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Chapter 377, Advance Team

In Tianjin Port, more than ten large ships are moored quietly in the port pier. The pier is very busy, and mountains of materials are constantly being moved to the ships.

These more than ten large ships are different from ordinary ships. Ordinary ships are generally in the style of Fu Chuan. The Tianjin Shipyard has made improvements here, but overall they are still in the style of Fu Chuan.

As for these dozen large ships, if Europeans saw them, they would definitely be very surprised, because these dozen ships are more like European sail warships. This kind of ship has a total of four floors, and each floor has many openings.

, all of these windows can be used to install artillery.

To be precise, these large ships are actually battleships.

These Liu Jin had notified Tianjin Shipyard to develop them before, and they are considered to be one of the warships prepared for future maritime wars.

Of course, at this time, all the windows on these ships were closed, but Liu Jin also secretly arranged for more than a dozen new cannons cast by the Miyun Iron Factory on each ship.

Liu Jin also asked Emperor Hongzhi and Prince Zhu Houzhao for instructions on this matter. Pirates and Japanese pirates were rampant in the southeastern coastal area. If there was really no armed force, these dozen ships had passed by. Once discovered, it became

Meat buns.

There is no doubt that you will definitely become the target of attacks by those pirates and Japanese pirates, and you will suffer big losses by then.

What's more, these ships were the first batch of ships to go to Ryukyu, and the first batch of people to go to Ryukyu were not recruited farmers, but the backbone of Liu Jin's major industries.

Their purpose of going to Ryukyu is very simple, that is, to build an advance base first to prepare for the large-scale immigration that will follow.

At this time, there were still barbarians on Ryukyu, and these barbarians were very fierce. Naturally, we had to consider this aspect when establishing a base. It was impossible without weapons.

Therefore, after consulting Emperor Hongzhi and Prince Zhu Houzhao, each ship has more than a dozen artillery pieces. These artillery pieces can be used for self-defense. Similarly, after arriving in Ryukyu, they can also be used to build bases and install artillery pieces on the walls of the bases.

, used to guard the base.

In addition to artillery, there are also many swords, crossbows and the like. These are also used for self-defense. They are considered special cases. Emperor Hongzhi only approved it after careful consideration. Moreover, this advance team has so many

The weapons and equipment can be regarded as an army.

Therefore, Emperor Hongzhi also specially sent eunuchs from the palace to supervise the army. Of course, the eunuchs who supervise the army and the eunuchs of the advance team are mainly to supervise the use of arms and weapons by the advance team. These things are only allowed by the advance team.

Used to deal with pirates, Japanese pirates and to defend the base on Ryukyu Island.

Once the advance team arrives in Tianjin or other places, they have no right to use these arms and weapons.

Of course, Emperor Hongzhi actually had another level of consideration in this.

Since the Tumubao Incident in the Ming Dynasty, all power of the army has fallen into the hands of civilian officials. Even if the emperor wants to mobilize the army, he needs the approval of the Ministry of War. Without the seal of the Minister of War, the emperor cannot mobilize a single soldier.


Because the military power was controlled by the civilian clique, and the civilian clique suppressed the generals and nobles, the Ming Dynasty's army was in decline after the Tumubao Revolution. Its armaments were depleted and its combat effectiveness became weaker and weaker.

Zhu Di's army that once roamed the grasslands could only rely on tall cities to fight the grassland people. They did not dare to go out of the city to fight. So much so that the grassland people raided the border every year, but the Ming Dynasty did not take any advantage of them.


The former Emperor Hongzhi was deceived by civil servants and became lame, but because Liu Jin traveled through time, there was a gap between the current Emperor Hongzhi and the civil servants, and the cracks became wider and wider.

Even the importance of military power, of course, was more important in paving the way for Zhu Houzhao. Emperor Hongzhi also tried to bypass the court this time to build an army that only obeyed the emperor's orders.

The advance team is just the beginning. If the advance team is indeed feasible, in the future Emperor Hongzhi will want to use this method to build an army that only obeys the emperor's orders.

The number of the advance team was not large, only more than 2,000 people. Most of them were the backbones of Liu Jin's many industries under his command, and a small number were composed of people who were transferred from the army of close associates of Emperor Hongzhi.

At this time, more than 2,000 members of the advance team gathered at the Tianjin Maritime Academy for training, and had been training for almost more than a month.

"Tsk tsk~ Lao Liu, I found that you are really a talent. You are great at business, and you are also good at training the army~"

In the Tianjin Maritime Academy, Liu Jin accompanied Zhu Houzhao to inspect the advance team. According to the arrangement of Emperor Hongzhi, Zhu Houzhao has also been in Tianjin during this period, focusing on this advance team, and the command of this advance team

It is Zhu Houzhao who has the final say.

In May, everyone discussed developing Ryukyu together, and then each contributed money to form an advance team. In just a month or so, the advance team that was brought to Tianjin Maritime Academy for training was already well trained by Liu Jin.

At this time, on the spacious cement playground of Tianjin Maritime Academy, more than 2,000 people from the advance team were lined up neatly. Under the command of the commander, they were constantly standing at attention, taking a break, and conducting daily training.

Tianjin Maritime University itself implements semi-military management and training, so these colleges from Tianjin Maritime University can quickly form an army one by one.

The advance team only dealt with some pirates, Japanese pirates and barbarians from Ryukyu. Liu Jin felt that it would be enough to send them to Tianjin or the academy for some training.

"Your Highness, thank you. This is not an army at all. It's just a bunch of rabble. It looks cool, but it's definitely not very useful if it's really taken to the battlefield. A real army needs to be trained on the battlefield.


Liu Jin smiled and shook his head and said.

"A rabble?"

The British Duke Zhang Mao on the side was suddenly speechless. As a Duke, he had seen all the armies of the Ming Dynasty. He could pat his chest and say that no army in the Ming Dynasty had such a strong formation as the advance team in front of him.

More than two thousand people acted as one under the command of the instructors, as if they were one body. Moreover, these advance team members were all tall and full of energy. There was no army in the Ming Dynasty that could compare with them.

"Of course they are a bunch of rabble. If they really go to the battlefield to fight, some of them will be scared to the point of peeing their pants."

Liu Jin smiled and said with certainty.

"Then what kind of talent is considered an elite army?"

After hearing Liu Jin's words, Zhu Houzhao thought about it and said curiously. In his opinion, the advance team of more than two thousand people in front of him was a powerful army. But according to Liu Jin, they were just a group of rabble.

You can't even talk about it with the army.

"An elite army must be evaluated from two aspects. The first is loyalty to the emperor and patriotism."

Liu Jin thought for a while and said slowly.

"An army must have its own ideas and thoughts, which is the soul of the army. The personnel of the army can constantly change, but the soul of the army cannot change."

"Loyal to the emperor and patriotic, only an army with such a soul can be called an army. An army without a soul will always be a bunch of rabble. It is okay to fight with the wind, but it will definitely not work if it really encounters a strong backbone.


What Liu Jin was talking about was naturally some concepts from later generations. The construction of the army in later generations not only focused on the construction of personnel, weapons and equipment, and training, but more importantly, it emphasized the construction of military ideology.

"Loyal to the emperor and patriotic!"

Zhu Houzhao listened carefully. When he heard that the most important thing Liu Jin mentioned was loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, his little eyes shone with light, and then he nodded like a chicken eating rice.

Yes, loyalty to the emperor and patriotism are the most important thing. What a king fears most is the rebellion of the army. Why would the king trust civil servants more? Because there has never been a successful case of scholar rebellion since ancient times. No matter how civil servants make trouble, he will bear it.

Liao Tian is a powerful minister, and in this country, he can never change his surname.

But the military commanders and nobles are different. Many of the changes in ownership in the past dynasties were caused by military commanders and nobles. For example, the Western Han Dynasty fell at the hands of his relative Wang Mang, the Sui Dynasty was replaced by the Li family of the noble group, and the Song Dynasty was founded.

Zhao Kuangyin was also a military general.

So, the distrust of military commanders and nobles is not unreasonable, because there are too many dynasties that have changed their names and surnames are all caused by military commanders and nobles.

One of the important reasons why it is so easy for military generals and nobles to change the name of a dynasty is that in ancient armies, the generals who commanded the troops often had the final say. The generals would do whatever they said, even if they rebelled.

Follow along and rebel.

One of the important reasons for this is that no attention was paid to the ideological construction of the army. Of course, there was no ideological construction in ancient times. The soldiers were a bunch of hard-working people, and most of them were illiterate.

These people only care about money. If you have milk, you will be a mother. Whoever feeds them, gives them money, and promises them high officials and generous salaries, etc., they will follow whoever they are, and they will not care who the emperor is.

Now that Zhu Houzhao heard Liu Jin's views on the army, he immediately felt that it was very reasonable. The army must be loyal to the emperor and patriotic. This kind of loyalty and patriotism does not mean that the commander of the army must be loyal to the emperor and patriotic, but refers to the entire army.

The core idea and soul of the entire army must be loyal to the emperor and patriotic.

In this case, this iron camp, flowing soldiers and generals, no matter how you change the personnel, the commander, etc., it will always be an army loyal to the king.

"Well said, loyal to the emperor and patriotic, loyal to the emperor and patriotic~"

Zhu Houzhao's Xiao Yan Jue sparkled with light.

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