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Chapter 38, the world is so wonderful

"We walked south along the west coast of Africa. After bypassing this place, we came to the east coast. We walked north from the east coast. When we got here, it was almost the furthest place where Zheng He went on his voyage to the West. All the bones were tied up."

"After arriving here, we can return to Nanyang through India and Ceylon Island, and reach Siam and Annan. Here are our Guangxi, Guangdong, and Qiongzhou Island, and continue north along our southeastern coastline of the Ming Dynasty, Fujian, Zhejiang,

Jiangsu, Shandong, and Beizhili can return to the place of departure."

Liu Jin took a writing brush and drew an ocean route around the earth on a simple globe. Everyone widened their eyes and watched carefully.

"Of course, we can also start from the west and go all the way to the west, and we can also return to our Ming Dynasty again."

After saying that, Liu Jin took another sip of tea. Now he finally understood that being a teacher was not an easy profession. He had been talking for only half an hour and his mouth was already dry.

"It's incredible. If you keep going east, you can really return to the original place. Are we really living on a huge ball?"

Some people shook their heads, finding it difficult to accept this.

"Golden Continent, Australia, Europe, Africa, the world is so big, our Ming Dynasty is very small, just a little bit."

Someone looked at the position of the Ming Dynasty on the globe, and then looked at the continents outlined on the globe, and immediately discovered that the Ming Dynasty was not that big, but only a very small part of the world.

Whether it is the Golden Continent, Europe, the vast Africa, or the vast area north of the Ming Dynasty, they are all much larger than the Ming Dynasty, and Australia does not look much smaller than the Ming Dynasty.

"It turns out that the world is so big. This is the first time I understand the world very intuitively."

Although the middle-aged man did not show much emotion on the surface, which was a habit he had developed over a long period of time, and his joy and anger were invisible, but he was equally shocked inside.

He was taught by famous teachers since childhood, but he was taught the Four Books and Five Classics, hundreds of schools of thought, and learned loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and strategizing, but no one had ever taught him such a systematic and comprehensive way to understand the world he lived in.

At this moment, he seemed to have opened a door, a door to see the whole world. He clearly understood the location of his Ming Dynasty, and got to know the customs and customs of various places in the world, and he also wanted to see it in his heart.

Take a look and confirm whether what Liu Jin said is true.

"It's interesting. It turns out that the world outside the Ming Dynasty is so vast. In the future, I will definitely conquer a territory that is ten times or a hundred times larger than the Ming Dynasty now, so as to rule the entire earth."

The young man with fine features and fair eyes was also stirred up in his heart at this time, and his eyes shone brightly as he looked at the simple globe in Zhao Erhu's hand.

"But, I still don't understand why we live on a ball?"

"This doesn't make sense at all!"

Lin Shuhong watched carefully, constantly recalling Liu Jin's words in his mind, thought for a while and said.

"Why do we live on a ball? I can't answer this question, but I can prove from many aspects that we live on a ball."

Liu Jin thought for a while and said.

"In fact, not only is the world we live in a ball, the sun and moon we see are also a ball, and the sun is a very big ball, as big as millions of earths. As for the moon, it is similar to the earth.

It’s smaller than that.”

"Although the moon and the sun seem to be about the same size, this is because the sun is far away from us and the moon is close to us."

"We assume that this is the sun and we are the earth. The earth rotates around the sun. This rotation is an elliptical trajectory. When it is close to the sun, it is our summer, and when it is far away from the sun, it is winter."

"The sun's rays shine on the earth, and its distribution is uneven. It is at the earth's equator, which is this line."

Liu Jin compared the table where he ate to the sun, and then took out his brush and drew a line on the globe.

"In the equatorial region, because the sun shines directly, the equatorial region has enough light and high temperature. It is summer all year round. Nanyang belongs to the equatorial region, so there is no difference between spring, summer, autumn and winter here in Nanyang. It is the same all year round.


"Going from the equator to the north and south, the sunlight is slanted, so the temperature gets lower and lower, and the changes throughout the year are very obvious. The further north or south you go, the lower the temperature, like

It’s already quite cold here in Tatar and Wala.”

"If you go further north, you will be in a world of ice and snow. There are only a few warm months in a year. If you go to the northernmost and southernmost areas, it will be like winter all year round.

It is covered with ice and snow all year round, and it is a world of ice and snow.”

Liu Jin divided the north and south on the globe and began to explain clearly why the Ming Dynasty would get colder and colder as it went north, and it would get hotter and hotter as it went south.

"So that's it. I'm from Guangdong. It's not very cold here in Guangdong all year round and it's very warm. But after I came to the capital, it was obviously much colder. So what's going on?"

There was a man from Guangdong who spoke Mandarin with a strong Cantonese accent and seemed to understand something all of a sudden.

"Of course, to the south of Guangdong is the South China Sea. After passing the South China Sea, we reach Annam, Siam and Luzon. These places are even warmer and there is no winter at all."

"We all come from all over the world, from the south to the north. Friends from the north must know that it snows more in the winter in the north. Friends from the south know that the number and frequency of snow in the winter in the south will be fewer. The further south you go, the less it will be.

There must be many people here in Guangdong who have rarely seen snow for more than ten or twenty years."

Liu Jin smiled and nodded.

"Yes, when I was in Guangdong, I didn't see a single snowfall for more than ten years."

"Yes, I'm from Jiangxi. When I was in my hometown, I always looked forward to some snow in winter all year round, but it only snowed a few times a year. Now in the north, snow in winter is nothing more than that.

It’s a commonplace thing.”

Someone quickly chimed in, saying that they had never thought this was strange before, but now that they thought about it, they immediately understood it.

"Haha, it turns out that people in the south rarely see snow. It seems that it is better for us in the north. It is very easy to see snow in winter."

"What's good about the north? It's extremely cold in winter, but our south is better. It's not even cold in winter. I don't know how warm places like Annam, Siam, Luzon, and Nanyang will be."

This chapter has been completed!
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