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Chapter 416, Great Victory, Still Great Victory

With the start of the war, the entire capital was less noisy and more anxious than before.

From the emperor Hongzhi who was high up in the temple, to the ministers in the court, to the ordinary people, everyone was anxiously waiting for news from the front lines and battlefields.

In a teahouse in the capital, many teagoers were drinking tea, holding a newspaper in their hands, and discussing with their friends from time to time.

"It has been several days, and there is still no news. I don't know if this battle can be won."

"It's definitely possible. I, the Ming Dynasty, will definitely win!"

"Yes, Ming Dynasty will win."

"Didn't the Ming Dynasty Morning Post say that this time the total amount of donations from our capital city alone has exceeded 15 million taels of silver? Tianjin has also raised 10 million taels of silver, and so have the people from the Prince's Mansion these days.

I went to various parts of the country to raise donations, and good news came one after another. I heard that 20 million taels of silver were raised in the Jiangnan area alone."

"If you calculate it this way, the amount of money we have raised for the entire Ming Dynasty can exceed 50 million taels. Even if we use money to hit them, we will still kill these Tatars."

"I donated another ten taels of silver today, and I can buy one-tenth of a Tatar head."

"The Tatars have repeatedly gone south, killing my people, plundering my money, burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil. The court should have done this a long time ago and punished them severely to let them know that our Ming Dynasty cannot be bullied."

"Anyone who offends our strong men will be punished no matter how far away they are!"


Everyone in the teahouse was discussing constantly. Although they were waiting anxiously, everyone was quite confident about this battle because too much money had been raised. Of course, more importantly, through the news of the Tomorrow Morning News

Propaganda, the entire Ming Dynasty was united.

Huge funds and countless materials have been raised, and they are being continuously transported to the front line to support the front line war.


"Get out of the way, get out of the way~"

"800 miles urgent, 800 miles urgent~"

"The Great Victory at Hukou Pass~The Great Victory at Hukou Pass."

At this moment, there was a rapid sound of horse hooves on the wide street outside the tea house, and at the same time, the messenger on horseback shouted excitedly as he rushed towards the palace.

Riding on horseback is strictly prohibited on the streets of the capital, especially on this street in the center, where riding on horseback is strictly prohibited. However, there is one exception, that is, messengers who are related to important matters of the imperial court are allowed to do so.

The old and young men here in the capital also understand this, so when they hear this sound, they quickly run to both sides of the road and watch the messengers carrying flags rushing towards the palace. At the same time, the words of victory are ringing in their ears.


"Victory at Hukou Pass~"

"Victory at Hukou Pass~"

As the messengers moved forward, the news about the victory at Hukou Pass spread throughout the capital. In an instant, the capital that originally seemed a little lifeless exploded in an instant.

"Haha~ A great victory, a great victory at Hukou Pass~"

"The Ming Dynasty will surely win!"

In the streets and alleys of the capital, smiles finally appeared on people's faces.

The money he donated worked, and the East Route Army successfully captured the Hukou Pass, cutting off the Tatars' retreat to the north, and successfully implemented the plan to close the gate and beat the dogs.


At the teahouse, everyone heard the figure of the messenger very clearly, and there was a burst of cheers.

"The Ming Dynasty will surely win!"

Then many guests in the teahouse started shouting together like everyone else, and their voices spread out of the teahouse to the streets nearby.

"The Ming Dynasty will surely win!"

The people on the street immediately started shouting, and wave after wave, more and more people joined in, and began to respond continuously, like a wave, sweeping through the streets and alleys of the capital.

In the palace, Emperor Hongzhi was discussing the war with the Tatars with the main ministers of the court.

Since the beginning of the war, Emperor Hongzhi had hardly slept a wink. He slept very late every day, always waiting for news from the front line.

This battle is really important.

This was the biggest battle since Emperor Hongzhi came to the throne. It was also the biggest military operation launched by the Ming Dynasty against the grassland people since the Tumubao Incident.

He can't sleep~

He is scared too~

The lessons of the Tumubao Incident still deeply hurt the nerves of the Ming Dynasty. Even now, there are still ministers in the court who are presiding over the peace. They believe that we should live in friendship with the grassland people and should not go to war or mobilize troops like this.

, the Ming Dynasty will definitely be in danger.

He was very anxious every day, unable to eat and sleep well. Whenever someone came, he would think that there was some news coming from the front line, so he was both excited and scared.

I am excited because I hope to hear good news, but I am afraid of bad news coming from the front line.

There are too many uncertain factors in war, not to mention that the Ming Dynasty has always been at a disadvantage when it comes to facing the grassland people. This time the whole country comes to fight against the grassland, what will be the result?

No one has the slightest confidence in their heart.

"Your Majesty, although the state affairs are important, the dragon body is more important. I think we will stop here today. Your Majesty, you'd better go and have a good sleep."

Liu Jian, the chief minister of the cabinet, looked at Emperor Hongzhi in front of him. He was very old and thin because he had been working hard on state affairs. He had not slept well and eaten well these days, and he looked even more frail.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I heard that you haven't slept for a few days, so you should rest first."

Li Dongyang also followed suit.

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way~"

"I can't sleep either. There's something in my heart. I'm hanging on until the stone falls. How can I sleep?"

Emperor Hongzhi smiled and shook his head, then thought for a while and said: "I heard that the West Route Army is short of food and grass. We must find a way to send it up quickly, but we must not let everyone go hungry to fight the Tatars."

"The minister has already inquired about this matter clearly. Due to the obstruction of the Tatars, the transportation of grain and grass needs to be detoured, so it was delayed for some time. However, it is not a big problem. The team transporting grain and grass has already escorted the grain and grass there, and there are also salty people from Tianjin.

Dried fish and bacon can definitely meet the needs of the army."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Jing, the Minister of Household Affairs, quickly replied that food and grass were a big problem. He did not dare to be careless about this matter. He raised food and grass from all over the Ming Dynasty and sent it to the front lines in a steady stream.

"That's good~that's good."

Emperor Hongzhi nodded with satisfaction.


At this time, there was a burst of hurried footsteps coming this way, and a small yellow doorman came hurriedly with a memorial in his hand.

Xiao Jing heard the sound and hurried outside. He quickly figured out the situation and immediately hurried inside. At the same time, he shouted at the top of his voice: "Great victory, great victory at Hukou Pass~"


Emperor Hongzhi and others had heard the sound and stopped talking. They all knew that something must have happened, so they all became nervous.

When Xiao Jing shouted the word "great victory", Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help but stood up excitedly and said happily.

"Your Majesty, great victory, great victory at Hukou Pass~"

Xiao Jing walked in and respectfully presented the memorial to Emperor Hongzhi.

Emperor Hongzhi opened the memorial very quickly, read it ten lines at a glance, and immediately laughed happily: "Haha, a great victory at Hukou Pass. In one battle, 5,000 Tatars were killed, and the Hukou Pass was successfully captured. Now

You can close the door and beat the dog.”

"Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty, our Ming Dynasty will definitely win!"

Upon hearing this, all the ministers immediately smiled and stood up together to congratulate Emperor Hongzhi.

Although killing five thousand enemies is nothing, it is definitely a good start. Moreover, the Eastern Route Army successfully cut off the Tatars' northward retreat. It will not be so easy for the Tatars to get out.

"The Ming Dynasty will surely win!"

Emperor Hongzhi also clenched his fists excitedly and shouted happily.

The crowd cheered for a while, with smiles on their faces. Then before everyone could calm down, there was another rush of footsteps outside.

When everyone heard this, they immediately became quiet and became nervous again. It was neither good news nor bad news.

"Great victory, great victory, great battle at Dingbian, killing 20,000 enemies!"

Xiao Jing hurried out, and soon he shouted again at the top of his voice.

"Great victory~"

When they heard the word "big victory", everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then laughed happily.

"Haha~ Okay, okay!"

Emperor Hongzhi stood up excitedly again, smiling from ear to ear. He fought at Dingbian and killed 20,000 enemies. This was definitely a great victory, a real great victory.

In the past battles with the grassland people, not to mention killing 20,000 enemies, even killing 2,000 enemies can be regarded as a great victory. This battle of killing 20,000 enemies seemed to be beyond the reach of Datong City Pass last year.

, has never happened before.

The strong fighting power of the prairie people, coupled with the fact that they were all cavalry, came and went like the wind. It was too difficult to kill 20,000 enemies. It was too difficult to win, but they could still escape.

"Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty, our Ming Dynasty will definitely win!"

All the ministers once again sent congratulations to Emperor Hongzhi in unison.

"The Ming Dynasty will surely win!"

Emperor Hongzhi was smiling all over his face, and at this moment, his whole body felt like he was being sent down.

"Report~Great victory, great victory~"

"The West Route Army killed 20,000 enemies~"

Before everyone could come back to their senses and carefully study the victory report from the East Route Army, someone else came over in a hurry. Before they arrived, they immediately shouted out.

"Report~Great victory, great victory~"

"The South Route Army killed 30,000 enemies~"

Then someone else came hurriedly, shouting at the top of their lungs as they walked.

"Haha~ OK!"

Emperor Hongzhi clenched his fists in excitement. Good news came from the three armies at the same time. One victory after another came, making him ecstatic.

"The Ming Dynasty will surely win!"

At this moment, he, the emperor, couldn't help shouting, and immediately the ministers around him, as well as the eunuchs and guards in the palace also shouted together.

This chapter has been completed!
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