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Chapter 421, Make money (repair)

In the camp where the vanguard camp of the East Route Army was stationed, many soldiers were talking and laughing with each other, bragging to each other about how brave they were in fighting, how many Tatars they had killed, and how much silver rewards they could get.

At the same time, everyone is waiting patiently for the silver reward from the prince. Everyone will not leave until they get the silver.

Of course, the superiors did not order everyone to return to their original places, but instead waited here for the arrival of the prince.

The news has been released from above. His Highness the Crown Prince will come in person to reward everyone for their merits. Each person will receive a hundred taels of silver, and there will definitely be no less than one tael. For the soldiers who died in battle, they will not receive a single cent of the two hundred taels of silver per person.

Hair down if you have less.

And in order to ensure that the money can be distributed to the families of the fallen soldiers, the prince has also ordered to pick up the relatives of the fallen family members.

"This battle was fought too fast. I only got two heads and it was over."

Wang Daniu looked at several villagers around him and said with a smile on his face.

In this war, he fought three battles from beginning to end, the ambush at Hukou Pass, the battle to attack Hukou Pass, and the final battle to encircle and suppress the Little Prince's headquarters.

In the three battles, he got a total of four heads and could get a reward of 400 taels of silver. The key is that after these battles, he had nothing to do and could enjoy the reward of 400 taels of silver. No.

Like some people, although they captured the heads, they died on the battlefield in the end. Even if there were silver rewards, they would not be able to enjoy them.

"Brother Daniu, you are still very good. You have caught four heads, and I only have one."

The scholar on the side said with some envy, "Wang Danniu is tall and strong, and has a great advantage in the war. It is easier to kill the Tatars. But he is different. He is thin and can only use quicklime to inflict people. In the end,

Grab a head.

"You still have a human head after all. I haven't found a human head. I don't have the shame to go home and see people."

Next to the scholar, a person said with red eyes.

"Coward, who told you to be afraid of death? When we rushed to the front, you didn't dare to go up from behind. You were afraid of death. You deserved it if you couldn't grab someone's head."

Chen Mazi looked at this man and couldn't help but sneered. This man was greedy for life and afraid of death. Everyone rushed forward with red eyes. It was good for him that he didn't dare to rush forward. In the end, he survived, but with a head.


"My intestines are green with regret. I was very scared at first, but then I rushed forward. Who knows, how could these Tatars be gone without being beaten?"

The coward said helplessly, his real name is Sun Liu, and he has always been a timid person.

"I have told you long ago that this is a rare opportunity to make money in your life. You must seize it. If you don't listen, you are as timid as a mouse. Now you can only watch everyone live a good life with money."

Wang Daniu smiled and said.

"The Tatars are actually nothing special. Those Tatars will be just as scared when they see our ferocious looks. I don't know if they will have a chance to fight the Tatars next time."

Li Fugui nodded and said, he is a little reluctant to go back now. He serves delicious food and drinks here, kills the Tatars and gets money. After he goes back, he will be a farmer, with his face turned to the loess and his back to the sky.

I am squeezed and exploited by hundreds or thousands of households every day.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be a chance."

Wang Daniu thought for a while and said.

"When do you think our money will be distributed?"

"It's been several days, why haven't the rewards come out yet?"

Chen Mazi thought for a while and said with some worry, the money was not put in his pocket, which made people feel uneasy and uneasy. They always felt that the higher-ups might be deceiving them.

"Don't worry. Who is the prince? How can he be short of your hundreds of taels of silver? What's more, these 200,000 troops are here. If we are really short of our money, do you think everyone will agree?"

When Wang Daniu said this, his voice was very low, and he also looked around, for fear of being known by others. Such words were extremely treasonous. If someone found out, the Nine Clan might be punished.


At this moment, a series of trumpet sounds sounded in the military camp.

"I've been given money, I've been given money~"

At the same time, there were sounds one after another, and everyone who heard the sounds immediately rushed towards the playground at a sprint speed of 100 meters, as if they had been given a shot of blood.

"Let's go, let's get some money~"

When Wang Daniu heard this, he suddenly became excited and hurried to the playground. Others were not to be outdone and quickly followed.

"Wow~ Oh my god, it's all silver~"

As soon as they arrived at the playground, Wang Daniu and others heard a cry of exclamation.

It turns out that at this time, the top of the general ordering platform was piled with boxes of silver. The white silver was shining with silver light. Under the sunlight, it reflected an intoxicating light.

For these frontier soldiers and military households, this is definitely the first time they have seen so much money piled together. Of course, it is not just them, but for most people, it is the first time they have seen such a large amount of money.

A lot of silver is piled together.

"A lot of money~"

Wang Daniu's eyes were wide open, and his mind was filled with money and this shiny silver thing.

"Be quiet~"

The entire military camp arrived quickly, and everyone stood neatly in the same position as during the drill, quietly waiting for the awards ceremony to begin.

Everyone didn't wait too long. An official in red robe came to the general stage.

"My dear officers and men, I am Wang Hua, an official of the Prince's Mansion in the East Palace. On the orders of His Highness the Prince, I have come to the Pioneer Camp of the East Road Army to distribute bounty rewards."

Wang Hua's voice was very loud and the playground was very quiet. His words were clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

"I have verified all the Tatar heads captured by the vanguard camp of the East Route Army. The total number is 6,786, and the total number of dead soldiers in the vanguard camp is 7,532."

"All data has been verified and correct, and rewards are allowed to be issued."

When he said this, Wang Hua's voice became very serious. The dead soldiers were counted as corpses. Every dead soldier must have a strict birth certificate and must also be a person on the roster. What's more,

There must be people from the same village, same town, and same health center to provide corrections and guarantees.

As for capturing the enemy's head, it must also be strictly verified to prevent someone from killing a good person and taking credit for it. Once such a thing happens, it will definitely be a big deal.

The generals of the Pioneer Battalion and even Liu Yu, the commander-in-chief of the East Route Army, will all be implicated. In terms of military merit, the strictest policy has always been implemented.

Even if someone kills the enemy on the battlefield and dies in the end, others will not dare to snatch the head that belongs to him, otherwise once it is known, military law will be dealt with directly.

If you don't dare to move forward to kill the enemy, you will instead be taking credit for the fallen soldiers. Once word of this gets out, no one can save you, and everyone will deeply despise you.

No one on the battlefield dares to say that they can have the last laugh. If their own merit is robbed by others, everyone will be extremely angry.

Therefore, Zhu Houzhao also listened to the suggestions of Liu Jin and Wang Hua on this matter and issued the strictest orders from the beginning.

"The rewards will begin below. If your name is read, please come up to the stage to receive your reward. If it is a fallen soldier, please ask the family members of the fallen soldier to come up and receive the reward and pension."

"Here, I would like to reiterate that no one can have any thoughts about the rewards and pensions of all soldiers. If anyone dares to get involved in the rewards and pensions of soldiers, you can give us direct feedback, and we will definitely carry out the most serious investigation.

deal with."

When Wang Hua finished saying this, he looked at the generals in the Pioneer Camp, Qianhu, Baihu, etc. He knew that many of these generals, Qianhu, Baihu, etc., were masters of eating people without spitting out their bones.

This is what I said to them.

Someone might have other ideas about the pensions and rewards for these soldiers. This kind of thing is not uncommon. Whether it is ancient times or later generations, such things happen from time to time.

After hearing Wang Hua's words, many generals, thousands of households, and hundreds of households couldn't help but feel a slight chill on their necks, and they could clearly feel the murderous intent contained in them.

Although the prince is not yet the emperor, it is just a matter of saying something to kill some people, not to mention that countless pairs of eyes throughout the entire Ming Dynasty are watching this matter.

This amount of money was also donated by countless people in the Ming Dynasty, and was used to pay soldiers and pensions. If someone had this idea, once it was exposed, there would be absolutely no place to die.

"The distribution of gifts and pensions will begin below. Those whose names are read please come up to the stage and check the number first. If there is no problem with the amount, sign and deposit to receive the reward or pension."

Wang Hua looked around and started handing out rewards without wasting any more time.

"Yang Yun, killed twenty-one enemies in the battle at Hukou Pass, killed thirty-nine enemies in the encirclement and suppression of the Little Prince's headquarters, and even beheaded the enemy chief. A total reward of one hundred six thousand taels should be given."

The first name that Wang Hua read was Yang Yun, who had now been granted the title of Polu Marquis by Emperor Hongzhi. Of course, this time had nothing to do with the title. Wang Hua was directly in charge of distributing the reward money.

"Wow~ I killed sixty enemies, and also beheaded the Tatar leader. This man is really too fierce~"

"A direct reward of one hundred and six thousand taels of silver. How much money is there? Can he handle it?"

"Is this still a human being? I fought hard to get every head. He actually killed sixty Tatars. It's really fierce~"

As Wang Hua's voice fell, there was an instant exclamation in the audience. Yang Yun was so fierce. He beheaded sixty people by himself, and also killed the Tatar leader. It was like a god coming down to earth, beyond imagination.

It's amazing, but also makes people can't help but envy them.

Yang Yun slowly walked up to the general stage, with a smile that couldn't be concealed on his face. After just one battle, he not only got an iron rice bowl and the title of Marquis, but also received a reward of more than 100,000 taels of silver.

It can be said that a complete turnaround has been achieved.

"Yang Hou, is this number correct?"

Wang Hua looked at Yang Yun in front of him. He was a good general. He was tall and powerful. The key was that this man was just like Zhao Yun. He was not only a fierce general, but also very handsome.

The imperial decree naming Yang Yun as Marquis of Polu had already arrived here, so Wang Hua also called him Marquis of Yang.

"Nothing wrong~"

Yang Yun smiled and nodded and said that he knew exactly how many enemies he had killed.

"Well, here are the banknotes issued by the First Bank of Ming Dynasty, totaling one hundred and six thousand taels. Please click on them."

Wang Hua nodded, and then someone came over dragging a red plate filled with stacks of banknotes from the First Bank of Ming Dynasty.

This sudden reward of one hundred and six thousand taels of silver is definitely impossible to give in silver, because it is too heavy and cannot be taken away at all, so all the large rewards are given in silver notes.

The First Bank of the Ming Dynasty has now opened branches in major cities in the thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. Because of the exquisite printing of the banknotes and silver coins of the First Bank, coupled with its good reputation and strong strength, the Ming Dynasty Morning Post's publicity

, and now it has slowly become popular in Ming Dynasty.

Although Yang Yun had never seen a banknote before, he already knew that banknotes would be issued for the large-scale rewards mentioned above, so he also recruited people to find out in advance.

Knowing the great strength of Ming First Bank, you can get the money as long as you take the banknote. You can absolutely rest assured that you can even get interest on the money if you deposit it in Ming First Bank.

So he looked at the banknotes carefully, and found that they were all 100 taels of silver each. One bundle was 10,000 taels of silver, a full ten bundles, plus loose notes of 6,000 taels of silver.

"Nothing wrong~"

After Yang Yun finished counting, he happily took his banknote into his arms.

"Bank notes?"

"First Bank of Ming Dynasty?"

This is the first time for many people to hear about bank notes and see them for the first time. When they heard about the First Bank of Ming Dynasty and saw Yang Yun holding a stack of bank notes, everyone was dumbfounded.

These banknotes can be exchanged for 100,000 or 6,000 taels of silver?

"Xie Lei, I killed five enemies in the battle at Hukou Pass and eight enemies in the encirclement and suppression of the Little Prince's headquarters. A total of thirteen people. I will be rewarded with one thousand three hundred taels of silver."

Wang Hua and Yang Yun nodded, and then began to read out a name from the list.

"Wow, another fierce man. He beheaded thirteen people. He seems to have been promoted to the rank of Qianhu. This rewarded him with another thousand three hundred silver coins. Tsk, tsk, he has been promoted and made rich~"

"Isn't that right? I know this man. He was so fierce when he killed the Tatars. He was hit by a few arrows and acted like nothing happened. He ran rampant among the Tatars and his whole body was covered with snow. He was absolutely fierce."

"Awesome, one thousand three hundred taels of silver~"

Soon a strong man with the same tall stature and strong muscles walked up to the general stage. This time, instead of issuing banknotes, he directly handed out silver dollars.

There are one hundred silver coins in each letter. There are thirteen silver coins in total, which is one thousand three hundred taels of silver.

After all, there are still very few people who can kill enemies to the level of Yang Yun. Most of them actually only have a few heads. As for Xie Lei, there are very few people. He can kill thirteen enemies, which is considered very powerful.



As the names continued to be read out one by one, people continued to come up to the stage to receive their own rewards. Those who went up to the front were those who killed more enemies, and those who went up to the back basically beheaded a few.

Wang Daniu watched as people around him came on stage to receive awards, but he never heard his name, and he seemed a little anxious.

"Wang Daniu~"

Finally, when Wang Daniu's name rang out, he quickly walked out of the queue as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and then came to the general ordering platform.

At this time, Wang Huanian's voice was already a little hoarse. After taking a sip of tea, he took the roster and asked: "In the battle at Hukou Pass, two people were beheaded. In the battle to encircle and suppress the little prince's headquarters, two people were beheaded. A total of four people. Reward

Four hundred taels of silver, is there any mistake?"


Wang Daniu smiled and shook his head.

"Okay~distribute rewards~"

Wang Hua nodded and gestured to the people around him, and soon, four silver coins were brought over on a red tray.

Wang Daniu picked up the four silver coins with some trembling, and he was extremely excited.

Four hundred taels of silver!

It's just something he never dreamed of before.

With this amount of money, marrying a wife is not a problem at all. You can build a house with a large yard of three acres, and you can also buy a large piece of good land. From then on, you can live the life of a landlord, and it is just like a salty fish to turn over.

"The Ming Dynasty is mighty!"

After getting the silver, he stuffed four heavy envelopes of silver coins into his arms. His clothes were sinking because they were too heavy. He couldn't help but touch the coins and shouted loudly to the people below.

These are words from his heart.

In the past, he was a poor military family. He was born in a military family and was destined to be very poor. He was the eldest son of the family and was already twenty-two years old, but he still couldn't find a wife.

Without it, no one would be willing to marry this poor military household. They need money but no money, no food, no land. The key is that the children born from this family will be poor military households for generations to come.

He has always hated the identity of a military household. It is precisely because of this status that they have to endure the exploitation and oppression of hundreds or thousands of households above them.

Because of this status, not only did they not enjoy any benefits of being military households, but they also suffered too many difficulties.

He hated his status as a military household and hated this system.

But now, he is glad that he is a military household. Because he is a military household, he has the opportunity to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, so he has the four hundred silver dollars in his arms.

With this money, anything can be done.

This was also the reason why he shouted out the mighty Ming Dynasty, because at this moment, he suddenly had a sense of identity with the military household and the Ming Dynasty, and even had a faint sense of pride.

"The mighty Ming Dynasty~"

Hearing Wang Daniu's words, the people below who had received the money also shouted, and then other people also shouted together. The voices were very loud and neat, and they were all shouting from the heart.

"The Ming Dynasty is mighty!"

Two-in-one, is there another problem in this chapter?

This chapter has been completed!
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