiled and said, "It's just 1,500 captives. He got 30,000 taels of silver. This business can be done."

"Master Liu is joking~"

Qiao Yong smiled and said, feeling a little regretful in his heart. It was such a pity that such a profitable business could only be done once. After tasting the sweetness, he almost wanted to rob people on the grassland.

"Robbing people on the grassland~"

Qiao Yong's mind suddenly flashed, and he was startled by his bold idea.

People from the grasslands have always come to the pass to plunder, rob food, salt, iron pots, and women. As long as they can rob, they will rob everything. I have never heard of anyone daring to go to the grasslands.

Grab those from the prairie people.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yong couldn't help but shake his head slightly. It was really ridiculous that he would even think of going to the grassland to rob the grassland people.

"Boss Qiao, Boss Qiao, what are you thinking about?"

Here Liu Yu saw that Qiao Yong was absent-minded and seemed to be thinking about something. He shook his head slightly and asked curiously.



Qiao Yong smiled and apologized, and then said: "I was just thinking in my mind that these two sheep are worth twenty taels of silver each, so I thought it would be a good deal to catch them on the grassland."

"It's just that they have always been the only ones to come to our Central Plains to plunder, but we have never gone to the grasslands to plunder, so I shook my head slightly, it was really a bit whimsical."

Qiao Yong said mockingly to himself.

"Going to plunder the grasslands?"

When Liu Yu heard this, his eyes widened slightly, and he was a little dumbfounded.

"Yes, since they don't come, we can go find them. For twenty taels of silver for a two-legged sheep, there are many people who will be willing to give it a try on the grassland."

Then Liu Yu slapped his thigh fiercely, and he stood up excitedly.

He was very clear about the situation of the border troops under his command. Even though they looked like border troops, they were all suffering. Haha, many of them were so poor that they didn't even have food to eat, so they came to the military camp to make a living.

Eat, at least there is food in the military camp.

They are the poor military households. Whether they are frontier soldiers or military households in the guard posts, they are all synonymous with the poorest in this era. It is very difficult to find a wife. No one wants to marry them, because not only do they not have enough to eat, but they also

The children and grandchildren born are all from poor military families. Who will marry?

A bunch of miserable people, so poor that he can no longer stand the tripartite system. They drink the soldiers' blood and eat the soldiers' flesh, but they can't get a few taels of silver at all. This is why he wants to open a horse market.


Liu Yu stood up, walked back and forth, and quickly calculated in his mind that he would soon be promoted to the capital. If he wanted to make money after leaving here, he would have gone south. He might as well make more money while he was here.

For a two-legged sheep worth twenty taels of silver each, you can let the people below do it. Giving them ten taels of silver each is enough. If you get one of them, you can earn ten taels of silver. This business can be done.

Qiao Yong on the side was dumbfounded. He just said it randomly, but Mr. Liu Yu Liu actually took it seriously. How could this grassland man be so easy to catch?

Maybe no one was caught, but his life was lost.

"Master Liu, Master Liu, I am just talking nonsense like this. Please don't take it seriously. Only the grassland people have always robbed us, so there is no reason for us to rob them."

Qiao Yong said repeatedly.

"The enemy can go, and I can go too~"

"They can rob us, why can't we rob them?"

Liu Yu was so obsessed with money at this time that he didn't care about that much at all. As long as he could make money, he didn't care about that much. He even dared to set up a private horse market, and there was nothing else he didn't dare to do, let alone

, and those who plundered were prairie people, let alone that.

As for what to say, there are people above him. The chief minister of the cabinet, Liu Jian, is a fellow countryman and appreciates him very much. His immediate boss, Ma Wensheng, is even more fond of him.

What's more, Liu Yu has always understood the principle of equal benefit. He opened the horse market, and everyone also benefited from it. The supervising eunuchs sent by Emperor Hongzhi also took money. He has already taken care of everything here.


He knows very well that it doesn't matter what he does. What's important is that he can help everyone make money, that everyone can benefit from it, and that if the benefits are distributed well, it doesn't matter what he does.

The colleagues around you will live in harmony with you and support you, and the brothers under you will make money. Needless to say, everyone is just for the money all year round.

"Here, Mr. Liu, nothing will happen, right?"

Qiao Yong said still a little worried.

"Don't worry, nothing can happen, but can you raise the price a little more?"

Liu Yu said confidently, and after thinking about it, he discussed the price of the two-legged sheep with Qiao Yong.

"Master Liu, if it's really possible, I can give you another ten taels of silver each, and thirty taels of silver each, whatever you get, both male and female."

Liu Yu thought for a while and added ten taels of silver. As long as this business can be carried out for a long time, if he can earn more than a thousand taels a month, he can earn tens of thousands of taels of silver. If he can earn

A few thousand would be a really big profit.

"Okay, it's settled~"

When Liu Yu heard this, he immediately laughed happily.

Liu Yu was an activist. He negotiated terms with Qiao Yong and immediately summoned the guarding eunuchs in Bian Town. Generals at all levels came to a meeting. He first took out the 30,000 taels of silver from last time and gave them to everyone.

People divided their money according to their positions and grades.

Then he told everyone what he had agreed with Qiao Yong, and the price of thirty taels of silver each immediately made all these people's eyes turn red.

Where can I find such a deal?

There was almost no problem. Everyone expressed their willingness to make money with Mr. Liu. Anyway, there was no need for them to go out to the grasslands to arrest people. All they needed to do was to maintain a unified voice and suppress this matter. As for how to go to the grasslands to arrest people.

, naturally there are these border troops below to do it.

As long as there is something to earn money, there are people to do it and there are ways to do it. After all, there are always more ways than difficulties. In front of money, nothing is a problem.

Liu Yu and the others at the top had finished their meeting and soon passed the news down one level at a time. The entire garrison in Datong Border Town soon knew about it.

Above the city gate of Datong, the cold wind howled, universities floated in the sky, and darkness shrouded the city. However, there were still teams of people on duty above the city gate to prevent night raids by prairie people.

"Brothers, come and warm up over the fire~"

Tang Sandao called a dozen of his brothers over, warming themselves around a pot of charcoal fire, and preparing to explain the above matter to everyone.

"Brothers, I just went to the boss for a meeting. The boss told us guys a way to get rich. I just wanted to see if we dare to do it."

Tang San took a look at the dozen or so men under his command. He was considered a squad leader. He didn't have any rank. In fact, he was almost the same as an ordinary soldier. However, because he still had two sword skills passed down from his ancestors, so

I just became a squad leader.

"Brother Tang, can the higher-ups give us any way to get rich?"

When Ma Hou heard this, he immediately couldn't help laughing and said, "After serving as a soldier for many years, I have always gotten benefits from the superiors. I have never seen any benefits from the superiors. If I don't eat their flesh and drink their blood, it would be a good thing."

"That's right~"

Lei Gong's face, which was as black as coal, also followed suit.

"Brothers, don't believe it, there is really a way to make a fortune this time."

Tang Sandao smiled and said, in fact, he didn't believe it at first. He knew very well what kind of urine the people above had, but this time it seemed to be true.

"Didn't we have two battles with the prairie people here some time ago? We captured many prisoners at that time, including Horse Monkey, Thunder Face, and One-Eyed Dragon. You guys all went to clean up the battlefield, and you even captured a prisoner yourself.


"Remember, of course I remember. Although those prairie people are very ferocious, in fact they are just like that. When I hit them with a stick, their swords flew away."

When Lei Gonglian heard this, he immediately smiled and boasted, in fact, the prisoner's hand was injured and he couldn't hold the knife steadily, so he was knocked away by his stick. Now it has become something he often brags about.

"Let me tell you, the prisoner was sold to the capital. How much money do you think he sold for?"

Tang Sandao nodded, and then said in a deliberately titillating way.

"It was sold to the capital? Those officials bought it to take credit, right?"

When Ma Hou heard this, he immediately said.

"I guess I can sell it for a few taels of silver."

The Cyclops is very tall, has only one eye, and has a scar on his face. He is a ruthless character and is very brave in killing enemies.

"No, they were sold to factories and workshops in the capital. Last time we captured all the prisoners and they were sold to those places. Each prisoner can be sold for twenty taels of silver."

"This is my way to get rich. The superiors allow us to catch these two-legged sheep on the grassland. As long as we catch one and bring it back, the superiors will give us fifteen taels of silver, and we will pay on the spot. This is

It’s something that the President guarantees.”

Tang Sandao finally came clean and told the story.

"Twenty taels of silver?"

When Ma Houhou heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he continued: "We caught twenty taels of silver that day."

"Fifteen taels of silver each?"

The remaining eye of the one-eyed dragon suddenly turned red. Fifteen taels of silver. They, soldiers, have been working here for a whole year, and they only have enough to eat. As for the money, they have been deducted by the superiors.

All their money was gone, and it had been a long time since they had gotten any free money.

"Is this reliable?"

Lei Gonglian licked his lips, swallowed and said.

"Absolutely reliable~ I have repeatedly guaranteed it from above. This is guaranteed by the chief executive personally. He has already spoken. As long as you can catch the two-legged sheep on the grassland, you will be given fifteen taels of silver each in cash and there will be no default.

, if anyone dares to deduct money, you can go to him."

Tang Sandao said with great certainty.

"Fifteen taels of silver each. Catching a few will be enough for us to live happily for who knows how long."

The one-eyed dragon's remaining eye was shining with light.

"What do you think? If you want to do this business, let's go for a walk on the grassland together. The superiors have also said that as long as you dare to go, you can apply for war horses, bows and arrows, and armor. These are no problem."

Tang Sandao looked at the crowd and said, he could see that Ma Hou, Cyclops Dragon, and Lei Gonglian were very courageous. As long as they were given money, there was nothing they wouldn't dare to do. As for the others, who were less timid, they had better do their best.

Talk about it.

"Do it, why don't you do it, starve the brave to death, and starve the timid to death, for fifteen taels of silver each. I have never encountered such a good deal."

The one-eyed dragon was the first to speak. He was a bastard, the kind who was not afraid of anything.

"Count me in. I've been poor my whole life and it's rare for me to have a chance."

Mahouhou also followed suit.

"Count me in. It's a cheap life anyway. Death on this city wall is death, and death on the grassland is death. If I can come back alive, I can go back to the Red Mansion to find some sisters to be cool and cool."

Lei Gong said with a slightly excited face.

"Anyone else?"

"Everyone, think about it carefully. We are all military households, the most miserable military households. Of our dozen brothers, it seems that only the three of you, Qin Sange, Li Er, and Wang Shugen, have wives. And you three

They all got their wives through exchange of marriages."

"Are we all going to be singles for the rest of our lives? Are we going to be poor for the rest of our lives?"

"In the past, there was no chance, and we had no choice but to accept our fate. But now, we finally have a chance. Think about it, a two-legged sheep costs fifteen taels of silver. There are countless of them on the grassland. Both men and women need it.

, even children can get it at half price.”

"And everyone knows that the little prince led his army to the west. What does this mean? It means that there is nothing decent on the grassland at all."

"We can completely pretend to be prairie people. When the time comes, we don't have to fight hard. We can prepare some sweat medicine and the like. If we find an opportunity, we can easily get some people to come back and earn the money."

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, don't you guys want to have a good New Year?"

Tang Sandao looked at the other silent people, and of course he knew that these people were afraid. It took courage to rob people on the grassland.

"Brother Tang, count me as one, do it, damn it, you'll die like a bird in the sky, and I won't die for tens of thousands of years. I've had enough of this kind of life."

Soon, someone said harshly, obviously his heart was moved.

"Count me in~"

Li Er, who was pointed out, said: "I've seen enough of the look on my mother-in-law's face. If everyone fights for one breath, the worst is to die on the grassland."

"I'll go too~"

Wang Shugen also stood up, and he felt resentful when he thought about the children and mother-in-law at home who had been following him for many years without even having a good day.

As someone spoke, others took a look and joined in, which made Tang Sandao also smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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