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Chapter 35, Liu Jin's Nonsense

On the second floor of Wangyue Tower, more and more people were gathering at this time. The tables were already full, and many people who came from behind could only stand. Surprisingly, the shopkeeper of the restaurant was also among them.

Everyone was deeply attracted by the Golden Continent described by Liu Jin. It was a vast, fertile land filled with gold, cities built with gold, and an acre of food that produced tens of dan.

While being attracted, everyone's eyes showed disbelief, because this was really beyond everyone's understanding, and they always felt that Liu Jin was bragging and talking nonsense.

"Of these three crops, potatoes are very cold-tolerant, even more so than wheat. They can even be grown on the Siberian plains north of Tatar and Oara."

"Sweet potatoes and corn are very drought-tolerant. They don't need good land for planting. They can be planted in places without much water. There are no problems at all in the south and north of Ming Dynasty."

Liu Jin looked at everyone, smiled and continued.

"Next let's talk about Siam and the south of Annan. These areas are the Southeast Asia. Zheng He visited these areas when he sailed to the West. Many countries in these areas have come to pay tribute to our Ming Dynasty."

"There is not much land in Nanyang, all of which are islands, but these places are also very fertile, unlike Tatar and the areas north of Oara."

"The further south you go, the higher the temperature and the more precipitation. In areas like Nanyang, it is like summer all year round and it is very hot all year round. Here, rice can be harvested three times a year, and because the land is fertile, precipitation

Because of the abundance of sunshine and abundant sunshine, the rice yield here can exceed ten dan per mu."

"In addition to fertile land, these areas in Nanyang also have precious spices, acres and acres of redwood forests, and a variety of fruits available all year round."

"The barbarians here are very lazy, because they only need to scatter seeds on the ground to have endless food. There are endless fruits on the roadside and in the mountains and forests all year round. There is no need for them to be like our Ming Dynasty.

The people work so hard."

Liu Jin turned his direction to the south and continued to draw on the white cloth. He kept talking while drawing.

"Sailing southeast from Luzon in the South China Sea, you can reach a huge continent. We can call this continent the Australian continent."

"The Australian continent is also extremely rich in resources. There are many gold mines, silver mines, copper mines, and iron mines. And here in the southeast of the Australian continent, the land here is as fertile as the land in the Golden Continent, and it is also very fertile.

It’s flat and open, an endless plain.”

"The barbarians here are the same as the barbarians in the Golden Continent. They are also very backward. They can't even make iron tools, and they still use things made of stone."

Liu Jin's words were full of endless temptation. It seemed that as long as we people from the Ming Dynasty passed by, we could immediately take over Australia and take possession of its endless land and rich resources.

Liu Jin said slowly, and the entire people on the second floor of Wangyue Tower listened quietly. After the shock of Golden Continent, everyone seemed to have become accustomed to it, and simply regarded it as listening to Liu Jin's nonsense and bragging here.


"Next, let's look to the west. To the west, here is Tianzhu, which is also a land given by God. The land here is very fertile. Almost all the land can be used to cultivate food. There is an island below the southeast of Tianzhu, Ceylon.

Island, Ceylon is rich in gems.”

"The output of gems here is very large, and the quality of the gems is very high. There are all kinds of gems. It is simply a gem island."

"Everyone should know about Tianzhu and Ceylon. Zheng He also visited this place during his voyages to the West. The Buddhism that many people believe also originated from Tianzhu. However, in Tianzhu now, Buddhism has long been replaced by other religions.

Only here on the island of Ceylon does Buddhism still have a very high status and everyone believes in it."

"Nanyang, Tianzhu, and Ceylon are integrated into the Western Ocean. We must check it carefully after we return."

When the middle-aged man heard this, he finally smiled. The Golden Continent and Australia in front of him were too far away. Liu Jin sounded like he was talking nonsense.

But he still knew more or less about the situation in Tianzhu, Ceylon, and Nanyang, especially since there was a large amount of information left behind by Zheng He's voyages to the West for examination.

"To the west of Tianzhu are Persia, Dashi, and the Ottoman Empire. This place is relatively deserted. Many places are deserts. There is not much gold or silver, and there are no particularly noteworthy food crops."

"However, this area is the intersection of three continents. The strategic location is very important. It has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. In history, many civilizations and powerful empires have risen, weakened, and perished here. The civilizations they owned

Compared with history, we are no worse."

After saying this, Liu Jin began to draw the outlines of Europe and Africa on the white cloth.

"Further west, here is the European continent, here is the African continent, and there is a Mediterranean Sea in between."

"Let's talk about Europe first. The land in Europe is also very fertile. The climate is similar to that of our northern Ming Dynasty. The civilization here is very strong. The Mongols have invaded Europe as far away as possible."

"Europeans are keen on adventure. Their artillery technology and shipbuilding technology are very powerful. They are already more advanced than us in astronomy, mathematics, painting and many other aspects."

"Europeans are very fond of the silk and porcelain produced in our Ming Dynasty. A piece of silk woven from Jiangnan cost only about one tael of silver in our Ming Dynasty, but in Europe, it can be compared with the same weight of gold."

"People in Persia, Dashi, and the Ottoman Empire made a lot of money by selling silk and porcelain from our Ming Dynasty to Europe."

"In addition, Europeans don't like bathing. They think bathing will breed diseases, so everyone smells very strong, so they like spices very much."

"If the spices produced in Nanyang can be sold to Europe, the spices can be equated with gold. In Nanyang, spices are just weeds that can be seen everywhere."

When talking about Europe, Liu Jin mostly described the humanities here and talked about the popularity of silk and porcelain here.

There were many businessmen at the scene. After hearing Liu Jin's words, all of them opened their eyes wide and then started to turn red, as if they were ready to make a move.

"Let's talk about Africa again. Africa is also a very vast and fertile continent. Zheng He also visited here when he went to the farthest point of his voyage to the West. The place he went to was the northeastern coast of Africa. He called this place Mugudushu.


"Africa is extremely rich in resources, including gold, white clouds, ivory, diamonds, gems, etc. The land here is also very fertile, with abundant rainfall and a very mild climate, making it very suitable for farming."

"But the barbarians here are very backward and very special. The barbarians here are black people. Their skin is very black, as black as charcoal. The Kunlun slaves in the Tang Dynasty were black people from Africa."

"Because the land in Africa is so fertile, here, just like Nanyang, you can have endless amounts of food by just scattering some seeds. There are always endless fruits and various kinds of fruits and vegetables on the roadside and in the woods.

fruit, so people here are very lazy.”

"No civilization has been developed. They can't even smelt iron. They can't even build a decent city. They don't have their own language, they don't have their own writing, and they don't have any inheritance. They are extremely backward."

Liu Jin finished talking about Africa in one breath, and then he quickly took a sip of tea, his throat was filled with smoke, and then he glanced around with his eyes. At this time, everyone was shocked by the world Liu Jin described, one by one.

They were all dumbfounded, not knowing what they were thinking.

This chapter has been completed!
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