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Chapter 328, Arrive at the Golden Continent

"On the first day of the first lunar month in the twelfth year of Hongzhi, we had a very happy time on the boat."

"This is an unforgettable day. On the sea thousands of miles away from the Ming Dynasty, we usher in a new year. I believe everyone should remember this day firmly."

"Before this, I never thought that one day I would spend New Year's Day on a boat."

"The fleet is in very good condition. The only worrying thing is that there are too many ice floes here, which is very dangerous at night, so we can only keep praying that we will not collide with the ice floes."

"It has been almost half a year since I left Ming Dynasty. I miss home and everything about Ming Dynasty, but we will arrive in Golden Continent soon."

"Before I came, I had countless fantasies about the Golden Continent in my mind. At this moment, I am getting closer and closer to the Golden Continent, and my heart is getting more and more excited. After traveling thousands of miles, I will finally arrive at the Golden Continent.


"Golden Island is just the first stop for my voyage. In the future, I will go to the South Seas, Australia, South Asia, Africa and Europe. If possible, I even want to sail around the world in the future."

In the evening, Du Mingen took out his thick sailing diary and wrote this on a new page.

"It's already so thick before I know it."

After writing in the diary, Du Mingen closed the diary and looked at the thick notebook. He immediately felt that this notebook seemed to have suddenly become precious.

The next day, when Du Mingen was still sleeping, he was woken up by a scream.



On the mast of the 'Taishan', the lookout roared excitedly and rang the bell at the same time.

Soon, the crew members came out of the cabin one by one, picked up the telescope and looked forward excitedly. They had not encountered land since leaving Yuxi, and now they finally saw land again.

Du Mingen, who was awakened, hurriedly walked out, took a telescope and looked over quickly. He saw a long line of land appearing in his sight between the water and the sky.

"Finally arrived at Golden Continent!"

Du Mingen put down the telescope with a smile on his face. After sailing for half a year, he finally arrived at Huangjin Continent smoothly. The next trip was relatively safe and much simpler. He only needed to go south along the west coast of Huangjin Continent.

"Haha~ Huanghuangzhou, Huanghuangzhou, do you think that mountain will be all gold?"

Someone smiled and said to the people around him, and the people around him couldn't help but laugh. There are really such fools who think that the Golden Continent is full of gold.

"I want to take a nice hot bath~"

The first thing someone thought of was to take a hot bath. There was no other way. There was really a lack of fresh water on the ship. It had been too long since I had taken a bath and I needed to take care of my personal hygiene.

"When Mr. Liu was giving a lecture, he said that there are indigenous people here in Huanghuangzhou. I wonder if I can find a girl to come."

What some people thought of was to find women.

On the ten Dafu ships, the crew members braved the severe cold and came to the deck. Looking at the increasingly larger land in their field of vision, everyone was thinking about it.

"Find a place to dock, let's take a good rest~"

Du Mingen gave the order to land, and bursts of cheers came from the ship.

Naturally, the Du Mingen fleet arrived in Alaska, which will be famous in later generations. In addition to the Alaskan dog being well-known to everyone, the most famous thing about Alaska is that the polar bears actually sold Alaska's approximately 1.7 million square kilometers of land for 7 million US dollars.

Given to the bald eagle, the average land value per acre is only 2 cents.

This should be the most famous land sale in history. The buyer and seller, Secretary of State William Seward, who presided over the purchase of this land at the time, was scolded as the stupidest person who did the stupidest thing, because Alaska at that time

There is nothing but ice and snow.

Facts have proved that this is the most successful diplomacy in the history of the Bald Eagle. It only spent a few million dollars to buy such a huge piece of land. Under this snowy land are extremely rich gold mines and oil.

Natural gas and dozens of other important mineral resources.

Of course, Alaska at this time was still an unnamed land, and Du Min'en's fleet anchored at a river bend.

"Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year. We finally arrived at Golden Continent. What do you think we should give this place a better name?"

After finally setting foot on the land of Golden Continent, the first thing Du Mingen did was to think of a good name for this place.

"There are three rivers converging here. I think it's called Sanjiang Bay, right?"

Tian Erniu looked at the river bend in front of him, thought for a while and said.

"Sanjiang Bay?"

"It's a good name. It's called Sanjiang Bay."

After Du Mingen listened, he thought about it and nodded.

The fleet rested here in Sanjiang Bay. Just like at Yuxi, the crew members were divided into many small teams. Those who hunted, those who explored, those who explored, those who collected supplies, and those who collected supplies, all quickly became busy.

Only Du Mingen put on Tian Erniu, Monkey, and Silly Bear and began to observe the surrounding area.

The four of them climbed up a small hill and looked up. They saw a world covered with snow and ice. However, it was not deserted. Instead, it was full of vitality. There were large forests with very tall trees.

It is very easy to see the eagle soaring in the sky with a telescope. From time to time, there are loud calls. You can also see groups of deer, leisurely turning over the snow in the snow.

Look for the tender grass underneath.

"It is really a pure world, like a paradise, without any trace of smoke and dust in the human world."

Looking at the world in front of him, Du Mingen blurted out.

"Yes, it is indeed a world as clean as a virgin, so beautiful that it takes your breath away."

Tian Erniu also sighed.

"Young Master Liu is lying. If this is the Golden Continent, why is there no gold?"

Silly Bear is an honest man. He dug open the snow and saw that the soil and rocks under the snow looked no different from the soil and rocks of Ming Dynasty. He couldn't help but muttered.


When Du Mingen, Tian Erniu and Monkey heard this, they couldn't help laughing happily.

If this Golden Continent were really all gold, then gold would be no different from soil and would be worthless.

Du Mingen returned to the camp where the fleet was stationed. The crew members were eager to cut down wood and light fires, get snow to boil water, and prepare to take a nice hot bath.

There are also crew members who came back excitedly carrying their own prey. There are stupid deer here in Huanghuangzhou. There is also an animal that looks like a horse but is a deer. There are also bison that are widely distributed on the Huanghuangzhou continent.

Bison are huge and have thick hair. Before they were hunted on a large scale, they were widely distributed throughout the Northern Golden Continent, and their populations were very large.

The crew had long been tired of eating fish, ham, twelfth lunar month and so on. Now that they had hunted prey, they were naturally excited and started to show off their cooking skills.

Not long after, the whole camp began to smell of smoke and the smell of meat.

This chapter has been completed!
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