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Chapter 387, Yang Dalang's experience

Early the next morning, Yang Dalang put on a new dress that Huang had changed for him overnight. It was said to be a new dress, but in fact it was made from the clothes worn by Yang Dalang's father, and it was covered with patches.

The wanderer's clothes were tightly sewed before leaving. Even though his family was poor, it was still like celebrating a festival. A chicken was killed last night and he was given new clothes.

"Son, please take care of yourself when you go out."

Seeing Yang Dalang carrying a baggage and getting ready to go out, his mother Huang couldn't help but shed tears and warned her repeatedly.

"Mom, don't worry, my son knows."

Yang Dalang knelt down, kowtowed to his parents, and walked resolutely out of the village.

At the entrance of the village, everyone in the village who knew the news gathered together, and Yang Ergou had been waiting for a long time.

"Er Gouzi, if you go, you will probably never come back. The agreement is a lie. You will be paid one tael of silver a month, including food and accommodation, and you will still have three acres of land after working for a year. Such a good thing,

I’ve never heard of it.”

A young man who was as big as Ergouzi, with his hands aspiring as he looked at Ergouzi next to him, said.

"That's right, there are such good things in the world."

"The chicken coop is full of miasma, and the barbarians are fierce. I heard that these barbarians can eat people. Don't be eaten by these barbarians then."

"I've also heard that when people go fishing at sea, they don't dare to go to the chicken coop. Not only are there barbarians, but there are also Japanese pirates and pirates on the island."

Other people also expressed their opinions one by one, each one more horrifying than the other.

"Go~go, it sounds like you have been there before."

Yang Ergou was not moved at all. He looked at the young men from the same village around him who were the same size as himself, smiled and said: "I think you are jealous. Yang Dalang and I are the only ones in the village who have signed up. You want to sign up?"

I can’t even apply for it.”

"When I come back, I will have money in my hands. Then I will build a big house, and then I will marry a beautiful daughter-in-law. I will envy you to death."

"Haha, it's just you, you don't want to urinate and take photos by yourself. You can talk about it when you come back. You also want to marry a wife. Don't trick you into being a eunuch in the palace. It just so happens that they are all from the north."

"Even if you build a big house and marry a wife, you don't care who will marry you based on what you are like."

When the others heard this, they immediately laughed and said.

At this time, Yang Dalang came over. When everyone saw it, they immediately changed the topic to Yang Dalang.

"Yang Dalang, do you really want to go?"

Yang Liang looked at Yang Dalang's appearance and asked.

"Nonsense, if you don't go, will you spend your whole life cutting firewood and selling it?"

"Your son is already good at making soy sauce, but I can't even get a wife."

Yang Dalang nodded and said.

"I see, these eight scores are a lie. Once you leave, you may never come back."

Yang Liang smiled and felt slightly proud. There were many bachelors in the village. Among the younger generation, he was the first to marry a wife. Because he was the only son in his family, and he had several sisters, so even though he was poor, he could marry a wife.

There is still no problem, at least we can change marriages.

"If I can't come back, I can't come back. I'm going to give it a try~"

Yang Dalang didn't care at all and said to Yang Ergou: "Let's go. If you don't leave, you will be late."


Yang Ergou didn't even look back and followed Yang Dalang towards Quanzhou City.

Behind them, most of the young people in the village looked at them with extremely complicated eyes. On the one hand, they were actually envious that the two of them could go out for a walk, take a look, and have a try. Even if it was fake, at least they would have a chance.

It's better to go out for a walk than to stay in a poor village all your life.

What's more, if it is true, then it will really be possible to get ahead. When the two came back yesterday, after everyone learned the news, some people hurriedly went to Quanzhou City to sign up. At least at that time, the people were already full.

On the other hand, everyone felt very scared. They were afraid of the outside world and the unknown fate. They also felt that there would be no pie in the world, and they felt that they might never come back.

"Sailei's mother~"

"My parents don't allow me to go. They say that I can't come back. Even if I can't come back, I have to go and see if I can really be a bachelor for the rest of my life in this village. I don't dare."

On the road, Yang Ergou seemed very excited, walking very fast, and chatting while walking.

"My parents didn't agree with it at first, but later I persuaded them."

Yang Dalang smiled and said.

"Do you think they can lie to people?"

Yang Ergou thought for a while and asked again.

"Who knows, you'll find out once you go there."

Yang Dalang shook his head and said.

The two walked and chatted. Time passed very quickly. In the past, when I picked up firewood to go to Quanzhou City, I always felt that the road was very long. But this time, it felt very short. They arrived at Quanzhou City in no time.


It was the same city gate as yesterday. Hundreds of people had gathered here. Everyone was dressed the same as Yang Dalang and Yang Ergou. They were wearing new, patched clothes and carrying a package. They were talking to people with attributes.

Laughing and chatting.

As for the people nearby, there were some people whose parents were worried and came with them, wanting to see for themselves whether it was reliable and whether they could believe it or not.

Soon, the time arrived at the appointed time, and a group of people walked out of Quanzhou City, all dressed in uniform. Some of them had big iron speakers in their hands, and some of them were holding rosters.

"Yesterday, all those who signed up to build the city in Ryukyu came here to gather. Those whose names I read lined up in order, and followed them to the port, ready to set off by boat."

There is no nonsense, as soon as we arrive, we start taking roll call and get ready to go.

"Zheng Youcai~"


"Stand here and wait to follow him."

"Li Jiafa~"


"Follow Zheng Youcai in front~"

"Lin Xiaoyu~"


As the names were read out one by one, people whose names were read began to line up.

"Yang Dalang~"


“Follow the people in front of you and line up~”

"Yang Ergou~"


Soon, the roll call was completed at the city gate. Basically all those who signed up yesterday came, except for a few people who did not come.

"Let me say something here, when everyone walks, follow your own team, don't get separated, and don't get confused. When boarding the ship, everyone should board the ship in order, don't crowd indiscriminately~"

"Do you understand everything?"

"I understand~"

"Very good, let's go~"

After explaining this matter, the team of several hundred people started to set off, one after another, divided into several columns and walked towards Quanzhou Port.

Yang Dalang walked silently with the team, looking around as he walked. There were many people around who looked at them curiously, pointing at them, as if they were saying they were stupid, and they seemed to be very envious.

When he arrived at Quanzhou Port, Yang Dalang discovered that there were several teams like theirs. Calculated, the number of people recruited this time was really large, almost more than 3,000.

"So many cows, so many pigs~"

When we arrived at the port, there were hundreds of buffaloes and hundreds of pigs being driven onto the ship one after another at the port pier. The whole scene was very lively.

"Why buy so many cows and pigs?"

Yang Ergou whispered to Yang Dalang.

"Cows should be used to cultivate land, but pigs don't know that."

Yang Dalang thought for a while and said.

"It seems that most of them are not deceiving people. How could they be deceiving people by buying so many cows and pigs? They must be going to the chicken coop to build a city and open up wasteland."

Yang Ergou thought about it and said happily.


Yang Dalang thought for a while and nodded.

"What a big boat~"

Soon, everyone arrived at the dock. Only when they stood on the dock did they realize how big these dozen ships were. Everyone couldn't help but look at everything at the dock with curiosity.

There are a lot of cattle and pigs, and some people are constantly loading and unloading goods here. It seems that they have purchased a lot of things. There are numbers and Chinese characters written on each ship. The people on the ship are all wearing uniform clothes, and they are all tall.

He is tall and muscular, and he does not look like a poor man at first glance.


Everyone did not wait too long. When the cows and pigs caught up with the ship, after giving the order, everyone began to follow Lu and board the ship one after another.

The ships are big, but there are hundreds of people on each ship, plus some cargo and the like, and it becomes very crowded. From the cabin to the deck, there are people everywhere.

That is to say, Fujian and Ryukyu are very close to each other. They are just a strait. It is very convenient to travel by ship and it does not take much time.

Yang Dalang was lucky. He and Yang Ergou were on the deck, leaning against the side of the ship, so they could sit down and look around.


"Let's go~"

Everyone did not wait too long. As the bells rang, the sails on the ship were raised under the skillful operation of the crew. Soon, the ship slowly began to leave the port in an orderly manner.

Yang Dalang looked at everything on the boat curiously. The lively people were chatting with each other non-stop, and the people in uniform clothes on the boat were constantly busy.

Yang Dalang looked back at Quanzhou Port. There were many people at the port looking at them as well. They watched each other gradually shrink and go away, and finally they slowly became blurry and couldn't see clearly.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that his poor little village seemed so full of memories.


More than a dozen large ships were sailing on the sea, and naturally some people on board began to get seasick. All the seasick people were arranged on the deck, so that they could vomit their dirty things into the sea to avoid making the ship dirty.

Although Yang Dalang took a boat for the first time, he did not get seasick. He was in good spirits and looked at everything on the boat curiously. He was full of curiosity about everything on the boat.

Many times he wanted to chat and ask the crew members on the ship, but he was too scared to ask.

Time passed slowly, and the boat kept sailing on the sea. By the afternoon, they could already see Jilong Island.

By the time it was almost sunset, a dozen ships had successfully arrived at their destination.



"Everyone is getting ready to disembark. After disembarking, I will call the roll again and assign a team to everyone. From now on, everyone will work and live according to the team."

Here at Hewan Port, in just a few days, a simple dock was built with cement, and a large playground was also built with cement next to it.

As soon as the boat stopped, the leader took out the tin trumpet and led everyone off the boat.

"Da Lang, Da Lang~ This land is actually paved with stones, it's so hard~"

As soon as he got off the boat and stood on the spacious, hard cement floor, Yang Ergou couldn't help but said curiously.

"How can it be such a big deal? What kind of brick is this?"

Yang Dalang looked at the cement floor under his feet, thought for a while and said.

"I'll ask when I get the chance later. I don't know when the meal will be served. I didn't eat lunch and now I'm so hungry that I'm screaming."

Yang Ergou touched his belly and said.

"I'm hungry too. Food and shelter are included, but I didn't bring any solid food."

Yang Dalang smiled and said, in fact, it was not just the two of them, everyone was hungry, and they were all looking at the leader eagerly, thinking about when to eat.

"Start the roll call now~"

"Those whose names are called will follow their respective team leaders."

When everyone got off the boat, many people wearing uniform clothes came to the playground. These people were wearing uniform clothes and lined up neatly. When they stood together, they were still counting the numbers, even while walking.

, they are all very unified, and they look like they are very high-quality and awesome.

Soon, a group of people came to Yang Dalang and others.

"Zheng Youcai~"

"Li Jiafa~"

"Lin Xiaoyu~"

"...The seven of you are divided into a team and follow your team leader~"

The man holding the big tin trumpet quickly read out the names of the seven people. The seven people who chanted the names came out. Soon a man came over and said to the seven people: "Everyone, follow me."

One team after another, seven people in a team, the whole team quickly broke into pieces, and soon became small teams, following each person towards the busy place in the distance.

"Yang Dalang~Yang Ergou, Wang Laosan, Deng Miao...the seven of you are divided into one team~"

Soon it was Yang Dalang's turn. Yang Ergou and the other five people were also divided into a team.

"Come with me. My name is Liu Mingqi. I am your squad leader. Please take good care of me in the future."

Yang Dalang and Yang Ergou's captain Liu Mingqi came to the team and introduced themselves with smiles on their faces. They spoke very slowly, making everyone guess and understand.

"Captain Liu, you're so polite. It's up to you to take care of me."

In the team, the person named Deng Miao was better at talking, and he replied with a smile.

"Haha, everyone takes care of each other and takes care of each other~"

"Let's go, you must be hungry, I will take you to eat first~"

Liu Mingqi smiled and said, and then led the team towards the canteen.

As he walked, he also introduced some of the rules here to everyone.

"Let me tell you some of the rules here first, so that everyone can remember them by heart."

After hearing Liu Mingqi's words, Yang Dalang and others also pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"The city we are building now is called Ryukyu Castle, and the person who organized the construction of this city is this year's new top scholar Liu Jin Liu Gongzi. At the same time, the major shareholders of Ryukyu Castle are the current emperor and the prince, so we are actually giving the current emperor and the prince

This is the most important thing when it comes to doing things, and everyone must remember it.”


When everyone heard this, they immediately said respectfully that they were just here to do a job, but who would have thought that they would be involved with the top scholar in Jinke, as well as the current emperor and prince, and they suddenly felt more serious.

"Other rules. After dinner, I will take you to walk slowly and talk about it. First, I will tell you the rules for eating."

Liu Mingqi nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "We have enough food here, so you can eat whatever you want, but one thing you have to remember is that you are absolutely not allowed to waste food. Waste of food will deduct your monthly payment."

"In addition, you must wash your hands before eating, line up to eat, and put the bowls and chopsticks in the designated place after eating."

"The rules are so simple, have you all remembered them?"


Yang Dalang silently remembered it, but he was thinking in his heart that there are so many rules here, even having a meal is so particular.

Soon, under the leadership of Liu Mingqi, the seven people arrived at the dining hall. It was said to be a dining hall, but in fact it just had some rectangular tables and chairs set up in the open air.

At this time, there were many people eating in the canteen, and waves of fragrance were constantly coming, making Yang Dalang and Yang Ergou couldn't help but touch their bellies and lick their tongues.

"There is meat~"

Yang Ergou had a very good nose. After smelling it, his eyes lit up and he said.

"It tastes like meat, so it's unmistakable. I didn't expect there was even meat to eat."

Wang Laosan on the side also nodded and said.

"Everyone come here and wash your hands~"

Liu Mingqi looked at everyone, smiled slightly, led seven people to a row of faucets, turned on a faucet, and water immediately flowed out.

"How could this water flow out on its own?"

Yang Erlang and others were immediately dumbfounded. Their eyes widened as they looked at the water flowing out of the faucet.

"This is called tap water. If you twist it gently, the water will come out. If you twist it back again, the water will turn off."

Liu Mingqi was not surprised at all by their expressions and spoke to them patiently.

Yang Dalang and others curiously came to a faucet, turned it gently, and a stream of cool water flowed out. They imitated Liu Mingqi, washing hands, gargling, and getting ready to eat.

"Everyone come and line up~"

"Wait for the next person to get a plate and chopsticks. When eating, you can serve the rice and prepare the dishes by yourself. You can eat as much as you can. After you finish, you can continue to line up for the meal. There is enough food. Let's sit down together later.

Eat, I will talk to you slowly."

Liu Mingqi took the lead to the place where the rice was served and picked up a plate and chopsticks. This plate was the same as the plates in some canteens in later generations. It had several grids and was used to hold different meals.

Yang Dalang followed suit and looked carefully at the plates and chopsticks in his hands. He felt that they were very strange and fresh. Even the bowls for eating here were different. They were all made of iron. It was really luxurious.

“It’s really meaty~”

Yang Ergou looked at the dishes placed in front of him, and his eyes lit up because he saw large pieces of braised pork, fish, and various kinds of dishes. The varieties were also very rich, and many of them were

Never seen it before.

However, everyone's attention was focused on the braised pork at this time, and everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva, wishing that it would be their turn soon.

Eating meat is really a luxury for them, and they may not be able to eat meat during the holidays. In Yang Dalang's memory, it has been a long, long time since he had a good meal of braised pork.

Soon it was the turn of Yang Dalang's team. Liu Mingqi served himself a bowl of rice very politely, then some pieces of fish, a piece of braised pork, and then some vegetables.

As for Yang Ergou, he gave himself a pile of rice, and then he gave himself seven or eight pieces of braised pork, which was almost too big to fit on the iron plate, and then he stopped.

I originally thought Liu Mingqi would say something, but when he saw it, he just smiled and took the lead towards an empty table.

Yang Dalang was better than Yang Ergou. Although he also wanted to eat all meat, he thought about it, bought some vegetables and fish pieces, and followed him to where Liu Mingqi was sitting.

Liu Mingqi had been waiting for everyone and did not eat first, so Yang Ergou and Yang Dalang were salivating as soon as possible, but they did not eat in a hurry, but waited very patiently.

When all seven members of the team arrived, each of them filled the iron plate with rice and meat, Liu Mingqi looked at everyone, smiled and said: "Let's eat, let's eat first."

As Liu Mingqi finished speaking, Yang Dalang, Yang Ergou, Deng Miao, Wang Laosan and others immediately transformed into gluttonous beasts, wolfing down each and every one of them. For fear of suffering a loss, they began to eat rice and meat in big mouthfuls.

“Delicious~ so delicious~”

The same is true for Yang Dalang. While eating, he couldn't help but admire in his heart. This rice is fragrant and is the best rice. This braised pork is the fattest kind. When you take a bite, your mouth will be filled with oil. It is very fragrant.

, more fragrant than any meat I have ever tasted.

The whole scene was very quiet. No one said anything. Everyone was immersed in eating and no one made a sound. Only Liu Mingqi ate very gracefully and chewed slowly. Everyone else ate very quickly.

The food on everyone's plates disappeared at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Yang Ergou, who was the first to finish the meal, looked at Liu Mingqi. It was obvious that he wanted to eat more.

"Go and line up by yourself~ If you're not full, just eat more and don't waste food."

Liu Mingqi looked at him and said with a smile.

Hearing Liu Mingqi's words, the others immediately sped up and ate quickly before hurriedly queuing up again.

The same is true for Yang Dalang. He thinks this delicious meal is the most delicious meal he has ever eaten in his life.

"I would accept such a meal as a decapitation meal."

Yang Dalang thought in his heart that just one meal would give Yang Dalang too many feelings. Too much. If the food is enough, if the days are like this in the future, even if there is no salary, I don’t know how many people will want it.

Come and do things.

This chapter has been completed!
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